NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (B. Integrated Grammar) Editing Task

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (B. Integrated Grammar) Editing Task

Class Class 9th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameEditing Task
CategoryClass 9th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (B. Integrated Grammar) Editing Task

English Grammar

Editing Task

English Grammar With Answers

The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct question number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied.
1. In the traditional sense prayer meant               (a) ………… ………….

communicating on God Almighty.                      (b) …………. …………
It includes the devotions, verbal but                     (c) …………. …………
mental prayers that are saying.                              (d) …………. …………
There are various ways and forms to                     (e) …………. …………
prayer and meditation, vocal prayers, etc.              (f) …………. …………
But the fundamental either the base                        (g) …………. …………
of prayer are not any of these.                                  (h) …………. …………
2. Maricha changed him into a                                  (a) ………… …………
charming golden deer on surpassing                        (b) ………… ………..
beauty and wandered around an ashrama              (c)…………. ………. 
playfully in order to drawing Sita’s attention.        (d) ……… ………….
Sita is gathering flowers near the ashrama,            (e) ………… …………
while she suddenly saw the golden deer.                   (f) …………. ………..
Enchanted with the charming beauty of the animal, she asked
Rama and Lakshmana to look into the exquisite anima(g)……… …….
3. At a certain village, in the province of                  (h) ………. ………….
La Mancha at Spain, there live                                      
the gentleman of about 50 years of age.
He was tall and thin and has giant features.
At one time he is rich, but now he was poor,
why he had sold all his lands
at buy books. He loved reading and
spending all his time between his beloved books.
4. A city of Venice attracts many a traveller,
as it lie sparkling in the sunshine,
its buildings reflecting in the waters
of the canals. There are much beautiful churches,
places and museums. In fact most of their
buildings are palaces long ago, so they look
grand and state. Some of them have been converted into
museums but libraries.5. The Egyptians were the first for make paper  (a) ………… ………….
from a plant calling papyrus. It grew in the        (b) ………… ………..
delta of River Nila in Africa. For the long time,   (c)…………. ……….
papyrus continues to be used as writing material. (d) ……… ………….
Then the Chinese further perfected                      (e) ………… …………
an art for making paper. The demand                  (f) …………. ………..
for paper increased while                                        (g)……… ………….
books begin to be printed.                                       (h) ………. ………….
6. The Portuguese began to explore a west coast (a) ………… ………….
of Africa. Year after year they sent out ships when(b) ………… ………
sailed along the coast, every daring a little            (c)…………. ……….
furhter south. At first when they landed they find (e) ………… ………
that anything was made hot and dry by                (f) …………. ………..
the burning winds which blowing off the                (g)……… ………….
Sahara Desert. They thought with the stories they had (h)……………
heard, that the sun will burn their faces black.
7. Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi go to England
to higher studies at the age of 19.
His mother is apprehensive about young men
go astray in western society. But her fears
were allayed that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
swore not for touch meat,
wine and woman. He faces
a lot with difficulties due to his vegetarianism.
8. There are some people that are afraid
of failures and sometimes they are afraid to
themselves, that they avoid take any
risks or committing a mistake and taking
a wrong step. They totally abstain entirely for
some attempt and endeavour. They looked
down upon himself and believe that
nothing is possible for him.
9. Children are fond to coconut. It is the
biggest of all the nuts, and are indeed a wonderful
fruit. It grows on a tall palm tree and is find
in tropical countries round a seashore. The
name was giving to it by the Portuguese because,
with the three marks and eye-spots at the end,
it looks something like a monkey’s face, and ‘coco”
are a Portuguese word for a bugbear or a distorted maks.
10. Louis Braille, on 1825, developed a special
script for the blind. It has known as
a Braille script. The letters in it are formed with
raised dots on thick paper. Blind people might
read these dots by running his fingers
lightly to them, across the page. Today,
thousands of books for almost every
subject is available in Braille.


