NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (An Alien Hand) Chapter – 6 I Want Something in a Cage Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (An Alien Hand) Chapter – 6 I Want Something in a Cage

Class  7th
Subject English 
Chapter 6th
Chapter NameI Want Something in a Cage
CategoryClass 7th English With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 7th English An Alien Hand Chapter – 6 I Want Something in a Cage Question & Answer Who said I want something in a cage?, What is moral of the story something in cage?, Who was Mr Purcell’s job?, How did the poet show his love for the Dove?, What described tiger is in cage?, Why did she put the bird in a cage?, Why is Mr compared to an owl?, What happened to the bird when he was put into a cage?, Why did the bird refuse to stay in the cage?, Did Mr Purcell believe in ghost?, What is the meaning of smirk I want something in a cage?, What is the saying about a bird in a cage?, Why the man buy the doves which were in the cage?, Are birds happy in cages?, Do birds suffer in a cage?, What do the two birds symbolize of caged bird?

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English (An Alien Hand) Chapter – 6 I Want Something in a Cage

Chapter – 6

I Want Something in a Cage

Question Answer

I Want Something in a Cage Comprehension 

Question 1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following statements.
(i) Mr. Purcell sold birds, cats, dogs and monkeys ……………..
(ii) He was very concerned about the well-being of the birds and animals in his shop. ……………..
(iii) He was impressed by the customer who bought the two doves. ……………..
(iv) He was a successful shipowner, though insensitive and cold as a person. ……………..
Answer – (i) True
(ii) False
(iii) False
(iv) True.
Question 2. Why is Mr. Purcell compared to an owl ?
Answer – He is compared to an owl because the way he looked through his large glasses gave him an appearance of an owl.
Question 3. From the third paragraph pick out
(i) words associated with cries of birds,
(ii) words associated with noise
(iii) words suggestive of confusion and fear.
Answer – (i) Twitters, squeals, cheeps and squeals.
(ii) Scampered, flicker, stir, rustling
(iii) Frightened, bewildered and blindly seeking.
Question 4. “…..Mr. Purcell heard it no more than he would have heard the monotonous ticking of a familiar clock.” (Read para beginning with “It was a rough day…”)
(i) What does ‘iť refer to ?
(ii) Why does Mr. Purcell not hear ‘iť clearly ?
Answer – (i) ‘It’ refers to the chirping, squealing and mewing all around Mr. Purcell in his birds selling shop.
(ii) Mr. Purcell is so much used to hear the fluttering and sounds of the birds that it becomes a matter of routine for him. The sounds are so much vibrating around him is that Mr. Purcell does not hear these clearly.


Question 1. Do you think the atmosphere of Mr. Purcell’s shop was cheerful or depressing ? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer – I think the atmosphere around the shop of Mr. Purcell was quite dull and dreary. The shop was filled with frantic circles and frightened voices. The twittering and squeals and squeaks of birds ever made the matter worse and monotonous.
Question 2. Describe the stranger who came to the pet shop. What did he want ?
Answer – The stranger who came to the pet shop was wearing a cheap ill-fitting suit. He had a shuttling glance and close – cropped hair. He wanted something in a cage.
Question 3.
(i) The man insisted an buying the doves because he was fond of birds. Do you agree ?
(ii) How had he earned the five dollars he had ?
Answer – (i) The man was not that much fond of birds. In fact he insisted on buying doves because he wanted to set the doves free. He seemed to be imprisoned for a long time. That is why he wanted to make the doves realise the importance of freedom.

 (ii) The man had earned five dollars in a long period of ten years’ hard labour. He had earned fifty cents a year.

Question 4. Was the customer interested in the care and feeding of the doves he had bought? If not, why not ? :
Answer – I don’t think the customer was interested in the care and feeding of the doves. This is because he set them free immediately after buying them.

Exercises Question and Answer

Question 1. Why, in your opinion, did the man set the doves free ?
Answer – The man seemed to have been imprisoned for a long time. It was his love for freedom which inspired him to spend his hard earned money on buying the doves. He seemed to value freedom more than anything else. That is why, just after buying the doves, the man did not even pause for a moment to set the doves free.
Question 2. Why did it make Mr. Purcell feel “vaguely insulted” ?
Answer – Mr. Purcell felt vaguely insulted because he had given the pair of doves at a good discount. He thought that the customer desperately needed the doves. He failed to understand as to why the man who had bargained for the best pair of doves had set them free.

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