NCERT Solutions Class 6th Maths Chapter -14 Practical Geometry
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | 6th |
Subject | Mathematics |
Chapter | 14th |
Chapter Name | Practical Geometry |
Category | Class 6th Mathematics |
Medium | English |
Source | Last Doubt |
NCERT Solutions For Class 6th Maths Chapter 14 Exercise – 14.2 consists of exercise wise solved questions of Practical Geometry topic. These pdf can be downloaded easily and could be used for learning anywhere and at any time. To get an idea of the types of questions asked from Practical Geometry and the methods of solving these problems in the right way, students have to refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Maths Chapter 14 Practical Geometry without fail.
NCERT Solutions Class 6th Maths Chapter -14 Practical Geometry
Chapter -14
Practical Geometry
Exercise – 14.2
Question 1. Draw a line segment of length 7.3 cm using ruler. Solution:
Step I: Mark at point P.
Step II : Place the O mark of the ruler against the point P.
Step III : Mark a point Q at a distance of 7.3 cm from P.
Step IV : Join P and Q.
Thus PQ¯ is the line segment of length 7.3 cm. |
Question 2. Construct a line segment of length 5.6 cm using ruler and compass. Solution:
Step I: Draw any line L of suitable lengths.
Step II : Place the needle of the compass on the zero mark of the ruler and open it upto 5.6 mark.
Step III : Place the needle at any point A at the line and draw an arc to cut l at B.
Thus, AB¯ is the required line segment of length 5.6 cm. |
Question 3. Construct AB¯ of length 7.8 cm. From this, cut off AC¯ of length 4.7 cm. Measure BC¯ . Solution:
Given that AB¯ = 7.8 cm and AC¯ = 4.7 cm.
Step I : Place zero mark of the ruler at A.
Step II : Mark a point B at a distance of 7.8 cm from A.
Step III : Mark another point C at a distance of 4.7 cm from A such that AC = 4.7 cm.
Step IV : On measuring the length of BC, we find that BC¯ = 3.1 cm.
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Question 4. Given AB¯ of length 3.9 cm. Construct PQ¯ such that the length of PQ¯ is twice that of AB¯. Verify by measurement.
(Hint : Construct PX¯ such that the length of PX¯ = length of AB¯ then cut off XQ¯ such that XQ¯ also has the length of AB¯. Solution:
Step I: Draw a line l of suitable length.
Step II: Draw AB¯ = 3.9 cm
Step III: From the line, construct PX¯ = AB¯ = 3.9 cm.
Step IV: Again construct XQ¯= AB¯ =3.9 cm
Verification: PX¯ + XQ¯= AB¯ + AB¯ ![]()
Thus twice of AB¯ is equal to PQ¯ |
Question 5. Given AB¯ of length 7.3 cm and CD¯ of length 3.4 cm, construct a line segment XY¯ such that the length of XY is equal to the difference between the length of AB¯ and CD¯ . Verify by measurement. Solution:
Step I : Construct AB¯ = 7.3 cm and CD¯ = 3.4 cm.
Step II: Take a point P on the given line l.
Step III: Construct PR¯ such that PR¯ = AB¯= AB¯ = 7.3 cm.
Step IV: Construct RQ¯= CD¯= 3.4 cm such that PQ = AB¯ – CD¯.
Verification : On measuring, we observe that PQ¯= 3.9 cm = 7.3 cm 3.4 cm.
= AB¯– CD¯ Thus, PQ¯ = AB¯ – CD¯ |
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