NCERT Solution Class 10th History Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation Notes

NCERT Solution Class 10th History Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation Notes
Last Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 10th History Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation

Class 10th
Subject Social Science (History)
Chapter NameThe Age of Industrialisation
CategoryClass 10th Social Science History 
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 10th History Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation Notes in this chapter we will learn such topics : The age of Industrialisation (coming up of factories), Before the Industrial Revolution (Proto – Industrialisation), Industrialisation in Europe (Specially Britain), Industrialisation in Colonies (India), The pace of Industrial Change, Hand Labour and steam power, Life of the Workers in England, Industrialisation in the Colonies and Coming up of factories in India (19th Century) etc.

NCERT Solutions Class 10th History Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation

Chapter – 4

The Age of Industrialisation


The age of Industrialisation (coming up of factories)

1. Before the Industrial Revolution (Proto – Industrialisation)
2. Industrialisation in Europe (Specially Britain)
3. Industrialisation in Colonies (India)
Before the Industrial Revolution (Proto – Industrialisation)

(i) Not base on factories.
(ii) Production was controlled by Guilds.
(iii) Things were produced by peasant and Artioans in the countryside.
(iv) A close relationship between towns and countryside.
Industrialisation in Europe (Specially Britain)

(i) The coming up of factory.
(ii) The pace of Industrial Change.
(iii) Hand labour and steam power.
(iv) Life of the workers in England.
Industrialisation in Colonies (India)

(i) The age of Indian textiles.
(ii) Condition of Indian weavers (18th century).
(iii) Factories come up in India.
(iv) Peculiarities of Industrial growth in India.
(v) Market for goods.
The coming up of Factory

(i) The Earliest factories in the world came up in England in 1730’s.
(ii) First symbol of this new era was cotton.
(iii) Factors that made it possible: Series of inventions and changes within the process of production.
(iv) All the processes of production were brought under one roof and management.
The pace of Industrial Change

(i) Industrialisation does not mean only the growth of factory or industries.

(ii) Cotton and metal Industries were changed rapidly and were the most dynamic Industries in Britain. Cotton was the leading sectorin the first phase (till 1840).

(iii) Iron and steel Industries grew rapidly with the expansion of railways in England from 1840’s and from 1860’s in Colonies.

(iv) New Industries however could not easily displace the existing traditional Industries. By the end of 19th century less than 20% of total
workforce was employed in the Industrial sector.

(v) Other traditional Industries were much less influenced by the steam powered or metal Industries.

However they did not remain stagnant either. Ordinary and small innovations were the basis of growth in many non-mechanised sector.
Hand Labour and steam power

1. A range of products could be produced only with hand labour Machines produced goods for a mass market.

2. In Victorian Britain There was no shortage of human lalour so wages were low.

3. Demand in the market was often for goods with intricate designs and specifics shapes which could be produced by hand only.

4. Industrialists did not want to introduce machines that got rid of human labour and required large capital investment.
Life of the Workers in England

(i) Overall the life of the workers was miserable.
(ii) Scarcity of jobs because of abundance of labor in the market.
(iii) Actual possibility of getting a job depended on existing network of friendship and kin relations.
(iv) Most of the work was seasonal so prolonged periods without work.
(v) Real wages fell so poverty increased among workers.
(vi) Fear of underployment made workers hostile to the new technology and machines were attacked by the workers.
(vii) After 1840’s rise in employment opportunities due to increase in building activities, widening of roads, digging of tunnels, laying of drainage, sewer etc.
Industrialisation in the Colonies – The age of Indian Textiles

1. Before the age of Machine Industries.
2. After the age of Machine Industries (1750’s onwards).
Before the age of Machine Industries

(i) Silk and cotton goods from India dominated the International market.
(ii) Finer varieties came from India Armenian and Persian merchants took the goods from India to Afghanistan Persia and central Asia.
(iii) Surat, Masulipatam and Hoogly were the famous ports.
(iv) A variety of Indian merchants and bankers were involved in this network of export trade.
(v) Two types of merchants: Supply merchants and export merchants.
(vi) At the ports the big shippers and export merchants had brokers who negotiated the price and bought goods from the supply merchants.
After the age of Machine Industries (1750’s onwards).

(i) By 1750’s the trade network controlled by Indian merchants was breaking down.
(ii) The European companies gained power.
(iii) Decline of old ports of surat and hoolgy.
(iv) Bombay and calcutta grew as new ports.
(v) New trade was contracted by europe on companies are carried in Europeanship.
(vi) No decline in textile exports from India Initially Indian textile were still in great demand in 18th century Europe.
What happned to weavers (with the coming of Europeon trading companies)

Before establishing political control by East India Company : the weavers were in a better position as there were many buyers for their priduct so they could bargain and try selling the produce to the best buyer.
After establishing Political Control by East India Company

(1) 1760’s onwards East India Company established its monopoly over Indian trade.
(2) The existing traders and brokers were eliminated and direct control over the weaver was established.
(3) Weavers were prevented from dealing with other buyers.
(4) A paid servant Gomashta was appointed to supervise weavers. Reports of clashes between Gomashtas and weavers.
(5) The price weavers received from the company was miserably low.
Manchester Comes to India (British Goods)

(ii) New set of Problems faced by cotton weavers by the turn of the 19th century.

(iii) Beginning of 19th century – A long decline of textile exports from India.

(iv) Cotton Industries developed in England duties were imposed on imported textiles. British textile was sold in Indian markets as well,

(v) Problems for Indian weavers: export market collapsed, local market shrank, non availability of good quality raw cotton, forced to buy cotton at high rate.

