NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (Workbook) Integrated Grammar Practice 4

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (Workbook) Integrated Grammar Practice 4

Class 9th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameIntegrated Grammar Practice 4 
CategoryClass 9th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (Workbook) Integrated Grammar Practice 4

?English Grammar?

✍Integrated Grammar Practice 4✍

?English Grammar With Answers?

Question 1. Study the following sentences. Select the one underlined word which is incorrect. Write the incorrect answer in the boxes provided. One has been done as an example.
e.g. The National Gallery of Art at Washington D.C., is one of the world’s greatest museums.


(a) Millions of people had entered its doors to see the paintings by some of the world’s finest artists. 

(b) But if, those priceless masterpieces are to be preserved, the gallery must protected them carefully.

(c) The 150 guards have successively prevented damage and theft.

(d) But, protecting the paintings from nature was a greater problem.

Incorrect words
(a) had
(b) protected
(c) successively
(d) was

Correct words
(a) have
(b) protect
(c) successfully
(d) is

Question 2.Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one is done for you as an example. Write the answers in your answer sheet.

are / the / dreams scenarios/picture perfect houses/not a speck of dust/and no cobwebs ever/with a wrinkle-free bedcover/on the shelves
Picture perfect houses with a wrinkle-free bedcover, not a speck of dust on the shelves and no cobwebs ever are the dream scenarios.

(a) of its residents/becomes a/it reflects/a house/the personality/home when
(a) _______________________________________

(b) has to look/no rules/how our/there are/as to/home
(b) _______________________________________

(c) thing is/ inhabiting them/should enjoy/the important/that we
(c) _______________________________________

(d) about/houses are/our lives/personal statements
(d) _______________________________________

(e) the confidence/in ourselves/they reflect/we have
(e) _______________________________________

(f) we have/will be/the more/ individualistic/confidence/the more/our homes 00
(f) _______________________________________
(а) A house becomes a home when it reflects the personality of its residents.
(b) There are no rules as to how our home has to look.
(c) The important thing is that we should enjoy inhabiting them.
(d) Houses are personal statements about our lives.
(e) They reflect the confidence we have in ourselves.
(f) The more confidence we have the more individualistic our homes will be.

Question 3.Complete the following passage on Dance by choosing the correct word from the given options. The first one has been done for you.

The fact that dance (a) is an art form is a well known fact. (b) ________ dance as a therapy is not known (c) ________ many. Dance therapy involves a synthesis of the grace and vigour (d) ________ Indian classical and folk dance movements into (e) ________ innovative and holistic therapy. It brings (f) ________ the inner feelings (g) ________ the participants and can help them (h) ________ develop a healthy personality.
(i) is
(ii) been
(iii) as
(iv) being

(i) For
(ii) Although
(iii) But
(iv) While

(i) by
(ii) to
(iii) in
(iv) about

(i) on
(ii) in
(iii) of
(iv) into

(i) the
(ii) a
(iii) an
(iv) as

(f) (i) in
(ii) of
(iii) over
(iv) out

(i) about
(ii) for
(iii) in
(iv) of

(i) with
(ii) in
(iii) to
(iv) into
(b) (iii) But
(c) (ii) to
(d) (iii) of
(e) (iii)
(f) (iv) out
(g) (iv) of
(h) (iii) to

Question 4. Use the information in the headlines to complete the sentences. Choose the correct option from those given.

(a) Women Rescue Child
Two brave women of Rampur village ____________ kidnapped by his father’s distant relative.
have rescued a child who has been
have rescued a child who was being
rescued a child who had been
rescued a child who was

(b) Two killed in Collision
Two passengers travelling in a car died ____________. The driver of the truck is absconding.
after their collision of a truck
in a collision with a truck
after their car collided in a truck
when their car collided with a truck

(c) Ban on Smoking
Smoking ____________ in all public places.
has been banned
is being banned
was banned

(d) Old Building Demolished
Keeping in mind the dilapidated condition of ____________ yesterday.
the building, it was demolish
the building, it was demolished
the building, it has been demolished
the building, it will be
(a) (iii) rescued a child who had been
(b) (iv) when their car collided with a truck
(c) (i) has been banned
(d) (ii) the building, it was demolished

CBSE/NCERT Solution Class 9th English grammar with Answer