NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Tenses) The Present Tense Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Tenses) The Present Tense

Class Class 11th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter Name The Present Tense 
CategoryClass 11th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Tenses) The Present Tense

?English Grammar?

✍The Present Tense✍

?English Grammar With Answers?

Read the following sentences carefully:

  1. I play tennis every day.
  2. We played a match yesterday.
  3. They will play with us tomorrow.

In sentence 1, the verb play refers to present time.
In sentence 2, the verb played refers to past time.
In sentence 3, the verb will play refers to future time.
Thus verb may refer to

  1. Present Time
  2. Past Time  or
  3. Future Time.

Since three main time divisions are: present, past and future, they may be represented by three main blocks of tenses:

  1. The Present Tense
  2. The Past Tense
  3. The Future Tense

Depending on the interest and attitude of the speaker indicated by them, tenses are divided as

  1. indefinite or simple,
  2. continuous or progressive,
  3. perfect, and
  4. perfect continuous.

This classification takes into account both form and function.
These four sub-divisions of each tense clearly indicate the stage of action:

  1. The Simple form simply states am action. It does not say anything about the completion of the action—whether it is complete or not.
  2. The Continuous form indicates that the action is in progress. It is still going on.
  3. The Perfect form indicates that the action has been completed.
  4. The Perfect Continuous form shows that the action which began sometime before, is still in progress.

Thus, the tense of a verb shows not only the time of an action or event, but also the state of an action.
In other words, we may say that tense is the form of a verb which shows the time at which an event occurs and the degree of completeness / incompleteness of the event.
Read the following sentences:

  1. I write a letter  (Simple Present)
  2. I am writing a letter.  (Present Continuous)
  3. I have written a letter.  (Present Perfect)
  4. I have been writing a letter since 7 a.m.  (Present Perfect Continuous)

The verbs in the above sentences refer to present time. Therefore, these sentences are in the present tense.
The Past Tense also has the following four forms:

1.    I wrote a letter yesterday.  (Simple Past)
2.    I was writing a letter at that moment.  (Past Continuous)
3.    I had written before you came.  (Past Perfect)
4.    I had been writing letters all day yesterday.  (Past Perfect Continuous)

Similarly, the Future Tense has the following four forms:

  1. I shall write to you tomorrow.  (Simple Future)
  2. I shall be writing on reaching home.  (Future Continuous)
  3. I shall have written a letter by evening.  (Future Perfect Tense)
  4. I shall have been writing for an hour before you arrive. (Future Perfect Continuous)

Now study, the following tense chart giving the forms of the verb ‘write’:


TenseSimpleContinuousPerfectPerfect Continuous
am writing is writing are writinghas written have writtenhas been writing have been writing
Pastwrotewas writing were writinghad writtenhad been writing
Futureshall write will writeshall be writing will be writingshall have written will have writtenshall have been writing will have been writing


This tense is used in the following ways
(i) It is mainly used to express habitual action, habit, or custom.
(a) I watch television on Sunday.
(b) She gets up every morning at 6 o’clock.
(c) He walks in the evening.
(d) My shop opens at 9 o’clock.
(e) I take exercise every morning.

(ii) To talk about a general or universal truth.
(a) Earth revolves around the Sun.
(b) The Sun rises in the East.
(c) The Sunsets in the West.
(d) Two and two make four.
(e) Honesty is the best policy.

(iii) To indicate a future event which is part of a plan or arrangement.
(a) The school reopens next week.
(b) The examination commences next month.

(iv) To introduce quotations with the verb ‘says’.
(a) Newton says, “Every action has an equal and an opposite reaction.
(b) Keats says, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”

(v) Vivid narration, as a substitute for the simple past.
Ravana fights bravely but he is killed in the end.

(vi) Exclamatory sentences that begin with here or there,
(a) Here you go!
(b) There he goes!

(vi) Time clauses and conditional clauses in place of simple future.
(a) If you do not earn money, you will not buy the house.
(b) If you do not work hard, you will fail.

