NCERT Solutions Class 9th Social Science History Chapter – 2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 9th Social Science History Chapter – 2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Text BookNCERT
Class  9th
Subject  Social Science (History)
Chapter 2nd
Chapter NameSocialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
CategoryClass 9th Social Science History 
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 9th Social Science History Chapter – 2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution Notes What was socialism in Europe Class 9 short notes. What was the Russian Revolution Class 9 short note. What were the short notes on socialism in Europe. What is socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution Class 9. What was the Russian Revolution Short answer. What was the Russian Revolution of 1905 Class 9. Which Russian revolution of 1917 is also known as Class 9. What was the Russian February Revolution 1917 Class 9 in points.

NCERT Solutions Class 9th Social Science History Chapter – 2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Chapter – 2

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution


The Age of Social Change 
  • This was a period of profound social and economic changes. The ill effects of the industrial revolution like long working hours, low wages, unemployment, lack of housing, sanitation system forced people to think about it.The French Revolution opened up the possibility of creating a dramatic change in society.In realizing these possibilities, three different ideologies developed:LiberalsRadicalsConservatives
  • Tolerance of all religions.Opposed the uncontrolled powers of the king.Supported the rights of the individuals.Supported a representative, elected parliamentary government and independent judiciary.Did not support universal adult franchise (right of every citizen including women)Supported private property.
  • Government based on majority.Opposed the privileges given to great landowners and wealthy factory owners.Many of them also supported women’s suffragette movements.Supported private property but disliked the concentration of property in the hands of a few.
  • Opposed liberals and radicals.Asserted that the past must be respected.Change should be slow.


  • Socialists were against private property but had differing ideas on how a society without property could operate. Some of the visions of socialists are as follows:-Robert Owen:- sought to build a cooperative community.

Louis Blanc – He wanted the government to encourage cooperatives and replace capitalist enterprises.

  • Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels- Argued that the industrial society was ‘capitalist’. The capitalists owned the capital invested in the factories, and the profit of capitalists was produced by workers. Thus, capitalists exploit the workers.Marx believed that this capitalist system would be triumphed by the workers and a socialist society would be established where all property would be socially controlled.

Autocracy – The rule by the king with absolute powers.

Industries and Social Change
  • New cities came up and newly industrialised regions developed and railways expanded.Industrialisation brought men, women and children to factories.Working hours were often long and wages poor.Unemployment was common.Housing and sanitation problems were growing fast.Almost all industries were the property of individuals.The liberals and radicals wanted that the workforce should be educated and healthy.Many workers who wanted changes rallied around liberals and radicals.Some nationalists, liberals and radicals wanted revolutions for removing the governments established in Europe in 1815.
Coming of Socialism in Europe
  • Socialism was well known by the mid 19th century in Europe.Socialists opposed private property.Believed that if a society as a whole controlled property, more attention would be paid to collective social interests.Some socialists like Robert Owen believed in the idea of cooperatives.Others like Louis Blanc felt that cooperatives could be built only if the governments encouraged them.Cooperatives were associations of people who produced goods together and divided the profits equally.Karl Marx argued that industrial society was capitalist which exploited the workers and kept the profits for themselves. He believed that the workers had to construct a radically socialist society where all property was socially controlled
Support for Socialism

• Socialists formed an international body, namely the ‘Second International‘.
• They set up funds for helping members in times of distress and demanded a reduction of working hours and the right to vote.
• In Germany, these associations worked with the Socialist Democratic Party and helped it in winning the parliamentary elections.
• 1905: Socialists and trade unionists formed a Labour party in Britain and a Socialist Party in France.
• Socialism however could not precede the influence of the radicals, liberals and conservatives.

