NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (Beehive Poem-4) The Lake Isle Of Innisfree Question and Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (Beehive Poem-4) The Lake Isle Of Innisfree

Class 9th
Subject English (Beehive)
Chapter NameThe Lake Isle Of Innisfree
CategoryClass 9th English (Beehive)
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English (Beehive Poem-4) The Lake Isle Of Innisfree

Poem – 4

The Lake Isle Of Innisfree

Question & Answer

Thinking about the poem
(Page 54)

I. Question 1. What kind of place is Innisfree? Think about;

1. the three things the poet wants to do when he goes back there (stanza I);
Answer: The poet wants to build a small hut of clay and wattles. He will have a nine bean-rows and a hive for the honeybees.

2. what he hears and sees there and its effect on him (stanza II);
Answer: He hears peace come dropping and the cricket sing. He sees the midnight shine and a purple glow at noon. Evenings are full of linnet’s wings. He feels happy and gets peace of mind.

3. what he hears in his “heart’s core” even when he is far away from Innisfree (stanza III).
Answer:  The poet hears the lake water lapping the shore with low sounds.

Question 2. By now you may have concluded that Innisfree is a simple, natural place, full of beauty and peace. How does the poet contrast it with where he now stands? (Read stanza III.)
Answer: The natural beauty of Innisfree is used and explained in contrast with the roads and pavements in city. The pavement is of grey colour which symbolises decay and death.

Question 3. Do you think Innisfree is only a place, or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?
Answer: The natural beauty of Innisfree is not the creation of the poet’s fancy. It is a real place that gives solace to the frustrated souls. The poet longs to live at such a beautiful and peaceful place. He misses it a lot.

II. Question 1. Look at the words the poet uses to describe what he sees and hears at Innisfree

1. bee-loud glade
Answer: These words create the picture of the hive and honeybee humming all around. It is in the glade.

2. evenings full of the linnet’s wings
Answer: Linnet is a bird with wings. When it flutters its wings, it looks beautiful. And when the bird sits on a tree amidst beautiful natural scene, it leaves an indelible impression on the minds of the beholder.

3. lake water lapping with low sounds What pictures do these words create in your mind?
Answer: It is an ordinary but bewitching scene. The waves strike the lake’s shore to create a pleasing and soothing sound.

Question 2. Look at these words;
… peace comes dropping slow Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings
What do these words mean to you? What do you think “comes dropping slow … from the veils of the morning?” What does “to where the cricket sings” mean?
Answer: These words mean that peace surrounds that area at dawn. The pleasing and melodious sound of cricket greets the morning. It adds sweetness to the serenity of the place.

NCERT Solution Class 9th Beehive All chapter Question Answer