Rules for Affirmative Sentences
Singular subject + first form of verb + s/es +
Plural subject + first form of verb +
(a) They play cricket in the ground.
(b) She cooks food in the evening.
(c) Water boils at 100°C.
(d) We study in ABC institution.
(e) She advises me not to smoke.

Rules for Negative Sentences
Singular subject + does not + first form of verb +
Plural subject + do not + first form of verb +
(a) Reena does not watch television.
(b) We do not smoke.
(c) She does not write a letter to her friend.
(d) They do not like to swim.

Rules for Interrogative Sentences
Do/does + subject + first form of verb + ?
Question word +-do/does + subject + first form of verb + ?
(a) Do you play cricket?
(b) Does she wash clothes?
(c) Does he not go to school daily?
(d) Why do you weep now?
(e) Whose book do you read?
(f) Whom do you teach?
(g) Which subject does Garima not want to read?
(h) Who teaches you English?
(i) Why do you not complete your homework?


Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets:

1. Birds …………………………….. (fly) in the air.
2. She always …………………………….. (keep) her word.
3. The Gita…………………………….. (say) : Man is mortal.
4. The Muslims …………………………….. (bury) their dead.
5. The sun…………………………….. (shine) by day.
6. The milkman…………………………….. (not come) here twice a day.
7. The Ganga…………………………….. (rise) from the Himalayas.
8.  ……………………………..  you …………………………….. (understand) what I say?
9. Wheat…………………………….. (sell) at seven rupees a kilo.
10. Beauty…………………………….. (need) no ornaments.
11. She usually…………………………….. (write) in black ink.
12. Barking dogs seldom…………………………….. (bite).
13. This train generally…………………………….. (run) late.
14. mHe often…………………………….. (forget) his purse.
15. …………………………….. he …………………………….. (go) to school everyday?
16. …………………………….. your friends…………………………….. (play) games?
17. If it …………………………….. (rain), we shall cancel the match.
18. If she …………………………….. (hear) of my marriage she will be shocked.
1. fly
2. keeps
3. says
4. bury
5. shines
6. does not come
7. rises
8. Do (you) understand
9. ells
10. needs
11. writes
12. bite
13. runs
14. forgets
15. Does, go
16. Do, play
17. rains
18. hears.


(a)  Statements

Form. Subject + is lam/are + Present Participle (Bare infinitive + ing or verb + ing)

  1. I am writing a letter.
  2. Uday is reading a book.
  3. Children are playing in the field.


While adding ‘ing’ to the first form of the verb, remember the following:

1. If the verb ends in ‘e’, this final ‘e’ is dropped before adding ‘ing’; as—
come — coming,    use — using,
tease — teasing,    waste — wasting.
Exception. dye — dyeing; die — dying.

2. When the verb is of one syllable and has a vowel before the final consonant, double the final consonant before adding ‘ing’; as—
hit—hitting, run—running, shop—shopping.

3. If the verb is of two or more syllables with stress falling on the last syllable, double the final consonant before adding ‘ing’; as—
begin — beginning, submit — submitting.

4. If the verb ends in a single ‘l’ preceded by a vowel, double the ‘l’ before adding ‘ing’; as—fulfill—fulfilling.
compel —compelling; quarrel —quarrelling.

(b)    Interrogative Sentences

Form. Is/ am/ are + Subject + Present Participle ……………….. ?

  1. Is Madhu watching television?
  2. Are they coming to the party?
  3. Why are you making a noise?

Note. The ‘wh’ – question word comes before is/am/are.

(c)    Negative Sentences

Form. Subject + is / am / are + not + Present Participle.

  1. We are not going out today.
  2. Hemant is not flying a kite now.
  3. I am not wasting my time.

(d) Negative Interrogative Sentences

Form. Is I am/are + Subject + not + Present Participle + ?

