Class 6th Science Chapter – 3 Separation of Substances MCQ With Answer

Class 6th Science Chapter - 3 Separation of Substances MCQ With Answer
Last Doubt

Class 6th Science Chapter – 3 Separation of Substances

Class 6th
Subject Science
Chapter Name Separation of Substances
CategoryClass 6th Science 
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

Class 6th Science Chapter – 3 Separation of Substances

Chapter – 3

Separation of Substances


(1) During summer, Boojho carries water in a transparent plastic bottle to his school. One day, he left his bottle in this school. The bottle still had some water left in it. The next day, he observed some water droplets on the inner surface of the empty portion of the bottle. These droplets of water were formed due to:

A. Boiling and condensation
B. Evaporation and saturation
C. Evaporation and condensation
D. Condensation and saturation

Answer – (C) Evaporation and condensation
(2) Consider the following statements and choose the correct statements:

A. Separating funnel is used for separation of immiscible liquids.
B. Centrifugation is used to removal of dissolved solids of different densities from liquids.
C. Loading is used to increase the size of impurities so that they settle down fast.
D. All the above.

Answer – (D) All the above.
(3) Paheli asked for a glass of water from Boojho. He gave her a glass of ice-cold water. Paheli observed some water droplets on the outer surface of the glass and asked Boojho, how these droplets of water were formed ? Which of the following should be Boojho’s answer?

A. Evaporation of water from the glass.
B. Water that seeped out from the glass.
C. Evaporation of atmospheric water vapour.
D. Condensation of atmospheric water vapour.

Answer – (D) Condensation of atmospheric water vapour.
(4) In which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

A. The clear liquid that remains above the sediments is called supernatant.
B. The process of separating insoluble components from a mixture using a filter paper or cloth is called filtration.
C. The process of adding of alum in muddy water which loads the mud particles and speeds of sedimentation is known as loading.
D. None of the above.

Answer – (D) None of the above.
(5) In which of the following statements is or are incorrect?

A. Petroleum (crude oil) is a mixture of various carbon compounds.
B. Wheat obtained from field (after threshing) is a mixture of wheat grains and husk.
C. Sea water is a mixture of water, common salt and various other salt dissolved in it.
D. Milk is a mixture of different liquid.

Answer – (D) Milk is a mixture of different liquid.
(6) Which of the following statement is or are incorrect?

A. Water is capable of dissolving a variety of different substances as it is called “Universal solution”.
B. Distillation is a method of obtaining a pure liquid from a solution by heating at a certain temperature.
C. Evaporation is a method used to separate a dissolved solid component from a solution by heating.
D. None of the above.

Answer – (A) Water is capable of dissolving a variety of different substances as it is called “Universal solution”.
(7) Paheli wants to write the reasons for separating mixtures into their compounds:

A. To obtain useful component.
B. To remove undecidable component.
C. To obtain the pure sample of a substance.
D. All of the above.

Answer – (D) All of the above.
(8) If the saturated solution of a substance at a particular temperature is heated to a higher temperature then the solubility of a substances:

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains same
D. Little decrease

Answer – (A) Increase
(9) Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

A. Rice flour mixed with kidney beans, separated by sieving.
B. Lady’s finger mixed with French-beans, separated by hand-picking.
C. Salt mixed with water, separated by evaporation.
D. None of the above.

Answer – (D) None of the above.
(10) Consider the following sentences and choose the incorrect one:

A. A mixture of tea leaves and milk can be separated by decantation.
B. A mixture of wheat grains and rice flakes can be separated by winnowing.
C. A mixture of iron filling and rice flour can be separated by sieving.
D. Water can be separated from salt by evaporation.

Answer – (C) A mixture of iron filling and rice flour can be separated by sieving.
(11) During summer, Boojho carries water in a transparent plastic bottle to his school. One day, he left his bottle in this school. The bottle still had some water left in it. The next day, he observed some water droplets on the inner surface of the empty portion of the bottle. These droplets of water were formed due to:

A. Boiling and condensation
B. Evaporation and saturation
C. Evaporation and condensation
D. Condensation and saturation

Answer – (C) Evaporation and condensation
(12) While preparing chapattis, Paheli found that the flour to be used was mixed with wheat grains. Which out of the following is the most suitable method to separate the grains from the flour?

A. Threshing
B. Sieving
C. Winnowing
D. Filtration

Answer – (B) Sieving
(13) Boojho has a mixture of iron nails, salt, oil and water. He is trying to separate each one. Consider the statements which is or are correct and help him?

