NCERT Solutions Class 6th Social Science History Chapter – 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 6thSocial Science History Chapter – 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic 

Subject Social Science (History)
Chapter NameKingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic
CategoryClass 6th History Notes
Medium English
Source Last Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 6th  Social Science History Chapter – 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Notes What are the 22 janapadas?, Who chose the rajas?, What are the 16 janapadas?, Who ruled janapadas?, How can I learn 16 Mahajanapadas?, What is the capital of Janapadas?, What were the two types of Janapadas?, Who was the first ruler of Mahajanapadas?, Where is Vajji located?, Who won Avanti?, Where did the janapadas live?

NCERT Solutions Class 6th  Social Science History Chapter – 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic 

Chapter – 5

Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic


Janapadas – The powerful kings who performed big sacrifices and later ruled larger territories termed as Janapadas. The term “Janapada” literally means ‘foothold of a tribe’. A Janapada could be a republic like Vajji or a monarchy like Magadha.
Vamas – Later, Vedic texts like Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda mentioned certain rules about the society. There were different groups in the society such as priests and warriors, farmers, herders, traders, craftspersons and labourers.
Varna Hierarchy – The priests divided people into four groups called vamas. Each varna had different sets of functions.
Selection of the Rulers – In ancient India, some of the rajas were probably chosen by the Jana, the people. Some changes regarding the election of the Raja took place around 3,000 years ago. Some men performed Ashvamedha sacrifice and came to be recognised as rajas.
Gana – This was the method of rule in early centuries where members of society met in assemblies and decided about administration through discussions and debates.
Mahajanapadas – A Mahajanapada was usually ruled from its capital city. There was intense rivalry among the Mahajanapadas, resulting in frequent wars. Huge walls made of mud, stone, wood or bricks were used to fortify these capital cities.
Taxes – Money was required by new rajas for building forts and armies. They started collecting regular taxes from the people. The tax could be paid either in cash or in kind.

The case of the raja of the janapadas, they started collecting regular taxes.

• Taxes on crops.
• Taxes on crafts persons.
• Herders paid taxes as animals and animal produce.
• Taxes on goods through trade.
• Hunters and gatherers had to provide forest produce to the raja.
Changes in Agriculture – Agriculture prospered in most of the Mahajanapadas as they were located in fertile areas. Two major changes came in agriculture. One was the increasing use of the iron plough. Secondly, people began transplanting paddy which led to increased production.
Around 3000 years ago, there were some new ways of choosing ‘rajas’. Some men became ‘rajas’ by performing big sacrifices. One of such rituals was ‘ASHVAMEDHA’ (horse sacrifice). The ‘raja’ was an important figure.
Kingdoms were usually called the ‘Janapadas’, which were ruled by the ‘rajas’. People lived in huts and kept animals. They grew a variety of crops.
Some ‘janapadas’ later became more important than others, and they were called ‘Mahajanapadas’. The capital cities were fortified.
The new ‘rajas’ began maintaining armies. Payments were made using punchmarked coins.

Coins – The ‘rajas’ needed resources to build forts and to maintain armies. Officials were supposed to collect taxes from people. Taxes were in the form of crops, labour, animals and their produce, etc.

There were changes in agriculture too. The use of Iron Ploughshares increased, thus enhancing grain production. People started transplanting paddy. This also increased production.

Magadha became the most important ‘mahajanapada’ in about 200 years. Transport, water supplies, fertility, forests, elephants, mines, etc. made Magadha important.
The two powerful rulers of Magadha, Bimbisara and Ajatasattu used all possible means to conquer other ‘janapadas’. Rajagriha was the capital of Magadha. Later it was Pataliputra (now Patna).
Vajji was another kingdom with its capital at Vaishali (Bihar). It had a different form of government called ‘gana’/‘sangha’, which had not one, but many rulers. These rulers performed rituals together and met in assemblies. Buddhist books depict life in the ‘sanghas’.
‘Rajas’ of powerful kingdoms tried to conquer the ‘sanghas’.
‘Ashvamedha’ – (horse sacrifice) This was ritual in which a horse was let loose to wander freely and it was guarded by the ‘rajas’ men. If the horse entered other kingdoms, there would be a duel between the two kings.
‘Bhaga’ – Taxes on crops (1/6 of the produce) was called ‘bhaga’.
‘Gana’/‘Sangha’ – A form of government followed in the kingdom of Vajji.
‘Janapadas’ – Kingdoms were referred to as ‘janapadas’. (‘jana’ – land, ‘pada’ – foot).
‘Mahajanapada’ – The most important of the ‘janapadas’.
‘Varnas’ – Each of the four categories of society, based on occupation and decided by birth, was referred to as ‘Varnas’.
About 3000 years ago (around 1000 B.C) – new kinds of ‘rajas’.
About 2500 years ago (around 500 B.C) – formation of ‘mahaj’ anapadas’.
About 2300 years ago (around 300 B.C) – the invasion of Alexander the Great.

Question. 1. Name a ritual used to recognise someone as a ‘raja’.

‘Ashvamedha’ was one ritual used to recognise kings.

Question. 2. Which category of people was excluded from the rituals?

The ‘Shudras’ were excluded from rituals,

Question. 3. Name two ‘janapadas’ in North India.

Hastinapura and Atranjikhera.

Question. 4. How were cities fortified?

Cities were fortified by building huge walls of wood, brick or stone around them,

Question. 5. For what did rulers need taxes?

Rulers needed taxes to build huge forts and to maintain big armies,

Question. 6. Name tivo rivers that flowed through Magadha.

Ganga and Son were two rivers that flowed through Magadha.

Question. 7. Name some places conquered by Alexander.

Alexander conquered parts of Egypt and West Asia.

Question. 8. Which rulers conquered the last of the ‘ganas’ or ‘sanghas’?

The Gupta rulers conquered the last of the ‘ganas’ or ‘sanghas’.
NCERT Solutions Class 6th History All Chapter Notes
Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When?
Chapter 2 From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food
Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities
Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us
Chapter 5 Kingdoms, Kings and An Early Republic
Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas
Chapter 7 Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War
Chapter 8 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
Chapter 9 New Empires and Kingdoms
Chapter 10 Buildings, Paints and Books
NCERT Solution Class 6th History Question & Answer
Chapter 1 – What, Where, How and When?
Chapter 2 – From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food
Chapter 3 – In the Earliest Cities
Chapter 4 – What Books and Burials Tell Us
Chapter 5 – Kingdoms, Kings and An Early Republic
Chapter 6 – New Questions and Ideas
Chapter 7 – Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War
Chapter 8 – Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
Chapter 9 – New Empires and Kingdoms
Chapter 10 – Buildings, Paints and Books
NCERT Solutions Class 6th History MCQ
Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When?
Chapter 2 From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food
Chapter 3 In the Earliest Cities
Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us
Chapter 5 Kingdoms, Kings and An Early Republic
Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas
Chapter 7 Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War
Chapter 8 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
Chapter 9 New Empires and Kingdoms
Chapter 10 Buildings, Paints and Books

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