NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 1 Three Questions Question & Answer


NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 1 Three Questions 

Chapter NameThree Questions
CategoryClass 7th English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 1 Three Questions Question & Answer Who was the beard man?, What made the king happy?, Who was the king’s enemy?, Who was the braided man?, Why do men wear facial hair?, Do girls like beards?, Can a 16 year old grow a beard?, Is facial hair sexier?, Who wrote Three Questions?, What is the summary of Three Questions?, Where did the hermit live in Three Questions?, How did the hermit look like?, Who was the bearded man in Three Questions?, What is the moral of the three questions?, Who is the hermit in the three questions?, What is the main theme of the three questions? and much more.

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter – 1 Three Questions 

Chapter – 1

Three Questions

Question & Answer

Working With The Text

Answer The Following Question.

Question 1. Why was the King advised to go to magicians ?
Answer – In order to decide the right time to do something, one needs to know the future and that could be done by magicians only. So the king was advised to go to magicians.

Question 2. In Answer to the second question, whose advice did the people say would be important to the King ?
Answer – To Answer the second question, the advice of councillors, or doctors and priests, would be important.

Question 3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third question ?
Answer – A few suggestions were made in answer to the third question. The most important thing was suggested to be science, fighting and moreover religious worship.

Question 4. Did the wise men win the reward ? If not, why not?
Answer – The wise men did not win the reward as they gave different answers to his questions.

Question 5. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?
Answer – The King with the help of hermit removed the wounded man’s clothes, washed his wound and covered it with his handkerchief. He redressed it till the blood stopped flowing.

Question 6. (i) Who was the bearded man ?
Answer – 
The bearded man was the sworn enemy of the king who had put bearded man’s brother to death. He had taken away all his property, too.

(ii) Why did he ask for the King’s foregiveness ?
Answer –
He had sworn revenge on the king. But the king had saved his life by dressing his wound. The bearded man felt grateful and asked for forgiveness.

Question 7. The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness ?Answer – To show his forgiveness, the king promised to send his servants and doctor to look after him. He was happy to have made peace with the enemy. The king also promised to return his property.

Question 8. What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer do you like most, and why ?
Answer –
 (i) The most important time was when the King was digging the beds for the hermit. The hermit then was the most important man, and the most important business was to help the hermit.

(ii) The most important time was when the king was dressing the man’s wounds. The bearded man was the most important person, and the service given to that man was King’s most important business.

(iii) The most important time is ‘present. The most important person is with when one is at the moment. To do a good deed to the person is the most important business. I feel the third answer is the most appropriate one. If we do the right at the present moment, everything will be ‘all right in future.

Working With Language

Question 1. Match items in List A with their meanings in List B.
fainted : lost consciousness
(i) woundedgot up from sleep
(ii) awoke give back
(iii) forgivesmall patches of ground for plants
(iv) faithfulseverely injured
(v) pity pardon
(vi) bedsloyal
(vii) returnfeel sorry for
Use any three of the above words in sentences of your own. You may change the form of the word.

Answer –

(i) woundedseverely injured
(ii) awokegot up from sleep
(iii) forgivepardon
(iv) faithfulloyal
(v) pityfeel sorry for
(vi) bedssmall patches of ground for plants
(vii) returngive back

Question 2. Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in Brackets.

He has ………………. to help me. Do you think he will remember his ……………. ? (promise)
He has promised to help me. Do you think he will remember his promise ?

(i) The …………………..said that only fresh evidence would make him change his ………….. (judge)
Answer – Judge, Judgement.

(ii) I didn’t notice any serious………………. Of opinion among the debaters, although they …………………..from one another over small points. (differ)

Answer – Difference, Differed

(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to ………….., but will you accept my ………….as final ? (answer)

Answer – Answer, Answer

(iv) It isn’t. ……………….. that ……………………should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)

Answer – Necessary, Necessity

(v) Hermits are…….. ………… men. How they acquire their …… no one can tell. (wise)

Answer – wise, wisdom

(vi) The committee has ……………….. to make Jagdish captain of the team. The …………….. is likely to please everyone. (Decide)

Answer – Decided, decision

(vii) Asking for…………………….. is as noble as willingness to …….. (forgive)
Answer – 
Foregiveness, forgive

Speaking and writing

Question 1. Imagine you are the King. Narrate the incident of your meeting the hermit. Begin like this:

The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answers. One day I decided to go and meet the hermit….

Answer – 
The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answer. One day I decided to go and meet the hermit who was known for his wisdom. When I reached his hut, he was digging the earth. He greeted me and kept digging. I put my questions before him but he even kept mum.

He was feeling tired. I took the spade and started digging for him. I repeated my request for answering the questions. Just then a bearded man came there. I had to redress his wound and consoled him. The hermit served him with food and shelter. Before coming back, I repeated my questions to the hermit. At last the sage gave answers to my satisfaction. I have made peace with my enemy by then.

Question 2. Imagine you are the hermit. Write briefly the incident of your meeting the king. Begin like this:

One day I was digging in my garden. A man in ordinary Clothes came to see me. I knew it was the king…

Answer – 
One day I was digging in my garden. A man in ordinary clothes came to see me. I knew it was the King, but kept digging. I worked hard and got tired. He put three questions before me to answer, but I kept mum. He asked me to give my spade and he started digging.

Just then I saw a bearded man coming and made the king turn around. I with the help of king dressed the wounded bearded man and took him in the hut. I served him with food and he slept. The king repeated his questions. Only then I gave the answers to his satisfaction. He regarded me with a bow head and went to his capital.

NCERT Solution Class 7th Honeycomb All chapter Question Answer

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