NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 8 Fire: Friend and Foe Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 8 Fire: Friend and Foe 

ClassClass 7th
Chapter NameFire: Friend and Foe
CategoryClass 7th English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 8 Fire: Friend and Foe Question & Answer What are the five uses of fire?, What is called flash point?, What are the three types of flash?, What temperature does petrol burn at?, What is fire point oil?, What temp does diesel ignite?, What is a low flash point?, What affects flash point?, What caused flash point?, How do you test flash point?, What does a flash point of 200 mean?, What is a good flash point?, Does water have a flash point?, What is a flash tester?, Is a high flash point good?, Is hydraulic oil flammable or combustible?, How can I improve my flash point?, Does pressure affect flash point?, Does higher pressure increase speed?, Is water flammable?, Is acetone a high flash point solvent?, Does viscosity affect flash point?

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 8 Fire: Friend and Foe 

Chapter – 8

Fire: Friend and Foe

Question & Answer

Answer the following questions

Q 1. What do you understand by the ‘flash point of a fuel ?

Answer – Every fuel has a particular temperature. The temperature at which it begins to burn is called ‘flash point of a fuel.

Q 2. (i) What are some common uses of fire ?

Answer – (i) Fire is commonly used to cook our food, warm our homes in winter and to generate electricity.

(ii) In what sense is it a “bad master” ?

Answer – (ii) It is a bad master if it gets out of control. Then it burns the things which it engulfs.

Q 3. Match items in Column A with those in Column B.

(i) fuellighted matchstick
(ii) Oxygenair
(iii) heatcoal
burning coal
smouldering  paper
cooking gas

Answer –

(i) fuelCoal
Burning coal
Smoldering paper
Cooking gas
(ii) oxygenAir
(iii) heatLighted matchstick
burning coal

Q 4. What are the three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out ?

Answer – Three things are needed to make fire – fuel, oxygen and heat. First as three things are needed to start a fire, there are three main ways in which a fire can be put out. In each, one of the three things needed for burning is taken away.

Q 5. Match the items in Box A with those in Box B

(i) To burn paper or a piece of woodit absorbs heat from the burning material and
(ii) Small fires can be put outlowers the temperature.
(iii) When water is spread on firereduces the risk of fire.
(iv) A carbon dioxide extinguisher is the best thingwith a damp blanket.
(v) Space left between buildingswe heat it before it catches fire.
to put out an electrical fire.

Answer –

(i) To burn paper or a piece of woodwe heat it before it catches fire.
(ii) Small fires can be put outwith a damp blanket.
(iii) When water is spread on fireit absorbs heat from the burning material and lowers the temperature.
(iv) A carbon dioxide extinguisher is the best thingto put out an electrical fire.
(v) Space left between buildingsreduces the risk of fire.

Q 6. Why does a burning candle go out when you blow on it?

Answer – When we blow on a burning candle, we remove the hot air around the flame. This causes fall in temperature below the flash point. So, the candle goes out.

Q 7. Spraying water is not a good way of putting out an oil fire or an electrical fire. Why not ?

Answer – If water is sprayed onto an oil fire, the oil will float on the top and continue to burn. Water can carry oil with it and continue to burn. Water should also not be used on fires caused by electrical appliances. The person might get an electric shock and get killed.

Q 8. What are some of the things you should do to prevent a fire at home and in the school ?

Answer – At home we can prevent the fire if all the electrical appliances are earthed and insulated. There should always be a bucket of sand to put out. small fires. In the school, the training should be given to students how to put out fire. The school should also have fire extinguishers which should always be ready for use.

Working Whit Language

Q 1. Read the following sentences.

To burn paper or a piece of wood, we heat it before it catches fire. We generally do it with a lighted match. Every fuel has a particular temperature at which it burns.

The verbs in italics are in the simple present tense. When we use it, we are not thinking only about the present. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general.