  1. Is the gardener not watering the plants now?
  2. Are they not coming to the party this evening?

Important Note:
The following verbs are not normally used in the present continuous tense (The non-conclusive actions can be conveyed by using the Simple Present):

  1. Verbs of Perception: see, hear, smell, notice.
  2. Verbs of Thinking: think, feel, know, mean, mind, remember, forget, believe, imagine, agree, doubt, understand etc.
  3. Verbs of Feeling: admire, adore, care, desire, wish, love, hate, like, dislike, forgive, want.
  4. Verbs of Possession: have, owe, own, belong, possess.
  5. Verbs of Appearance:appear, seem, resemble, etc.
  6. Miscellaneous Verbs: consist, contain, cost, depend, etc.


  1. I smell something burning.
  2. He thinks he left his diary in his office.
  3. It is raining, but she wants to go home.

Adverbs. The Present Continuous Tense is often used with the words these days, at this time, at present, at the moment, etc.

The Use of Present Continuous Tense

1. To describe the continuity of an action going on at the moment of speaking; as—
She is singing now.
Look! The postman is coming.
You are speaking too fast, I can’t follow you.

2. To describe ah action in process, but not necessarily going on at the time of speaking; as—
I am writing a play these days.
What is your sister doing now-a-days?
We are still exporting coal to Japan.

3. To express an action definitely planned for the near future; as—
He is leaving for Delhi tomorrow.
What are you doing in the evening?
I am taking my mother to the art gallery this afternoon.

4. To express a temporary situation; as—
Anju is sitting in a chair.
Mother is cooking food now.
We are enjoying the situation.

5. To express an action that has become a habit but is annoying/unpleasant to others; as—
You are always asking for more?
He is always making excuses.
He is always indulging in baseless gossips.

EXERCISE 2 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous) given in brackets:

1. The train ………………….. (leave) for Kolkata shortly.
2. What ………………….. you (do) these days?
3. What ………………….. she (do) in the afternoons?
4. They ………………….. (host) a party tomorrow.
5. She always ………………….. (write) with her left hand.
6. The players ………………….. (warm) themselves up now.
7. The last bus for Agra …………………..  (leave) at 11 p.m.
8. I ………………….. (not believe) what you say.
9. My mother usually ………………….. (cook) in the morning.
10. You ………………….. (hear) the wind?
11. He ………………….. (not waste) his time.
12. I ………………….. (visit) my parents tomorrow.
13. My brother ………………….. (make) a film these days.
14. Mohit usually ………………….. (drink) coffee but today he ………………….. (take) tea.
15. Hurry up! The taxi ………………….. (wait).
16. She ………………….. (resemble) her mother.
17. Look! Smoke ………………….. (come) out of that window.
18. What ………………….. you (wait) for at this moment?
19. Our teacher usually ………………….. (stand) near the lecture stand, but now he ………………….. (sit) near the table.
20. He ………………….. still (sleep) in his room.
1. is leaving
2. are (you) doing
3. does (she) do
4. are hosting
5. writes
6. are warming
7. leaves
8. do not believe
9. cooks
10. Do (you) hear
11. does not waste
12. am visiting
13. is making
14. drinks, is taking
15. is waiting
16. resembles
17. is coming
18. are (you) waiting
19. stands, is sitting
20. is (still) sleeping.

(a) Statements

Form. Subject + has/have + Past Participle (III form of the verb)

  1. I have lost my pen.
  2. He has posted all the invitations.
  3. She has finished her work.
  4. They have left for Agra today.

(b) Negative Sentences

Form. Subject + has not/have not + Third form of the Verb

  1. I have not taken your book.
  2. He has not solved all his sums.
  3. They have not sold their old house yet.

(c)    Interrogative Sentences

Forms. Has /Have + Subject + Third form of the Verb + ……………… ?

  1. Have you lost your purse?
  2. Has he won the first prize?
  3. Have they scored the winning goal?

Important Note.

