NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Verb Exercises With Answers

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Verb

Class Class 10th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameSubject Verb Agreement
CategoryClass 10th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Verb

English Grammar

Subject Verb Agreement

English Grammar With Answers

Verb – A word that stand for doing or being Something is called verb.
example – Walk, eat, Run, dance, Sleep etc.

Verb sentences

I play foot ball.
He read a book
The sun is shinning brightly.
The dog ran.

Verb Forms
abuse (गाली देना)abusedabusedabusingabuses
advise (सलाह देना)advisedadvisedadvisingadvises
answer (उत्तर देना)answeredansweredansweringanswers
arise (उठना)arosearisenarisingarises
arrive (पहुँचना)arrivedarrivedarrivingarrives
ask (पूछना)askedaskedaskingasks
awake (जगना, जगाना)awokeawokenawakingawakes
be (होना)wasbeenbeing
bear (जन्म देना / सहना)borebornebearingbears
beat (पीटना)beatbeatenbeatingbeats
become (होना)becamebecomebecomingbecomes
beg (भीख माँगना)beggedbeggedbeggingbegs
begin (शुरू करना)beganbegunbeginningbegins
bind (बाँधना)boundboundbindingbinds
bite (दाँत से काटना)bitbittenbitingbites
bless (आशीर्वाद देना)blessedblessedblessingblesses
blow (बहना)blewblownblowingblows
break (तोड़ना)brokebrokenbreakingbreaks
bring (लाना)broughtbroughtbringingbrings
build (बनाना)builtbuiltbuildingbuilds
burn (जलना, जलाना)burntburntburningburns
buy (खरीदना)boughtboughtbuyingbuys
call (पुकारना)calledcalledcallingcalls
carry (ढोना)carriedcarriedcarryingcarries
catch (पकड़ना)caughtcaughtcatchingcatches
cheat (उगना)cheatedcheatedcheatingcheats
choose (चुनना)chosechosenchoosingchooses
clean (साफ करना)cleanedcleanedcleaningcleans
climb (चढ़ना)climbedclimbedclimbingclimbes
close (बंद करना)closedclosedclosingcloses
come (आना)camecomecomingcomes
cook (भोजन पकाना)cookedcookedcookingcooks
creep (रेंगना)creptcreptcreepingcreeps
cry (चिल्लाना)criedcriedcryingcries
cut (काटना)cutcutcuttingcuts
dance (नाचना)danceddanceddancingdances
deal (बर्ताव करना)dealtdealtdealingdeals
die (मरना)dieddieddyingdies
dig (खोदना)dugdugdiggingdigs
do (करना)diddonedoingdoes
draw (खींचना)drewdrawndrawingdraws
dream (स्वप्न देखना)dreamtdreamtdreamingdreams
drink (पीना)drankdrunkdrinkingdrinks
drive (चलाना)drovedrivendrivingdrives
drop (गिराना)droppeddroppeddroppingdrops
dry (सुखाना)drieddrieddryingdries
eat (खाना)ateeateneatingeats
elect (चुनना)electedelectedelectingelects
Fill in the blanks –

1. He ……….. to college everyday. (goes / going)
2. My younger brother ……….. to Mumbai last month. (go/went)
3. ……….. from fever since last night. (has suffered/has been suffering)
4. He. just now. (has arrived / arrived)
5. I ……….. working for two hours. (have been/ am)
6. I ……….. in Patna since 1993. (have lived / lived)
7. The Mughals ……….. the battle of Panipat. (have won/won)
8. Stephenson ……….. the steam engine. (has invented/invented)
9. Mahatma Gandhi ……….. in 1948. (has died / died)
10. She ……….. before her husband came. (had died/died)
11. The train had left before they ……….. the station. (has arrived / arrived)
12. They will play cricket if the principal ……….. them. (allows/allowed)
13. He ……….. a letter yet. (has not written/did not write)
14. When ……….. my work, I shall take a rest. (finished/finish)
15. He told me that she ……….. for seven days. (had been ill/was ill)
16. Bhavna will have reached home before the sun ……….. (will set/sets)
17. Ajit and Rekha ……….. to the cinema last night. (have gone/went)
18. It ……….. for five hours. (has been raining/is raining)
19. My elder daughter ……….. born in 2002. (was/is)
20. I ……….. the Red Fort. (have never seen/never saw)
22. does he ……….. fast? (run/runs)
23. The Earth ……….. round the sun. (moved/moves)
24. She ……….. that film already. (has seen/saw)
25. How did they ……….. to Yajuar? (come/came)
26. Tendulkar generally ……….. very well. (make/makes)
27. But today ……….. very badly. (is playing/plays)
28. The sun ……….. in the east. (rises/rose)
29. I was born in 1972. I first ……….. to college in 1986. (had gone/went)
3o. Ice ……….. at 0°C. (melts/is melting)

इन वाक्यों को देखें –

Ram is weeping.
The boys laugh.
He was beaten.
He had a car.
She has two sons.
Mohan is ill.

इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द is weeping, laugh, was beaten, had, has और is पर विचार करें। इनमें से प्रथम तीन से कार्य-व्यापार का बोध होता है । had/has से अधिकार / संबंध तथा is से अवस्था का बोध होता है। ऐसे शब्दों को हम Grammar की भाषा में Verbs कहते हैं। वाक्य-निर्माण में इनका विशेष महत्व है ।

Definition : Verb वह शब्द है, जिससे किसी के कार्य-व्यापार, अधिकार, संबंध या अवस्था का बोध होता है।

* A verb is a word which denotes an action, possession, relation or a state of being.
* A verb is a word used to tell or assert something about some person or thing.

Examples : laugh, eat, go, run, play, am, is, are, can, could, shall, will, etc.

कुछ और Sentences लें और उनमें Verb के प्रयोग को देखें


Children play.(play – verb)
The man was walking.(was walking – verb)
The clock strikes.(strikes – verb)
I was taught.(was taught – verb)
He will come.(will come – verb)


I have a car.(have – verb)
The cow has two eyes.(has – verb)
A king had three queens.(had – verb)
The poor man has no money.(has – verb)

State of Being:

Sita is tall.(is – verb)
They are happy.(are – verb)
He was a poor man.(was – verb)

वाक्यों में प्रयोग के आधार पर Verbs को दो वर्गों में बाँटा गया है
1. Main Verb (प्रधान क्रिया)
2. Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया)

1. Main Verb : जो क्रिया किसी वाक्य में अकेले या सहायक क्रिया के साथ आती है, वह Main Verb कहलाती है।

  • The verbs used alone or together with helping verbs are called main verbs.

इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे शब्द Main Verbs हैं.

(a) I am a boy.
(b) I am reading.
(c) I love her.
(d) He will do it.

2. Helping Verb: जो क्रिया tense, voice, mood इत्यादि के निर्माण में प्रधान क्रिया की सहायता करती है, वह Helping Verb कहलाती है।

  • A helping verb is one which helps the main verb to form a tense, voice, mood, etc.

इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे शब्द Helping Verbs हैं

(a) I am reading.
(b) My brother has come.
(c) He will go.
(d) You should do this.

निम्नलिखित Auxiliary Verbs हैं। इनका प्रयोग Helping Verb के रूप में होता है –

am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, have, has, had, shall, will, can, could, may, might, must, ought, should, would, need, dare, used to.

इन Auxiliary Verbs में से am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did, need और dare Verbs है जो कभी Main Verb की तरह प्रयुक्त होते हैं तो कभी Helping Verb की तरह, जैसे-

(a) He is ready.(is-main verb)
(b) He is going.(is-helping verb)
(c) Did he come?(did-helping verb)
(d) He did this.(did-main verb)
Note 1. यदि किसी वाक्य में एक ही क्रिया हो, तो वह क्रिया Main Verb कहलाएगी। जैसे –

(a) I have a dog.(have-main verb)
(b) He is a boy.(is-main verb)

Note 2. यदि किसी वाक्य में दो या दो से अधिक Verbs एक साथ प्रयुक्त हों, तो सबसे अंत में आनेवाला verb Main Verb कहलाएगा और अन्य verbs Helping Verbs कहलाएँगे। जैसे-

(a) I have been reading.(have – helping verb, been – helping verb, reading – main verb)
(b) I have been a teacher.(have – helping verb, been – main verb)

Direction : Pick out the verbs in these sentences and say whether they are main verbs or helping verbs-


(a) I am a boy.(am – main verb)
(b) I am reading.(am – helping verb, reading – main verb)
(c) Did he go?(did – helping verb, go – main verb)
(d) Who did it?(did – main verb)
(e) We shall have been working for ten days.(shall – helping verb. have – helping verb, been – helping verb, working – main verb)

1. He reads.
2. He is reading.
3. He is a student.
4. Are you a doctor?
5. Are you coming today?
6. He can do.
7. You should help me.
8. What could be done?
9. May I come in?
10. He does not know.
11. She had been sleeping.
12. She had been a dancer.
13. She had no money.
14. They must be working there.
15. They must be thieves.
16. I shall have been playing.
17. I shall have been a teacher.
18. I shall have no work.
19. We shall be leaders.
20. They do not do any work.


कर्ता के अतिरिक्त क्रिया का फल जिस शब्द या शब्द-समूह पर पड़ता है, उसे हम उस क्रिया का Object कहते हैं। Object प्रायः क्रिया के तुरंत बाद आता है और यह कोई Noun / Pronoun/Noun Phrase / Noun Clause होता है। Verb के साथ What / Whom लगाकर प्रश्न करने पर जो उत्तर मिलता है वही उस Verb का Object होता है। अगर कोई उत्तर नहीं मिले तो समझें कि अभीष्ट Verb का कोई Object नहीं है। अब इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखें –

(a) Ram eats rice.
eats what? ~ rice.
क्या खाता है ? ~ चावल (rice)
अतः वाक्य में क्रिया eats का object rice है।
(b) I like these beautiful flowers.
like what? ~ these beautiful flowers.
क्या पसंद करता हूँ ? ~ ये सुंदर फूल
अतः इस वाक्य में क्रिया like का object these beautiful flowers है।
(c) My father loved me very much.
loved whom? ~ me
किसे प्यार करते थे? ~ मुझे (me)
अतः इस वाक्य में क्रिया loved का object me है।
(d) He is playing in the
playing what? × No reply
क्या खेल रहा है? कोई जवाब नहीं
किसे खेल रहा है? कोई जवाब नहीं
अतः इस वाक्य में क्रिया is playing का कोई object नहीं है।

