NCERT Solutions Class 7th Geography Social Science Chapter – 6 Human Environment Interactions (The Tropical and the Subtropical Region) Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 7th Geography Social Science Chapter – 6 Human Environment Interactions (The Tropical and the Subtropical Region)

Class 7th
Subject Geography Social Science
ChapterChapter – 6
Chapter NameHuman Environment Interactions (The Tropical and the Subtropical Region)
CategoryClass 7th Social Science Geography 
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 7th Geography Social Science Chapter – 6 Human Environment Interactions (The Tropical and the Subtropical Region) Question & Answer What are the 4 human-environment relationships? What is human-environment interaction in a sentence? What is the human-environment interaction in India? What are the 3 different types of human-environment interaction? What are 3 human and environment interactions? What is the importance of human environment interaction? What are the 5 major impacts humans have on the environment?

NCERT Solutions Class 7th Geography Social Science Chapter – 6 Human Environment Interactions (The Tropical and the Subtropical Region)

Chapter – 6

Human Environment Interactions

Question &Answer

Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.Name the continent in which the Amazon Basin in located.

Answer- South America.
Question 2.What are the crops grown by the people of the Amazon Basin?

Answer- Crops are grown by the people of Amazon Basin:

• Tapioca
• Pineapple
• Sweet-potatoes
•Cassava (manioc)
• Maize, coffee, and cocoa are other important crops.
Question  3.Name the birds that you are likely to find in the rain forests of the Amazon.

Answer- Birds:

Humming Birds
Bird of paradise with their brilliantly coloured plumage, oversized bills.
Question  4.What are the major cities located on the river Ganga?

Answer-  Major Cities located on the banks of River Ganga:

• Dev Prayag
• Rishikesh
• Haridwar
• Kanpur
• Allahabad
• Varanasi
• Patna
Question  5.Where are the one-homed rhinoceros found?

Answer: In Assam.
Question 2. Tick the correct answer:

(a) Toucans are a type of

(a) birds                             
(b) animals    
(c) crops.

Answer- (a) birds        
(b) Manioc is the staple food of

(a)  Ganga Basin                
(b) Africa  
(c) Amazon.

Answer- (c) Amazon.

(c) Kolkata is located on the river

(a)  Orange                         
(b) Hooghly   
(c) Bhagirathi.

Answer-  (b) Hooghly   

(d) Deodars and firs are a type of

(a)  Coniferous trees           
(b) Deciduous trees   
(c) Shrubs.

Answer-  (a)  Coniferous trees          

(e) Bengal tiger is found in

(a)   Mountains                    
(b) Delta area   
(c) Amazon.

Answer- (b) Delta area   
  Question 3. Match the following:

Column AColumn B
(i) Cotton textile   (a) Assam
(ii) Maloca           (b) Terrace farming
(iii) Piranha           (c) Sericulture
(iv) Silk worm       (d) Slanting roof
(v) Kaziranga             (e) Ganga plain  
 (f) Varanasi
 (g) Fish


Column AColumn B
(i) Cotton textile  (f) Varanasi
(ii) Maloca           (d) Slanting roof
(iii) Piranha          (g) Fish
(iv) Silk worm       (c) Sericulture
(v) Kaziranga            (a) Assam
Question 4. Give reasons:

The rainforests are depleting.
Paddy is grown in the Ganga-Brahmaputra plains.


The Rainforests are depleting because of the following reasons:

Developmental activities have been started in a big way, resulting in the cutting of rainforests for various purposes.

The indigenous population has been pushed out who practiced conservation activities of forests and wildlife.

Industries are being set up after clearing the forests.

Lumbering has developed.

Topsoil is washed away during rains and lush green forests turn into barren lands.

Paddy is grown in the Ganga-Brahmaputra Plains because of the following:

Deep loamy soil is found in these plains due to the deposition of silt by the rivers for thousands of years.

Rivers in floods spread a new layer of alluvial every year. Hence it does not require manuring.

Canals from rivers supply ample water for irrigation of paddy fields during the dry season.

The lower portion of the plains receives adequate rainfall.

Cheap labour is available from the densely populated plains.

Means of transportation are developed to raise the movement of paddy and rice to the nearby markets.

New technologies are being adopted by the farmers because they can afford it due – to their sound financial position.
Question 5. Map skills.

(i) Art an outline map of the Indian sub-continent, draw the rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra from the source to the mouth Also show the important tributaries of both the rivers.

(ii) On the political map of South America, draw the equator. Mark the countries through which the equator passes.
Question 6. For fun:

Make a collage to show places of attractions in India You can divide the class into different groups to show attractions based on mountain landscapes, coastal beaches, wildlife sanctuaries, and places of historical importance.

Answer- Attempt yourself.
Question 7. Activity

Collect under mentioned material and observe how the destruction of trees affects the soil cover.

(i) Three small flowerpots or food cans (e.g,, cold drinks tin cans),
(ii) One big can with holes punched in the bottom (this will act as a sprinkling can),
(iii) twelve coins or bottle caps
(iv) Soil.


Take three small cans or pots. Fill them with soil till the top. Press the soil to make it level with the top of the can. Now put four coins or bottle caps on the soil of each can. Take the big can that has been punched with holes and fill it with water. You can also take the sprinkling can from your garden. Now, sprinkle water on the three cans. On the first can sprinkle water veiy slowly so that no soil splashes out. Let moderate amount of water be sprinkled on the second can. On the third can, sprinkle the water heavily. You will observe that unprotected soil splashes out. Where the ‘rain’ is heavy the amount of soil that splashes out is the maximum and least in case of the first can. The coins or caps represent the tree covers. It is clear that if the land is cleared completely of the vegetation, the soil cover will quickly disappear.

Answer Students are suggested to do this activity themselves under the guidance of their parents/guardians.
NCERT Solution Class 7th Geography All Chapters Question Answer
Chapter – 1 Environment
Chapter – 2 Inside Our Earth
Chapter – 3 Our Changing Earth
Chapter – 4 Air
Chapter – 5 Water
Chapter – 6 Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
Chapter – 7 Life in the Deserts
NCERT Solution Class 7th Geography All Chapters Notes
Chapter – 1 Environment
Chapter – 2 Inside Our Earth
Chapter – 3 Our Changing Earth
Chapter – 4 Air
Chapter – 5 Water
Chapter – 6 Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
Chapter – 7 Life in the Deserts
NCERT Solution Class 7th Geography All Chapters MCQ
Chapter – 1 Environment
Chapter – 2 Inside Our Earth
Chapter – 3 Our Changing Earth
Chapter – 4 Air
Chapter – 5 Water
Chapter – 6 Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
Chapter – 7 Life in the Deserts

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