NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar – Synonyms and Antonyms

NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar – Synonyms and Antonyms

Class 8th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameSynonyms and Antonyms
CategoryClass 8th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar – Synonyms and Antonyms In This Chapter We will read about What is the synonym of 7?, What is six synonym?, What are synonyms Basic 6?, What are synonyms?, What is synonyms 5 examples?, What is five synonym?, What are 200 synonyms?, What are the synonyms of 4?, What is synonyms?, What is the synonym of 9?, What is a synonym for 13?, What are 8 synonyms? and What does 6 mean in a chat? etc.

NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar – Synonyms and Antonyms

English Grammar

Synonyms and Antonyms

English Grammar With Answers

Synonyms And Antonyms Meaning
abandondesert, forsakekeep
abilityskill, aptitude incompetence,inability
abundantample, sufficient scanty,insufficient
achieveaccomplish, attainfail
adjournpostpone, recessrecommence, continue
amateurbeginner, noviceprofessional
artificialfake, syntheticreal, authentic
barrenunproductive, infertile fertile,productive
bashfulshy, timid outgoing, assured 
beginningstart, initiatefinish, end
blendcombine, mixseparate
broadwide, expansivenarrow
calmquiet, tranquil, stillexcited, turbulent
chubbyplump, pudgythin, skinny
coarsebumpy, roughfine, smooth
competentcapable, qualifiedincompetent, inept
complexcomplicated, intricatesimple
condemncensure, denounceapprove
conflictfight, battle, strugglepeace, harmony
congestedovercrowded, stuffedempty, unfilled
conscientiousscrupulous, virtuousneglectful, careless
consecutivesuccessive, continuousinterrupted
contaminatepollute, defile, infectpurify
conventionalcustomary, traditionalunusual
courteouspolite, civilrude
crankycross, irritablegood-humored
daringbold, audaciouscautious
decayrot, spoil bloom, flourish 
delicatefragile, daintysturdy
desolatebarren, forsakendense, verdant
despisehate, detest, loathelove
detachseparate, unfasten, removeattach
difficulthard, challengingeasy
diminishcurtail, lessen, decreaseincrease, amplify
dormantsleeping, inactiveawake, active
drasticsevere, extreme, toughmild, moderate
dumbstupid, densesmart
eccentricpeculiar, unusualnormal
ecstasyjoy, rapture, elationsadness, depression
enormousvast, immense, colossaltiny, microscopic
eternalalways, perpetual, everlastingtemporary, passing
exhilaratedoverjoyed, ecstatic, elateddepressed, dejected, sad
extravagantextreme, excessive, luxuriousmeagre
fabulousmarvelous, amazingunexciting
faceconfront, meetavoid
fantasticincredible, extra-ordinary,ordinary, normal
feasiblepossible, attainable, practicalimpossible
ferociousfierce, savage, brutal,tame, gentle
flawdefect, fault, blemishperfection
flimsyfrail, fragile, delicatesturdy, strong
flippantimpudent, sassypolite, respectful
foeenemy, adversary, opponentfriend
followsucceed, trail lead,precede
forbidprohibit, ban, barpermit
frivoloustrivial, unimportant, sillyimportant, serious
furiousangry, enraged, infuriatedcalm, placid
gaudyshowy, garish, vulgartasteful, refined
gauntscrawny, skinny, thinoverweight, plump
generousgiving, selfless, big-heartedselfish, stingy
gentletender, mildrough, harsh
genuinereal, authentic, sincerefake, phony
giganticimmense, colossal, enormoustiny, minute
gloomydark, dismal, depressingcheery, bright
glorioussplendid, magnificent, superbterrible, awful
goodnice, fine, well-behavedbad, awful
gorgeousravishing, dazzling, stunninghideous, unattractive
gratitudethankfulness, appreciationungratefulness
holdgrasp, grip, retainrelease, discharge
honesttruthful, sincere, frankuntruthful, dishonest
hospitablewelcoming, cordial, graciousrude, unfriendly
hostileantagonistic, aggressive, militantfriendly, cordial
hugevast, immense, greatsmall, tiny
humblemodest, unpretentiousvain, showy
humiliateembarrass, disgrace, dishonourhonour, dignify
immaculatespotless, puredirty, filthy
immaturechildish, inexperiencedmature, adult
immuneresistant, exemptsusceptible
impartialneutral, unbiased, fairprejudiced, partial
impatienteager, anxious, intolerantpatient
imperfectmarred, defective, faultyperfect, flawless
impetuousimpulsive, rash, recklessrestrained, careful
joinconnect, unite, linkseparate, disconnect, detach
jollymerry, jovial, joyfulsad, grim, glum
jubilantoverjoyed, delighted, elateddejected, depressed
keepsave, protect, guarddiscard, lose
kindconsiderate, tender, thoughtfulmean, cruel, inconsiderate
lenientkind, unrestrained, easyharsh, strict
listlesslethargic, tiredactive, energetic
logicalsensible, sane, rationalillogical, unreasonable
migrantdrifting, traveling, transientstationary, immovable
militantcombative, aggressive, warlikepeaceful
minorlesser, inferior,secondary major
mirthmerriment, fun, laughtergloom, sadness
mischievousnaughty, impishwell-behaved, angelic
misfortunehardship, catastrophe, mishapgood luck, fortune
mobilemoveable, changeableimmobile, stationary
moderatetemperate, lenient, mediumextreme, harsh
momentousimportant, powerful, outstandingunimportant, insignificant
monotonousboring, tedious,humdrum, interesting
One Word Substitutions

