NCERT Solutions Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading II With Questions And Answers

NCERT Solutions Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading II

Class 6th
Subject English Grammar
Chapter NameUnseen Passage Reading II
CategoryClass 6th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading II – In today’s post, we will do unseen passage reading II and learn.

NCERT Solutions Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading II

English Grammar

Unseen Passage

Questions And Answers

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow:

Passage 1:

The giraffe is the tallest of all living land animals. A male can go up to 18 feet and a female upto 15 feet. Such height enables them to escape the competition for ground level grass that exists among other leaf-eaters. It also gives him a long range of vision. He takes the warning of the approaching enemy early.

Giraffes eat a variety of leaves, but acacia leaves are their favourite diet. In spring when many trees are not in leaf, they spend 80 per cent of the day eating. In summer, when trees are in full leaf, they need only 15 per cent. The rest of the time is spent in resting and quarreling. A giraffe’s long neck is made up like that of man and most other mammals, of only seven vertebrae. The bones are attached to one another with ball and socket joints. These make the neck flexible. It can run at 50 km per hour. Rising from a lying position is a problem for such a large animal. So it usually keeps standing even while it sleeps. To reach water with such a long neck and legs, a giraffe spreads its front legs wide apart. Then it lowers its neck to drink. This awkward position makes it easy for the lion to attack it.

Word-Notes: Conflicts – quarrels, fighting – विवाद , झगड़ा  , Resources – natural assets संसाधन Generations – पीढ़ियाँ    Ensure – make sure  Collapsing – coming to an end – खत्म हो जाना।

On the basis of your reading of the above passage fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Q1. A giraffe is the

(a) of all land animals. The height of a (b) giraffe can go upto 18 feet. The (c) _____of a female giraffe can be upto 15 feet. With this height it doesn’t have to (d) __ with other animals for leaves. This enables it to see its (e) from a long distance. It, however, creates problem in reaching (f) in tanks.

Аnswer –

(a) tallest
(b) male
(c) height
(d) compete
(e) enemy
(f) water

Q2. Find words from the above passage that mean opposite to the following:

(a) dead
(b) detached
(c) stiff
(d) hind
(e) narrow

Аnswer –

(a) living
(b) attached
(c) flexible
(d) front
(e) wide

Passage 2

Using ‘ear’ phones while driving can be far more dangerous than driving under the influence of liquor.

Latest research says drivers using these mobile phones as a means of faster day-to-day communications may be heading for an accident. The study has shattered the common belief that drinking is the chief cause of the majority of road mishaps. Talking on mobile phones increases the risk to one’s life compared to driving after being drunk. The findings of the study are based on the survey of several cases of road accidents.

In fact, a study of the records of drivers involved in 699 such mistakes showed that the risk of accident for those who talk on phone while driving was at least four times higher compared to those driving in a state of drunkenness. The only advantage for those driving with cellular phone was that they could summon immediate help through these phones. The study which is relevant for the entire world is relevant for India as well. Here too these phones are being used increasingly for communication and business transactions.

Q1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following sentences.

(a) Using ear phones while driving is very dangerous because
(b) Accidents on the road can be caused because of
(c) Latest research has made it clear that
(d) With the help of a mobile phone one can
(e) Cell phones are being used increasingly in India for.

Аnswer –

(a) it diverts the mind of the driver
(b) talking on mobile phones and driving after being drunk
(c) drinking is not the chief cause of road accidents
(d) summon immediate help
(e) communication and business transactions

Q2. Find a word from the above passage that means the same as

(a) risky
(b) accidents
(c) call

Аnswer –

(a) dangerous
(b) mishaps
(c) summon

Passage 3

A myth has been built around the pelican, one of the oldest surviving birds. It is a commonly held belief that the mother feeds her chicks on her own blood. So people have regarded the pelican as most affectionate and dutiful bird.

The large bill of the bird makes it very easy to recognise it. It has a short tail, short legs, long wings and a large bag under its bill. Because of its webbed toes, the pelican finds walking on the land difficult.

However, it is a delight to watch these birds in flight. The pelican has figured among the largest of birds. It has a wing span of upto 2.75 metres, and weighs between 4.5

and 11 kg. It lives in places with a moderate climate. It migrates to India, Africa and Iran in winter because its wings do not give sufficient protection against the cold. The brown pelican is the smallest of the pelicans. It dives its head long into water from quite a height to get at its prey. The other six species of pelicans have a white plummage. Pelicans are very sociable birds. They travel, rest, nest and even fish together. The young pelicans take wing when they are about two months old. The nests of pelicans are far from the source of any food. Therefore, the adults have to fly great distances to get food.

