NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Sentence Transformation Exercises With Answers

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Sentence Transformation

Class Class 10th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameTransformation
CategoryClass 10th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Sentence Transformation

? English Grammar ?


?English Grammar With Answers?

Exercise 1:

Rewrite the following sentences by removing the adverb ‘too’.
1. Shweta is too weak in studies to pass.
2. My sister is too good to harm anyone.
3. My boss is too busy to pick up the phone.
4. The patient is too weak to go upstairs.
5. This house is too expensive for me to buy.
6. Anil is too lazy to get up early in the morning
7. Rakesh is too slow to win the race.
8. Anika is too short to touch the painting.
1. Shweta is so weak in studies that she cannot pass.
2. My sister is so good that she cannot harm anyone.
3. My boss is so busy that he cannot pick up the phone.
4. The patient is so weak that he cannot go upstairs.
5. This house is so expensive that I cannot buy it.
6. Anil is so lazy that he cannot get up early in the morning.
7. Rakesh is so slow that he cannot win the race.
8. Anika is so short that she cannot touch the painting.

Exercise 2:

Rewrite the following sentences using the adverb ‘too’.
1. The man was so tired that he could not climb the hill.
2. Hari is so simple that he cannot tell a lie.
3. This question is so difficult that the children cannot solve it.
4. My mother is so simple that she cannot look after our business.
5. The gardener was so old that he could not climb the tree.
6. The new teacher is so lenient that she cannot control the class.
7. The river was so deep that the child cannot cross it.
8. The chair was so heavy that the painter couldn’t lift it.
1. The man was too tired to climb the hill.
2. Hari is too simple to tell a lie.
3. This question is too difficult for the children to solve.
4. My mother is too simple to look after our business.
5. The gardener was too old to climb the tree.
6. The new teacher is too lenient to control the class.
7. The river was too deep for the child to cross it.
8. The chair was too heavy for the painter to lift it.

B. Transformation of “subject + verb + Adjective/Adverb + enough + infinitive” to “principal clause (with so + that + adverb clause)”.

  • He is tall enough to touch the fan.

So that he can
He is so tall that he can touch the fan.

  • ‘Enough’ is replaced by so.
  • Infinitive is changed into that + positive adverbial clause of result.
Exercise 3:

Rewrite the following sentences by removing enough’.
1. Raju is old enough to go to market.
2. This table is strong enough to hold 100 kg. weight.
3. My brother is intelligent enough to impress the boss.
4. Sohan is smart enough to impress the boss.
5. Rathika is foolish enough to believe the strangers.
6. Kalpana is tall enough to clean the ceiling fan.
7. Meenu is fast enough to catch the train.
8. Anamika is rude enough to insult her seniors.
1. Raju is so old that he can go to market.
2. This table is so strong that it can hold 100 kg weight.
3. My brother is so intelligent that he can impress the boss.
4. Sohan is so smart that he can impress the boss.
5. Rathika is so foolish that she can believe the strangers.
6. Kalpana is so tall that she can clean the ceiling fan.
7. Meenu is so fast that she can catch the train.
8. Anamika is so rude that she can insult her senior.

C. Transformation of Degree

(i) Transformation from positive to comparative degree

  1. Soni is as beautiful as Moni.
    Moni is not more beautiful than Soni.
  2. Ram is as strong as his brother.
    Ram’s brother is not stronger than him.

    • Adjective/adverb is put into the comparative form along with ‘than’.
    • The Affirmative sentence is made negative and negative affirmative.

Similar rules are followed while transforming a comparative degree into a positive degree, i.e. adjective is changed into a positive degree and the affirmative sentence is made negative and vise–versa.

Exercise 4.

Rewrite the following sentences after changing the degree of comparison from positive to comparative.
1. Radha is as smart as Krishna.
2. My school is as famous as yours.
3. Mohan is as strong as Sohan.
4. My brother is as brilliant as my sister.
5. Mr. Sharma is as strict as Mr. Desai.
6. Kamla’s hair is as long as that of Shanta.
7. This book is as interesting as that one.
8. Your car is as expensive as mine.
1. Krishna is not smarter than Radha.
2. Your school is not more famous than mine.
3. Sohan is not stronger than Mohan.
4. My sister is not more brilliant than my brother.
5. Mr. Sharma is not less strict than Mr. Desai.
6. Shanta’s hair is not longer than Kamla’s.
7. This book is not less interesting than that.
8. Your car is not less expensive than mine.

