NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Active and Passive Voice Exercises With Answers

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Active and Passive Voice

Class Class 10th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameActive and Passive Voice
CategoryClass 10th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 10th English Grammar – Active and Passive Voice

?English Grammar?

✍ Active and Passive Voice ✍

?English Grammar With Answers?

Interchange of Active/Passive Voice

TenseActive VoicePassive Voice
  • Sub. + 1st form of the verb + s/es + obj.
  • Sub. + do not/does not + 1st form of the verb + obj.
  • Do/does + sub. + 1st form of the verb 4- obj.?
  • Obj. + is/am/are + 3rd form of the verb 4- by 4- sub.
  • Obj. + is/am/are + not + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.
  • Is/are/am + obj. + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.?



  • Sub. + is/are/am 4- 1st form of verb + ing
  • Sub. + is/are/am/ + not + 1st form of the verb + ing 4- obj.
  • Is/are/am + sub. + 1st form of the verb 4- ing + obj.?
  • Obj. + is/are/am + being + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.
  • Obj. + is/are/am + not + being + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.
  • Is/are/am + obj. + being + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.?
Present Perfect Tense
  • Sub. 4- has/have + 3rd form of the verb + obj.
  • Sub. + has/have + not 4- 3rd form of the verb + obj.
  • Has/have + sub. 4- 3rd form of the verb + obj.?
  • Obj. + has been/have been + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.
  • Obj. + has/have + not 4- been + 3rd form of the verb + by 4- sub.
  • Has/have + obj. + been + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.?



  • Sub. + 2nd form of the verb + obj.
  • Sub. + did not + Ist form of the verb + obj.
  • Did + sub. 4- 1st form of the verb + obj.?
  • Obj. + was/were/+3rd form of the verb 4- by + sub.
  • Obj. + was/were + not + 3rd form of verb + by + sub.
  • Was/were + obj. + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.?



  • Sub. + was/were + 1st form of the verb + ing + obj.
  • Sub. + was/were 4- not + 1st form of the verb + ing + obj.
  • Was/were + sub. 4- 1st form of the verb + ing + obj.?
  • Obj. + was/were 4- being + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.?
  • Obj. + was/were + not + being + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.
  • Was/were + obj. + being + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.?
Past Perfect Tense
  • Sub. + had + 3rd form of the verb 4- obj.
  • Sub. + had + not + 3rd form of the verb + obj.
  • + sub. + 3rd form of the verb + obj?
  • Obj. + had been 4- 3rd form of the verb 4- by + sub.
  • Obj. + had not been + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.
  • Had 4- obj. + been + 3rd form of the verb + by + sub.?
Simple Future Tense
  • Sub + will/shall + 1st form of the verb + obj.
  • Obj. 4- shall/will + be 4- V

3 + by + sub.

Future Perfect Tense
  • Sub + will/shall + have + V3 + Obj.
  • Obj. + will/shall + have been + V3 + Sub.


  • 1st form of the verb + obj.
  • 1st form of the verb + obj.
  • Let + obj. + be + 3rd form of the verb
  • Obj. + should be 4- 3rd form of the verb
  • Will/shall/should/must/might/can/could/ought/ may, etc. + V 4- obj.
  • Obj. + Modal + be 4- V3 + by + sub.
♦ Read the sentences given below and complete the paragraph that follows.

Question 1.
(a) The devotees waved light before Sai.
(b) They sang songs of devotion.
(c) They offered various types of dishes as Prasad.
On Thursday all the devotees reached Shirdi. (a) …………………. before Sai. Songs of devotion (b) ………………. (c) ………………….. as Prasad.

(a) Light was waved by the devotees.
(b) were sung by them
(c) Various types of dishes were offered by them

