NCERT Solution Class 9th Science Chapter – 10 Work And Energy Notes

NCERT Solution Class 9th Science Chapter – 10 Work And Energy

Textbook NCERT
Class 9th
Subject Science
Chapter Name Work And Energy
Category Class 9th Science
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 9th Science Chapter – 10 Work And Energy Notes In this Chapter We Will read about Work And Energy, Work, Work done, Negative, Positive, Mechanical energy, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Commercial Unit of Energy and More much. you have provided easy notes which use in your study make progress in education.

NCERT Solution Class 9th Science Chapter – 10 Work And Energy

Chapter – 10

Work And Energy


Work = F x S

Unit – Joule (J)
1 Joule = 1 Newton × 1 Meter

Formula of work force x displacement = work or w = F x s
Work done may be Positive + ive Negative – ive Zero (0)


capacity of doing work 
Unit = Joule (J)

Transformation of energy
Conservation of energy
Rate of energy consumption


Forms of energy


Forms of energy

1. Heat energy
2. Chemical energy
3. Electrical energy
4. Solar energy
5. Sound energy
6. Mechanical energy

Mechanical energy

Kinetic energy
Kg = ½ mv
Unit = Joule (J)

Potential energy
PE = mgh
Unit = Joule (J)


Rate of doing work
Power (P) Work/Time (w/t)
Unit = Watt
1 Watt = 1 Joule/1Second

Commercial unit of energy kilowatt hour (kwh) 1 kwh = 3.6 × 10° Joules


For doing work, energy is required.In animals, energy is supplied by the food they eat.
In machine, energy is supplied by fuel.

Not much work inspite of working hard: Reading, writing, drawing, thinking, and analysing are all energy consuming. But in scientific manner, no work is done in above cases.

Example: A man is completely exhausted in trying to push a rock (wall), but work done is zero as the wall is stationary.

A man standing still with heavy suitcase may be tired soon but he does no work in this situation as he is stationary.
Work And Energy

Work is said to be done when

(i) a moving object comes to rest.
(ii) an object at rest starts moving.
(iii) velocity of an object changes.
(iv) shape of an object changes.
Scientific Conception of Work is done when force is applied on a body and when that force produces motion under its influence.

Condition of Work done

(i) Force should be applied on the body.
(ii) Body should be displaced.
Work And Energy
Examples– Work is done when:

(i) A cyclist is pedalling the cycle.
(ii) A man is lifting load in upward or downward direction.

Work is not done when

(i) A coolie carrying some load on his head stands stationary.
(ii) A man is applying force on a big rock.

Work Done by a Fixed Force

Work done in moving a body is equal to the product of force and displacement of body in the direction of force.
Work = Force x Displacement  
Work is a scalar quantity.
Work And Energy

Unit of Work

Unit of work is Newton metre or Joule.
When a force of 1 Newton moves a body through a distance of 1 metre in its ow
direction, then the work done is known as 1 Joule.
1 Joule = 1 Newton x 1 metre
1 J = 1 Nm
Work And Energy
Whenever work is done against gravity, the amount of work done is equal to the product of weight of the body and the vertical distance through which the body is lifted.

W = Weight of body x vertical distance.
W = m x g x h
m-mass of the body
g-acceleration due to gravity
h-height through which the body is lifted.
Note: Here, force required to lift the body is equal to its weight.
Work And Energy

The amount of work done depends on the following factors

(i) Magnitude of force – Greater the force, greater is the amount of work & vice-versa.
(ii) Displacement – Greater the displacement, greater is the amount of work & vice-versa.

Negative, Positive and Zero Work

Work done by a force can be positive, negative or zero.

(i) Work done is positive when a force acts in the direction of motion of the body.[ Fig. (a)] (0 = 0°).
0 = angle between direction of force applied & the motion of body.

Example: A child pulls a toy car with a string horizontally on the ground.
Here work done is positive.
W = F × S
Work And Energy
(ii) Work done is negative when a force acts opposite to the direction of motion of the body. (0= 180°)

Example: When we kick a football lying on the ground, the force of our kick moves the football. Here direction of force applied & motion of football is same so work done is positive. But the football moving on the ground slows down gradually and ultimately stops. This is because a force due to friction (of ground) acts on the football. This force of friction acts in a direction opposite to the direction of motion of football. So, in this case, the work done by the force of friction on the football is negative (and) it decrease the speed of the football.

(iii) Work done is zero when a force acts at right angles to the direction of motion. (0=90°)

Example: The moon moves around the earth in circular path. Here force of gravitation acts on the moon at right angles to the direction of motion of the moon. So work done is zero.
Work And Energy
-ve (negative) sign indicates that work is done against gravity.

Note that if work is done against the direction of motion (gravity), then it is taken -ve.