  1. ‘Has’ is always used with singular subjects and ‘have’ with plural subjects,
  2. The subjects ‘you’ and ‘I’ take ‘have’ with them.

Adverbs. The Present Perfect Tense is used with the words :
Yet, as yet, so far, ever since, already, just, just now, presently, once, twice, etc.

The Use of the Present Perfect Tense

1. To express an action that has been recently completed; as—
He has just received an e-mail.
I have solved two questions so far.
Have you finished your meals?

2. To describe an action which has just occurred, but the time is not given; as—
I have watered the plants.
He has sent a message.
They have contacted all their friends.

3. To describe a past event, having some connection with the present; as—
She has been to Shimla twice.
I have seen this film.
He has never failed in any public examination.

4. To express an action having taken place in the Past and continuing in the present; as—
We have lived here for ten years.
He has known her for three years.
I have not heard from you for over a year.

EXERCISE 3 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets:

1. Devanshi ……………………… (get) a new car now.
2. Nidhi ……………………… not (come) back yet.
3. I ……………………… already (see) this film.
4. The postman ……………………… not (come) so far.
5. She ……………………… (be) a teacher since 2000.
6. They ……………………… (know) us for several years.
7. She ……………………… (join) a college recently.
8. The old man ……………………… (live) here all his life.
9. He  ……………………… not (wear) the new shirt yet.
10. Tbm left school some time ago. He ……………………… not (return) yet.
1. has got
2. has not come
3. have already seen
4. has not come
5. has been
6. have known
7. has joined
8. has lived
9. has not worn
10. has not returned.


Form. Subject + has/have + been + Present I participle (I form of verb +ing)
In negative sentences ‘not’ is placed between has/have and been, while in Interrogative sentences, ‘has’ or ‘have’ is placed before the subject, whereas ‘been’ follows the subject.
We have been waiting for you for an hour.
He has been living in this house since 1995.
It has not been raining since morning.
Has she been working in this firm for two months?

The Use of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

(a)    To express an action which began in the past but is still going on; as—
She has been reading a book since morning.
I have been lying in bed for an hour.
Note. ‘Since’ and Tor’ are used with the Perfect Tenses. ‘Since’ is used with a point of time eg. since morning, since Monday, since 15th, since May, since 4 O’clock, since 1985 etc.
‘For’ is used with a period of time eg. for two hours, for three months, for many years etc.

(b) To express an action which began in the past and has been just completed, but whose result is still the present; as—
My clothes are dirty, because I have been washing my car.
I have been clearing my room since morning and I am very much tired now.

(c) To express an action in a sentence which begins with ‘For how long’ or ‘Since when’; as—
Since when have you been waiting for me?
For how long has he been suffering from fever?

EXERCISE 4 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets:

1. It ………………………………………….     (rain) since morning.
2. The students ………………………………………….      (work) well this year.
3. I ………………………………………….    (teach) in this school for twenty years.
4. How long you ………………………………………….    (wait) for me?
5. What you ………………………………………….     (do) all these years?
6. They ………………………………………….    (live) in this house since 1990.
7. Since when you ………………………………………….     (work) in this office?
8. I am very much tired, for I ………………………………………….     (wash) my car since morning.
9. You ………………………………………….    (play) tennis all morning?
10. Since when she ………………………………………….    (stand) there?
11. She  ………………………………………….   (wait) there since 8 a.m.
12. He  ………………………………………….    (study) medicine here since 1999.
13. We ………………………………………….    (search) the missing pen for half-an-hour.
14. The teacher ………………………………………….    (mark) the answer books since morning.
15. The teachers  ………………………………………….   (discuss) the problem since lunch.
1. has been raining
2. have been working
3. have been teaching
4. have (you) been waiting
5. have (you) been doing
6. have been living
7. have (you) been working
8. have been washing
9. Have (you) been playing
10. has (she) been standing
11. has been waiting
12. has been studying
13. have been searching
14. has been marking
15. have been discussing.