NCERT Solutions Class 11th History Chapter – 5 Nomadic Empires Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 11th History Chapter – 5 Nomadic Empires

Text BookNCERT
Class  11th
Subject History
ChapterChapter – 5
Chapter NameNomadic Empires
CategoryClass 11th History Notes
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th History Chapter – 5 Nomadic Empires

?Chapter – 5?

Nomadic Empires


  • Mongols were the nomadic tribes who inhabited in central Asia.
  • Mongols were divided into many groups. These groups were constantly engaged in wars with each other.
  • Mongol society was patriarchal in nature. Birth of a son was considered to be the sign of prosperity.
  • Genghis Khan played an outstanding role in the establishment of Nomadic Empire.
  • Genghis Khan was born in 1162 CE. His childhood name was Temujin. His father Yesugei was Kiyat’s tribe chief. Oelun-eke was the name of his mother.
  • Genghis Khan faced many problems in his childhood as his father was murdered by a tribe.
  • With the help of some persons like Jamuqa, Boghuruchu, Tughril Khan, etc. he successfully defeated some powerful tribes.
  • Quriltai bestowed upon Temujin, the title of Genghis Khan in 1206. He ruled upto 1227 CE.
  • During his reign, Genghis Khan conquered the region of northern China and Qara Khita.
  • Genghis Khan brought some changes in the area under his rule. In the history of Mongol, Genghis Khan is known as a national hero.
  • The nomadic people were mainly non-vegetarians. They ate the meat of different animals like sheep, goat, etc. The main diet of the nomadic people was meat and milk.
  • Silk clothes were imported from China, while woollen clothes were prepared by themselves. The rich used to wear expensive clothes while the dress of common people was very simple.
  • Trade was also in practice and carried out with neighbouring countries.
  • In 1209, Genghis Khan defeated Hsi, Hsia of China.
  • Mongols occupied Otsar, Bukhara, Samarqand, Maru, Herat, Nishapur and Balkh between 1219 to 1222 CE.
  • Genghis Khan organised his forces as per the old steppe system of decimal units. The important institution of Mongolian state was the army.
  • Strict discipline was maintained in the army. The authority of the king could not be challenged.
  • Civil system was based on the Ulus system.
  • Yam was the military rank enjoyed by Mongols.
  • Ogodei, Guyuk and Mongke were the successors of the Genghis Khan.
  • Qubilai Khan was the founder of Yuan dynasty. He founded this dynasty in 1260 and ruled till 1294.
  • The steppe inhabitants had no literature of their own. Most of our knowledge regarding the nomadic society was mainly derived from the chronicles, travelogues and documents produced by cities based literature.
  • We find most significant information regarding the expansion of transcendental Mongol empire from Chinese, Mongolian, Persian, Arabic, Italian, Latin, French and Russian sources.
  • Two most outstanding sources of Mongols are Igor de Rachewiltz’s ‘The Secret History of Mongol’ and ‘the Travelogues of Marco Polo’.

Important Terms:

  • Barbarian: A person who is uncultured and behaves in a rough or cruel manner and is ignorant of good taste.
  • Kiyat: A group of families related to the Boijigid clan
  • Anda: Real or blood brother
  • Confederacy: A union of states, groups of people or political with the same aim.
  • Tuman: A group of ten thousand soldiers
  • Noyan: Captain of army unit
  • Naukar: Bonded man, a rank to common but intimate people
  • Ulus: Conquered but not fixed territory
  • Tama: Military contingents
  • Quriltais: An assembly of chieftains
  • Qubcur: A tax imposed on nomads for communication facility provided to them.
  • Yam: Courier system
  • Qanat: Underground canal in the arid plateau in Iran
  • Paiza: A pass or permit to move from one place to another.
  • Bjg:A tax imposed on traders
  • Yasa: A code of law promulgated by Genghis Khan in 1206.


C. 1167Birth of Temujin
1160s -70sYears spent in slavery and struggle
1180s – 90sPeriod of alliance formation
1203-27Expansion and triumph
1206Temujin proclaimed Genghis Khan, Universal Ruler of the Mongols
1227Death of Genghis Khan
1227 – 60Rule of the three Great Khans and continued Mongol unity
1227- 41Ogodei, son of Genghis Khan
1246 – 49Guyak, son of Ogode
1251-60Mongke, son of Genghis Khan’s youngest son, Tuluy.
1236 – 42Campaigns in Russia, Hungary, Poland and Austria under Batu, son of  Jochi, Genghis Khan’s eldest son
1253-55Beginning of fresh campaigns in Iran and China under Mongke
1258Capture of Baghdad and the end of the Abbasid Caliphate.
1260Accession of Qubilai Khan Grand Khan in peking.
1257- 67The Reign of Berke, son of Batu, reorientation of the Golden Horde from Nestorian Christianity towards Islam. Definitive conversion takes place only in the 1350s. Start of the alliance between the Golden Horde and Egypt against the Il-Khans.
1295-1304The Reign of the Il-Khanid ruler Chazan Khan in Iran. His conversion from Buddhism to Islam is followed gradually by other Il-Khanid chieftains
1368End of the Yuan dynasty in China
1370-1405Rule of Timur, a Barlas Turk who claimed Genghis Khanid descent through the lineage of Chaghtay.
1495-1530Zahiruddin Babur, descendant of Timur and Genghis Khan, succeeds to Timurid territory of Ferghana and Samarqand, is expelled, captures Kabul and in 1526 seizes Delhi and Agra, founded the Mughal empire in India.
1500Capture of Transoxiana by Shaybani Khan, descendent of Jochi’s youngret son, Shiban.
1759Manchas of China conquer Mongolia
1921Republic of Mongolia