(vi) By the end of 19th century. Factories in India began production, flooding the market with machine goods.
Early Factories

• First cotton mill in Bombay in 1854
• First jute mill in Bengal in 1855
• Elgin mill started in Kanpur in 1860’s
• 1874 the first spinning and weaving mill of madras
Coming up of factories in India (19th Century)

Condition of the Indian workers

• Most of the mill workers were temporarily implode returned to then village during harvests.
• Jobbers often controlled the lives of workers.

Early Entrepreneurs

• They were the people involved in trade with china for Ex, In Bengal Dwarkanath.
• Tagore set up 6 joint stock companies in 1830’s and 1840’s.
• In Bombay Dinshaw Petit and J.N. Tata.
• Seth Hukumchand in calcutta set up first jute mill.
• GD Birla did the same.
• Merchants from madras who traded with Burma, Middle East and East Africa.
• Other Commercial groups who traded within India.

Early Workers

• Workers mainly came from the districts around.
• Mainly peasants and workers who found no working rural India.
• For ex. in Bombay cotton Industries workers from Ratnagiri district.
The Pecularities of Industrial growth:

(i) European managing agencies, which doninated Industrial prodution were interested in producing only those goods which were required

(ii) for export trade and not for sale in India. For ex. tea, coffee, Indigo, Jute, mining.

(iii) Indian businessmen set up those Industries (in late 19th century) which would not compete with manchester goods. For ex. Yarn was not imported so early cotton mills produced yarn rather than fabric.

(iv) First decade of 20th century pattern of Industrialisation changed.

(v) Swadeshi movement (1905) mobilised people to boycott foreign cloth so textile production began in India Moreover yarn export to China declined so Industrialists shifted from Yarn to cloth production. Cotten piece goods production doubled between 1900 and 1912.

(vi) First world war gave a boost Industrial production in India. New factories were set up in India as British mills were busy with war production.
Small Scale Industries Predominate

• Even after the growth of factories, very few Industrial centres located mainly in Bengal and Bombay.

• Only a small proportion of the total Industrial labour worked in factories. 5% in 1911 and 10% in 1931. Rest worked in small workshops and household units.

• Series of inventions improved the technique of production in handloom sector and handloom cloth production expanded steadily. One such invention was flyshutfle.

• Some specialised weaves could not be produced by mills so they were continued to be produced by weavers. For ex. Saris with woven borders, lungis and handkerchief of Madras.

• Some groups of weavers survived the competition with mill Industries better than others for example weavers weaving fives variety of clothes because demand for these goods did not fluctuate even during bad harvest years.
Magazines ways to create market for goods

1. Advertisements – Indian manufactures gave nationalist massage through their advertisements ‘If you care for the nation then buy products made in India.

2. Advertisements & Newspapers – Images of Indian gods and goddesses were used to develop local connection with the people. Image of Baby Krishna was used to popularises baby product.

3. Calendars – Calenders were used to popularises products even among those who could not read news papers and magazines.

4. Labels – Producers from manchester used label made in manchester as a market quality.
Timeline of Events (1600 to 1941)

1600 : The East India company was established.
1730 : The earliest factories in England were setup.
1760 : Britian imported New cotton to feed its cotton industry.
1764 : James Hargreaves, devised spinning Jenny.
1767 : Richard Arkwright established the cotton mill.

1781 : James watt improvised steam engine & patented it.
1785 : Cart wright invented the powerloom which used steam power for spinning & weaving.
1830 – 1840 : Dwarkanath Tagore setup 6 joint stock companies in Bengal.
1840 : Cotton was the leading sector in the first phase of Industrialisation in Britain.
1850 : Railway station developed all over London.

1854 : The first cotton mill was established in Bombay.
1855 : The first Jute Mill was set up in Bengal.
1860 : The supply of cotton reduced because of American Civil War.
1860 : Elgin Mill was started in Kanpur.
1861 : The first cotton mill was setup in Ahmedabad.

1873 : Britain exported Iron & Steel.
1874 : The first spinning & weaving mill & Madras began its production.
1900 : E.T paul music company published “Dawn of Century”.
1912 : J.N. Tata set up first Iron & Steel works in Jameshedpur.
1917 : Seth Hukumchand set up first Jute Mill in Calcutta.
1941 : Use of fly shuttle in more than 35 looms.
Points to be Remember

(1) Orient – The countries of the East especially East Asia
(2) Capital – That part of money when invested is used for trade purpose.
(3) Socialism – Where factors of production are held by the government.
(4) Spenning Jenny – Invented by James Hargreaves in 1764. It accelerated production.
(5) Staples – A person who ‘Staples’ or sorts wool according to fibre.
(6) Fuller – A person who ‘Fulls’ that it gathers cloth by pleating.
(7) Carding – The process in when fibres such as cotton or wool are prepared prior to spinning.

NCERT Solution Class 10th History All Chapters Notes

Chapter – 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter – 2 Nationalism in India
Chapter – 3 The Making of Global World
Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation
Chapter – 5 Print Culture and the Modern World

NCERT Solution Class 10th History All Chapters Question & Answer

Chapter – 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter – 2 Nationalism in India
Chapter – 3 The Making of Global World
Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation
Chapter – 5 Print Culture and the Modern World

NCERT Solution Class 10th History All Chapters MCQ

Chapter – 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter – 2 Nationalism in India
Chapter – 3 The Making of Global World
Chapter – 4 The Age of Industrialisation
Chapter – 5 Print Culture and the Modern World

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