NCERT Solutions Class 11th Physical Education Chapter – 6 Physical Activity & Leadership Training Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Physical Education Chapter – 6 Physical Activity & Leadership Training

classClass – 11th
SubjectPhysical Education
ChapterChapter – 6
Chapter NamePhysical Activity & Leadership Training
CategoryClass 11th Physical Education Notes
Medium English
Sourcelast doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Physical Education Chapter – 6 Physical Activity & Leadership Training

?Chapter – 6?

✍Physical Activity & Leadership Training✍


Physical Activity – It is a generic term in which anybody movement that works your and require more energy than resting.
• I leads to the development of physical and mental health.
• It reduces many dangerous disease and disabilities.
• The four main types of physical activities are:
• Aerobic (Benefits your heart and lungs most) – Walking, Running, Swimming, Bicycling, Dancing & Jumping.
• Muscle strengthening activities (Improve the strength, power & endurance of your muscles) – Doing push-ups, Lifting weights, Climbing stairs
• Bone strengthening activities (Helps in making your Bone strong) – Jumping rope.
• Stretching (Improve your flexibility & ability to fully move your joints) – Touching your toes, Doing yoga stretching.

Leadership – It is a process by which a leader guide, direct and influence the behavior and work of other towards a specific goals in a given situation.
It is a quality that lights the path of others.
• Qualities Of  A Leader

Intelligence – The leader must have the quality of firm determination & dedication for his profession.
• A determined leader never leaves his task half way.

Dedication & Determination – The leader must have the quality of firm determination & dedication for his profession.
• A determined leader never leaves his task half way.

Professional Knowledge – The leader must have excellent knowledge in his profession so that he is capable to make good & easy programs / plans for the attainment of goals.
• The leader must be equipped with latest knowledge and research which always impresses the followers.

Good Health & Personality – The leader must have good personality trains which can influence the group effectively.

• The leader must have physical fitness so that he should not feel any type of fatigue for completing the daily task.

Friendliness & Co – operative Behavior – A leader should be co-operative with his followers and make friendly environment which will be very helpful for achieving the desired goals.

Honest – Honest leader will always utilize the material and funds for the better learning of the group which is welcomed by the group and it leads to the attainment of goals very smoothly and honestly.

Disciplined – The leader who is disciplined can lead group in discipline manner.
• Regularity and punctuality is the best example for discipline behavior.

Emotionally Balanced – The leader should maintain his emotions which give power to the unity of group like fear, anger, jealously & anxiety should be balanced.
• The emotional disturbances often consume too much of mental energy which can be used for constructive work.

Role Of Leader – Organizer – Leader acts as an organizer and distributes the work among the followers which saves energy & time which helps the group to work in a systematic manner.

Psychologist – A good leader knows the mental skills and toughness of the players.

Guardian – Experienced leaders remove the misconceptions & confusions of the members of the group.

Teacher – Leader helps in producing ideas, techniques, views and opinion of the group.

Motivators – A good leader always motivate his group in every situations of life.

Process Of Becoming Leaders Through Physical Education – The main aim of physical education is overall development of a student. Through the participation in physical education programmes, the qualities of a student can be developed to a greater extent and the beginning of these chances / opportunities starts from the classrooms, play-field, camps or tourist places where their latent ability can be exposed to a greater extent for example:

• Making a student class monitor.
• Making a student leader of physical activities.
• Making a student team captain.
• Making a student responsible for preparing play field.

For making effective leaders, the following points must be considered –

Leadership Style – The leadership style is effective and productive because effective leader always evaluate the situations & decide quickly.
Team Building – Effective leader always develop the unity of team which is required in every competitions for achieving the goals.
Decision Making – A good leader makes decision to find strategies to win and influence others to solve problems efficiently in minimum possible time. Effective leader must have quality to make wise decisions.
Communication – A leader must have good communication skills that  can effectively communicate with others.

Some opportunities available to act as a leader in sports –
• Manager of the team
• Coach of the team
• Officials of the match
• Leader for warming up
• Demonstrator of mass drills
• Adventure Sports: Physical Activity & Leadership Training
• It is comprised of unlimited excitement, entertainment and risk in participant competes in natural environment with different adventurous activities.

It is categorized in four parts –
1. Adventure sports on Mountains
2. Adventure sports in Air
3. Water sports
4. Winter sports
• Objectives Of Adventure Sports
• To improve Positive Attitude
• To build Self Confidence
• To Develop Concentration and Attention
• To Improve Curiosity
• To Channelize Surplus Energy
• To Develop Leadership Qualities
• To Develop Physical Fitness
• To Develop Social Relations
• To Provide Recreation
• Information & Knowledge Enhancement
• Stress Buster
• Thrill, excitement and fun
• Self Assessment
• Adventurous Activities
• Rock Climbing

It is one of the dangerous activity in which participants climb up and more across the rocks like walls with full of alertness, flexibility, power, co-ordination etc.

Material Requires –
• First aid kit
• Clothing
• Helmet
• Water bottle
• Torch light
• Harness
• Climbing shoes
• Ropes
• Carabiners
• Sun glasses

Safety Measures – Before climbing up, make sure you have tied properly your harness, buckles of jeans and knots of chord.
• Helmet protects head from falling on rocks and falling of rocks also.
• Use proper ropes for climbing.
• Always wear climbing shoes because gripping can prevent us from falling.

Types Of Rock Climbing

Traditional Rock Climbing – In this climbers have to place wedges, nuts and other forms of protection from their racks into cracks in the rocks.
Sports Rock Climbing – In this the protective pieces are permanently bolted into the rock.
Indoor climbing – In this the structures made of plywood or concrete and artificial handholds are fixed on the wall.

Techniques –
Step 1 – Warming up and stretching exercises are done before the star of climbing.
Step 2 – Tie harness on the body to protect for sudden fall.
Step 3 – The legs are used to lift body and the hands used only to guide the direction.
Step 4 – Don’t go away from the wall and don’t look very up & down. Only stay focused on general area.
Step 5 – Don’t climb fast, take your time and hold tightly.
Step 6 – Climb couple of feet and then take rest for a while to recover then again start the climbing.
Step 7 – While coming down, the speed should also be slow to prevent falling.