Example. A coolie lifts a luggage of 15 kg from the ground and put it on his head 1.5 m above the ground. Calculate the work done by him on the luggage.

Solution: Mass of luggage (m) = 15 kg
Displacement (S) = 1.5 m
So, Work done, W = F x S
= mg x S [F=mg]
= 15 x 10 x 1.5 [g= 10 m/s²]
[g= force of gravity]
= 225.0 kg m/s²
= 225 Nm = 225 J
Hence, work done = 225 J.


(i) The sun is the biggest source of energy.
(ii) Most of the energy sources are derived from the Sun.
(iii) Some energy is received from nucleus of atoms, interior of the earth and the tides.

Definition– The capacity of doing work is known as energy.
The amount of energy possessed by a body is equal to the amount of work it can do. Working body loses energy, body on which work is done gains energy.
Energy is a scalar quantity.

Unit– The SI unit of energy is Joule (J) and its bigger unit is kilo joule (kJ).
1 kJ = 1000 J
The energy required to do 1 Joule of work is called 1 Joule energy.

Forms of Energy

Main forms of energy are:

(i) Kinetic energy
(ii) Potential energy
(iii) Heat energy
(iv) Chemical energy
(v) Electrical energy
(vi) Light energy
(vii) Sound energy
(viii) Nuclear energy

Sum of kinetic energy & potential energy of a body is called mechanical energy.

Mechanical energy

The energy possessed by a body on account of its motion or position is called mechanical energy.

Kinetic Energy

The energy of a body due to its motion is called kinetic energy.
Examples of kinetic energy:

A moving cricket ball
Running water
A moving bullet
Flowing wind
A moving car
A running athelete
A rolling stone
Flying aircraft
 Work And Energy
Kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass and the square of velocity.

Formula for Kinetic Energy

The kinetic energy of a moving body is measured by the amount of work it can do before coming to rest. If an object of mass ‘m’ moving with uniform velocity ‘u’, it is displaced through a distance ‘s’, Constant force ‘F’ acts on it in the direction of displacement velocity changes from ‘u’ to ‘v’. Then acceleration is ‘a’.

Work done, W = F X S …(i)
and F = ma …(ii)
According to third equation of motion, relationship between u, v, s and a is as follows:
v2 – u2 = 2as
So, S = v2 – u2 / 2a …(iii)
Now putting the value of ƒ and s from (ii) and (iii) in equation (i),
W = ma x v2 – u2 / 2a
= m / 2 x v2 – u2 = 1/2m (v2 – u2)
If u = 0 (when body starts moving from rest)
W = ½mv2
Or Ek = ½mv2


An object of mass 15 kg is moving with uniform velocity of 4 m/sec. What is the kinetic energy possessed by it?

Solution: Mass of the object, m = 15kg
Velocity of the object, v = 4 m/s
EK = ½mv2
=½ x 15 kg x 4 ms¹ x 4 ms¹
= 120 J
The kinetic energy of the object is 120 J.

Potential Energy

The energy of a body due to its position or change in shape is known as potential energy.


(i) Water kept in dam : It can rotate turbine to generate electricity due to its position above the ground.
(ii) Wound up spring of a toy car: It possess potential energy which is released during unwinding of spring. So toy car moves.
(iii) Bent string of bow: Potential energy due to change of its shape (deformation) released in the form of kinetic energy while shooting an arrow.
Work And Energy

Factors affecting Potential Energy

(i) Mass– P. E. ∞ m
More the mass of body, greater is the potential energy and vice versa.

(ii) Height above the ground– P. E. ∞h (does not depend on the path it follows)
Greater the height above the ground, greater is the P.E. and vice versa.

(iii) Change in shape– Greater the stretching, twisting or bending, more is the potential energy.

Potential Energy of an Object on a Height

If a body of mass ‘m’ is raised to a height ‘h’ above the surface of the earth, the gravitational pull of the earth (mx g) acts in downward direction. To lift the body, we have to do work against the force of gravity.

Thus, Work done, W = Force x Displacement
Or W = m x g x h = mgh
This work is stored in the body as potential energy (gravitational potential energy).
Thus, Potential energy, Ep = m x g x h
where g = acceleration due to gravity.
Work And Energy


If a body of mass 10 kg is raised to a height of 6 m above the earth, calculate its potential energy.

Solution: Potential energy of the body = mgh
Mass of body = 10 kg
Height above the earth = 6 m
Acceleration due to gravity = 10 m/s²
So, Ep = 10 × 10 × 6
= 600 J
Thus, potential energy of the body is 600 Joules.

Transformation of Energy

The change of one form of energy to another form of energy is known as transformation of energy.


(i) A stone on a certain height has entire potential energy. But when it starts moving downward, potential energy of stone goes on decreasing as height goes on decreasing but its kinetic energy goes on increasing as velocity of stone goes on increasing. At the time stone reaches the ground, potential energy becomes zero and kinetic energy is maximum. Thus, its entire potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy.