Note: एक ही Verb के दो विभिन्न Objects हो सकते हैं, जैसे

He gave me money.

gave what? ~ money(क्या दिया ? ~ money)
gave whom? ~ me(किसको दिया ? ~ me)

स्पष्टतः यहाँ me और money दो objects हैं।


Direction : Pick out the objects of the verbs in these sentences-


(a) He is reading a book.
(b) The teacher taught English.
(c) I love my father and mother.
(d) Why did he beat you?
(e) He was singing a song in the room.
(f) Birds sing in the trees.
(g) The teacher taught us English.


(a) a book
(b) English
(c) my father and mother
(d) you
(e) a song
(f) no subject
(g) us English

1. My mother loves me.
2. I love my mother.
3. Do you know English? one
4. I shall solve the problem.
5. My father bought me a pen.
6. He did the work.
7. Kindly give me the pen.
8. He gave Ram a book.
9. The dog can run fast.
10. Birds fly in the sky.
11. He reads in this school.
12. The children are flying kites.
13. He reads English and Hindi.
14. They play cricket in the field.
15. The boy cut his hand with a knife.
16. I don’t like that naughty boy.
17. I love the students of this school.
18. Bring a glass of water.
19. They are cutting the old trees.
20. They make these types of furniture.


Main Verb को दो भागों में बाँटा गया है-

1. Transitive Verb (सकर्मक क्रिया)
2. Intransitive Verb (अकर्मक क्रिया)

1. Transitive Verb: जिस क्रिया के बाद कर्म (object) का प्रयोग हुआ हो, उस क्रिया को Transitive Verb कहेंगे।

  • The verb used with an object is called a transitive verb.

इन वाक्यों को देखें –

1. Ram eats rice.
2. I love you.
3. He has helped my brother.
4. I know this.
5. My brother has read the book.
6. like these beautiful flowers.

इन वाक्यों में rice, you, my brother, this, the book और these beautiful flowers Objects (कर्म) हैं। अतः इनके पहले प्रयुक्त Verbs eats, love, helped, know, read of like Transitive Verbs कहलाएँगे।

2. Intransitive Verb : जिस क्रिया के बाद कर्म (object) का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ हो, उस क्रिया को Intransitive Verb कहेंगे।

  • The verb used without an object is called an intransitive verb.

इन वाक्यों को देखें-

1. I eat.
2. I go to school.
3. Ram walks in the field.
4. I sleep.
5. He gets up at five o’clock.
6. He ran fast.

इन वाक्यों में कोई कर्म (object) नहीं है। अंतः प्रयक्त Verbs eat, go, walks, sleep, gets up और ran Intransitive Verbs कहलएँगे।


1. कुछ ऐसे Verbs हैं जिनके बाद Object कभी नहीं आते और वे हमेशा Intransitive Verb के रूप में प्रयुक्त होते हैं। जैसे- go, come, sit, sleep, die, etc.

2. अधिकांश Verbs का प्रयोग दोनों ही प्रकार से हो सकता है। जब इनके बाद object रहता है, तब ये Transitive Verbs कहलाते हैं और जब इनके बाद object नहीं रहता, तब ये Intransitive Verbs कहलाते हैं। बहुत-से लोग यह समझते हैं कि eat, beat, read, इत्यादि क्रियाओं का प्रयोग हमेशा Transitive Verb की तरह होता है। परंतु बात ऐसी नहीं है। जब तक क्रिया के बाद कर्म का प्रयोग नहीं होगा, तब तक उस क्रिया को हम Transitive Verb नहीं कहेंगे। इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से पढ़ें और समझें –

Intransitive VerbTransitive Verb
I eat.I eat a mango.
She reads.She reads a book.
The bell rang loudly.The peon rang the bell.
Birds fly in the sky.He is flying a kite.
He speaks too loudly.I speak the truth.
Birds sing in the trees.I sang a song.
The glass broke.My son broke the glass.

Direction: Pick out the main verbs in these sentences and say whether they are transitive or intransitive-


(a) He eats.(eats – intransitive)
(b) He eats slowly(eats – intransitive)
(c) He eats rice.(eats – transitive)

1. I go to school everyday.
2. They are coming soon.
3. He reads the book.
4. He reads.
5. He reads slowly and carefully.
6. He reads in the fifth class.
7. My father teaches me English.
8. My father teaches in the morning.
9. Do you walk in the morning?
10. Birds fly in the air.
11. They are flying kites.
12. We eat three times a day.
13. We eat bread and rice.
14. It cannot eat.
15. Do you know his name?
16. He knows everything.
17. He lives in a village.
18. What is he doing in the field?
19. I request you to help me.
20. Please do not beat these poor beggars

CBSE/NCERT Solution Class 10th English grammar with Answer