A. Pertaining to Government:

1.To give up a throne or another office of dignity Abdicate
2.A diplomatic minister of the highest order sent by one country to another Ambassador
3.Absence of government Anarchy
4.A person who is out to destroy all government and order Anarchist
5.A person liable to be called to account for his actions Answerable
6.Government by one Autocracy Despotism
7.Government by the officials/ departments of state Bureaucracy
8.Government by the nobles Aristocracy
9.The right of self-government Autonomy
10.Government of the people, for the people, by the people Democracy
B. Pertaining to Sciences and Arts:
1.The study of all heavenly bodies and the earth in relation to themAstronomy
2.One who studies the sky and starsAstronomer
3.The study of mankind/ the science which treats of manAnthropology
4.The study of physical life or living matterBiology
5.The study of plantsBotany
6.The art of beautiful hand-writingCalligraphy
7.The art of practicing by statesman and ambassadorsDiplomacy
8.One who thinks of the welfare of womenFeminist
9.The study of coinsNumismatics
10.The study of birds/ the science which treats of the birdsOrnithology
C. Pertaining to the Literary Arts:
1. A work whose writer is unknown synonymous
2. A record of one’s life written by himself Autobiography
3. The history of the life of a person Biography
4. A humorous play, having a happy ending Comedy
5. A list of books in a library Catalog
6. A book in which the events of each day are recorded Diary
7. A book containing the words of a language with their definitions, in alphabetical order Dictionary
8. A book of names and address Directory
9. A book containing information on all branches of knowledge Encyclopedia
10. A speech delivered without earlier preparation Extempore
D. Pertaining to Religion:
1. One who is not sure of the existence of God Agnostic
2. One who renounces his religious vows or forsakes his religious principles Apostate
3. One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist
4. One who believes in the existence of God Theist
5. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views Bigot
6. One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
7. One who knows everything Omniscient
8. One who is all-powerful Omnipotent
9. One who serves the public interest and feels very sympathetic towards human beings Humanitarian
E. Pertaining to Death:
1. To destroy completely Annihilate
2. Dead and decaying flesh especially of animals Carrion
3. A monument set up for persons who are buried elsewhere Cenotaph
4. To preserve a dead body from decaying Embalm
5. Words inscribed on a tomb Epitaph
6. An examination of a dead body Autopsy/Postmortem
7. An article in the newspaper about the life of the deceased of one Obituary
8. The property left to someone by a will Legacy
9. Something occurring after death Posthumous
10. The act of killing a human being Homicide
F. Pertaining to Marriage/ Family/ Children:
1. One who marries a second wife/ husband while the legal spouse is alive Bigamist
2. One vowed to a single or unmarried life Celibate
3. One engaged to be married Fiancee
4. Children whose parents are dead Orphan
5. A hater of marriage Misogamist
6. One has more than one wife or husband at a time Polygamist
7. State of growth between boyhood and youth Adolescence
8. Marrying more than one husband/ wife at a time Polygamy
9. Marrying more than one husband at a time Polyandry
10. Hater of mankind Misanthrope
G. Pertaining to Profession:
1. One who writer books Author
2. One who makes or sells candles Chandler
3. One who drives a motor car Chauffeur
4. One skilled in the care of hands and feet Chiropodist
5. One who sells sweets and pastries Confectioner
6. One who works in a coal mine Collier
7. One who attends to the teeth Dentist
8. One who shoes horses Ferrier
9. One who studies rocks and soils Geologist
10. One who travels from place to place selling articles Hawker
H. Denoting Numbers
1. A collection of poems Anthology
2. A number of merchant ships protected by warships Convoy
3. A number of stars grouped together Constellation
4. A number of hired applauders, i.e., persons paid to clap Claque
5. A number of people at church Congregation
6. A number of people gathered together for some common purpose Gathering, assembly
7. People who get together to work for some cause of common interest Coterie
8. A number of workmen, prisoners, thieves Gang
9. A number of sheep Flock
10. A number of ships Fleet
I. Miscellaneous
1. Loud enough to be heard Audible
2. Not distinct enough to be heard Inaudible
3. Fit to be eaten Edible
4. Unfit for human consumption Inedible
5. Fit to be chosen or selected Eligible
6. Not having the qualities of being chosen Ineligible
7. Writing that is easy to read Legible
8. Writing that is easy to decipher Illegible
9. Able to read Literate
10. Unable to read Illiterate
11. Born of married parents Legitimate
12. Born of unmarried parents Illegitimate
13. To send back a person to his own country Repatriate
14. To banish from one’s country Expatriate
15. To move from one country to another Migrate
16. One who leaves his country to settle in another Emigrant
17. One who comes into a foreign country to settle there Immigrant
18. Incapable of being redeemed from evil, i.e., beyond correction Incorrigible
19. That which cannot be rubbed out or blotted out Ineffaceable
20. That which cannot be conquered Invincible
Idioms and Phrases
Cry for the moon Ask for the impossible
To in a tight corner In a very difficult situation
Cock and bull story Made up story that one should not believe
Cat and dog life Life full of quarrels
Like a cat on hot bricks Very nervous
Have a card up one’s sleeve Have a secret plan in reserve
Tell against To prove adverse to; to go against
Run through to squander or waste
Run over to drive over
Alive and kicking Active and healthy
To burn one’s fingers To lose on account of foolish behaviour
At sea Confused or lost
Behind one’s back In the absence of
To call a spade a spade To be frank and truthful
To break the ice To break the silence
To bell the cat To face the risk
A cold fish A person devoid of emotions
To cross the RubiconTo take a decisive step
Doubledealing – Deceiving
To die hard Change with great difficulty
To eat humble pie To apologize in a humble manner
To fight a losing battle Struggle without hope of success
A deadlock A position where no progress can be made
A daredevil A person who does not care for any consequences
Once in a blue moon Very rarely
At a premium Difficult to get or obtain
To play the game To act honestly
To die in harness To work till the last day of one’s life
To plough a lonely furrow To work without help or support
Lock, stock and barrel Completely
The long and the short The main point
Bring to light Disclose
The bottom line The final criteria
To kick one’s heels To wait with nothing to do
Rain cats and dogs Rain heavily
A hard nut to crack A difficult problem
In high spirits Very happy
Like a fish out of water In a strange situation
Smell a rat Suspect something foul
Read between the lines Understand the hidden meaning
Tooth and nail With all one’s power
Spread like wild fire Spread quickly
Hit the nail on the head Do or say the exact thing
Burn the midnight oil Work or study hard
Under his thumb Under his control
With a high hand Oppressively
Gain ground Become popular
By leaps and bounds Rapidly
Make off with to run away with
Pass away to die
To make a pig of oneself To overeat
Donkey’s years A very long time
To pull one’s leg to joke; tease someone
To keep one’s fingers crossed To hope fervently
To call in question To doubt
To talk through one’s hatTo talk ignorantly
To make up one’s mindTo decide
Hard and fast rules Rigid rules
To make one’s mouth water To stimulate one’s appetite
By word of mouth By spoken message
To get the better of someoneTo take advantage of someone
To rub shoulders To come into close contact
A snake in the grass A hidden enemy
Between the devil and the deep blue sea Between two dangers
Chew the cud To discuss matters in a ponderous manner, especially reminiscing
To kill two birds with one stone To achieve two results with one effort
A close shave A narrow escape
Chip off the old block someone as good as one’s father
To pull a long face To look sad
Above board Open and honest
To turn a deaf ear To ignore
To turn the tables To reverse the situation
To call someone names To abuse or insult someone
Above board Honest and open
At arm’s length To keep at a distance
At the eleventh hour At the last moment
An apple of discord A cause of quarrel
To burn one’s boats Make a final decision, destroy all possible ways of going back a situation
To build castles in the air Make imaginary schemes
A burning question An important topic
A brown study Daydreaming
Sitting on the fence Hesitate between two decisions

