NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Tenses) Tenses in Conditional Sentences Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Tenses) Tenses in Conditional Sentences

Class Class 11th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameTenses in Conditional Sentences 
CategoryClass 11th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Tenses) Tenses in Conditional Sentences

?English Grammar?

✍Tenses in Conditional Sentences✍

?English Grammar With Answers?

A conditional sentence has two parts—the main clause and the conditional clause (if—clause). There are three types of conditions:

Type I : Possible — relating to future.
Type II : Probable or Hypothetical —unfulfilled condition of the Present.
Type III : Impossible or Imaginary — unfulfilled condition of the Past.
The tenses of verbs in the two clauses follow this pattern.

The tenses of verbs in the two clauses follow this pattern.

TypeIf-clause (Conditional clause)Main clause
IFirst form of the verb
(Vor V1 s/es)
Shall/will/may/can + first form of the verb (V1)
IISecond form of the Verb (V2)Should/would/might/could + first form of the verb (V1)
IIIHad + third form of the Verb (had + (V3)Should/would/might/could + have + third form of the verb (V3)


  1. You will pass if you work hard.
  2. What shall I do if I miss the last bus?
  3. If I were you, I would not seek his help.
  4. She would have come if you had sent a proper invitation.

EXERCISE 1 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets:

  1. He ……………….. (beat) the thief if he catches the man.
  2. She might catch the bus if she………………..(run) fast.
  3. They would have won if they ………………..(play) well.
  4. If you ……………….. (inform) me I would have reached the station.
  5. If she ………………..(not work) hard, she will fail.
  6. Unless they  ………………..(request) me, I would not go.
  7. If you ……………….. (help) me, I would have completed this job.
  8. If I ……………….. (be) a bird I would fly to you.
  9. In case you ……………….. (see) Avish, give him this book.
  10. Unless she ……………….. (mend) her ways, she will suffer.

?‍♂️Answer: 1. will beat 2. ran 3. had played 4. had informed 5. does not work 6. requested 7. had helped 8. were 9. see 10. mends.

EXERCISE 2 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks in the following passages with the appropriate tense forms of the verbs given in brackets:

1. My younger brother, Tinu, (a) ………………. (fall) off his bicycle yesterday. He (b) ……………….. (hurt) his right ankle and (c) ……………….. (be) in bed since then. The doctor (d) ……………….. just (examine) him and (e) ………………..(advise) him complete rest for a week. He hopes that Tinu (f) ……………….. (recover) soon.

2. The match (a) ………………..(begin) before we reached the stadium. There (b)……………….. (be) a great rush at the gate. People (c) ……………….. (argue) with the security guards. Entering the stadium (d)……………….. (prove) a tedious job. I (e)……………….. (be) able to forget this nasty experience in the years to come. I (f) ………………..(decide) never to watch an event in an overcrowded place.

3. When I (a)……………….. (look) at the Palace in the morning sunlight, I was amazed. It (b)  ……………….. (seem) an architectural wonder. I (c)  ……………….. (watch) it from different angles and (d) ……………….. (take) snaps. Perhaps my movements (e) ……………….. (make) the guards suspicious. They at once (f)  ……………….. (catch) hold of my camera and spoke rudely to me.

4. It is estimated that India (a) ……………….. (make) rapid strides in science in the coming years. For that we (b) ……………….. (need) good science teachers, labs and equipment. Unfortunately, the existing scenario (c) ……………….. (not present) an encouraging sight. The nation (d) ……………….. (lack) administrators with a vision. Scientists (e) ……………….. (be) more interested in foreign assignments than research at home. Students too (f) ……………….. not (lag) behind.

5. you ever (a) ………………. (hear) of paperless office? You (b)  ……………….. certainly (say), “no”. Well, very soon the old favourite of pen-pushers (c) ……………….. (make) an unceremonious exit. You (d) ……………….. already (see) it happening in the banks. Where (e) ……………….. (be) those bulky ledgers? A smart computer (f) ……………….. (replace) them quietly.
1. (a) fell (b) hurt (c) has been (d) has examined (e) advised (f) will recover
2. (a) had begun (b) was (c) were arguing (d) proved (e) will not be (f) have decided
3. (a) looked (b) seemed (c) watched (d) took (e) had made (f) caught
4. (a) will (is going to) make (b) need (c) does not present (d) lacks (e) are (f) do not lag
5. (a) Have…………heard (b) will………….say (c) will (is going to) make (d) have already seen (e) are (f) has replaced.

