NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (A Pact with the Sun) Chapter – 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (A Pact with the Sun) Chapter – 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile

Class 6th
Subject English
Chapter NameThe Monkey and the Crocodile
CategoryClass 6th English
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (A Pact with the Sun) Chapter – 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile Question & Answer Why did the monkey love their king? What is the moral of the monkey? What is the moral of the story the turtle and monkey? What is the moral of the monkey paw? What is the moral the story? What is the character sketch of monkey? Can you tell me a moral story?

NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (A Pact with the Sun) Chapter 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile

Chapter – 5

The Monkey and the Crocodile

Question & Answer

Question 1. The monkey was happy living in the fruit tree, but his happiness was not complete. What did he miss ?
Answer – The monkey was happy in his fruit tree home. He had plenty to eat, but he had no company. He felt lonely. He needed a companion to talk to and also to share his fuits.

Question 2. What did the two friends generally talk about ?
Answer – The monkey and the crocodile became fast friends. They talked about birds  and animals. They also discussed the difficulties of the farmers when the rain failed.

Question 3. Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed with her husband one day ?
Answer – One day, the crocodile overstayed with the monkey. His wife had to manage the little ones alone. So she was annoyed with him.

Question 4. Why was the crocodile unwilling to invite his friend home ?
Answer – The crocodile’s wife wanted to eat the heart of the monkey. The crocodile refused to oblige her. He could not betray his fast friend. He shouted at her angrily.

Question 5. What did the crocodile tell the monkey midstream?
Answer – The crocodile could not displease his wife for the sake of his friend. One day he let the monkey sit on his back, and sailed out. He reached the midstream. Then he revealed his evil plan. He admitted that he meant to kill him and take his heart to his wife.

Question 6. How did the monkey save himself ?
Answer – The monkey was sad and terrified. But he was clever enough to make a plan to save his life. He said that he would gladly give away his heart to his friend’s wife. But unfortunately, he had left his heart on the tree. The stupid crocodile swam back to the tree to collect the heart. The monkey jumped onto the tree and thus saved himself.

Question 7. What does the last sentence of the story suggest ? What would the crocodile tell his wife ?
Answer – The crocodile was in a fix. He wanted to make an excuse for his failure. He told his wife that the monkey would be reaching there soon with lots of fruit as well as his heart. or Finally the crocodile would muster courage to tell have in strong and effective terms how she has spoiled a good relationship and that then we are areas where she really had to improve and change herself

NCERT Solutions Class 6th A Pact with the Sun Question Answer All Chapters
Chapter – 1 A Tale of Two Birds
Chapter – 2 The Friendly Mongoose
Chapter – 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure 
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Chapter – 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile 
Chapter – 6 The Wonder Called Sleep
Chapter – 7 A Pact with the Sun
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