1. (a) meant means (b) on with (c) but and (d) saying said
(e) to of (f) and like (g) either or (h) are is
2. (a) him himself (b) on with (c) an the (d) drawing draw
(e) is was (f) while when (g) with by (h) at into
3. (a) at in (b) live lived (c) the a (d) has had
(e) is was (f) why because (g) at to (h) between among
4. (a) A The (b) lie lies (c) reflecting reflected (d) much many
(e) their its (f) are were (g) state stately (h) but or
5. (a) for to (b) calling called (c) the a (d) continues continued
(e) an the (f) for of (g) while when (h) begin began
6. (a) a the (b) while when (c) every each (d) find found
(e) anything everything (f) blowing blew
7. (a) go went (b) to for (c) is was (d) go going
(e) that when (f) for to (g) faces faced (h) with of
8. (a) that who (b) to of (c) take taking (d) and or
(e) for from (f) some any (g) himself themselves (h) him them
9. (a) to of (b) are is (c) find found (d) a the
(e) giving given (f) and or (g) look looked (h) are is
10. (a) on in (b) has is (c) with by (d) might can
(e) his their (f) to on (g) for on (h) is are

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing etc.


Edit the letters given below:

  1. A-21 Chanakyapuri
    New Delhi
    21th August 20XXDear Sanjay,
    Your school (a)goes to be closed for the summer vacation (b)for next Monday, (c)Here, you will have a lot of time at your (d)dispersal. I (e)hence invite you to spend some days with me. My mother will (f)happily see you. Let me (g)to know. I will be there (h)in the station to receive you.
    Yours affectionately
  2. The Editor
    The Times of India
    New Delhi 20th March 20XX
    Sub: Fast food causing health hazardSir,
    Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish (a)enlighten the general public (b)for the health hazard being (c)causing by eating fast food that has become so popular (d)by the younger generation. The junk food (e)is ready available (f)on various outlets in the city. So it attracts people of all ages without making (g)him even pause to think about (h)their harmful effects.
    Yours affectionately
  3. The Director
    Sub: Cancellation of Mr Mehta’s lectureSir,
    This is (a)inform you and (b)every other distinguished guests(c)on CIEFL, that the guest lecture by Mr. Jubeen Mehta (d)schedule for 20th April, 2012 (e)has cancelled due (f)on unavoidable circumstances. The lecture will now be (g)hold on 25th April, 20XX at 10:00 a.m. Please make it convenient to attend the lecture (h)along your team.
    Yours faithfully
    B. Balasubramaniam
  4. House No.34
    Vasaiit Kunj

    New Delhi
    20th February, 20XX
    The Editor
    The Hindustan Times
    New Delhi
    Sub: Control the growing populationSir,
    I (a)want write this letter to make people aware (b)at the alarming situation (c)in that India finds itself to day. The (d)grow population has made mockery of all our development programmes, (e)Many population means more mouths to feed. Our natural resources are (f)be exhausted every year. We have to control this growing population (g)for any cost. The earlier, the (h)best it will be. Let us stop it at the earliest.
    Yours faithfully
  5. 12, Birsa Munda Nagar
    20th March, 20XXDear Sachin,
    You (a)will glad to know that our school (b)was organising an educational tour (c)on Agra. Agra is (d)a old historical city. It has many monuments of the Mughals. (e)A Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful (f)monument of the world. The Mughal emperor Shahjahan (g)get it built in the memory (h)for his beloved wife Mumtaj.
    We will miss you in Agra.
    Yours sincerely
  6. 10 Civil Lines
    10th March 20XXDear Akbar,
    I am (a)shock to learn that you have started (b)smoke again. It is very (c)shocked indeed. Don’t you know that smoking (d)kill you (e)slow ? It can (f)caused cancer and many other (g)disease. I request you to give up (h)smoke
    for good.
    Yours sincerely
  7. 10 Civil Lines
    10th March, 20XXDear Rupesh,
    (a)Receive your letter. I am glad that you have (b)give up the company of bad boys. Dear friend, you (c)can know that a man is (d)know by the company he keeps. Always try (e)to have friend with good boys. Try to avoid the company (f)with bad boys. All of (g)we must be ladies and gentlemen (h)what we grow up.
    Yours sincerely
  8. The Editor
    The Hindu
    20th March, 20XX
    Sub: Plight of the pedestrians.Sir,
    Through the columns of (a)you esteem daily, I want to highlight the plight (b)at the pedestrians. In India, pedestrians are (c)leave to die at their own fate, (d)Everybody cares for them. First of all, footpaths are not (e)proper maintained. The vendors think it (f)his birth right to encroach (g)in the footpaths. Where will the poor pedestrians go? No body (h)know where.
    Yours faithfully
  9. 50 Refuge Camp
    X.Y.Z. City
    10th March, 20XXDear Simon,
    I am writing this letter (a)on the Refugee Camp. We (b)are taken shelter here after fleeing (c)for Mozambique. It was really a (d)terrify journey through the famous Kruger Park. We could not walk fast (e)hence we were tired. When we (f)reach the camp, we felt a sigh (g)on relief. We were away from our country but we could live (h)on peace here.
    Yours sincerely
  10. The Editor
    The Indian Express
    12th May, 20XX
    Sub: Misuse of technologySir,
    I would like (a)on express my deep concern and anxiety (b)in the misuse of technology that can harm the present day youth. The youths of today can (c)easy become prey to technology if they (d)misused it. They can harm (e)they health. They (f)were generally addicted to gadgets like TV, mobile phones, Ipods etc. Their excessive use is harmful (g)for the physical as well as mental health of our young men and women.I hope they start (h)use technology only judiciously.
    Yours faithfully
    Ram Munda