Exercise 5.

Rewrite the following sentences after changing the degree of comparison from comparative to positive.
1. Mansi is brighter than her sister.
2. The Taj Mahal is more beautiful than any other building of the country.
3. The children are more playful than their parents.
4. Ajay is more handsome than his brother.
5. Mamta is more intelligent than Sunita.
6. Gold is more precious than any other metal.
7. Shakespeare is greater than any other dramatist.
8. I love you more than anybody else.
1. Mansi’s sister is not as bright as Mansi.
2. No other building of the country is as beautiful as The Taj Mahal.
3. The parents are not as playful as their children.
4. Ajay’s brother is not as handsome as Ajay.
5. Sunita is not as intelligent as Mamta.
6. No other metal is as precious as gold.
7. No other dramatist is as great as Shakespeare.
8. Nobody else loves you as much as I do.

(ii) Transformation from comparative to a superlative degree

  1. Babu is faster than any other boy in the class.
    Babu is the fastest boy in the class.
  2. Gold is more expensive than any other metal.
    Gold is the most expensive metal.

    • Any other/no other is left out.
    • The comparative form is changed into a superlative form.
    • ‘Than’ is removed, “the’ is added before superlative degree.
Transformation is a process of changing the form of a sentence without changing its basic meaning. It enables a person to express the same thing in a different way without affecting the meaning.

Question 1.
(a) Boys and girls heat the pieces of coloured glasses.
(b) Their hands solder the glasses into the circles of bangles.
(c) Then they put them into the tray of cold water.

Vandana had an opportunity to visit the Bangle factory in Firozabad. She was surprised that the pieces ……………………. by the boys and girls. Then the glasses (b) …………………… After this the circles of bangles (c) …………………….
(a) of coloured glasses were heated
(b) were soldered by them manually into the circles of bangles.
(c) were put by them into a tray of cold water.