(ii) At hydroelectric power house, the potential energy of water is transformed into kinetic energy and then into electrical energy.

(iii) At thermal power house, chemical energy of coal is changed into heat energy, which is futher converted into kinetic energy and electrical energy.

(iv) Plants use solar energy to make chemical energy in food by the process of photosynthesis.

Law of Conservation of Energy

Whenever energy changes from one form to another form, the total amount of energy remains constant.

“Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.”

Although some energy may be wasted during conversion, but the total energy of the system remains the same.

Conservation of Energy during Free Fall of a Body

A ball of mass ‘m’ at a height ‘h’ has potential energy = mgh.

As ball falls downwards, height ‘h’ decreases, so the potential energy also decreases.

Kinetic energy at ‘h’ is zero but it is increasing during falling of ball.

The sum of potential energy & kinetic energy of the ball remains the same at every point during its fall.
1/2m² + mgh = Constant
Kinetic energy + Potential energy = Constant
 Work And Energy
Conservation of energy in a simple Pendulum A swinging pendulum shows an example of conservation of energy.
Work And Energy
A swinging (or oscillating) simple pendulum

A simple pendulum consists of small metal ball (called bob) suspended by a long thread from a rigid support, such that the bob is free to swing back and forth when displaced.

Its energy is continuously transformed (or converted) from potential energy to kinetic energy and vice-versa.

The total energy of the swinging pendulum at any instant remains the same (or conserved).

The body which does work loses energy and the body on which work is done gains energy.

Rate of Doing Work – Power

“Power is defined as the rate of energy consumption.”

Power = Work done / Time taken Or P = W/t
where P = Power
W = Work done
T = Time taken

Unit of Power

SI unit of Power is Watt (W) = 1 Joule/second.
1 Watt = 1 Joule / 1 second Or 1 W = 1J/1 s
Power is one Watt when one Joule work is done in one second.
Average Power = Total work done or total energy used / Total time taken

Power of Electrical Gadget

The power of an electrical appliance tells us the rate at which electrical energy is consumed by it. Here, when work is done, an equal amount of energy in consumed.

Bigger unit of Power

Bigger unit of power is called Kilowatt or KW.
1 Kilowatt (KW) = 1000 Watt = 1000 W or 1000 J/s


A body does 20 Joules of work in 5 seconds. What is its power?

Solution: Power = Work done / Time taken
Work done = 20 Joules
Time taken = 5 sec.
P = 20 J/5 s
So, Power = 4 J/s = 4 W
Thus, power of the body is 4 Watts.

Commercial Unit of Energy

Joule is very small unit of energy and it is inconvenient to use it where a large quantity of energy is involved. For commercial purpose, bigger unit of energy is Kilowatt hour (KWh).

1 KWh

1 KWh is the amount of energy consumed when an electric appliance having a power rating of 1 Kilowatt is used for 1 hour.

Relation between Kilowatt hour and Joule

1 Kilowatt hour is the amount of energy consumed at the rate of 1 Kilowatt for 1 hour.
1 Kilowatt hour = 1 Kilowatt for 1 hour
= 1000 Watt for 1 hour
= 1000 Watt × 3600 seconds (60 x 60 seconds = 1 hour)
= 36,00,000 Joules
So, 1 KWh = 3.6 x 106 J = 1 unit


A bulb of 60 Watt is used for 6 hrs. daily. How many units (KWh) of electrical energy are consumed?

Solution: Power of bulb = 60 W = 60/1000 KW = 0.06KW
t = 6 hours
Energy = Power x Time taken = 0.06 × 6h
= 0.36 KWh = 0.36 units

Question 1. While swimming why do we feel light?

The swimmer is exerted by an upward force by water, this phenomenon is called buoyancy and it makes the swimmer feel light.

Question 2. Define pressure.

The force exerted per unit area is called pressure.

Question 3. Define thrust.

The net force exerted by a body in a particular direction is called thrust.

Question 4. What is the S.I. unit of pressure?

The S.I. unit of pressure = N/m2 = Pascal.

Question 5. What is the S.I. unit of thrust?


Question 6. Define density and give its unit.

The density of a substance is defined as mass per unit volume. Its unit is kg/m3.

Question 7. What is relative density?

The relative density of a substance is the ratio-of its density to that of water.

Question 8. The relative density of silver is 10.8. What does this mean?

It means that the density of silver is 10.8 times more than that of water. T

Question 9. Why do nails have pointed tips?

The force exerted when acts on a smaller area, it exerts larger pressure. So the nails have pointed tips.

Question 10. Why a truck or a motorbike has much wider tyres?

The pressure exerted by it can be distributed to more area, and avoid the wear and tear of tyres.

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