Word-Notes: Entertainment – enjoyment  मनोरंजन |  Pastime – hobby, leisure activity रूचि। Dazzled -amazed हैरान रह जाना।

Q1. Below you can find a summary of the above passage. Fill in each blank with one word/phrase to complete it.

Pelican is one of the oldest (a) __birds. It is believed that its young ones are fed by the mother’s (b) ________Perhaps due to this, pelican is regarded as the (c) ________and dutiful bird. It has long (d) ________webbed feet and a very short tail. Pelican finds it difficult to walk on land because of its (e) ________It lives in places where the climate is (f) __. In all there are (g)________species of pelicans.

Аnswer –

(a) surviving
(b) own blood
(c) most affectionate
(d) wings and
(e) webbed toes
(f) moderately cold
(g) seven

Q2. Find words from the above passage that mean the same as

(a) enough
(b) friendly

Аnswer –

(a) sufficient
(b) sociable

Passage 4

A volcano is a burning mountain with a great hole running deep into the earth. Out of it come smoke, gases and stones. The mouth of the opening is called the crater of the valcano. Volcanoes are not always burning. Sometimes a volcano will remain quiet for centuries. And then it will suddenly become active. This is called volcanic eruption. When the eruption takes place, great clouds of ashes, dust, gas and steam rise from the crater. Loud noises come from the crater. After sometime, white hot molten rock, called lava begins to flow down the mountain sides. This may go on for days or weeks. Then the volcano will ‘go to sleep’ again for many years. Most volcanoes are found near the seas.

Word-Notes:  Centuries-several hundred years सदियाँ। Crater – the mouth or opening on top of the mountain ज्वालामुखी  Molten– in liquid form पिघला हुआ। Eruption-bursting फूट पड़ना। Go to sleep-become calm or inactive निष्क्रिय हो जाना।

Q1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following:
(a) A volcano is a burning mountain which .
(b) When a volcano becomes active, .
(c) Lava refers to .
(d) A crater is the mouth of the .
(e) Most volcanoes are found __ .

Аnswer –

(a) spits fire from a deep hole in the earth
(b) ashes, dust, steam, smoke and lava rise from its mouth
(c) white hot molten rock
(d) opening on the top of a volcanic mountain
(e) near the sea

Q2. Find words from the above passage that mean opposite to:

(a) closing
(b) dormant
(c) far
(d) noisy

Аnswer –

(a) opening
(b) active
(c) near
(d) quiet.

Passage 5

There was a lion who was the king of the forest. He was big, fierce and strong. All the other animals brought him gifts from every comer of the forest. They were really afraid of him.
‘King must have ministers to help him’, the lion thought one day. And he sent for the fox.
‘You are known to be veiy wise and clever. I want you to be my Home Minister.’ “Many many thanks for this honour, your majesty”, said the fox, bowing low.
Then he called a panther and said, “You are known to be very alert and swift-footed. You will be my Defence Minister.”
“Thank you, Sir,” said the panther.
The next to be summoned was a crow.
“You can fly high and can see distant objects. So you’ll be my Foreign Minister.”
“I am grateful to you, my master,” said the crow. The three ministers swore to remain
loyal to the king. The lion, in return promised to feed and protect them.

Word-Notes: Fierce-wild and violent उग्र। Grateful – thankful कृतज्ञ। Swore-said on oath शपथ ली। Alert watchful सावधान, Summoned called, sent for बुला भेजा।

Q1. On the basis of the reading of the above passage complete the following sentences:

(a) The forest animals were afraid of the lion because
(b) The new idea that came to the lion’s mind was
(c) The lion appointed the fox his Home Minister because
(d) The lion appointed the panther his Defence Minister because
(e) The lion appointed the crow his Foreign Minister because.

Аnswer –

(a) he was big, fierce and strong
(b) to have ministers to help him
(c) of his cleverness
(d) of his altertness
(e) of his ability to fly high and see distant objects

Q2. Find words from the above passage that mean the same as

(a) violent
(b) watchful
(c) very far
(d) faithful.

Аnswer –

(a) fierce
(b) alert
(c) distant
(d) loyal.

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