Find ten examples of verbs in the simple present tense in the text ‘Fire: Friend
and Foe’ and write them down here. Do not include any passive verbs.

Answer –

1. This is what we call fire.

2. Oxygen comes from the air.

3. We use it to cook our food, warm our homes in winter and to generate electricity.

4. It is sometimes said that fire is a good servant but a bad master.

5. There are three main ways in which fire can be put out.

6. The third way of putting out a fire is to remove heat.

7. The blanket of water also cuts off the supply of oxygen, and the fire is extinguished.

8. We spend millions of rupees each year in fighting fire.

9. When we blow on a burning match stick, we remove the hot air around the flame.

10. Thus the candle goes out.

Q 2. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with words from the box. You may use a word more than once.

carbon , cause , fire , smother

(i) Gandhiji’s life was devoted to the ………………… of justice and fair play.

(ii) Have you insured your house against ……………………?

(iii) Diamond is nothing but …………………….. in its pure form.

(iv) If you put too much coal on the fire at once you will … ………. it.

(v) Smoking is said to be the main……………. of heart disease

(vi) When asked by an ambitious writer whether he should put some ………………… into his stories, Somerset Maugham murmured, “No, the other way round”.

(vii) She is a ……… ……………….. copy of her mother.

(viii) It is often difficult to ……………………. a yawn when you listen to a long speech on the value of time.

Answer –

(i) cause

(ii) fire

(iii) carbon

(iv) smother

(v) cause

(vi) fire

(vii) carbon

(viii) smother.

Q 3. One word is italicised in each sentence. Find its opposite in the box and fill in the blanks.

spending , shut , destroy , subtract , increase

(i) You were required to keep all the doors open, not ………………

(ii) PUPIL : What mark did I get in yesterday’s Maths test ?
TEACHER. You got what you get when you add five and five and ………………. ten from the total.

(iii) Run four kilometres a day to preserve your health. Run a lot more to …………….. it.

(iv) If a doctor advises a lean and lanky patient to reduce his weight further, be sure he is doing it to …………………. his income.

(v) The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and ……………lay waste our powers. Words worth

Answer – 

(i) shut

(ii) subtract

(iii) destroy

(iv) increase

(v) spending.

Q 4. Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

across, along, past, through

(i) The cat chased the mouse ………………….. the lawn.

(ii) We were not allowed to cross the frontier. So we drove ……………….. it as far as we could and came back happy

(iii) The horse went ……….. …………. the winning post and had to be stopped with difficulty

(iv) It is not difficult to see ………………….. your plan. Anyone can see your motive.

(v) Go ……… the yellow line, then turn left. You will reach the post office in five minutes.

Answer –

(i) across

(ii) along

(iii) past

(iv) through

(v) along.

Speaking and Writing

Q 1.  Look at the following three units. First re-order the items in each unit to make a meaningful sentence. Next, re-order the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph. Use correct punctuation marks in the paragraph.

(i) and eighteen fire tenders struggled/the fire began on Monday/to douse the blaze till morning

(ii) in a major fire/over 25 shops/were gutted

(iii) but property/was destroyed/worth several lakhs/no casualties were reported.

Answer – (i) The fire began on Monday and eighteen fire tenders struggled to douse the blaze till morning.

(ii) Over 25 shops were gutted in a major fire.

(iii) No casualties were reported but property worth several lakhs was destroyed.

Paragraph The fire began on Monday. Over 25 shops were gutted in a major fire. Till morning, eighteen fire tender, struggled to douse the blaze. No casualties were reported but property worth several lakhs was destroyed.

Q 2. Read the following newspaper report given in the box below.

Fire Station Goes Up in Flames

A fire chief was embarrassed when a station without a smoke alarm went up in flames. The building and a fire engine were destroyed in the blaze. Nobody was injured in the fire that was tackled by 30 firefighters in six fire engines from neighbouring towns.

Answer – For self-attempt. Read this interesting news and enjoy it.

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