NCERT Solutions Class 7th Modals Exercises With Answers

NCERT Solutions Class 7th Modals Exercises With Answers

Class 7th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameModals
CategoryClass 7th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 7th Modals Exercises With Answers What are the 13 modal verbs with examples?, What is modal in grammar?, What is the rule of modals?, What are the basic modals?, What are the 20 verb forms?, What are the 9 main modal verbs?, How many modal verbs are in English?, Why are modals used?, What are the formulas of modals?, What are the 3 parts of modals?, Why is it called a modal?, How do you teach modals?, Why are they called modals?, What is V1 V2 V3 in grammar?, What are all 5 types of verbs?, What are the 4 main forms of verbs?, What is modals class 10?, What are the English 8 modal verbs?, What are modals in English notes?

NCERT Solutions Class 7th Modals Exercises With Answers

English Grammars



I. Uses of ‘SHALL’  

Shall is used to denote Simple Future Time in the first person (I, We): as

• I shall play.
• I shall know my result tomorrow.
• We shall go to the market.
• We shall leave for Chennai in the morning.

Shall is used in the Second and Third persons to express :

(i) Command; as

• You shall do as I say.
• You shall not disobey your elders.
• He shall not tell a lie.

(ii) Promise; as

• You shall get a prize.
• They shall be rewarded for their work.
• He shall be promoted very soon.

(iii) Compulsion or necessity; as

• You shall be fined for making noise.
• You shall not enter the kitchen with dirty feet.
• He shall be punished for taking bribe.

(iv) Determination or certainty; as

• You shall go to the market at once.
• They shall follow me.
• He shall get good marks, I am sure.

II. Uses of ‘WILL’

Will is used in the second and third persons (You, He, She, They, It) to express Simple Future Time; as

• He will arrive here tomorrow.
• You will get promotion very soon.
• They will learn painting from their teachers.
• Will is used in the first person (I, We) to express-

(i) polite request or invitation; as

• Will you open the window, please?
• Will you have some more coffee?
• Will you drop this letter today?

(ii) Willingness; as

• At night, I will help you.
• I will come with you if you want.
• We will go there for your happiness.

(iii) Promise; as

• I will definitely go with you.
• I will assist you in this matter.
• We will fight for this cause.

(iv) intention; as

• From Delhi, we will go to Shimla.
• We will visit the theatre next week.
• I will highlight his point in the office.

(v) threat; as I will teach you a lesson.

• We will punish you severely.

III. Uses of ‘SHOULD’

1. Should is the past form of shall. It is used to express duty or moral obligation in all the three persons; as

• We should obey our parents.
• People should be gentle and fair.
• He should not tell lies.
• You should come here on time.

2. Should is used when giving or seeking advice; as

• You should work hard.
• You should do regular exercise.
• How much should I pay to you?

3. Should is used to express disapproval; as

• You should not waste your time.
• You should not detain him for such a long time.

4. Should is used after lest to express purpose (usually negative); as

• Work hard lest you should fail.
• Walk slowly lest you should fall.

5. Should is used to express possibility, supposition and condition; as

• I think you should win the championship.
• He should be here by now-he left home at ten.
• This is a costlv saree; it should look beautiful.

IV. Uses of ‘WOULD’

Would is the past form of wilt Would is used to express

1. wish; as

• I would like to accompany you.
• They would like to settle the issue.

2. determination; as

• He would have his own way.
• I would buy this flat at any cost.

3. polite request; as

• Would you shut the window, please?
• Would you lend me your bicycle for an hour?

4. Willingness; as

• The boy would do as his father had told him to do.
• I would try my best to help him.

5. improbable condition; as

• If I got a lottery, I would be very happy.
• If a thief came here, he would find only books.

6. Past habit; as

• Every morning, he would go for a long walk.
• After eating food, he would take rest for an hour.

V. Uses of ‘CAN’

Can is a modal auxiliary which we use to say something is possible, that someone has ability or capacity.

1. Can is used to express ability; as

• I can solve this sum.
• He can learn Japanese.

2. Can is used for giving permission; as

• You can go to the cinema, if you wish.
• You can go home if you have done your work.

3. Can is used for seeking permission; as

• Can I go home now?
• Can I use you pencil?

4. Can is used to express possibility; as

• Any team can win this match.
• He can reach here any moment.

VI. Uses of ‘COULD’

Could is the past form of can. It is used to express

1. Polite request; as

• Could I change my seat, please?
• Could I meet the Principal; please?

2. Possibility in the past; as

• If I had money, I could buy a car.
• I wondered whether the news could be true.
• Capability or ability in the past; as I could swim when I was young.
• He could solve all the sums when he was only ten years old.

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with ‘Shall’ or ‘Will’:

1. He ……………….. go to Chennai next month.
2. You ………… not enter the kitchen with muddy shoes.
3. Rupam …………. see you again.
4. You …………. go at once.
5. I ……….. write a letter to him tomorrow.
6. ……….you do me a favour?
7. ………………. I ring him up?
8. If you desire, I ……….. come with you.
9. Do it or you…………. be punished.
10. you …………….have a cup of tea?
11. I ………… lend you a book.
12. People …………….fight for their cause.
13. We…………… be late.
14. You ……………be punished for telling lies.
15. You ……… promoted very soon


1. will
2. shall
3. will
4. shall
5. will
6. Will
7. shall
8. will
9. shall
10. will
11. will
12. Will
13. shall
14. shall
15. shall

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with ‘Would’ or ‘Should’:

1. Work hard lest you ……… fail.
2. You ………… send the reply tomorrow.
3. you ………… please lend me your bicycle?
4. You ……………. do as he says.
5. you …….. like another cup of tea?
6. She ………. said she carry my books.
7. He ……… meet me at 9 O’ clock in the morning.
8. You ………. wash your clothes.
9. They………. arrive here any time.
10. We ……… respect our elders.
11. you ………. mind helping me?
12. I …….. like to return early.
13. Make haste, lest you ………………. miss the train.
14. If you ……… change your decision, Please let us know.
15. I wish you …………… not ask so many questions.


1. should
2. should
3. Would
4. should
5. Would
6. Would
7. Would
8. should
9. should
10. should
11. Would
12. Would
13. should
14. should
15. Would

CBSE/NCERT Class 7th English Grammar

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