NCERT Solutions Class 10th Science Chapter – 7 How do Organisms Reproduce Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 10th Science Chapter – 7 How do Organisms Reproduce

Class 10th
Subject Science
Chapter NameHow do Organisms Reproduce
CategoryClass 10th Science
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 10th Science Chapter – 7 How do Organisms Reproduce Notes In This Chapter we will learn about How do organisms reproduce , Why do organisms reproduce , What is reproduction , How do organisms reproduce, Why do organisms reproduce, How do organisms grow and reproduce, How many ways do organisms reproduce, How do all organisms grow, Are snakes asexual, What are examples of asexual Types of How do organisms reproduce and more such things for more knowledge about this Chapters read their Notes.

NCERT Solutions Class 10th Science Chapter – 7 How do Organisms Reproduce

Chapter – 7

How do Organisms Reproduce


Asexual Reproduction – Asexual reproduction is a method of reproduction that involves only one organism. A single organism reproduces two or multiple organisms on its own. This is seen in all unicellular organisms, some multicellular organisms and a few plants.
Reproduction – Reproduction is the process by which all organisms multiply in number and increase their population.

(i) Binary
(ii) Multiple
Binary   Multiple

Fission, Frag mentation, Regeneration, Budding, vegatative propagation, Spore Formation,

Reproduction – The process of producing New individuals like oneself

Sexual-Reproduction – Two parents involved
Asexual-Reproduction – Only single parent involved

• Fission
• Fragmentation
• Regeneration
• Budding
• Vegetative Propagation
• Spore Formation

• In Humans
• In Plants
In Humans

• Male Reproductive System
• Female Reproductive System
• Birth Control Methods
Male Reproductive System

• Male gamete-sperm
• Female gamete-ovum
• Female Reproductive System Fertilization
• If no fertilization
Female gamete-ovum

• If no Fertilization
• Menstruation (In females)

• Zygote
• Embryo
• Foetus
• Baby
Birth Control Methods

• Mechanical Barriers
• Chemical Methods
• Contraceptive Devices
• Surgical Methods
Surgical Methods

• Tubectomy (In females)
• Vadectomy (In males)
In plant

• Male Reproductive part-Stamen
• Female Reproductive Part-carpel

• Self
• Cross
• Fertilisation
• Formation of fruit and seeds

• Multiple
• Fission

Reaction is the process by which living organisms produce new individuals similar to themselves. It ensures continuity of life on earth.

Nucleus of the cell contains DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) which is the hereditary material.

DNA replicates and forms new cells causing variation. So, these new cells will be similar but may not be identical to original cell. Variations are useful for the survival of the individual and species over time as well as basis for evolution.
Types of Reproduction

(a) Asexual Reproduction

• A single individual give rise to new individual.
• Gametes are not formed.
• New individual is identical to parent.
• It is extremely useful as a means of rapid multiplication.
• Adopted by lower organisms.

(b) Sexual Reproduction

• Two individuals i.e., one male and one female are needed to give rise to new individual.
• Gametes are formed.
• New individual is genetically similar but not identical to parents.
• It is useful to generate more variations in species.
• Adopted by higher organisms.
Fragmentation – The organism breaks-up into smaller pieces upon maturation, each piece develops into new individual. E.g., Spirogyra.
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Fragmentation in Spirogyra
Regeneration – If organism is somehow cut or broken into many pieces, each piece grows into a complete organism. E.g., Planaria, Hydra.
Regeneration in Planaria and Hydra
(iv) Budding – A bud is formed which develops into tiny individual. It detaches from parent body upon maturation and develops into new individual. E.g., Hydra

Budding in Hydra
(v) Vegetative Propagation – In many plants, new plants develops from vegetative parts such as

By roots – E.g., dahlias, sweet potato.
By stem – E.g., potato, ginger.
By leaves – E.g., bryophyllum (leaf notches bear buds which develop into plants).

Artificial methods
(a) Grafting  E.g., Mango
(b) Cutting – E.g., Rose
(C) Layering – E.g., Jasmine
(d) Tissue culture – New plants are grown by using growing tip of a plant. These growing cells are kept in a culture medium leads to the formation of callus. Callus is then transferred to hormone medium which causes growth and differentiation. E.g., ornamental plants, orchid.
Benefits of tissue culture

• We can grow plants like banana, rose, jasmine etc. that have lost the capacity to produce seeds.

• New plants are genetically similar to parents.

• Helps in growing seedless fruits.

Spore Formation – Spores are small bulb like structures which are covered by thick walls. Under favourable conditions, they germinate and produce new organism.
Spore formation in Rhizopus
Sexual Reproduction

When reproduction takes place as a result of the fusion of male and female gametes is called sexual reproduction. Fusion of gametes is called fertilization which results in variation.

Sexual Reproduction in Plants

• Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants.

• A typical flower consists of four main whorls namely sepals, petals, stamen and pistil.
Types of Flowers

Bisexual flower – Both male and female reproductive parts are present. E.g., Hibiscus, mustard.
Unisexual flower – Either male or female reproductive part is present. E.g., Papaya, watermelon.
Structure of Flower 
Process of Seed Formation

• Pollen grains, produced in the anther, are transferred to the stigma of same flower (self pollination) or stigma of another flower (cross pollination) through agents like air, water or animals.

