NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science Chapter – 14 Water Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science Chapter – 14 Water 

Class 6th
Subject Science
Chapter NameWater
Category Class 6th Science
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science Chapter – 14 Water Question & Answer In this Chapter We Will read about water cycle, snow, water, types of snow, steps of water cycle, source of rain water, Three States of Water, Evaporation, Transpiration, Condensation, Rain and Dew etc. and More much. you have provided easy notes which use in your study make progress in education.

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science Chapter – 14 Water

Chapter – 14


Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 1

Q. 1. Fill up the blanks in the Following:
(a) The Process of Changing of water into its Vapour is Called_______________ .
(b) The Process of Changing Water Vapour into water is called_____________ .
(c) No Rainfall for a year or more may lead to _____________ in that region.
(d) Excessive rains may cause__________ .
Answer –
(a) Evaporation or Vaporisation
(b) Condensation
(c) Droughts
(d) flood

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 2

Q. 2. State for each of the following Whether it is due to Evaporation or Condensation:

(a) Water drops appear on the outer surface of a glass Containing cold water.
Answer – Condensation

(b) Steam rising from wet clothes while they are ironed.
Answer – Evaporation

(c) Fog appearing on a cold winter morning.
Answer – Condensation

(d) Blackboard dries up after wiping it.
Answer – Evaporation

(e) Steam rising from a hot girdle when water is Sprinkled on it.
Answer – Evaporation

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 3

Q. 3. Which of the following statements are “true”?

(a) Water vapour is present in air only during the monsoon.
Answer – False

(b) Water evaporates into air from oceans, rivers and lakes but not from the soil.
Answer – False

(c) The process of water changing into its vapour is called evaporation.
Answer – True

(d) The evaporation of water takes place only in sunlight.
Answer – False

(e) Water vapour condenses to form tiny droplets of water in the upper layers of air where it is cooler.
Answer – True

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 4

Q. 4. Suppose you want to dry your school uniform quickly. Would spreading it near an anghiti or heater help? If yes, how?
Answer – Yes, to dry the school uniform quickly, the uniform is spread near an anghiti or heater because evaporation is rapid at higher temperature. Higher the temperature faster is the rate of evaporation. So the uniform is dried up quickly.

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 5

Q. 5. Take out a cooled bottle of water from Refrigerator and keep it on a table. After some time you notice a droplets of water around it. Why?
Answer – The cooled water bottle has very cold exposed surface. Due to cool surface there is condensation of water-vapour from air on the surface of water bottle because water vapour is present in atmosphere. The condensed water molecules spread around the bottle. So a puddle of water is noticed after sometime.

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 6

Q. 6. To clean their Spectacles, people often breathe out on Glasses to make them wet. Explain why the glasses become wet?
Answer – The breathe out gases contain water-vapour. The water-vapour condenses at spectacles so glass becomes wet and with the help of small amount of water, it is easy to clean the spectacles.

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 7

Q.7. How are clouds formed?
Answer – The water present on the earth evaporates due to heating by the sun. The water vapour in the air condenses to form tiny droplets of water at high altitude, which appears as clouds. Thus clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapours present in air at high altitude.

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science (Chapter – 14) Question No – 8

Q. 8. When does a drought occur?
Answer – If there is no rain for a long period or for many years then there is scarcity of water in that region. This leads to drought.


Q. 1. Write the sources of water on the earth.
Answer – Sources of water on the earth are – Seas, Oceans, Rivers, Springs, Tubewells, etc.
Q. 2. In which forms, water exists on the earth?
Answer – Water exists on the earth in all three physical forms: ice, water and water vapour.
Q. 3. What is transpiration?
Answer – Loss of water in the form of water vapour through stomata of leaves is called transpiration.
Q. 4. How are the clouds formed?
Answer – Clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapour at high altitude.
Q. 5. What is meant by the conservation of water?
Answer – Careful, economical and wise use of water and avoiding the wastage of water is called conservation of water.


Q. 1. Mention two main functions of water for living organisms.
Answer – Two main functions of water for living organisms are:
(i) Water is essential for the germination of seeds, growth of plants and in photosynthesis.
(ii) Water is used for the transportation of people and goods.
Q. 2. Why is ocean water not suitable for domestic use?
Answer – Sea and ocean water contains large amounts of various salts. It is due to these salts the ocean water is salty and cannot be used for drinking, washing and for irrigation purposes.
Q. 3. Why does the water split on the floor disappear after some time?
Answer – Due to evaporation the water split is changed into water vapour. So it disappears after some time. 

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science Chapter -14 Water Question & Answer

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