Russian Revolution – The events from the fall of the monarchy in February 1917 to the Socialists’ capture of power in Russia in October 1917 are called the Russian Revolution.
The Russian Empire in 1914
  • 1914 Tsar Nicholas II ruled Russia.The Russian empire included current day Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, parts of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asian states, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the territory outside Moscow.The majority religion was Russian Orthodox Christianity.
Economy and Society in Russia

• About 85% of the Russian population practised agriculture.
• Cultivators produced for both, the market and their own needs.
• Industries were few in number. St Petersburg and Moscow were the prominent industrial areas.
• The 1890s – Many factories were set up when the Russian railway network was extended.
Foreign investment in industry increased.
• Coal production doubled and iron and steel output quadrupled.
The government-supervised large factories for ensuring minimum wages and limited hours of work.
The working hour for the craft units and small workshops was 15 hours and that of the factory was 10 to 12 hours.
• Women made up 31% of the factory labour force by 1914, but they were paid between half and three-quarters of a man’s wage.
Worker’s associations were formed for helping members in times of financial hardships or unemployment.
• 1896-1897 – Workers strike in the textile industry.
• 1902 – Workers strike in the metal industry.
• The crown and the Orthodox Church owned large properties.
• The peasants disliked the nobility.
• Nobles got their power and position through their services to the Tsar.
• 1902-05 – In Russia, peasants wanted the land of the nobles to be given to them; they refused to pay the rent and also murdered the landlords.
• Peasants in Russia pooled their land together periodically and their commune (mir) was divided in accordance with the needs of individual families.
Socialism in Russia

• Before 1914 all political parties were illegal in Russia.
• 1898 – The Russian Social Democratic Workers Party was founded which operated illegally due to government policing.
• It set up a newspaper, mobilized workers and organized strikes.
• 1900: Active socialists in the countryside formed the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
• The party demanded peasants’ rights and the transfer of lands from the nobles to the peasants.
• Vladimir Lenin led the Bolshevik group and believed that in a repressive society, the party should be disciplined and should control the number and quality of its members.
• The other socialist group named the Mensheviks advocated entry for all in the party.
Bloody Sunday
• Over 100 workers were killed and 300 wounded, when the procession of workers near Winter Palace was attacked by the police. This incident is known as Bloody Sunday. It started a series of events that became known as the 1905 Revolution.
How was the Russian society Socialized?
  • Nationalization of banks and industriesAvailability of cheap public health careCrèches was established in the factoriesModel living quarters for the workersAn extended schooling system developed; arrangements were made for factory workers and peasants to enter universitiesCentral planning, beginning of Five Years PlansCollective farming
The 1905 Revolution
  • Liberals in Russia wanted the abolition of the autocracy of the Tsar.1905 – Liberals and the social democrats and the socialist revolutionaries along with the peasants and the workers revolted against a constitution. They were supported by nationalists in the empire and by Jadidists (who wanted modernized Islam to lead their societies) in Muslim-dominated areas.
The 1905 Revolution Causes
  • 1904: Prices of the essential goods increased while the real income declined by 20%. The dismissal of four members of the Assembly of Russian Workers at the Putilov Iron Works called for industrial action.
Consequences of the 1950 Revolution
• Strikes took place all over the country, universities closed down, and student bodies staged walkouts, complaining about the lack of civil liberties.
• Lawyers, doctors, engineers and other middle-class workers established the Union of Unions and demanded a constituent assembly.
• The Tsar allowed the creation of an elected consultative Parliament or Duma.
• The Tsar did not want any questioning of his authority or any reduction in his power; he changed the voting laws and packed the third Duma with conservative politicians.
Duma – Russian Parliament.
The First World War and the Russian Revolution
• 1914 First World War broke out between two European alliances-Germany, Austria and Turkey (the Central Powers) and France, Britain and Russia (later Italy and Romania).
• 1914-1916 – Russian armies lost badly in Austria and Germany.
• Industries and industrial equipment disintegrated more rapidly in Russia than elsewhere in Europe.
• Labour shortages and small workshops producing essentials were shut down as able-bodied men were called for the war.
• By 1916, bread shops were common owing to the bread and flour scarcity.
February Revolution
• In February 1917, there was an acute shortage of food in the workers’ quarters. This led to many protests. Soldiers also joined the striking workers. Sensing trouble, the Tsar abdicated and a Provisional Government was formed. Thus, the monarch was brought down in the February Revolution of 1917.
  • Socialists formed an international body, namely the ‘Second International‘.They set up funds for helping members in times of distress and demanded a reduction of working hours and the right to vote.In Germany, these associations worked with the Socialist Democratic Party and helped it in winning the parliamentary elections.1905: Socialists and trade unionists formed a Labour party in Britain and a Socialist Party in France.Socialism however could not precede the influence of the radicals, liberals and conservatives.

