NCERT Solutions Class 11th Maths Chapter – 15 – Statistics Exercise 15.1

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Maths Chapter – 15 – Statistics Exercise 15.1

classClass – 11th
ChapterChapter – 15
Chapter NameStatistics
gradeClass 11th Maths solution 
Medium English
Sourcelast doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Maths Chapter – 15 – Statistics Exercise 15.1

?Chapter – 15?


?Exercise 15.1?

  1. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the data in Exercises 1 and 2.
    1. 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17

?‍♂️Solution: First we have to find (x̅) of the given data

So, the respective values of the deviations from mean,
i.e., xi – x̅ are, 10 – 4 = 6, 10 – 7 = 3, 10 – 8 = 2, 10 – 9 = 1, 10 – 10 = 0,
10 – 12 = – 2, 10 – 13 = – 3, 10 – 17 = – 7
6, 3, 2, 1, 0, -2, -3, -7
Now absolute values of the deviations,
6, 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 3, 7

MD = sum of deviations/ number of observations
= 24/8
= 3
So, the mean deviation for the given data is 3.

2. 38, 70, 48, 40, 42, 55, 63, 46, 54, 44

?‍♂️Solution: First we have to find (x̅) of the given data

So, the respective values of the deviations from mean,
i.e., xi – x̅ are, 50 – 38 = -12, 50 -70 = -20, 50 – 48 = 2, 50 – 40 = 10, 50 – 42 = 8,
50 – 55 = – 5, 50 – 63 = – 13, 50 – 46 = 4, 50 – 54 = -4, 50 – 44 = 6
-12, 20, -2, -10, -8, 5, 13, -4, 4, -6
Now absolute values of the deviations,
12, 20, 2, 10, 8, 5, 13, 4, 4, 6

MD = sum of deviations/ number of observations
= 84/10
= 8.4
So, the mean deviation for the given data is 8.4.

Find the mean deviation about the median for the data in Exercises 3 and 4.
3. 13, 17, 16, 14, 11, 13, 10, 16, 11, 18, 12, 17

?‍♂️Solution: First we have to arrange the given observations into ascending order,
10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18.
The number of observations is 12
Median = ((12/2)th observation + ((12/2)+ 1)th observation)/2
(12/2)th observation = 6th = 13
(12/2)+ 1)th observation = 6 + 1
= 7th = 14
Median = (13 + 14)/2
= 27/2
= 13.5
So, the absolute values of the respective deviations from the median, i.e., |xi – M| are
3.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.5, 4.5

Mean Deviation,

= (1/12) × 28
= 2.33
So, the mean deviation about the median for the given data is 2.33.

4. 36, 72, 46, 42, 60, 45, 53, 46, 51, 49

?‍♂️Solution:  First we have to arrange the given observations into ascending order,
36, 42, 45, 46, 46, 49, 51, 53, 60, 72.
The number of observations is 10
Median = ((10/2)th observation + ((10/2)+ 1)th observation)/2
(10/2)th observation = 5th = 46
(10/2)+ 1)th observation = 5 + 1
= 6th = 49
Median = (46 + 49)/2
= 95
= 47.5
So, the absolute values of the respective deviations from the median, i.e., |xi – M| are
11.5, 5.5, 2.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 12.5, 24.5

Mean Deviation,

= (1/10) × 70
= 7
So, the mean deviation about the median for the given data is 7.

 Find the mean deviation about the mean for the data in Exercises 5 and 6.



?‍♂️Solution: Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after calculations.

Xififixi|xi – x̅|fi |xi – x̅|

The sum of calculated data,

The absolute values of the deviations from the mean, i.e., |xi – x̅|, as shown in the table.

so, the mean deviation about the mean for the given data is 6.32



?‍♂️Solution: Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after calculations.

Xififixi|xi – x̅|fi |xi – x̅|
the sum of calculated data , 

so, the mean deviation about the mean for the given data is  16

7. Find the mean deviation about the median for the data in Exercises 7 and 8.


?‍♂️Solution: Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after calculations.

Xific.f.|xi – M|fi |xi – M|

Now, N = 26, which is even.
Median is the mean of the 13th and 14th observations. Both of these observations lie in the cumulative frequency 14, for which the corresponding observation is 7.
Median = (13th observation + 14th observation)/2
= (7 + 7)/2
= 14/2
= 7
So, the absolute values of the respective deviations from the median, i.e., |xi – M| are shown in the table.

hence, the mean deviation about the median for the given data 3.23



?‍♂️Solution: Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after calculations.

