NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter – 2 Diversity and Discrimination Question & Answer

Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter - 2 Diversity and Discrimination Question & Answer
Last Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science Civics  Chapter – 2 Diversity and Discrimination

Class 6th
Subject Social Science
Chapter NameDiversity and Discrimination
CategoryClass 6th Social Science Civics
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
What is discrimination What are examples of diversity? What are the main causes of discrimination? What is the most common discrimination? What does diversity mean? What is equality diversity and discrimination? Why is diversity meaning?

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter – 2 Diversity and Discrimination

Chapter – 2

Diversity and Discrimination

Question & Answer

Q. 1. Match the following statements in a way that challenges stereotypes
(a) Two surgeons were sitting down to lunch when one of them made a call on the mobile phone.1. Suffers from chronic asthma.
(b) The boy who won the drawing competition went to the dias.2. to become an astronaut which she did.
(c) One of the fastest athletes in the world.3. to speak with her daughter who had just returned from school.
(d) She was not that well-off but had a dream.4. on a wheelchair to collect his prize.
Answer – 
(a). 3. Remark. Many people have formed a stereotype that people living in cities or having influential jobs like surgeon are busy and do not give time to their family. But this example proves that feelings for the family are universal and the surgeon wanted to talk to her daughter.

(b). 4. Remark. This challenges the stereotype that crippled children are good for nothing. But the truth is that they have only one, or probably two defective organs, but they can still use their mind and talent and win prizes like this boy. .

(c). 1. Remark. This challenges the stereotype that chronic asthma patients can not run fast or take part in sports.

(d). 2. Remark. This challenges the stereotype that only influential and high- class people can dream big. Even poor people can dream big and prove themselves.
Q. 2. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affects the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house.
Answer – The Stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect the life of a daughter in the following ways:
• They are not properly cared for.
• They are not given preference for higher education.
• They are not allowed to attend/join schools.
• They are married early.
• They are not provided nourishing food.
• They are engaged early in household works/chores.
Q. 3. What does the Constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal ?
Answer – Our Constitution provides that the state shall not discriminate against any citizen on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex, or region. It is important for all people to be equal because only then our society would develop in the true sense of the term. It is our right to be treated equally. It is our right to be given due respect. It is our right to be given equal opportunities. In absence of all these, our life would be hell. Our personality would be suppressed. Hence, we need equality so that we may go ahead without any hindrances. We may prove ourselves helpful in the development of the society and country.
Q. 4. Sometimes people make prejudiced comments in our presence. We are often not in a position to do anything about this because it is difficult to say something right then and there. Divide the class into groups and each group discuss what they could do in one of the following situations:
(a) A friend begins to tease a classmate because he is poor.
(b) You are watching TV with your family and one of them makes a prejudicial comment about a particular religious community.
(c) Children in your class refuse to share their food with a particular person because they think she is dirty.
(d) Someone tells you a joke that makes fun of a community because of their accent.
(e) Some boys make remarks about girls not being able to play games as well as them. Discuss in class what the different groups have suggested for the above situations, and also talk about the problems that can come up when   raising the issue.
Answer – 
(a) The Classmate needs to be advised not to do so.
(b) would stop him or her at the first instance.
(c) They would be asked to see her qualities of head and heart and not of her dirtiness.
(d) They would be asked not to do so.
(e)  Now discuss this yourself in the class in groups.
NCERT Solution Class 6th Civics All Chapters Question Answer
Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity
Chapter 2 – Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 3 – What is Government
Chapter 4 – Panchayati Raj
Chapter 5 – Rural Administration
Chapter 6 – Urban Administration
Chapter 7 – Rural Livelihoods
Chapter 8 – Urban Livelihoods
NCERT Solution Class 6th Civics All Chapters MCQ
Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity
Chapter 2 – Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 3 – What is Government
Chapter 4 – Panchayati Raj
Chapter 5 – Rural Administration
Chapter 6 – Urban Administration
Chapter 7 – Rural Livelihoods
Chapter 8 – Urban Livelihoods
NCERT Solution Class 6th Civics All Chapters Notes
Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity
Chapter 2 – Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 3 – What is Government
Chapter 4 – Panchayati Raj
Chapter 5 – Rural Administration
Chapter 6 – Urban Administration
Chapter 7 – Rural Livelihoods
Chapter 8 – Urban Livelihoods

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