NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Letter of Complaint Format, Topics, Examples, Samples Exercise With Answers

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Letter of Complaint Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Class Class 10th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameLetter of Complaint
CategoryClass 10th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Letter of Complaint Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

? English Grammar ?

✍Letter of Complaint✍

?English Grammar With Answers?

Letter Writing (Formal Letters)

  1. Write as you speak. Your letter should be in the nature of a conversation.
  2. Adopt a familiar style for those who are intimate, but write in a formal tone to the strangers.
  3. Use a suitable beginning before you start with the actual letter.
  4. Write what you have to say –– clearly, briefly and precisely.
  5. Be courteous and tactful. Avoid offending.
  6. Avoid boring remarks. Better do away with hackneyed phrases.
  7. Never fail to date your letter.
  8. Write in a simple clear and colloquial language. The style of a letter depends on the nature of its contents. Private letters should be in the conversational style; business letters, short, concise and to the point; and official letters, formal and dignified.
  9. Correct spellings are equally desirable even in the most familiar forms of correspondence. A letter should be legible, straightforward and grammatically correct.
  10. Avoid bad punctuation which is often the cause of obscurity.
Parts of a Letter

A letter consists of the following parts:

1. Sender’s Name and Address. It includes the writer’s address. It is written at the top on the left hand corner of the page. If the address consists of several parts, each part is given a separate line as follows:
125, Punjabi Basti
Anand Parvat
New Delhi

2. Date. While writing the date, note that the day is written in figures, month in words and year in full figures. The year is preceded by a comma, when the date is written before it. The date should be written as follows:

3. Receiver’s Address/The Inside Address. The official letters are not addressed to the individual but to his/her official capacity; as,
The Editor
The Times of India
Bahadurshah Zafar Marg
New Delhi–1100XX
4. Subject. It is a must in official letters. It must be as brief as possible, maximum three or four words. It must be the pivot on the body of the letter.
5. Salutation. It is the complimentary little greetings to the person to whom the letter is addressed. It is a formal way of beginning a letter. The form of greeting or salutation depends on the relation and degree of intimacy between the writer and the addressee in personal letters. But in official letters ‘Dear Sir’ or ‘Dear Madam’is used mostly.

Note. If the person, who will read the letter, is known to you, you can address him by name: as
Dear Mr. Gupta
The appropriate title, Mr, Mrs, or Miss, is to be placed before the name.

Forms of Salutation

6. Body of the Letter. This is the main part of the letter. It consists of three parts: an introduction which gives the reason for the letter, the message which includes the main information and a conclusion, which is always expressed politely or gives suggestions about the problems expressed. It should be well arranged and divided suitably into separate paragraphs unless it is very short. Be brief, courteous and to the point. It should be clear and brief because an official/a businessman has no time to attend to unnecessary details.
7. The Subscription (or the complimentary close). The most common form in business letters is ‘Yours faithfully’. If you have used a personal name in the salutation, the subscription should be ‘Yours sincerely’. In case of personal letters, the most common form is ‘Yours affectionately.’
8. Signature. The formal letters require your full signature. Below the signature, the name of the person and the position are mentioned. In personal letters write the name by which you are known among your relatives and friends. Note. Do not use any punctuation mark after the signature.
9. Outside Address. This is written on the envelope or the postcard. It should be written neatly, legibly and spaced carefully. If you write the pin code, you can be sure of your letter reaching the addressee without delay.

Format of Formal Letters

………………………………. Sender’s
………………………………. address
………………………………. Date
………………………………. Receiver’s address
………………………………. Salutation
………………………………. Subject
……………………………………………………………… Body
……………………………………………………………… of
………………………………………………………………. the
……………………………………………………………… letter
………………………………. Complimentary close
………………………………. Signature
………………………………. (Name in capitals)

Letters of complaint are written when you have a problem with a product or a thing. The tone of this letter has to be very polite. Take care of the following things while writing these letters.

  • Describe what is wrong with the product or describe the issues/problems. Give the date of purchase and place of purchase, if applicable.
  • Explain how you would like to resolve the problem.
  • Explain that you look forward to receiving a reply with a resolution. Set a date or time limit in which to receive the reply. Give a phone number where you can be reached.

Address Given
Examination Hall
The Manager
Name of Company/Agency
Dear Sir/Madam
Subject: ………………………………..
Body of letterPara I – Purchased 

  • When?
  • Where?
  • What? Model/Brand
    • Bill No.

Para II – Technical complaints
(at least 3 points)
Para III – Since the ………………………………. (item) is under warranty, so kindly replace it within ………………………………. days. Failing which, I/we will be forced to move to the consumer court.

Yours faithfully

CBSE/NCERT Solution Class 10th English grammar with Answer