NCERT Solutions Class 12th English Grammar Unseen Passage

Class 12th English Grammar Unseen Passage

Class 12th
Subject English Grammar
Grammar NameUnseen Passage
CategoryClass 12th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

Class 12th English Grammar Unseen Passage

Writing Skills

Practice Test – 1

English Grammar

Tips to attempt comprehension during exam

  • read the passage at a reasonable pace to get the general idea of the text.
  • do second reading at a slow pace to get the specific meaning.
  • underline the key words, phrases and sentences to identify antecedents and references in it.
  • manage your time accordingly. A lot depends on how well you time yourself. Make sure, while you attempt the comprehension. passages in the examination it should be in the limit of 18 to 20 minutes. If you spend too much time on the passage, you may run out of time while answering other questions.
  • go through the questions in the beginning and while reading the passage keep the questions in mind. It would help you locate the answers easily.
  • understand the questions and locate the answers.
  • it is of utmost importance that you give your complete attention. to the passage at hand.
  • be accurate while opting the answer in multiple choice questions.


Read the passage given below.

1. The lack of space in urban locales, people’s preference for fresh vegetables and some bit of out-of-the-box thinking has helped create businesses based on an indoor green revolution. These new-age nouveau farmers are growing romaine lettuce, oak leaves, mint, kale, basil etc. in their vertical plants in urban localities. There are Petri dishes that hold plants, there is artificial light and the setup has its humidity and temperature monitored and strictly controlled. This soil-less farming is called hydroponic (sustained on water and nutrients) farming, not a new idea at all, but one that is now being widely adopted.

2. Hydroponics is the art of gardening without soil. Instead of using soil, water is deployed to provide nutrients, hydration, and oxygen to plant life. It requires very little space, 90 to 95% less water than traditional agriculture, and helps grow a garden full of fruits and flowers in half the time.

3. Hydroponics cultivation yield reflects rapid growth, stronger yields, and superior quality. Since no soil is used, there are no pests and therefore no insecticide/pesticide is required. Grown in an environment that is controlled in terms of water at the plants’ roots, moisture in the air, humidity in the air, ambient light (same spectrum as of sunlight) etc, the food thus grown is cleaner in physical, chemical, and biological nature.

4. The global population is predicted to reach 9.7 billion by the year 2050 and to feed everyone, it’s estimated that global food production will need to increase by up to 70% in the next 30 years. This method will decentralize supply chains and give more business to local suppliers, thereby cutting fuel costs and carbon emissions.

5. The indoor farming technology market was valued at $23 .75 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach $40 .25 billion by 2022, as per a report in The Forbes. Indoor green farms may be an idea whose time has come.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer questions from the following –

i. Which of the following statements DO NOT substantiate the benefits of hydroponic farming?

A. Requires little space.
B. Gives better yield
C. Requires abundance of water.
D. Yield is chemical free.

Ans – (C) Requires abundance of water.

ii. Choose the option that lists the percentage TRUE with respect to water used in hydroponic farming than traditional agriculture

1. 90% more
2. 90 to 95% less
3. 95% more
4. 90% less

A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 2
D. 3 and 4

Ans – (B) 2 and 4

iii. “Grown in an environment that is controlled”, DOES NOT means that hydroponic cultivation is

A. nutrition less without natural environment
B. done under ‘strictly’ monitored humidity and temperature.
C. chemical and pestfree.
D. of superior quality.

Ans – (A) nutrition less without natural environment

iv. Pick the option that correctly states what IS NOT the reason for adopting hydroponic farming

A. It is just one of the current fashion trends.
B. lack of space in urban areas.
C. Preference for fresh vegetables.
D. It promotes idea of sustainable living.

Ans – (A) It is just one of the current fashion trends.

V. Select a suitable phrase from paragraph 5 to complete the following sentence appropriately.
Electric Vehicle is future of automobile industry whose______with projected sales leaping to 40% by 2030.

