NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter – 1 Understanding Diversity Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter - 1 Understanding Diversity Notes
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NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter – 1 Understanding Diversity

Class  6th
Subject Social Science
Chapter Name Understanding Diversity
CategoryClass 6th Social Science (Civics)
Medium English
SourceLast doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter – 1 Understanding Diversity

Chapter – 1

Understanding Diversity


Diversity in India – India is a country of vast diversity. People speak different languages, celebrate different festivals and eat various types of food. Diversity is a reality created by individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of demographic and philosophical differences.
Factors Influencing Diversity – Historical and geographical factors are the two factors that influence the diversity of a region. The life of people near the sea is different from the people in a mountainous area.
Ladakh – Ladakh is a land with awesome physical features and is set in an enormous and spectacular environment. It is surrounded by the world’s mightiest mountain ranges, the Karakoram in the North and the Great Himalayas in the South.
Kerala – Kerala is located in the South-Western part of India. It is surrounded by sea on one side and hills on the other.
Unity in Diversity – India is a land of different religions and communities. There is a great diversity in our habits and customs and yet we all live together as Indians. “Unity in Diversity” has been the distinctive feature of our country.

• Everyone on earth differs from each other with respect to aspects like looks, behaviour, culture, religion, language, talent etc. This means that there is diversity among people in these aspects. Diversity means the lack of uniformity and a sense of variety.

• Inequality comes about among people when they have different access to resources and opportunities. The caste system, religion, financial well-being, education, etc. are various forms of inequality in society.

• India is a country of several diversities. Since it is a very big country, people in different parts differ in their customs, language, habits, etc. These diversities arise from the fact that different regions have different histories and environments.

• Despite the diversities listed above, there are similarities that unite us. We all are Indian and during the freedom struggle, the whole country came together to send away the British, Irrespective of their diverse backgrounds. The Indian national flag is the most important national symbol and it reminds us of our unity in diversity.
Diversity – The sense of variety that exists in the traits, looks, behaviour, culture, religion, language, abilities, resources and opportunities related to different people is said to be diversity.
Inequality – The differences between two or more people that arise because of their abilities, resources and opportunities, or their caste, etc. are termed as inequalities.
Habitat – The geographical area where a living being has adapted and lives comfortably is called the habitat of that living being.

• Anything that can be of any use in any activity is said to be a resource.

• The Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre: On April 13, 1919, a British general and his troops attacked a large meeting of unarmed people. Several men and women were killed brutally. This incident is called the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre after the name of the meeting place in Amritsar, Punjab.

• This anecdote is from Poile Sengupta’s ‘The Lights Changed. Samir befriends a small ragged newspaper boy while waiting for the traffic light to turn green. The friendship develops slowly over a period of a few days. It shows that friendship can develop between two very different persons as well. Coincidentally, the newsboy’s name was also Samir.

• But he happened to be ‘a Muslim Samir’. The two Samir’s came from different religions. Moreover, they have different opportunities. While one went to school, the other could not.

1. What are the two main types of diversity?

Diversity comes in two levels, with surface-level diversity being individual traits that are visible, such as age, gender diversity, visible disabilities, ethnicity, and body shape. The other side of the iceberg is deep-level diversity which covers the non-visible characteristics that make everyone unique.

2. What are the three types of biodiversity?

Biodiversity is usually explored at three levels – genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. These three levels work together to create the complexity of life on Earth.

3. Why is 22 May Biodiversity Day?

International Day for Biological Diversity – Geneva … Although it was originally celebrated in late December, the UN General Assembly later decided to move the date to 22 May, which commemorates the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992. Biodiversity is the living fabric of our planet.

4. What is diversity in NCERT?

The history of many places shows us how many different cultural influences have helped to shape life and culture there. Thus regions became very diverse because of their unique histories. Similarly diversity also comes about when people adapt their lives to the geographical area in which they live.

5. Who gave is diversity?

The phrase ‘unity in diversity’ is coined by Jawaharlal Nehru.

6. Who formed diversity?

Diversity has always been a family affair, thanks to the dedication of founder members Ashley Banjo, 30, and his younger brother Jordan, 26. The crew members – who all hail from Essex and east London – were already the UK dance champions when they auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent.

7. What are the 3 main characteristics of diversity?

Primary characteristics of diversity are usually the most visible; for example, gender, race, sexual orientation, and age, although often these may not be apparent.

8. What is age diversity?

5 Benefits Of Age Diversity In The Workplace | Vervoe The age diversity definition is simply the acceptance of employees of different ages in the workplace. Age-based diversity is similar to generational diversity in that it seeks to combat age discrimination.

9. What is social diversity?

In short, social diversity refers to differences seen in a particular society with respect to religions, cultural backgrounds, social status, economic status, and so on. Social diversity is regarded as something that makes the universe more liveable and attractive (Young 1994).

10. What is hidden diversity?

What is ‘hidden diversity’? It is s life and world view but is not readily apparent on the outside, unlike the usual diversity markers such as race, ethnicity, nationality, etc. –Ruth E. Van Reken and Paulette Bethel, CIES, 2003.

11. Why India is rich in biodiversity?

The reason for the rich heritage of flora and fauna in India, is due to varied climatic conditions in India, presence of many rivers, presence of rich and variety of soils. India has varied physiological features like plateau, deserts, coastal areas, islands, mountains.

12. What is biodiversity 2023?

The theme for 2023 is “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity”, which signifies the pressing requirement to go beyond mere commitments and transform them into concrete actions aimed at revitalizing and safeguarding biodiversity.

13. What is India’s diversity?

India is a country of great racial diversity, with a wide variety of different ethnic and linguistic groups. The population is primarily an admixture of the following races: Indo-Aryans, Dravidians, and Mongoloids. The country is also home to several tribal groups, each with distinct cultures and traditions.
NCERT Solution Class 6th Civics All Chapters Notes
Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity
Chapter 2 – Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 3 – What is Government
Chapter 4 – Panchayati Raj
Chapter 5 – Rural Administration
Chapter 6 – Urban Administration
Chapter 7 – Rural Livelihoods
Chapter 8 – Urban Livelihoods
NCERT Solution Class 6th Civics All Chapters Question Answer
Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity
Chapter 2 – Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 3 – What is Government
Chapter 4 – Panchayati Raj
Chapter 5 – Rural Administration
Chapter 6 – Urban Administration
Chapter 7 – Rural Livelihoods
Chapter 8 – Urban Livelihoods
NCERT Solution Class 6th Civics All Chapters MCQ
Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity
Chapter 2 – Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 3 – What is Government
Chapter 4 – Panchayati Raj
Chapter 5 – Rural Administration
Chapter 6 – Urban Administration
Chapter 7 – Rural Livelihoods
Chapter 8 – Urban Livelihoods

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