NCERT Solutions Class 8th Science Chapter – 5 Conservation of Plants and Animals Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 8th Science Chapter – 5 Conservation of Plants and Animals

Class 7th
Subject Science
Chapter NameConservation of Plants and Animals
CategoryClass 8th Science
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 8th Science Chapter – 5 Conservation of Plants and Animals

Chapter – 5

Conservation of Plants and Animals


Global Warming

• Global warming is the change of climate on a global level.
• Usually, average temperature increases, leading to the melting of ice caps in the poles.
• Excessive pollution and deforestation cause global warming.
Endangered Animals – Animals whose numbers are diminishing to a level that they might face extinction are known as endangered animals.
Ecosystem – An ecosystem is sum total of all the plants, animals and microorganisms in an area along with non-living components such as climate, soil, river deltas, etc.
Red Data Book – Red Data Book is the source book which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and plants.

• Migration is the periodic movement of animals from one place to another.
• It is usually done for breeding and to escape harsh climates.
• Migration is common in birds and fish.
Project Tiger

• Project Tiger was launched by the government to protect and conserve the dwindling tiger population in the country.
• Several Natural parks have been associated with the project tiger initiative.
Biosphere Reserve

• Biosphere reserves are areas that are protected from human intervention.
• These areas help in the conservation of endangered species.
Endemic species – Endemic species are those species of plants and animals which are found exclusively in a particular area.
Biodiversity – It refers to the variety of living organisms found in a specific area.
Biosphere Reserve – The area that is meant for the conservation of biodiversity, i.e., wildlife, plant and animal resources together with the traditional life of the tribals.
Deforestation – Cutting of the forests and using that land for other purposes, is called deforestation.
Desertification – The soil erosion leaves less humus and makes the soil infertile, and gradually that land converts into desert. It is called desertification.
Ecosystem – The interaction between the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors is called an ecosystem.
Endangered Animals – Those animals, whose numbers are diminishing to a level that they might face extinction, are known as endangered animals.
Endemic Species – The species of living organisms, that are found only in a particular area.
Extinct – Extinct species are those species who were present in the past but now they have completely vanished.
Flora and Fauna – The plants and animals, that are found in a particular area are termed as flora and fauna of that area.
Migratory Birds – Migratory birds fly to far away areas every year during a particular time because of the climatic changes in that area.
National Park – The reserved area for wildlife where they can freely use the habitats and natural resources.
Red Data Book – The sourcebook, which keeps a record of all endangered animals and plants.
Reforestation – It is restocking of the destroyed forests by planting new trees of the same species, which were existing in that forest.
Wildlife Sanctuaries – There are some areas, that are reserved in a forest, and where wild animals are protected and preserved, are known as wildlife sanctuaries.

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