NCERT Solutions Class 9th Science Chapter – 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 9th Science Chapter – 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life

Class 9th
Subject Science 
Chapter NameThe Fundamental Unit of Life
CategoryClass 9th Science
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 9th Science Chapter – 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life Notes What is fundamental unit of life for Class 9, Why is the fundamental unit of life, What is the fundamental unit of life very short answer, Why is the cell called the functional unit of life Ncert Class 9, What is the fundamental unit of life class 9 True or false, Who discovered the cell, What is the structure of cell, What is the meaning of protoplasm, Which is the smallest cell, Who is the father of biology, Who is father of nucleus.

NCERT Solutions Class 9th Science Chapter – 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life

Chapter – 5

The Fundamental Unit of Life


Type of Organism

Unicellular – One celled, e.g. amoeba, paramecium, bacteria

Multicellular – Many celled, e.g. man, cow, dog, insects, plant, fungi


• A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all life forms.

• All living forms are composed of microscopic units called as ‘Cells’.

• Study of structure and composition of cell is called Cytology’.

• Cell was first discovered and observed by Robert Hooke in a thin dead slice of cork in the year 1665.

• First free living cell was discovered by A. V. Leeuwenhoek. in 1674.

• Protoplasm is an aggregate of various chemicals such as water, ions, salts and other organic molecules like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, vitamins etc. Presents in cytoplasm along with cell organelles & nucleus that constitute a cell.

• It exists in sol-gel states.

Cell Theory

Two biologists, Schleiden and Schwann (1838) gave the Cell theory which states that:

(i) All plants and animals are composed of cells.
(ii) Cell is the basic unit of life.
(iii) All cell arise from pre-existing cells.

Viruses are the exceptions of cell theory.

Types of Cell & Organism

On the Basis of Type of Oraganization Cells are of two kind

Prokaryotic CellsEukaryotic Cells
• Very minute in size. (1 to 10-6 m)• Fairly large in size. (5-100μm)
• Nuclear region (nucleoid) not surrounded by a nuclear membreane.• Nuclear material surrounded by a nuclear membrance.
• Always Unicellular• May be unicellular or multicellular
• Single Chromosome present.• More than one chromosome present.
• Nucleolus absent.• Nucleolus present.
• Cell division by fission or budding• Cell division by mitosis or meiosis.
• Membrane bound cell organelles are absent.• Membrane bound cell organelles are present.
Ex. BacteriaEx. All Plants, Animals, Amoeba etc.

Organism are of Two Type

CharacteristicsUnicellular organismMulticellular organism
Cell numberSingle cell, SimpleLarge number of cells, Complex
FunctionAll functions are per-
formed by single cell
Different cells perform different
specific functions.
Division of labour Not performed/RequiredCells specified to perform different functions.
ReproductionInvolves the same
single cell
Specialised cells, (germ cells) take part in reproduction.
Life spanShortLong
Examples:Amoeba, Paramecium
bacteria etc.
Plant, Fungi & Animals

Cell Shape

Cells are of variable shapes and sizes. That varies is according to their function position. Generally cells are spherical but they may be elongated (nerve cell). branched (pigmented), discoidal (RBC). Spindle-shaped (muscle cell) etc.

Cell Size

Size of cell is variable depending upon its position & function
Some are microscopic while some are visible with naked eyes. Their size may vary from 0.2 um to 18 cm.

• Size of typical cell in a multicellular organism ranges from 2-120 micron.
• The largest cell is ostrich egg (15 cm long 13cm wide & weight 1.4 kg)
• The longest cell is nerve cell (upto 1m).
• Smallest cells so far known are PPLOs e.g., mycoplasma

Components of Cell

There is an occurrence of division of labour within a Eukaryotic cell as they all got certain specific components called ‘Cell organelles. Each of them perform a specific function.

The three basic components of all the cells are:

(i) Plasma membrane
(ii) Nucleus
(iii) Cytoplasm

Cell Membrane/Plasma Membrance

(a) Plasma membrane is selectively permeable in nature, means it allows or permits the entry and exit of some materials in and out of the cell.

(b) Cell membrane is also called plasma membrane or plasma lemma.

(c) It is the limiting boundary of each cell which separates cytoplasm from its surroundings. It is found in both plant as well as animal

(d) It is the outermost covering of a cell in case of animals and lies below the cell wall in case of plants.

(e) As per the lipid model of plasma membrane. It is made up of proteins and lipids where proteins are sandwiched between bilayer of lipids.

(f) Singer and Nicholson gave the fluid mosaic model or lipid bilayer model of plasma membrane.

(g) It is flexible and can be folded, broken and reunited.
(i) Functions of Plasma Membrane:
(a) It regulates the movement of molecules inside and outside the cell.
(b) It helps in maintaining the distinct composition of the cell.