Ans – Help

vi. As per a report in The Forbes, which is the option that correctly displays the projected farming technology market from 2016 to 2022:

A. exactly double.
B. more than double.
C. exactly half.
D. little less than double.

Ans – (D) little less than double.

vii. “Global food production will need to increase by up to 70% in the next30years”. DOES NOT indicates:

1. We need alternative cultivation practices to meet demand.
2. We need environment friendly methods.
3. Local supply will result in high fuel cost.
4. Decentralized supply can reduce carbon emission.

NCERT Solutions Class 12th English Grammar Unseen Passage

A. Image 1
B. Image2
C. Image3
D. Image4

Ans – (B) Image2

viii. Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of the word ‘nouveau’.

A. The famous Madhubani painting is a renowned nouveau art form.
B. The sudden success of the firm created several nouveau millionaires.
C. Ayurveda is a nouveau system of medicine.
D. A nouveau locomotive train engine at Museum was a treat to eyes.

Ans – (B) The sudden success of the firm created several nouveau millionaires.

ix. Benefits of Hydroponic farming DOES NOT include:

A. less water
B. zero soil.
C. superior yield.
D. high pesticides.

Ans – (D) high pesticides.

x. “It requires very little space, 90 to 95% less water than raditional agriculture, and helps grow a garden full of fruits and flowers in half time.”, is

A. reference to hydroponic system equal growth rate.
B. Fast growth rate.
C. slow growth rate.
D. medium growth rare.

Ans – (B) Fast growth rate.


Read the passage given below.

1. Everything you do in your day-to-day life has an impact on the planet, from the food you eat to the car you drive. Sustainable living includes prioritizing the use of natural and renewable resources instead of creating excess waste and depleting resources for future generations. At the moment, we are producing resources, using energy and creating waste at a rate which isn’t sustainable. This leads to environmental issues, such as pollution and climate change, which cause harm to the environment, wildlife and humans. By making some small changes to your lifestyle, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help to tackle these issues.

2. Save energy – By using less energy, you can help to reduce carbon emissions. There are a number of ways you can save energy at home, including switching off standby appliances and hanging clothes to dry instead of using a drier.

3. Use reusable alternatives – Single-use products, particularly plastic ones, tend to end up in landfill and the ocean, causing harm to wildlife and the environment. Prevent this by choosing to use reusable and eco-friendly alternatives instead.

4. Go paperless – To avoid wasting paper, choose to receive letters over email and only print off documents if necessary.

5. Recycle and reuse – Make sure you’re recycling by putting your rubbish in the correct bins. Also, try to reuse products and items as many times as possible before binning them to reduce waste.

6. Donate unused items – If you don’t use a product or wear a piece of clothing anymore, give it to a charity shop or someone you know would make use of it to help reduce waste.

7. Save water – You can save water in and around your home by making a number of small changes.

8. Drive less – Walk or ride a bike to your destination instead of driving if it’s close enough it’s better for the environment and your health. Using public transport is another good way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

9. Don’t waste food – If you have leftovers, don’t throw them away.
However, if they do go off, use them to create compost for you

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the eleven given below.

i. Sustainable living encourages:

A. increasing carbon footprint
B. creating excess waste
C. depleting resources for future generations
D. prioritizing the use of renewable resources

Ans – (D) prioritizing the use of renewable resources

ii. “….hanging clothes to dry instead of using a drier.” Pick the option in which the meaning of ‘hang(ing)’ is the same as it is in the passage.

A. I am going to have a Christmas tree and hang all my gifts upon it.
B. I will go to market to hang out after finishing my work.
C. I’ll text you when we hang up next.
D. Its lots of fun to hang out with friends.