Question 2.
(a) The newspaper boy was selling the newspapers.
(b) The man in the khaki was serving vadai and tea.
(c) Another vendor was offering cold drinks and ice creams.I had just arrived in India and had to travel by train to reach my hometown. On reaching the station, I saw the newspapers (a) ……………………. by the man in the Khaki. Also, another scene caught hold of my attention. Ice creams (c) …………………….
(a) were being sold by a newspaper boy
(b) and vadai and tea were being served
(c) and cold drinks were being offered by another vendor.
Question 3.
(a) Tsunami hit the coastal low–lying areas very badly.
(b) The high monstrous wave ate all the houses and shops built near the shore.
(c) The gushing water devastated the vehicles and killed the people inside.Oh! What a despondent sight the Tsunami hit area rendered. The low–lying areas (a) ……………………. All the houses (b) ……………………. the high monstrous waves. The vehicles (c) ……………………. killed inside.
(a) near the coast were badly hit by Tsunami
(b) and the shops were eaten away by
(c) were devastated by the gushing waters and people were.
Question 4.
Renu: Can I help you? I have plenty of spare time.
Ajay: Sure you can. I have a problem in solving this sum which is very difficult.
Renu: See, there are two ways to solve it. One is easy and the other is difficult.
Renu asked Ajay (a) ……………………. Ajay replying affirmatively and said she could surely as (b) ……………………. Renu replied that (C) …………………….
(a) if she could help him as she had plenty of spare time.
(b) he had a problem with solving that sum which was very difficult.
(c) there were two ways to solve it, one was easy and the other was difficult.
Question 5.
Teacher: Have you done your homework today?
Student: No ma’am, I had to go out with my parents.
Teacher: I cannot forgive you, this time you have to call your parents.The teacher asked the student (a) ……………………. The student replied (b) ……………………. Then the teacher angrily said (c) …………………….
(a) if he/she had done his/her homework that day.
(b) negatively saying that he/she had to go out with his/her parents.
(c) that she could not forgive him/her that time. He/She had to call his/her parents.
Question 6.
Dr. Anil: How are you feeling after you have taken this medicine?
Anita: I am feeling much better except a little weakness.
Dr. Anil: You can continue taking these medicines. But I will add another one also.Dr. Anil asked Anita (a) ……………………. To this Anita replied (b) ……………………. Then Dr. Anil said that (c) …………………….
(a) how she was feeling after she had taken that medicine.
(b) that she was feeling much better except for that she was feeling weak.
(c) she could continue taking those medicines but he would add another one also.
Question 7.
Venu: How is your backache?
Anita: It is worsening day by day, which is a matter of great concern.
Venu: Oh! In this case, you may go to Dr. Anil.Venu asked Anita (a) ……………………. To this Anita replied that (b) ……………………. Venu exclaimed that (c) …………………….
(a) how her backache was.
(b) it was worsening day by day, which was a matter of great concern.
(c) in that case, she might go to Dr. Anil.
Question 8.
Harish: I am going to New York in August.
Ashok: I am extremely jealous of you, I wish I could come along as we would have fun together.
Harish: It is never too late. Now, let me know by tomorrow. I shall make your reservation too.Harish told Ashok that (a) ……………………. Ashok, expressing his jealousy and said (b) ……………………. But kindhearted Harish said (c) ……………………. He would make his reservation too.
(a) he was going to New York in August.
(b) that he wished he could go along as they would have fun together.
(c) that it was never too late. Then he asked Ashok to let him know by the next day.
Question 9.
Here are a few tips to save water. Read and complete the sentences that follow in the passive voice.
(a) When washing dishes by hand don’t wastewater.
(b) Run your clothes washer only when it is full.
(c) Wash fruits and vegetables in a pan of water.
(i) When washing dishes by hand (a) …………………….
(ii) Your clothes washer (b) ……………………. Only when it is full.
(iii) Fruit and vegetables (c) ………………….. in a pan of water.
(a) water should not be wasted.
(b) should be run
(c) should be washed
Question 10. Given below are instructions for making a dish. Read and complete the passage that follows in the passive voice.
(a) Take a cup of water and boil it.
(b) Once the water boils, add Maggi noodles and tastemaker.
(c) Stir it for three minutes and serve it hot with butter.A cup of water (a) ……………………. and is kept to boil. To the boiling water, Maggi and tastemaker (b) ……………………. It is stirred for three minutes and (c) ……………………. hot with butter.
(a) is taken
(b) are added
(c) is served

Do as Directed (Type–2)

Question 1. Rajan bought a car today. (Change the Voice.)
??‍♂️Answer: A car was bought by Rajan today.
Question 2. Virtue has its own reward. (Change to Interrogative.)
??‍♂️Answer: Does Virtue not to have its own reward?
Question 3. Sachin has done well. (Change to Exclamatory.)
??‍♂️Answer: Hurray! Sachin has done well.
Question 4. Rahul is as strong as Madan. (Change the Degree.)
??‍♂️Answer:  Madan is not stronger than Rahul.
Question 5. Radha failed although she has put in so much hard work. (Change to a Simple Sentence.)
??‍♂️Answer: Inspite of putting in so much hard work Radha failed.
Question 6. The lions do not attack young babies. (Change the Voice.)
??‍♂️Answer:Young babies are not attacked by the lions.
Question 7. Why quarrel with neighbours? (Change into Assertive.)
??‍♂️Answer: We should not quarrel with neighbours.
Question 8. Antonio was one of the best speakers of the world. (Change the Degree.)
??‍♂️Answer: Very few speakers of the world were as good as Antonio.
Antonio was better than most other speakers of the world.
Question 9. Somebody blocked the way. (Change the Voice.)
??‍♂️Answer:  The way was blocked by somebody.
Question 10. I love him more than his father. (Change the Degree of Comparison.)
??‍♂️Answer:  His father does not love him as much as me.
Question 11. Very few flowers are as beautiful as a rose. (Change the Degree of Comparison.)
??‍♂️Answer: Rose is one of the most beautiful flowers.
Question 12. Old age is really a curse. (Change into Exclamatory.)
??‍♂️Answer: O! Old age is a curse!
Question 13. As soon as he came in, all got to beat him. (Use ‘No sooner’.)
??‍♂️Answer: No sooner did he come in than all got up to beat him.

CBSE/NCERT Solution Class 10th English grammar with Answer