• Pollen grains germinate and form pollen tubes which pass through style to reach upto the ovules present in ovary.

• The fusion of male and female gametes is called fertilization. Zygote is produced inside the ovary.

• Zygote divides to form embryo. Ovule develops thick coat and changes into seed gradually.

• Ovary changes into fruit and other parts of flower fall off.
Germination of pollen on stigma

• The seed germinates to form a plant under suitable conditions such as air, moisture etc.
Reproduction in Human Beings

• Humans use sexual mode of reproduction.
Sexual maturation – The period of life when production of germ cells i.e., ova (female) and sperm (male) start in the body. This period of sexual maturation is called puberty.
Changes at Puberty

(a) Common in male and female

• Thick hair growth in armpits and genital area.
• Skin becomes oily, may result in pimples.

(b) In girls

• Breast size begin to increase.
• Girls begin to menstruate.

(c) In boys

• Thick hair growth on face.
• Voice begin to crack.
• These changes signals that sexual maturity is taking place.
Male Reproductive System

(a) Testes – A pair of testes are located inside scrotum which is present outside the abdominal cavity. Scrotum has a relatively lower temperature needed for the production of sperms.

• Male germ cell i.e., sperms are formed here.
• Testes release male sex hormone (Testosterone).

Its function is
(i) Regulate production of sperms.
(ii) Bring changes at puberty.

(b) Vas deferens  – It passes sperms from testes upto urethera.

(c) Urethera – It is a common passage for both sperms and urine. Its outer covering is called penis.

(d) Associated glands – Seminal vesicles and prostate gland add their secretion to the sperms. This fluid provide nourishment to sperms and make their transport easy. Sperm alongwith secretion of glands form semen.
Human – male reproductive system
Female Reproductive System

(a) Ovary – A pair of ovary is located in both sides of abdomen.

• Female germ cells i.e., eggs are produced here.
• At the time of birth of a girl, thousands of immature eggs are present in the ovary.
• At the onset of puberty, some of these eggs start maturing.
• One egg is produced every month by one of the ovaries.

(b) Oviduct or Fallopian tube

• Receives the egg produced by the ovary and transfer it to the uterus.
• Fertilisation i.e., fusion of gametes takes place here.

(c) Uterus – It is a bag-like structure where development of the baby takes place after implantation of embryo in its wall.

• Uterus opens into vagina through cervix.

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Human female Reproductive System
When egg is fertilised

• The fertilized egg called zygote is planted in uterus and develops into an embryo.

• The embryo gets nutrition from the mother’s blood with the help of a special tissue called placenta. It provides a large surface area for the exchange of glucose, oxygen and waste material.

• The time period from fertilization upto the birth of the baby is called gestation period. It is about 9 months.
When egg is not fertilised

• The uterus prepares itself every month to receive fertilized egg.
• The lining of the uterus becomes thick and spongy, required to support the embryo.
• When fertilisation had not taken place, this lining is not needed any longer.
• This lining breaks and comes out through vagina as blood and mucus. This cycle takes around 28 days every month and called menstruation.
Reproductive Health – Reproductive health means a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction i.e., physical, emotional, social and behavioural.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Many diseases can be sexually transmitted such as :

Bacterial – Gonorrhoea and syphilis

Viral – Warts and HIV-AIDS

Use of condom prevents these infections to some extent.
Contraception – It is the avoidance of pregnancy, can be achieved by preventing the fertilisation of ova.
Methods of contraception

• Mechanical Barrier
• Chemical Methods
• Surgical Method

Mechanical Barrier

• Condom
• Cervical Cap

Chemical Methods

• Pills


• Loop
• Copper T

Surgical Method

• Vasectomy
• Tubectomy
Methods of contraception

(a) Physical barrier

• To prevent union of egg and sperm.
• Use of condoms, cervical caps and diaphragm.

(b) Chemical methods

• Use of oral pills
• These change hormonal balance of body so that eggs are not released.
• May have side effects.

(c) Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD)

• Copper-T or loop is placed in uterus to prevent pregnancy.

(d) Surgical methods

• In males the vas deferens is blocked to prevent sperm transfer called vasectomy.
• In females, the fallopian tube is blocked to prevent egg transfer called tubectomy.
Female Foeticide

• The practice of killing a female child inside the womb is called female foeticide.

• For a healthy society, a balanced sex ratio is needed that can be achieved by educating people to avoid malpractices like female foeticide and prenatal sex determination.

• Prenatal sex determination is a legal offence in our country so as to maintain a balanced sex ratio.
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Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases, and Salts
Chapter 3 – Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter 4 – Carbon and Its Compounds
Chapter 5 – Life Processes
Chapter 6 – Control and Coordination
Chapter 7 – How Do Organisms Reproduce
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Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases, and Salts
Chapter 3 – Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter 4 – Carbon and Its Compounds
Chapter 5 – Life Processes
Chapter 6 – Control and Coordination
Chapter 7 – How Do Organisms Reproduce
Chapter 8 – Heredity
Chapter 9 – Light reflection and refraction
Chapter 10 – Human eye and colorful world
Chapter 11 – Electricity
Chapter 12 – Magnetic effect of electric current
Chapter 13 – Our Environment

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