A. Hand picking is the method to use to separate iron nails from the mixture.
B. Decantation is the method where the mixture is allowed to stand for some time. The clear liquid is poured to another container to separate oil from the mixture.
C. Evaporation is the method where remaining liquid is allowed to evaporate till residue is obtained. This residue is salt.
D. All the above

Answer – (D) All the above
(14) Which amongst the following methods would be most appropriate to separate grains from bundles of stalks?

A. Hand-picking
B. Winnowing
C. Sieving
D. Threshing

Answer – (D) Threshing
(15) Paheli is writing some statements about sieving. Choose the incorrect sentence and help her:

A. The cashew-nut of different sizes are separated in cashew-nut factories by the process of sieving.
B. Fine sand can be separated from larger particles by sieving.
C. The impurities are removed from wheat before grinding by the process of sieving.
D. None of the above.

Answer – (D) None of the above.
(16) Boojho obtained salt from salt water mixture (or salt solution) by evaporation but water cannot be recovered during evaporation, it is lost into air. In order to recover both salt as well as water from solution, method will be:

A. Distillation
B. Decantation
C. Filtration
D. Loading

Answer – (A) Distillation
(17) Boojho appeared in class test where he wrote some statements but he confused to know the incorrect statement. Would you help him to know that?

A. A mixture of iron fillings and rice flour can be separated by magnet.
B. A mixture of wheat grains and wheat flour can be separated by sieving.
C. Water can be separated from salt by evaporation.
D. A mixture of oil and water can be separated by filtration.

Answer – (D) A mixture of oil and water can be separated by filtration.
(18) Paheli bought some vegetables such as French-beans, lady’s finger, green chilies, brinjals and potatoes all mixed in a bag. Which of the following methods of separation would be most appropriate for her to separate them?

A. Winnowing
B. Sieving
C. Threshing
D. Hand-picking

Answer – (D) Hand-picking
(19) Four mixtures are given below, which of these can be separated by the method of winnowing?

A. Kidney beans and chickpeas, pulses and rice
B. Pulses and rice, Rice-flakes and corn
C. Kidney beans and chickpeas, Rice-flakes and corn
D. Rice-flakes and corn, Potato wafers and biscuits

Answer – (D) Rice-flakes and corn, Potato wafers and biscuits
(20) If the saturated solution of a substance at a particular temperature is cooled to a lower temperature, then the solubility of substances:

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remains same
D. Little bit increase

Answer – (B) Decrease
(21) Paheli is writing some statements. She wants to know in which of the following statements is or are incorrect?

A. The solubility of a substance in water increases on increasing the temperature.
B. The solubility of a substance in water increases on lowering the temperature.
C. The solubility of a substance refers to its saturated solution.
D. The solubility of different substance is water is different.

Answer – (B) The solubility of a substance in water increases on lowering the temperature.
(22) Boojho is writing some statements, choose the correct statement and help him:

A. Before cooking rice and potato pulses are washed then the water is separated from them by loading.
B. The method of decantation can also be used for separating two miscible liquids.
C. The process of decantation cannot be used for separating two immiscible liquids.
D. None of the above.

Answer – (D) None of the above.
(23) A transparent bottle, half filled with water is left outside in sun for a few hours. After some time, some water droplets are observed on the inner upper surface of the bottle. Which processes do you think, are the cause of these droplets?

A. Condensation and saturation
B. Boiling and condensation
C. Evaporation and condensation
D. Evaporation and saturation

Answer – (C) Evaporation and condensation
(24) Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect one:

A. Filtration is used for separating insoluble substances from a liquid.
B. A mixture of chalk and water is separated by filtration.
C. Filtration can remove any solid substances which are dissolved in a liquid.
D. A mixture of sand and water can also be separated by filtration.

Answer – (C) Filtration can remove any solid substances which are dissolved in a liquid.
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NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science All Chapters Notes
Chapter 1 – Components of Food
Chapter 2 – Sorting Materials Into Groups
Chapter 3 – Separation of Substances
Chapter 4 – Getting to Know Plants
Chapter 5 – Body Movements
Chapter 6 – The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats
Chapter 7 – Motion and Measurement of Distances
Chapter 8 – Light Shadows and Reflection
Chapter 9 – Electricity and Circuits
Chapter 10 – Fun with Magnets
Chapter 11 – Air Around Us
NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science All Chapters Question & Answer
Chapter 1 – Components of Food
Chapter 2 – Sorting Materials Into Groups
Chapter 3 – Separation of Substances
Chapter 4 – Getting to Know Plants
Chapter 5 – Body Movements
Chapter 6 – The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats
Chapter 7 – Motion and Measurement of Distances
Chapter 8 – Light Shadows and Reflection
Chapter 9 – Electricity and Circuits
Chapter 10 – Fun with Magnets
Chapter 11 – Air Around Us

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