NCERT Solution Class 6th Social Science Geography Chapter – 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes Question & Answer

NCERT Solution Class 6th Social Science Geography Chapter – 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes

Class  6th
Subject Social Science (Geography)
Chapter NameGlobe Latitudes and Longitudes
CategoryClass 6th Social Science (Geography)
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 6th Social Science Geography Chapter – 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes Question & Answer we will read about What is the shape of longitude?, Which is the smallest latitude?, What is the other name of longitude?, Which latitude is called?, Why is latitude called?, Why is it called latitude?, What are the 2 main latitudes?, What is the range of longitude?, How many longitudes are there?, What is an example of longitude?, What are the uses of longitude?, What are the 7 important latitudes? etc.

NCERT Solution Class 6th Social Science Geography Chapter – 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes

Chapter – 2

Globe Latitudes and Longitudes

Question & Answer

1.  Answer the following questions briefly.

(A) What is the true shape of the earth?
Answer – The true shape of the Earth is geoid-earth like shape. In other words, it is orange shaped.

(B) What is the globe?
Answer – Globe is the three dimensional model of the earth.

(C) What is the latitudinal value of the Tropic of Cancer?
Answer – 2312° N.

(D) What are the three heat zones of the Earth?

(i) Torrid Zone
(ii) Temperate Zone
(iii) Frigid Zone.

Answer – (i) Torrid Zone

(E) What are parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude?
Answer – Parallels of Latitudes and Meridians of Longitudes –
Parallels of Latitudes – All the parallel circles from the equator to the poles are called parallels of latitudes.
Meridians of Longitudes – All the semi-circles which join north pole to south pole are termed as meridians of longitudes.
(F) Why does the Torrid Zone receive the maximum amount of heat?
Answer – Torrid Zone receives the maximum amount of heat because of the following reasons –
• The Sun shines perpendicular between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn throughout the year.
• Perpendicular sun rays give more heat than slanting sun rays.
(G) Why is it 5.30 p.m in India and 12.00 noon in London?
Answer  It is 5.30 p.m. in India when it is 12.00 noon in London because of the following reasons –
• London is located at 0° longitude while the time of 82 ½° E longitude is taken as standard time in India.
• There is a difference of 82 ½° between the longitude of London and the Standard Meridian of India (82 ½° E).
• Time in India is ahead of London. It is 4 minutes ahead at every longitude towards east.
• Hence time in India is ahead of London by 5.30 hours (4 x 82 ½° = 330 minutes or 5.30 hours).
2. Tick the correct answer.

(A)The value of the prime meridian is

(i) 90
(ii) 0
(iii) 60

Answer – (ii) 0

(B)The frigid zone lies near

(i) the Poles
(ii) the Equator
(iii) the Tropic of Cancer

Answer – (i) the Poles

(C)The total number of longitudes are

(i) 360
(ii) 180
(iii) 90

Answer – (i) 360

(D) The Antarctic Circle is located in

(i) the Northern Hemisphere
(ii) the Southern Hemisphere
(iii) the Eastern Hemisphere

Answer – (ii) the Southern Hemisphere

(E) Grid is a network of

(i) parallels of latitudes and meridians of longitudes
(ii) the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn
(iii) the North Pole and the South Pole

Answer – (i) parallels of latitudes and meridians of longitudes
3. Fill in the blanks.

(a) The Tropic of Capricorn is located at…………………..
Answer –  23 1/2° S

(b) The Standard Meridian of India is…………………..
Answer – 82 1/2° E

(c) The 0 Meridian is also known as…………………..
Answer – Prime Meridian

(d) The distance between the longitudes decreases towards ……………………….
Answer – Prime Meridian

(e) The Arctic Circle is located in the………………. hemisphere.
Answer – Northern.
NCERT Solution Class 6th Geography All Chapters Question Answer
Chapter 1 – The Earth in the Solar System
Chapter 2 – Globe Latitudes and Longitudes
Chapter 3 – Motions of the Earth
Chapter 4 – Maps
Chapter 5 – Major Domains of the Earth
Chapter 6 – Our Country India
NCERT Solutions Class 6th Geography All Chapters Notes
Chapter 1 – The Earth in the Solar System
Chapter 2 – Globe : Latitudes and Longitudes
Chapter 3 – Motions of the Earth
Chapter 4 – Maps
Chapter 5 – Major Domains of the Earth
Chapter 6 – Our Country India
NCERT Solution Class 6th Geography All Chapters MCQ
Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar System
Chapter 2 Globe Latitudes and Longitudes
Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth
Chapter 4 Maps
Chapter 5 Major Domains of the Earth
Chapter 6 Our Country India

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