Ans – (A) I am going to have a Christmas tree and hang all my gifts upon it.

iii. Pick the option that correctly lists the idea of sustainable living

1. reduce wastage.
2. use non-renewable resources
3. use renewable resources
4. recycle rubbish
5. increase green house gas emissions
6. misuse energy

A. 1, 3 and 4
B. 2, 5 and 6
C. 3, 4 and 6
D. 1, 2 and 3

Ans – (A) 1, 3 and 4

iv. The narrator says that we can prevent this by choosing to use reusable and eco-friendly alternatives instead. NOT preventing means, being

A. hindering.
B. averting.
C. promoting.
D. forbidding.

Ans – (C) promoting.

v. Pick the option that is NOT TRUE in respect of Hanging clothes to dry instead of using a drier:

A. It saves energy..
B. It is an outdated practice.
C. It is a better use of renewable resource.
D. It saves money.

Ans – (B) It is an outdated practice.

vi. Pick the option that lists statements that are NOT TRUE according to the passage with respect to leftover food.

1. It is miserable to reuse it.
2. It can be reused as food.
3. It can be used for compost.
4. It can only be thrown away.

A. 1&2
B. 3&4
C. 2&3
D. 1&4

Ans – (C) 2&3

vii. The word ‘depleting’, as used in paragraph, means the same as

A. ‘increasing’.
B. ‘expanding’.
C. ‘growing’.
D. ‘decreasing’.

Ans – (D) ‘decreasing’.

viii. Based on the passage, choose the option that Is not one of the step towards sustainable living

NCERT Solutions Class 12th English Grammar Unseen Passage

A. Option (1)
B. Option (2)
C. Option (3)
D. Option (4)

Ans – (B) Option (2)

ix. “By making some small changes to your lifestyle, you can reduce your carbon footprint” The idea of making small changes, is mainly a reference to

A. luxurious living.
B. Stingy living.
C. sustainable living.
D. unsustainable living.

Ans – (C) sustainable living.

x. Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of the word ‘sustainable’.

A. Although Rahul is able to work 16 hours a day right now, this kind of work schedule is sustainable for long term.
B. Generating power through the use of fossil fuels is a sustainable and environment damaging.
C. Exploitation of natural resources is a sustainable option.
D. Organic farming promotes the sustainable health and productivity of the ecosystem.

Ans – (D) Organic farming promotes the sustainable health and productivity of the ecosystem.

xi. Which of the following statements is NOT substantiated by information in passage?

A. Single-use plastic bottles are an eco-friendly option.
B. Using less energy, can help to reduce carbon emissions.
C. Walk, ride a bike or use public transport to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
D. If possible reuse products to reduce waste before discarding them.

Ans – (A) Single-use plastic bottles are an eco-friendly option.


Read the passage given below.

1. Ghost nets aren’t supernatural, but they are legitimately scary. A ghost net is a fishing net that’s been lost or abandoned in the ocean. They are one particularly appalling part of the global ghost fishing problem, which includes fishing gear abandoned in the water. Any net or line left in the ocean can pose a threat to marine life. Just because a net is no longer used by fishers doesn’t mean it stops working. These nets continue to trap everything in their path, presenting a major problem for the health of our oceans and marine life.

2. Ghost nets entangle sea turtles, dolphins and porpoises, birds, sharks, seals and more, apart from catching fish. The nets keep animals from moving freely, cause injuries and keep mammals and birds from rising to the surface for air. Since hundreds of animals can be caught in a single net, this threat is monumental. The ghost nets harm coral reefs too-breaking corals, exposing them to disease and even blocking the reefs from needed sunlight.

3. Ghost nets are also a major contributor to the ocean plastics’ crisis. Most modern nets are made of nylon or other plastic compounds that can last for centuries. According to a 2018 study in Scientific Reports, ghost nets make up at least 46 percent of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Those abandoned fishing lines and nets that do breakdown never go away; they just become smaller pieces of plastic. Marine animals mistake this microplastic for food and eat it, which can harm internal organs, keep them from eating and expose them to toxic chemicals.

4. Exorcising ghost nets from our oceans will require commitment, cooperation and innovation. Many groups are working to remove ghost nets from the sea and are collaborating with local fishers and governments around the world to identify target areas and remove as many nets as possible. In 2015, a single World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)-led mission in the Baltic Sea hauled up 268 tons of nets, ropes and other material.