Xific.f.|xi – M|fi |xi – M|

Now, N = 29, which is odd.
So 29/2 = 14.5
The cumulative frequency greater than 14.5 is 21, for which the corresponding observation is 30.
Median = (15th observation + 16th observation)/2
= (30 + 30)/2
= 60/2
= 30
So, the absolute values of the respective deviations from the median, i.e., |xi – M| are shown in the table.

hence the mean deviation about the median for the given data 5.1

9. Find the mean deviation about the mean for the data in Exercises 9 and 10.

Income per day in ₹0 – 100100 – 200200 – 300300 – 400400 – 500500 – 600600 – 700700 – 800
Number of persons489107543

?‍♂️Solution: Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after calculations.

Income per day in ₹Number of persons fiMid – pointsxifixi|xi – x̅|fi|xi – x̅|
0 – 1004502003081232
100 – 200815012002081664
200 – 30092502250108972
300 – 400103503500880
400 – 5007450315092644
500 – 60055502750192960
600 – 700465026002921160
700 – 800375022503921176

the sum of calculated data,

x‾ = a +  (∑fidi/N) × h 

= 350+4/50×100

= 358

Mean deviation = ∑f i |x i – x ̄/N

= 7856/50

= 157.92

hence , the mean deviation about the mean for given data is 157.92


Height in cms95 – 105105 – 115115 – 125125 – 135135 – 145145 – 155
Number of boys91326301210

?‍♂️Solution: Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after calculations.

Height in cmsNumber of boys fiMid – pointsxifixi|xi – x̅|fi|xi – x̅|
95 – 105910090025.3227.7
105 – 11513110143015.3198.9
115 – 1252612031205.3137.8
125 – 1353013039004.7141
135 – 14512140168014.7176.4
145 – 15510150150024.7247

the sum of the calculated data, 

Mean x‾ = a +  (∑fidi/∑fi) × h 

= 130+( – 47/100)×10

= 130 − 4.7

= 125.3

mean deviation =  ∑f i | x i – x ̄ /N

= 1128.8/100

= 11.288

11. Find the mean deviation about median for the following data:

Marks0 -1010 -2020 – 3030 – 4040 – 5050 – 60
Number of girls68141642

?‍♂️Solution: Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after calculations.

MarksNumber of Girls fiCumulative frequency (c.f.)Mid – pointsxi|xi – Med|fi|xi – Med|
0 – 1066522.85137.1
10 – 208141512.85102.8
20 – 301428252.8539.9
30 – 401644357.15114.4
40 – 504484517.1568.6
50 – 602505527.1554.3

The class interval containing Nth/2 or 25th item is 20-30
So, 20-30 is the median class.
Median = l + (((N/2) – c)/f) × h
Where, l = 20, c = 14, f = 14, h = 10 and n = 50
Median = 20 + (((25 – 14))/14) × 10
= 20 + 7.85
= 27.85

The absolute values of the deviations from the median, i.e., [x-Med], as shown in the table.
So  6i = 1 fi|xi  – Med. = 517.1
And M.D. (M)=1/N6i fi|xi  – Med. 
= (1/50) x 517.1
= 10.34

hence the mean deviation about the median for the given data is 10.34

12. Calculate the mean deviation about median age for the age distribution of 100 persons given below:

Age(in years)16 – 2021 – 2526 – 3031 – 3536 – 4041 – 4546 – 5051 – 55

[Hint Convert the given data into continuous frequency distribution by subtracting 0.5 from the lower limit and adding 0.5 to the upper limit of each class interval]

?‍♂️Solution: The given data is converted into continuous frequency distribution by subtracting 0.5 from the lower limit and adding the 0.5 to the upper limit of each class intervals and append other columns after calculations.

AgeNumber fiCumulative frequency (c.f.)Mid – pointsxi|xi – Med|fi|xi – Med|
15.5 – 20.5551820100
20.5 – 25.5611231590
25.5 – 30.512232810120
30.5 – 35.5143733570
35.5 – 40.526633800
40.5 – 45.5127543560
45.5 – 50.516914810160
50.5 – 55.591005315135



Thus, the cumulative frequency slightly greater than 50 is 63 and falls in the median class 35.5−40.5.

∴l =35.5, F=37, f=26, h=5
Median  Median =l+N/2−F/f×h
Mean deviation about the median age  Mean deviation about the median age =∑8i =1 fi/di/N

 Thus, the mean deviation from the median age is 7.35 years