EXERCISE 3 (Solved)

Transform the following sentences as directed using suitable form of verbs:’

1. They usually go to work by cm.    (Use singular subject)
2. I was getting ready for college when the phone-bell rang.    (Plural subject)
3. I visit my parents every Sunday.    (Change subject to third person singular)
4. Ritu likes only this doll.    (Into negative)
5. None but the brave deserve the fair.    (Into affirmative)
6. When can their glory fade?    (Into assertive)
7. Who would like to be a slave?    (Into assertive)
8. Navin left no plan untried.    (Into affirmative)
9. As soon as we had left home it began to rain.    (Use No sooner…..Than)
10. What a wild attack!    (Into assertive)
1. He usually goes to work by car.
2. We were getting ready for college when the phone-bell rang.
3. He/she visits his/her parents every Sunday.
4. Ritu likes nothing but this doll.
5. Only the brave deserve the fair.
6. Their glory can never fade.
7. None would like to be a slave.
8. Navin tried every plan.
9. No sooner had we left home than it began to rain.
No sooner did we leave home than it began to rain.
10. It was a (very) wild attack.

EXERCISE 4 (Solved)

Note. Sometimes passive form of the verb is also used.

1. Rewrite using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets:
I (a) ……………… (expect) him here yesterday. He (b)……………… (not come) till today. No-one (c)  ……………… (know) what (d) ……………… (happen) to him. I (e) ……………… (worry) about him. I hope he (f) ……………… (be) safe.

2. Rewrite using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets:
There (a) ……………… (be) a great rush at the counter yesterday. I (b) ……………… (want) to get a ticket for the movie. It (c)   ……………… (be) the first day of release. The manager suddenly (d) ……………… (appear) on the scene and (e) ……………… (announce) that the show (f) ……………… (cancel) for reason beyond control.

3. Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with appropriate form of verbs given in the brackets:
Yesterday a blueline bus (a) ……………… (run) over a school boy who (b) ……………… (cross) the road. The boy (c)……………… (injure) seriously and (d)……………… (rush) to the hospital. The passengers (e) ……………… (catch) hold of the driver and (f) ……………… (hand) him over to the police.

4. Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in the brackets:
The wedding procession was yet (a) ………………(start). It (b) ……………… (wait) for us to reach. We (c) ………………(decide) not (d) ……………… (dance) at all. But when we (e) ……………… (reach) the scene, we (f) ……………… (draw) into it.

5. Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets:
The wedding procession already (a) ……………… (start) when we (b) ……………… (reach) Mohan’s house. While we (c) ……………… (be) on way to the place we (d) ……………… (decide) not to dance at all. But the scene (e) ……………… (prove) so attractive, that we (f) ……………… (draw) into it.

6. Rewrite using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets:
The shot wounded the elephant. It (a)……………… (rush) back into the forest. I (b) ……………… (run) after it but (c) ……………… (can) not catch it. I (d) ……………… (lose) it in the dark and (e)……………… (return) empty-handed.
I (f)……………… (disappoint).

7. Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb:
Once there was a king. He (a) ……………… (know) for his benevolence. Everyday he (b) ……………… (feed) the hungry and (c) ……………… (clothes) the poor before he (d)  ……………… (take) his food. He (e) ……………… (do) so for many years. He (f) ……………… (love) by his subjects.

8. Fill in the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets:
(i) While Rome was (a) ……………… (bum), Nero was (b) ……………… (play) on the fiddle.
(ii) Since India (c) ……………… (become) independent many other countries (d) ……………… (get) their independence too.
(iii) I (e)……………… (have) my lunch when the postman (f) ……………… (knock).

9. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs given in brackets:
Joan of Arc (a) ……………… (fight) the enemy, when she (b) ……………… (capture). She (c) ……………… (make) to stand on trial by the enemy. They (d) ……………… (accuse) her of being evil because she said that she (e) ……………… (talk) to the angel. She (f) ……………… (declare) a witch and
sentenced to death.

10. Read the following matter and fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb: Dear Heena,
I (a) ……………… just (hear) that my mother isn’t very well, and (b) ………………(like) to see her. The trouble is I can’t take my dog Tim with me. (c) ………………you think you (d) ………………(be) able to possibly look after him for a week? If you can have him, I can bring him along any time that (e) ……………… (suit) you. But if it (f) ……………… (be) not convenient, do not hesitate to say so.

11. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs given in brackets:
I (a) ……………… (come) in very late last night and unfortunately the dog (b) ……………… (wake) up and (c) ………………(start) to bark. This (d) ……………… (awake) my mother. She (e) ……………… (not hear) my voice because the dog (f) ……………… (bark) very loudly.

12. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in the brackets:
Comrades, you all (a) ……………… (hear) about the strange dream that I (b) ………………have last night. But I (c) ……………… (come) to the dream later. I do not think, comrades that I (d)  ……………… (be) with you for many months longer and before I die, I feel it my duty to (e)  ……………… (pass) on to you such wisdom as I (f)……………… (acquire).
1. (a) expected (b) has not come (c) knows (d) has happened (e) am worried (f) is
2. (a) was (b) wanted (c) was (d) appeared (e) announced (f) had been cancelled
3. (a) ran (b) was crossing (c) was injured (d) was rushed (e) caught (f) handed
4. (a) to start (b) had been waiting (c) had decided (d) to dance (e) reached (f) were drawn
5. (a) had already started (b) reached (c) were (d) decided (e) proved (f) were drawn
6. (a) rushed (b) ran (c) could (d) lost (e) returned (f) was disappointed
7. (a) was known (b) fed (c) clothed (d) took (e) did (f) was loved
8. (a) burning (b) (i) playing (ii) (c) became (d) have got (iii) (e) was having (f) knocked
9. (a) was fighting (b) was captured (c) was made (d) accused (e) talked (f) was declared
10. (a) have just heard (b) would like (c) Do (d) would be (e) suits (f) is
11. (a) came (b) woke (c) started (d) awoke (e) did not hear (f) was barking
12. (a) have heard (b) had (c) will come (d) will be (e) pass (f) have acquired.


EXERCISE 5 (Solved)

Correct the following sentences using proper tense forms.

I am liking it very much.
She is knowing you very well.
Mohit is seeing the bus coming.
It rains now, we can’t go out.
Water vapour is condensing to form clouds.
Madhu is always writing beautiful poems.
The poem is going round the earth.
These students prepare for their exams these days.
Why do you work so hard today?
My uncle has arrived from Mumbai last night.
Ravi is owning two cars. ‘
Reena reads at this moment.
She do not finish her home work yet.
If you will work hard, you will pass.
I already sent a telegram to Manish, before I received your phone call.
I like it very much.
She knows you very well.
Mohit sees the bus coming.
It is raining now, we can’t go out.
Water vapour condenses to form clouds.
Madhu always writes beautiful poems.
The poem goes round the earth.
These students are preparing for their exams, these days.
Why are you working so hard today?
My uncle arrived from Mumbai last night.
Ravi owns two cars.
Reena is reading at this moment.
She has not finished her homework yet.
If you work hard, you will pass.
I had already sent a telegram to Manish, before I received your phone call.


EXERCISE 6 (Solved)

There is an error in the form of verb in each of the following lines. Find the error. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.



EXERCISE 7 (Solved)

In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined as shown below:



EXERCISE 8 (Solved)

Look at the following sentences given in a disorderly form. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.

persons/knows several/he/here
He seldom goes to the theatre.
I have never seen a penguin.
He did not come here yesterday.
My mother has just gone out.
Cuckoos don’t build nests.
It rained heavily last night.
He knows several persons here.
I wish I had listened to my parents’ advice.
If he comes I will give him your message.
Whenever his wife entered the room, he stood up  OR
He stood up whenever his wife entered the room.