5. To stop these nets from becoming ghosts in the first place, conservation organisations advocate for fishing gear that can be traced to its owner so anyone dumping nets can be fined and refundable deposits on nets to encourage returning or recycling rather than littering. Tools like sonar reflectors that can make ghost nets easier to find and working with small-scale fisheries to develop more sustainable fishing gear and practices are other suggestions. It is only by attacking this problem from all sides, together with conservation partners, fishers and supporters, can we banish ghost nets and protect our oceans.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

i. Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option.

Ghost nets have been named so because they ______

A. cause much harm to the marine life.
B. are functional though not in use by fishers.
C. are not owned by anyone.
D. act as a snare for all animals in oceans.

Ans – (C) are not owned by anyone.

ii. Comment on the writer’s reference to the ghost nets in paragraph one, as a health problem for the oceans.

Ans – The ghost nets are the reason marine life is frequently sick. If not addressed, this ‘health issue’ would soon be chronic.

iii. List the two ways being entangled in a ghost net is likely to impact a walrus. (Clue: Think about the type of animal a walrus is)

Ans – The two ways in which a walrus can be affected are –

  1. They can entangle and cause injuries to themselves.
  2. They can entangle and prevent resurfacing, leading to death by drowning.

iv. Select the option that conveys the opposite of ‘negligible’, from words used in paragraph two.

A. unimpressive
B. monumental
C. exposing
D. threat

Ans – (B) monumental

V. The writer would agree with the given statements based on paragraph three,EXCEPT:

A. Most ghost nets take a few years to completely disintegrate.
B. Ghost nets contribute to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
C. Most ghost nets provide nutrition to marine animals, upon disintegration.
D. Ghost nets can curtail freedom of marine animals.

Ans – (C) Most ghost nets provide nutrition to marine animals, upon disintegration.

vi. Some records share that fishing nets used to be made of common rope using natural fibres, prior to the 1960s. Based on your understanding of paragraph three, list one major advantage that these had over the fishing nets being used in present times.

Ans – The one major advantage that these nets have over artificial fibre nets is –

Traditional Nets used to be biodegradable and could be easily disintegrated, as compared to artificial fibre nets that do not disintegrate.

vii. Why is it fair to say that commitment and innovation have to go hand-in-hand to rid the oceans of ghost nets?

Ans – It is fair to say that commitment and innovation have to go hand-in-hand to rid the oceans of ghost nets as –

  1. Commitment – This task will require perseverance i.e. a long time to accomplish
  2. Innovation – Creative ideas and strategies would be needed to address this problem

viii. Complete the given sentence with an appropriate inference, with respect to the following:
The writer quotes the example of the WWF-led mission in the Baltic Sea (Paragraph 4), in order to………………………………………

Ans –

  • Draw attention to the magnitude of the problem
  • Indicate that Governments need to collaborate with such groups for addressing the problem of ghost nets
  • Share evidence of human apathy/ carelessness towards natural resources

ix. How can the solutions, suggested in paragraph five, best be described?

A. practical
B. presentable
C. popular
D. prejudiced

Ans – (A) practical

x. Select the most suitable title for the above passage.

A. The Scary Side of Ghost Nets
B. Ghost Nets – A Result of Human Dominance
C. Ghost Nets – A Menace to Marine Life
D. Ways to Tackle the Problem of Ghost Nets

Ans – (C) Ghost Nets – A Menace to Marine Life


Read the passage given below.

1. It is generally accepted that leadership development should be a part of the education system’s responsibility for preparing individuals to participate in a democratic and progressive society. Many schools, colleges and universities, across nations, provide their students with leadership courses, curricular programs and co-curricular programs that are designed to develop students’ formal knowledge about leadership as well as opportunities and experiences to develop students as leaders and actually practise leadership. Yet, only a handful of studies have sought to understand leader development from the students’ point of view, with students describing their own experiences and what they learned from them in their own words.