Question 2.
(a) The British established the East India Company.
(b) They ruined the business of the artisan.
(c) They took advantage of the rivalries.
(d) The British officers levied heavy taxes.
The East India Company (a) ………………. The business (b) ……………….. by them. The advantages of rivalries (c) ……………… . (d) ……………….. by the British officers.??‍♂️Answer:
(a) was established by the British.
(b) of the artisan was ruined
(c) were taken by the British.
(d) Heavy taxes were levied upon
Question 3.
(a) Stephen offered Firdaus Kanga a cup of tea.
(b) He then showed him his garden.
(c) Firdaus touched his shoulder while leaving.
Firdaus Kanga visited Stephen’s house. Firdaus Kanga (a) …………….. Stephen. His garden (b) …………….. Stephen. Stephen’s shoulder (c) ……………… before leaving.??‍♂️Answer:
(a) was offered a cup of tea by
(b) was then shown him by.
(c) was touched by Firdaus.
Question 4.
(a) Rakesh has written a beautiful poem.
(b) His teacher has appreciated him.
(c) She shall award him the first prize.
A beautiful poem (a) …………….. Rakesh. He (b) …………….. his teacher. The first prize (c) ……………… by her.??‍♂️Answer:
(a) has been written by
(b) has been appreciated by
(c) will be awarded to him
Question 5.
(a) We should not use polybags.
(b) They choke the drains and sewage.
(c) Also they kill the animals.
Polybags are considered to be one of the most harmful elements. Polybags (a) …………….. Drains and sewage (b)……………….. Also (c) …………… by them.??‍♂️Answer:
(a) should not be used by us
(b) are choked by them
(c) the animals are killed
Question 6. Tomorrow Kartik will celebrate his birthday. He shall invite all his friends. He has arranged a sumptuous dinner. Also, he has arranged a dance party.

Since tomorrow is Kartik’s birthday, all his friends (a) …………….. A sumptuous dinner (b) Also a dance party (c) ………………..

(a) shall be invited by him.
(b) has been arranged by him
(c) has been arranged by him.

Question 7.
(a) Stray animals cause a great nuisance.
(b) The stray animals cause traffic jams.
(c) They spill the garbage from the dustbins. They also cause unhygienic conditions.
A great nuisance (a) ……………… by stray animals. Traffic jams (b) ……………. Garbage (c) ……………. thus unhygienic conditions are caused by them.??‍♂️Answer:
(a) is caused
(b) are caused by stray animals
(c) is spilt from the dustbins by the stray animals.
Question 8.
(a) Domestic servant has robbed an aged lady.
(b) He had laced her snacks with sedatives.
(c) He ransacked the house and looted the jewellery.
An aged lady (a) ………….. Her snacks (b) ……………. The house (c) ……………??‍♂️Answer:
(a) has been robbed by her domestic servant.
(b) had been laced with sedatives by him
(c) was ransacked and the jewellery was looted by him.
Question 9. Mark Antony delivered a speech at the funeral of Julius Ceasar. He won the sympathies of the crowd. He successfully instigated the people of Rome.

On the funeral of Julius Ceasar, a speech (a) …………….., (b) ……………. by him. Thus, the people of Rome (c) ……………….

(a) was delivered by Mark Antony.
(b) Sympathies of the crowd were won
(c) were successfully instigated by him.

Question 10. Fill in the blanks using the passive form of the verbs given in the bracket:

On this day, the World Hockey Association (a) ……………… (be) officially (b) ……………… (form). The Professional Ice Hockey league (c) ………………. (make) up of 12 teams and (d) ……………….. (consider) the National Hockey League’s main competitor. The WHA (e) (establish) by Dennis Murphy. ABA (f) ……………. also (g) ……………. (found) by him.

(a) was
(b) formed
(c) was made
(d) was considered
(e) was established
(f) was
(g) founded

Question 11. Rewrite the following paragraph changing the voice of the underlined verbs:

ABC Public School celebrated Van Mahotsava with great pomp and circumstances. The Chief Minister of Delhi inaugurated the function. He gave certificates to the meritorious students.

??‍♂️Answer: Van Mahotsava was celebrated by ABC Public School with great pomp and circumstances. The function was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Delhi. The meritorious students were given certificates.

12. Change the voice of given sentences.

Question (i) Ram did not help his friends.
??‍♂️Answer: Ram’s friends were not helped by him.

Question (ii) Mohan gave him a book.
??‍♂️Answer: He was given a book by Mohan.

Question (iii) When did he give the book?
??‍♂️Answer: When was the book given by him?

Question (iv) Mohan is teaching English nowadays.
??‍♂️Answer: English is being taught by Mohan nowadays.

Question (v) Why did he punish Mohan?
??‍♂️Answer: Why was Mohan punished by him?

Question (vi) Did he steal your pen?
??‍♂️Answer: Was your pen stolen by him?

Question (vii) Have they been rewarded by the authorities?
??‍♂️Answer: Have the authorities rewarded them?

Question (viii) I saw him playing with them.
??‍♂️Answer: He was seen playing with them by me.

Question (ix) Mohan cannot decide this case.
??‍♂️Answer: This case cannot be decided by Mohan.

Question (x) Help them.
??‍♂️Answer: They should be helped.

CBSE/NCERT Solution Class 10th English grammar with Answer