The words that pronounce the same, but have different meanings are called homophones.  

(जोर से)
( अनुमति प्रदान करना)
Speak aloud, I can’t hear it.
you are allowed to go there.
(उड़ा देना)
(नीला रंग)
The bomb blew all the houses.
She loves wearing blue dress.
(रोकने के लिए ब्रेक लगाना)
The driver has applied the brakes.
Don’t break the rules.
(वहन करना)
She was born in March.
You have to borne all the costs.
She used to earn a lot.
An um was kept before the God.
(खा चुकना)
Eight people were killed.
She ate the apples.
(स्वभाव / गुण)
I have a flair for writing.
The flare of the bulb keeps me awake and amazed.
She has curly hair.
They have a hare as a pet.
(किराये पर लेना)
She went for higher studies.
We hired a taxi to go to the railway station.
(शोक मनाना)
We go to exercise in the morning.
The family were mourning of the deceased.
Countries should maintain peace.
She collected the broken piece of the glass.
She travels by plane.
Plain dress is liked by us.
Honesty is his principle.
He is a school principal.
( चढ़ना)
Follow the road manuals.
I rode an elephant for the first time.
The flat is being sold now.
Amoeba has a single cell.
Don’t wait for me.
Weight of the packet is ten kilogram.
(बर्बाद करना)
People in England wear waist coat.
Lots of food go as a waste.
(अगर / कि)
Goa has a pleasant weather.
I want to know whether you were in involved in it or not.
The yoke is a ploughing supplement.
Yolk is the most nutritional part of an egg.

CBSE/NCERT Class 8th English Grammar With Answers

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