(ii) Transportation of molecules across the Plasma Membrane:
This can be done by following ways:
Diffusion – Movement of solutes or ions from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called as diffusion. It does not require energy therefore, it is called as passive transport.

Osmosis– The movement of solvent or water from its higher concentration (solvent) to lower concentration (solvent) through a semipermeable membrane is called as osmosis.

The movement of water a across semipermeable membrane is called as osmosis.

Osmosis can also be called as ‘Diffusion of solvents’

Endomosis- Movement of solvent into the cell is called Endomosis.
Exosmosis- Movement of solvent outside the cell is called Exomosis.

Types of Solutions on the Basis of Concentration and its effect on cell

(a) Isotonic Solution– When concentration of a solution outside the cell is equal to the concentration of cytoplasm of the cell, it is called as isotonic solution.

(b) Hypertonic Solution– When concentration of a solution outside the cell is more than inside of the cell. Due to this, cell loses water and becomes plasmolysed.

Plasmolysis– Shrinking of the protoplasm away from the cell wall due to
Excessive loss of water (Exosmosis) is called Plasmolysis

(c) Hypotonic Solutions– When the concentration of the solutions outside the cell is lesser than that of cytoplasm of cell, due to excessive endosmosis cell swells up and animal cell may bursts.

Cell Wall

It is the outermost covering of the plant cells and cells of fungi.

It is absent in animal cells.

Cell wall is rigid, strong, thick porous and non-living structure. In plant it is made up of cellulose and hemicelluloses. In fungi it is primarily made up of Chitin. Cell walls of two adjacent cells are joined by a layer called middle lamellae and microscopic channels called plasmodesmata for transport.

Functions of Cell Wall

(a) It provides definite shape, structure, support and protection to the cell.
(b) It provides strength to the cell.
(c) It is permeable and allows entry of molecules of different sizes & thus control intercellular Transport.

• Nucleus is the most important cell organelle which directs and controls all its cellular activities.

• It is called as ‘Headquarter of the cell’/controller of cell.

• Nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown in 1831.

• In Eukaryotes, a well-defined nucleus is present while in Prokaryotes, a well- defined nucleus is absent.

• Prokaryotes contain a primitive nucleus called Nucleoid.

• It has double layered covering called as nuclear membrane.

• Besides nuclear membrane, nucleus also contains nucleolus and chromatin material. Chromatin is made up of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and Protein, that ultimatly condense and forms chromosome.

• Chromosomes or chromatin material consists of DNA which stores and transmits hereditary information for the cell to function, grow and reproduce.

•The functional segment of DNA is called Gene.

Functions of Nucleus

(a) It direct and controls all the metabolic activities of the cell and regulates the cell cycle.

(b) It helps in transmission of hereditary characters from parents to their offsprings.

Cytoplasm is the fluid content enclosed by the plasma membrane.

Cytoplasm was discovered by Kolliker in 1862.

It is the site of both biosynthetic and catabolic pathways (Metabolic activities)

It can be divided into two parts:

(i) Cytosol – Aqueous soluble part contain various fibrous proteins forming cytoskeleton. It contain about 90% water, 7% Protein 2% carbohydrates & 1% etc.

(ii) Cell organelles – Living part of the cells having definite shape, structure and function bounded by plasma membrane.
There are single membrane bound, double membrane bound and non membrane bound Cell organelles.
Single Membrane
bound cell organelles
Double Membrane
bound cell organelles
Non Membrane
bound cell organelles
eg. ER, Lysosomes,
Golgibodies & Vacuoles
eg. Mitochondria,
These 2 also have their
own DNA material
eg. Ribosome,

Endoplasmic Reticulum

• It is the network of membrane bound tubules and sheet present in the cytoplasm.

• It was discovered by Garnier and structure given by Porter, Claude and fullum.

• These are present in all cells except prokaryotes and mammaliam erythrocytes.

Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types

Smooth ERRough ER
• Made of tubules mainly.• Made of Cisternae and vesicles.
• Helps in steroid, lipids and Polysaccharide synthesis.• Helps in protein synthesis.
• Ribosomes are absent.• Contains ribosome on its surface.

Function of ER

(a) It is the only organelle which serves as a channel for the transport of materials between various regions of cytoplasm and between cytoplasm and nucleus.

(b) It also functions as a cytoplasmic framework to provide surface for some of the biochemical activities. It forms endoskeleton of cell.

(c) It helps in synthesis of fats, protien, steroids, cholesterol etc.

(d) SER plays a crucial role in detoxification of drugs and poisonous by products.

(e) Membrane biogenesis: Protein & Lipids produced by ER are used to produce cell membrane.

Golgi apparatus

consists of a system of membrane bounded fluid filled vesicles arranged parallel to each other in stacks called Cisternae along with some large and spherical vesicles. It was discovered by Camillo Golgi. It is absent in prokaryotes, mammalian RBC’s & sieve cells.

