NCERT Solutions Class 11th Physical Education Chapter – 3 Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Physical Education Chapter – 3 Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle

classClass – 11th
SubjectPhysical Education
ChapterChapter – 3
Chapter NamePhysical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle
CategoryClass 11th Physical Education Notes
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Physical Education Chapter – 3 Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle

?Chapter – 3?

✍Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle


Physical Fitness

  • It is the capacity to do the work without any fatigue and after doing his work he has more power to do some more work.
  • It is a combination of qualities that enable a person to perform well in vigorous physical activities.
  • Physical fitness is the ability to perform the task effectively & efficiently.
  • Being physically fit, a person can enjoy the leisure time, be healthy and emergency situations.


  • Wellness is the state of being healthy and free from all the diseases.
  • It refers to man’s capacity of spending a good balanced life.


  • It means the manner or style in which a person lives.
  • It can be healthy or unhealthy based on many factors like food choices, activity level and behavior.

Importance Of Physical Fitness & Wellness

1. Quality Of Life

  • Improve the quality of life by regular exercises & fitness.
  • A physically fit person can manage the routine work efficiently without getting fatigued.
  • Easily tackle any difficult situation on his way.
  • It also possesses the qualities like good human relations, maturity & self respect.

2. Prevention From Diseases

  • Regular fitness exercises can prevent many diseases specially related to heart.
  • Take personal responsibility for the health by avoiding such health risks like eating junk food, tobacco use and less workouts.

3. Harmonious Growth And Development

  • Regular training can improve the efficiency of various organs which can be beneficial for the sports person.

Importance Of Lifestyle

  1. Improves physical fitness – Regular exercise is defined as physical activity done for the purpose of getting physically fit.
  2. Prevention of health problems – A healthy lifestyle keeps us free of diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cardiac problems etc. can be prevented through healthy lifestyle.
  3. Development of mental health – It affects how think, feel and act and sometimes it determines how handle the stressful situation especially in the field of physical education so it developed only through a healthy lifestyle.

Components of Physical Fitness


1. Strength

  • The ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort and it is the amount of force a muscle of muscle group can exert.
  • There are two types of strength:
    (a) Dynamic Strength
    (b) Static strength

2. Speed

  • It is the ability to move the body as fast as possible.
  • Different sports skills require different fast movements like short distance running, shot-putter body across the throwing circle, running between wicket.

3. Endurance

  • It is the ability of the body to work for a longer time without getting fatigued or tired and usually measured by the no. of repetitions like no. of sit-ups in 1 min. and no. of curling.
  • Two types of endurance –
    (a) Short Term Endurance
    (b) Long Term Endurance

4. Flexibility

  • It is the range of movements of joints.
  • The individual who has proper flexibility, can perform his work very easily.
  • Two types of flexibility –
    (a) Passive Flexibility
    (b) Active Flexibility

5. Coordinative Abilities

  • It manly depends on Central Nervous System.
  • It is used in the place of ‘Agility’ which is difficult to explain.
  • The neuro-muscular coordination mainly dependent factor for coordinative abilities.

Components Of Wellness

1. Physical Wellness 

  • It involves the ability to do daily tasks.
  • Do vigorous physical activities like swimming, sprint races etc.
  • Adopt healthful habits like routine checkups, a balanced diet, exercise etc.
  • Avoid destructive habits like consumption of tobacco, drugs, alcohol etc.

2. Social Wellness

  • It creates the ability to interact with people around them that include family and friends.
  • Involves the quality of good communication skills, sympathy, cooperation and helpfulness which makes a person well adjustable in the society.

3. Emotional Wellness

  • It is the ability to understand ourselves and cope with challenges of life.
  • To control stress, anxiety and to express comfortably.
  • Share feelings of anger, fear, sadness, joy, love and happiness to become a well adjustable in family and society.

4. Intellectual Wellness

  • It helps in acting quickly and correctly in any situation of life.
  • It is the ability to think critically and make sound decisions.
  • For maintaining it we should try to expand our knowledge & improve our skills.

5. Spiritual Wellness

  • It is the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives.
  • Do meditation or perform prayer and always given respect to religion that directs to have positive attitude towards life.
  • It makes a person ethically, morally and spiritually sound.

6. Nutritional Wellness

  1. Proper nutrition & a balanced diet are vital components for maintaining healthy lifestyle.
  2. Avoid fried, junk and fast food.
  3. Adopt fresh fruits, green vegetables, drink plenty of sugar-free liquids.

Preventing Health Threats Through Lifestyle Change

Health threats like cancer, diabetes, hearts related diseases, blood pressure, obesity, depression, and thyroid etc. can be minimized by the following facts:

1. Regular Physical Workout

  • Be in regular exercise for at least 60 min. per day
  • It helps to prevent the body from various diseases.
  • Do stretching exercises, running, yoga, recreational activities etc.
  • Prefer only stairs instead of elevators even walking is best instead of motor bike.

2. Healthy Eating Habits

  • Adopt good eating habits that keep us away from dangerous diseases.
  • It promotes Growth & Development in children, maintains body functioning in adults.
  • Take healthy diet which includes fresh vegetables, fruits, sprouts and whole grain cereals etc.

3. Control Use Of Electronic Devices

  • Excessive use of these devices can reduce the physical activity and increase the consumption of dangerous food & beverages.
  • It also leads to a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Devices as TV, mobile and computers use them for at least 2 hrs. a day.

4. Quit For Bad Habits


  • Lifestyle should be smoke free.
  • It leads to increase the B.P and disease of stroke or coronary artery.


  • Drinking leads to damage the liver, ill health and premature death.
  • Alcoholism has the ability to destroy social or family relationship.


  • It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, psychological & hormonal disturbance.
  • It affects the personal health and also family, friends and communities.

5. Adequate Rest And Sleep

  • Take proper rest keeps us energetic and rejuvenate.
  • Our bodies need proper time for rest & sleep to recover from daily stress.
  • It helps in repair the damaged tissues.
  • Enjoy sound sleep of at least 7-8 hours to be relaxed.

6. Periodical Medical Check Up

  • It should be a part of healthy lifestyle when a person the age of 40 years.
  • It leads to detect the diseases timely and cure easily.
  • It includes the checkup of Sugar Level, Cholesterol Level and Blood Pressure.