Russian Revolution – The events from the fall of the monarchy in February 1917 to the Socialists’ capture of power in Russia in October 1917 are called the Russian Revolution.

The February Revolution in Petrograd
  • February 1917: Food shortages were deeply felt in the worker’s quarters.The Tsar wanted to dissolve the Duma, but the revolutionaries opposed this.22nd February 1917: A lockout took place at a factory which was followed by a worker’s strike in fifty factories. Women led the strikes in many factories and this day came to be known as International Women’s Day.25th February 1917: The government suspended the Duma.Striking workers and soldiers gathered to form a ‘soviet’ or ‘council’ in the same building where the Duma met. This was the ‘Petrograd Soviet‘.2nd March 1917: The Tsar abdicated on the advice of the military commanders.The Soviet leaders and the Duma leaders formed a provisional Government for running the country.A Constituent Assembly was elected on the basis of universal adult suffrage from the government in Russia.
April Theses
  • In April 1917, the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin returned to Russia from his exile. He presented three demands which are known as Lenin’s April Theses.These were:The war (First World War) must be brought to a close.Land must be transferred to the peasants.Banks must be nationalized.
The Revolution of October 1917
  • As the conflict between the Provisional Government and the Bolshevik Lenin emphasized the uprising against the government.The uprising began on 24 October. By nightfall, the city was under Bolshevik control and the ministers had surrendered. Uprisings took place in other cities as well. This revolution is known as the October Revolution.
After the Revolution of October 1917
  • Private property eradicatedMost industries and banks were nationalizedThe land was declared social property land of nobility was seized.Censorship in all aspects of life was imposedBạn on use of old titles of aristocracyRussia became a one-party state and the Russian Communist Party was the only partyRussia signed a peace pact with GermanyBeginning of the civil war in Russia
Civil War
  • After the Revolution, entire Russia was divided in three groups– viz.The Bolsheviks (the ‘reds’),Socialist Revolutionaries (the ‘greens’) andThe Tsarists (the ‘whites’)A Civil War among these groups started in Russia. The ‘greens’ and the ‘whites’ were supported by France, USA, Britain and Japan. Looting, banditry, and famine became common during the Civil War.

Collectivisation – Stalin started the Collectivisation programme in Russia. Under this, the peasants were forced to cultivate on collective farms.

The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution and the USSR 
  • The idea of a state of workers inspired many people. The Communist Party was formed in many countries.

Many non – Russians participated in the Conference of the Peoples of the East (1920), and the Bolsheviks founded the ‘Comintern‘ (An international union of the pro-Bolshevik socialist parties).

  • In Russia, industries and agriculture had developed and the poor were being fed but it had denied essential freedom to its citizens and developmental projects were being carried out through repressive measures.The USSR as a socialist had declined.
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NCERT Solution Class 9th History All Chapters Question & Answer
Chapter – 1 The French Revolution
Chapter – 2 Socialism in Europe and the Russia Revolution
Chapter – 3 Nazims and The Rise of Hitler
Chapter – 4 Forest society and Colonialism
Chapter – 5 Pastoralists in the Modern world
NCERT Solution Class 9th history All Chapters MCQ
Chapter – 1 The French Revolution
Chapter – 2 Socialism in Europe and the Russia Revolution
Chapter – 3 Nazims and The Rise of Hitler
Chapter – 4 Forest society and Colonialism
Chapter – 5 Pastoralists in the Modern world

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