Functions of Golgi apparatus

(a) Its function include the storage, modification, Packaging & secretion of products in vesicles.
(b) It involved in the formation of lysosomes.
(c) It is secretary in nature. It helps in melanin synthesis.
(d) It also involved in the synthesis of cell wall & plasma membrane.

• It is a rod shaped structure found in cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells except mammalian RBC’s.

• These are also absent in prokaryotes.

• It was first seen by Kolliker in insect cells in 1880.

•It is also called as ‘Power House of the Cell’ or the ‘Storage Battery’.

• It is double membranous structure where outer membrane has specific proteins while inner membrane is folded inside to form chambers called Cristae.

• Mitochondria has its own DNA & Ribosomes

Functions of Mitochondria

(a) Its main function is to produce, store and release the energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) The energy currency of the cell.
(b) It is the site for cellular respiration (Kreb cycle) in which ATP are produced.

Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis.

All structural and functional proteins (enzymes) coded by the nuclear DNA are synthesized upon cytoplasmic ribosomes. The DNA codes are transcripted into messenger RNA (mRNA) (Ribonucleic Acid) molecules, Which comes out of the Nucleolus and translated (Protein synthesis) by ribosomes attached to RER in the form of proteins.

Functions of Ribosomes

Ribosomes are the main site of protein synthesis. Synthesized proteins is transported by endoplasmic reticulum.

Plastids It is double membranous, discoidal structure, found mainly in algae and plant cells.

Besides being discoidal or rhombic in plant cells, they occur in variable shapes like in (algae.) They can be ‘U’ – shaped, spiral, coiled, ribbon-shaped etc.

They also have their own DNA and ribosomes.
Depending upon the type of pigment present in them, they are of following three types:

(i) Leucoplast – These are white or colourless and found in non- photosynthesis tissue of plant such as Root, bulb, seeds, etc. They can change into other type of plastids. The primary functions is storage of starch, oil, proteins.

(ii) Chromoplast – These are coloured plastids except green, these impart colour to fruits & flowers.

(iii) Chloroplast – It contain chlorophyll which impart green colour to leaves and, found in aerial parts of plants. It helps in the process of photosynthesis so it is called the ‘Kitchen of cell in plant.

Chloroplast have following two parts

(i) Grana- It constitutes the lamellar system. These are found layered on top of each other. These stacks are called Grana. Each granum of the chloroplast is formed by superimposed closed compartments called Thylakoids.

Function- They are the sites of light reaction of photosynthesis as they contain photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll, photosynthetic units.

(ii) Stroma– It is a granular transparent substance also called as matrix. Grana are embedded in it. Besides Grana they also contain lipid droplets, starch grains, ribosomes etc.
These are membrane bounded regions in the cytoplasm containing water and other substances. They are bounded by a single membrane called Tonoplast.

In animal cells vacuoles are absent or smaller in size. In plant cells a single large vacuole is found which occupies about 90% of the volume of cell.


It helps in maintaining osmotic pressure in a cell & stores toxic metabolic products (Waste product) water, sugar, protein etc.

They are tiny single membrane bound cell organelle containing powerful digestive enzymes for intracellular digestion.

Lysosome absent in RBC’s

Lysosomes are synthesised by golgi body & enzymes present in it are synthesised by RER.

Suicidal Bag

During disturbances in cellular metabolism (i.e., in case of cell damage), lysosomes burst and their enzymes are released into the cytoplasm which digest their own cell. Therefore they are also called ‘Suicidal Bags’.

Difference between Plant cell and Animal cell

Plant CellAnimal Cell
• Contain chloroplasts for
• No chloroplasts (plastids)
• Have a cell wall to maintain
structure and rigidity.
• No cell wall
• Usually do not contain
lysosomes and Peroxisomes.
• May Contain cilia and/or flagella
• Cells are square and rigid or
geometric shaped.
• Cells are fluidic and flexible,
many shapes.
• Have one large central vacuole.• Has small or no vacuoles.
• Have lysosome

Question 1. What is the full form of DNA?

DNA —> Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid.

Question 2.What is diffusion?

When gases like C02, 02, move across the cell membrane, this process is called diffusion.

Question 3. Name 3 features seen/present in almost every cell.

Plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm.

Question 4. What is plasma membrane made up of?

Plasma membrane is made up of proteins and lipids.

Question 5. What does protoplasm refer to?

Protoplasm refer to cytoplasm and nucleus.

Question 6. Name two cells which keep changing their shape.

Amoeba and white blood cells.

Question 7. What is the energy currency of the cell?

ATP—Adenosine Triphosphate.

Question 8. What is the function of ribosome?

Ribosomes help in protein synthesis.

Question 9. Where are genes located in the cell?

Genes are located in the chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell.

Question 10. Name the cell organelles that helps in packaging?

Golgi apparatus.

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