NCERT Solutions Class 12th Economics (Indian Economic Development) Chapter – 6 Rural Development Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 12th Economics (Indian Economic Development) Chapter – 6 Rural Development

classClass – 12th
SubjectEconomics (Indian Economic Development)
ChapterChapter – 6
Chapter NameRural Development
CategoryClass 12th Economics Notes
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 12th Economics (Indian Economic Development) Chapter – 6 Rural Development

?Chapter – 6?

Rural Development


Rural Development – Rural development refers to the systematic planning by which the standard of living and economic and social welfare of the people of rural areas are increased.

Main elements of rural development

  • To increase the agricultural productivity per unit of land, to improve
  • the agricultural marketing system so that the farmer gets a fair price for his produce.
  • Promotion of production of high value crops.
  • Promote agricultural diversification.
  • Diversification of production activities so that alternative means of employment other than crop -cultivation can be found.
  • To provide credit facilities in rural areas.
  • Reducing poverty in rural areas through agricultural and non-farm employment.
  • Promotion of organic farming.
  • Education and health services in rural areas

Sources of rural credit in India

  • Non-institutional or informal resources
  • Institutional or formal resources

Non-institutional or informal sources – This includes businessmen, traders, commission agents, landlords, relatives and friends.

Institutional or formal sources

  • Co-operative Credit Societies
  • State Bank of India and other commercial banks.
  • Regional Rural Bank.
  • National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
  • Self Help Groups.

Agricultural Marketing – Agricultural marketing includes all those activities which are related to collection, processing, classification, packaging, storage, transportation and sale of crops.

Disadvantages of Agricultural Marketing

  • Inadequate stock
  • , less means of transport and communication,
  • irregularities in markets
  • , multiplicity of middlemen,
  • lack of proper classification of crops, lack of
  • adequate institutional finance, lack of
  • adequate marketing facilities

Steps taken by the government to improve the marketing system

  • Establishment of regular mandis
  • , provision of warehouse facilities for storage of agricultural products.
  • Standard Weights and Measures – Essentiality of Weights.
  • Discounted transport system.
  • System of division and standardization of agriculture and allied goods (Central Grade Control
  • Laboratory is in Nagpur, Maharashtra).
  • Establishment of Food Corporation of India (FCI), Central Warehouse Corporation (CWC) etc. in public
  • with the objective of increasing the storage capacity.
  • Minimum Support Price Policy
  • Dissemination of Marketing Information

Diversification – The process of finding opportunities for a large part of the growing labor force in the agricultural sector in other and alternative employment in the agricultural sector is called diversification.It has two aspects

1) Diversification of production of crops – Under this, instead of one crop, multi-crop production is promoted. It has two benefits

  • Reduces the risk of fields due to lack of monsoon.
  • It encourages the commercialization of farms.

Diversification of production activities or employment – ​​In this, labor force is diverted from the agricultural sector to non-agricultural activities such as animal husbandry, fisheries, horticulture etc.

Non-Agricultural Sectors of Employment for Rural Population

  • Animal Husbandry
  • Fisheries
  • Poultry Farming
  • Bee Keeping
  • Horticulture
  • Cottage and Small Scale Industries

Organic Agriculture – Organic farming is that method of farming in which organic manure (mainly animal manure and green manure) is used for the fields. Under this, emphasis is laid on the use of organic manure while discouraging the use of chemical fertilizers. It is that method of farming which restores the balance of the environment and preserves and enhances it.

Benefits of organic farming – The use of organic fertilizers increases the organic level of the soil and the soil remains quite fertile.

Organic fertilizers provide essential minerals for plant growth, which are added to the plants by the micro-organisms present in the soil. Due to which the plants become healthy and production increases.

Organic fertilizers are cheaper and more durable than chemical fertilizers.

By using organic fertilizers, we get nutritious and healthy food.

Organic fertilizers are environmental compounds. There is no chemical pollution in them.

Affordable process for small and marginal farmers.

This method promotes sustainable agriculture.

Organic farming is based on labor intensive technology.