1. (a) will be closed (b) from (c) Hence (d) disposal
(e) therefore (f) be glad to see you (g) know (h) at
2. (a) to enlighten (b) about (c) caused (d) among
(e) readily (f) at (g) them (h) its
3. (a) to inform you (b) all other distinguished guests (c) from
(d) scheduled (e) has been cancelled (f) to
(g) held (h) along with
4. (a) want to write (b) of (c) in which (d) growing
(e) More population (f) being exhausted (g) at (h) better
5. (a) will be glad (b) is organising (c) to (d) an old
(e) The Taj Mahal (f) monuments (g) got (h) of
6. (a) shocked (b) smoking (c) smoking (d) kills
(e) slowly (f) cause (g) diseases (h) smoking
7. (a) Received (b) given up (c) should (d) known
(e) to have friendship (f) of (g) us
(h) when
8. (a) your esteemed (b) of (c) left (d) No one
(e) properly (f) their (g) upon (h) knows
9. (a) from (b) have taken (c) from (d) terrifying
(e) because (f) reached (g) of (h) in
10. (a) to express (b) on (c) easily(d) misuse
(e) their (f) are (g) go (h) using


In the following passages one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined:


1. (a) beauty of Lakshadweep (b) Minicoy, the southern most
    (c) even as you (d) Dressed in jeans
    (e) men are truly (f) there is no
    (g) days and he (H) house for a
2. (a) India had been (b) famous for spices
    (c) Arabs were among (d) come to India
    (e) Dutch, the French (f) fought among themselves
    (e) English were the (h) traded through the
3. (a) part of Betrand Russell’s (b) childhood the most
    (c) those that he (d) knew each corner
    (e) in which part (f) fond of watching
    (g) and sometimes he (h) used to slip
4. (a) India had been (b) famous for spices
    (c) Arabs were among (d) come to India
    (e) Dutch, the French (f) fought among themselves
    (g) English were the (h) traded through the
5. (a) both from the (b) look at their
    (c) you will find (d) roots are like
    (e) call them root (f) water and animals
   (g) transport them upwards (h) through their trunk
6. (a) as an agent (b) known as hydrotherapy
    (c) water can be (d) one of heaven’s
    (e) beating and cooling (f) used in various
    (g) according to its (h) toxins from the
7. (a) mammals are vertebrates (b) They have large
    (c) of their surroundings (d) They are warm-blooded
    (e) covered with hair (f) milk from the
    (e) animals which are (h) from one another
8. (a) return from South Africa (b) Congress was held
    (c) there to help (d) searching for something
    (e) something on his (f) are you looking
    (g) lost my pencil (h) was a very
9. (a) was a dense (b) gently and softly
    (c) in which a (d) foot of the
    (e) lived an ant (f) dove were fast
    (g) they had no (h) of the tree
10. (a) increases by hard (b) not do it
     (c) judged by the (d) cases that he
     (e) success is examined (f)readers and critics
     (g) efficiency is tested (h) accuracy of his

CBSE/NCERT Solution Class 9th English grammar with Answer