2. A 2014 descriptive study sought to understand student leadership with research through key events via the following research questions:
Research Question 1: What key events do student leaders in college, report as significantly impacting their development as a leader?
Research Question 2: What lessons do student leaders in college, report learning as a result of the key events they have experienced?
Research Question 3: Are certain key events more likely to be linked to particular lessons? Approximately 130 students were contacted and the 72 interested, were interviewed. Two members of the research team were present for each 15-45-minute interview. One member served as the primary interviewer while the second ran the audio equipment.
The results for lessons learned (Table 1), were varied, but there were a few that were frequently quoted.

Lessons learnedResponses
Self Identity
Leadership Identity
Balancing Roles
Individual Competencies
Decision Making
Resilience/Persistence/Hard Work
Taking Initiative
Big Picture
Learning to Teach/Learn
Support Systems
Developing and Using Support Systems
Being a Support System
Working with Others
Inspiring and motivating others
Other working with others
Getting the job done
Task skills

3. This study described the rich array of leadership lessons that students are learning through their experiences. It revealed that student leaders are learning foundational leadership skills and competencies that have positively impacted how to accomplish work, how to work with others and how to be both supported by and support others.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

i. Does the following statement agree with the information given in paragraph 1?

The researcher believes that educational institutions have ideal resources to study impact of leadership skills on young adults.

Select from the following:

True – if the statement agrees with the information
False – if the statement contradicts the information
Not Given – if there is no information on this

Ans – (i) False.

The researcher indicates that educational institutions have opportunities and programmes to inculcate leadership skills.

ii. Do you think the researchers of the study aimed to change the students’ outlook towards the development of leadership skills, directly or indirectly? Support your answer with reference to the text.

Ans – No
The aim of seeking students’ perspectives was to enable a better designing/creation/of the leadership programmes in educational institutions.

iii. Select the option that displays the most likely reason for including Research Question 3 in the 2014 study.

In order to find out if…

A. learning opportunities shape students’ overall personality.
B. leadership lessons are the result of the designed learning opportunities.
C. all learning opportunities cater to a specific lesson.
D. certain lessons are common in more than one learning opportunity.

Ans – (D) certain lessons are common in more than one learning opportunity.

Iv. Complete the sentence based on the following statement.

More than 50% of the identified student respondents were keen to participate in the 2014 study.

We can say this because_________________________

Ans – We can say this because 72 of 130 students consented and were interviewed.

V. Select the option that displays the key event designed with “Balancing Roles” (Table 1) as the objective.

A. Students will be able to debate the issue at hand, with different teams.
B. Students will be able to manage the responsibilities of a mentor, planner researcher and presenter.
C. Students will be able to surmount minor problems and focus on the final goal.
D. Students will be able to explain concepts and clarify them for peers.

Ans – (B) Students will be able to manage the responsibilities of a mentor, planner researcher and presenter.

vi. Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option.
The 2014 study attempts to understand student leadership by focussing on_________

A. experiences that shaped students’ overall personality.
B. lessons gained by students as they grew up.
C. relationship of key events with particular lessons.
D. students in leadership roles.

Ans – (C) Relationship of key events with particular lessons.

vii. The lessons for ‘Individual competencies’ had a range of responses.
Give one reason why having the least number of responses for ‘Decision Making’, is a matter that needs attention.

Ans – This needs attention because it clearly indicates that the lessons created/student experiences do not allow sufficient opportunity for the development of this crucial skill.

viii. Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option.

The concluding sentence of the text makes a clear case for _______by listing it
as a core competency for student leadership.

A. collaboration
B. flexibility
C. hard work
D. observation

Ans – (A) Collaboration

ix. Complete the sentence appropriately with one/ two words.

In the context of “Working with Others” in Table 1, the lesson of ‘Conflict’ refers to____________.

Ans – In the context of “Working with Others” in Table 1, the lesson of ‘Conflict’ refers to Being able to amicably and effectively resolve matters/conflict resolution.

x. Based on the reading of the text, state a point to challenge the given statement.

When theoretical knowledge about leadership suffices, it is a waste of funds by educational organisations, to organise leadership camps and programmes.

Ans – I disagree because no amount of theoretical knowledge can aid students in actually applying their learning about leadership and developing various skills.