NCERT Solution Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter – 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Question & Answer

NCERT Solution Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter – 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master

Class 6th
Subject English (Honeysuckle)
Chapter Name How the Dog Found Himself a New Master
CategoryClass 6th English 
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter – 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Question & Answer The solutions can be used by the students while answering the textbook questions without any time constraints. Provided below are the answers to Unit 1 of Class 6.

NCERT Solution Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter – 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master

Chapter – 2

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master

Question & Answer

Working with the text (Page 21-22)

A. Discuss these questions in pairs before you write the answers.

1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
Answer – 
The dog was sick and tired of going about alone in search of food. And he did not feel safe. So he decided to have a master.

2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master?
Answer – The dog first chose a wolf as his master. But he found the wolf afraid of the bear. So he left the company of the wolf.

3. Who did he choose next?
Answer – Next, the dog choose a bear as his master, because he was stronger than the Wolf.

4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time?
Answer – The dog served the Lion for a long time because he had no complaint against him. Secondly, he felt safe and secure. No other wild animal dared to displease him.

5. Who did he finally choose as his master and why?
Answer – The dog finally chose a man as his master. Even the lion was afraid of man. So the dog was convinced that man was the strongest creature on earth.

B. A summary of the story is given below. Fill in the blanks to complete taking appropriate phrases from the box.

a dog stronger than anyone else the strongest of all a wolf the bear afraid of man his own master a lion

This is the story of ____________, who used to be _____________. he decided to find a master ____________. First he found ____________, but the wolf was afraid of __________________.  The dog thought that the bear was ______________.  After some time the dog met ______________, who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the for a long time. One day he realised that the lion was ____________. to this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.

Answer – This is the story of a dog, who used to be his own master. he decided to find a master stronger than anyone else. First he found a wolf, but the wolf was afraid of the bear. The dog thought that the bear was the strongest of all. After some time the dog met a lion, who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the for a long time. One day he realised that the lion was afraid of man. to this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.


A. Each word in the box given below indicates a large number of…
For example, ‘a herd of cows’ refers to many cows.
Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word from the box.
school, fleet, brood, bundle, bunch, pack, flock, herd
1. a  _______ of ships
2. a ______ of flower
3. a ______ of chicks
4. a ______ of cattle
5. a ______ of sticks
6. a ______ of sheep
7. a _____ of fish
8. a _____ of wolves

Answer –
1. fleet
2. bunch
3. brood
4. herd
5. bundle
6. flock
7. school
8. pack

B. Make nouns from the words given below by adding – ness or – ity. (For some words we need to add just – ty or – y)

1. honest ______
2. kind ______
3. cruel ______
4. calm ______
5. sad _______
6. active ______
7. creative _______
8. sincere ______
9. cheerful ______
10. bitter ______
11. sensitive ______
12. great ______

Answer – 1. honesty
2. kindness
3. cruelty
4. calmness
5. sadness
6. activity
7. creativity
8. sincerity
9. cheerfulness
10. bitterness
11. sensitivity
12. greatness

C. Word Search

  • These are twelve words hidden in the table.
  • Six can be found horizontally and the remaining six vertically.
  • All of them are describing words like ‘good’, ‘happy’, etc.
  •  The first letters of the words are given below:

Answer – Horizontal words:
1. Hasty
2. ready
3. Fierce
4. Frightened
5. strong
6. good

Vertical Words:
1. Angry
2. Worse
3. Surprised
4. Free
5. Loyal
6. Quiet

D. Read the following passage and do the exercises that follow. Then complete the family tree of dogs given on the facing page.

1. Find the opposites of these words in the text above.
(i) ancestor  _____________
(ii) Wild t _ m _
(iii) ancient_______
(iv) near d__________ t
(v) suddenly gr__________

Answer – (i) descendant, (ii) tame, (iii) modem, (iv) distant, (v) gradually.

2. Complete the following sentences.
(i) The dingo is _______________.
(ii) Dogs were the ___________ animals tamed by humans. The other animals tamed by humans are ________. (Think and name some other such animals.)
(iii) The New World refers to ________________ .
(iv) Dogs were brought there from_________________.

Answer – (i) The dingo is a wild dog.
(ii) Dogs were the first animals tamed by humans. The other animals tamed by humans are horses, elephants, cows, donkeys, buffaloes.
(iii) The New World refers to America.
(iv) Dogs were brought there from Asia. Family tree of Dogs Carnivores

Speaking (Page 26)

Question 1. Here are some points from a similar story that you might have heard in another language. Dividing the class into two groups try and tell the story in English. One person from each group can speak alternately. Your teacher will help you. As you tell it, one of you may write it down on the board.Mouse changed into a girl by a magician…Wants to marry the strongest person…Asks whether sun or cloud stronger (why?)…But mountain stronger than clouds (how?)…But mouse stronger than mountain (how?)…Girl asks to marry mouse, becomes a mouse again.

Answer – Once there was a mouse who lived with a magician. One day the magician turned the mouse into a beautiful girl. Now this girl wanted to marry the strongest being of this universe. She went to the sun and requested him to marry her. The sun said that cloud was stronger because it could hide him whenever it liked. The girl now went to the cloud with the same request. The clouds said that the Mountain was stronger. It was able to force the clouds to fall in the form of rain.

So the girl went to the Mountain and requested him to marry her. The Mountain told the girl that the strongest creatures in the universe are the mice. They could make holes even into the mountains. The girl decided to marry a mouse. She requested the magician to make her a mouse again. The magician agreed and the girl became a mouse.

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