NCERT Solutions Class 7th English Grammar (Reading) Unseen Passages Type II

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English Grammar (Reading) Unseen Passages Type II

Class 7th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter Name(Reading) Unseen Passages II
CategoryClass 7th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solutions Class 7th English Grammar (Reading) Unseen Passages Type II – In today’s post we will read and learn Unseen Possess Type II

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English Grammar (Reading) Unseen Passages Type II

English Grammar

Unseen Passages

Passage 1

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow :

• I had given those boots up when one evening they came. One by one I tried them on. In shape and fit, in finish and quality of leather they were the best he had ever made. I flew downstairs, wrote a cheque and posted it at once with my own hand.

• A week later, passing the little street, I thought I would go in and tell him how splendidly the new boots fitted. But when I came to where his shop had been, his name was gone.

• I went in very much disturbed. In the shop, there was a young man with an English face.
“Mr. Gessler in ?” I said.
“No, sir,” he said. “No, but we can attend to anything with pleasure. We’ve taken the shop over.”
“Yes. yes,” I said, “but Mr. Gessler ?”
“Oh !” he answered, “dead.”
“Dead ! But I only received these boots from him last Wednesday week.”

Question 1. What did the author do on receiving the boots ?
Answer: The author tried the boots on his feet. Then, he wrote a cheque and posted it.

Question 2. Why did the author go to the shop ?
Answer: The author went to the shop to see Mr. Gessler. He wanted to tell him how good
the boots were.

Question 3. Why was the author disturbed ?
Answer: The author was disturbed when he did not find Mr. Gessler’s name on the shop.

Question 4. Find a word in the passage which means the same as ‘upset’.
Answer: ‘Disturbed’.

Passage 2

Long ago, there were no firemen. When fire broke out, everybody became a firefighter. People formed human chains (they still do if required) and passed buckets of water from a well or a pond to the blaze. Now there are laws about building construction which ensure that space is left between buildings to reduce the fire risk. Every new building, especially a public place, must ensure observance of fire prevention norms.

Bands of firefighting workers with special equipment, known as fire brigades, are there to put out fires. Firefighters are highly trained people. They possess many skills. They cut off electricity supply, knock down dangerous walls, spray water and other materials to bring fire under control.
They are also trained in first aid so that they can help people suffering from bums.

Question 1. Why is the space left between buildings ?
Answer: The space is left between buildings to reduce the risk of fire.

Question 2. Which is the new law which governs the constmction of a new building in a public place ?
Answer:  According to this law, a new building in a public place must observe fire prevention rules.

Question 3. What are the firebrigades ?
Answer: The firebrigades are the groups of trained fire-fighters with special firefighting equipments.

Question 4. Why are the fire-fighters trained in first aid ?
Answer:  The firefighters are trained in first aid to help people suffering from bums.

Question 5. Find a word in the passage which means the same as ‘assure’.
Answer: ‘Ensure’.

Passage 3

Then they dragged him out of doors, taking a spade and hoe with them. No sooner had the dog got near a pine tree growing in the garden than he began to paw and scratch the ground, as if a mighty treasure lay beneath.
“Quick, wife, hand me the spade and hoe !” cried the greedy old fool, as he danced with joy.

• Then the covetous old fellow, with a spade, and the old crone, with a hoe, began to dig; but there was nothing but a dead kitten, the smell of which made them drop their tools and shut their noses. Furious at the dog, the old man kicked and beat him to death, and the old woman finished the work by nearly chopping off his head with the sharp hoe. They then flung him into the hole and heaped the earth over his carcass.

The owner of the dog heard of the death of his pet and, mourning for him as if he had been his own child, went at night under the pine tree.

Question 1. Who dragged whom out of the door ?
Answer: The greedy old man and his wife dragged the dog out of the door.

Question 2. Why did the man dance with joy ?
Answer: The man danced with joy thinking that he was going to get a hidden treasure.

Question 3. Why was the dog killed ?
Answer: The dog was killed by the old man and his wife. They killed the dog because they felt that the dog had cheated them.

Question 4. Find a word in the passage which means ‘cutting’.
Answer: ‘Chopping’.

Passage 4

For example, we can take away the fuel. If the fire has no fuel to feed on, no burning can take place. We often let a fire die out simply by not adding more fuel to it.

The second way of putting out a fire is to prevent oxygen from reaching it. No supply of oxygen means no fire. Small fires can be put out or ‘smothered with a damp blanket or a sack. This stops oxygen reaching the burning material. Sometimes, carbon dioxide is used to extinguish fire. It does not allow oxygen to reach the burning material.

The third way of putting out a fire is to remove the heat. If the temperature can be brought down below the flash point, the fuel stops burning. You blow on a burning matchstick or a candle to put it out. In doing so, you remove the hot air around the flame bringing down its temperature below the flash point, and the candle goes out. Sometimes, water is sprayed on a fire.

It absorbs heat from the burning fuel and lowers the temperature. The blanket of water also cuts off the supply of oxygen, and the fire is extinguished.

Question 1. How do people commonly extinguish a fire ?
Answer: People generally extinguish a fire by stopping to add more fuel to it.

Question 2. How does a damp blanket help in putting out a fire ? –
Answer: A damp blanket stops the flow of oxygen to the fire. The fire cannot bum without oxygen and so the damp blanket helps in putting it out.

Question 3. What is a flash point ?
Answer: A flash point for an object is the temperature on which it bums.

Question 4. Find a word in the passage which means ‘suffocated’.
Answer: ‘Smothered’.

Passage 5

The Hermit said, “If you had not pitied my weakness yesterday and had not dug these beds for me, you would have gone away. Then that man would have attacked you and you would have wished you had stayed with me. So the most important time was when you were digging the beds. And I was the most important man, and to do me good was your most important business.

After – wards, when the man ran to us, the most important time was when you were caring for him, because if you had not dressed his wounds he would have died without having made peace with you. So he was the most important man, and what you did for him was your most important business.”

Question 1. What had the listener done to the Hermit ?
Answer: The listener had pitied the Hermit’s weakness and dug the beds for him.

Question 2. What would have happened if he had not helped the Hermit ?
Answer: If the listener had not pitied and helped the Hermit, he would have gone away. In that case he would have been killed.

Question 3. What, according to the Hermit is the most important time ?
Answer: According to the Hermit, the most important time is the ‘present time’.

Question 4. Find a word in the passage which means the same thing as ‘job’.
Answer: ‘Business’.

Passage 6

1 “A scrubbing pail, ” She said vexed. “A Mother’s Day gift of a scrubbing pail.” Her voice almost broke.

2 Tears sprang to Nick’s eyes. Without a word he picked up the scrubbing pail and mop and blindly trudged down the stairs. I put the comb in my pocket and ran after him. He was crying and I felt so bad I began to cry, too. On the way down we met Father. Nick could not talk, so I explained.

3 “I will take it back,” sobbed Nick.

4 “No,” said Father firmly, taking the pail. “It is a fine gift. A wonderful gift. I should have thought of it myself. Women sometimes don’t see how to escape their burdens. They escape in pretty baubles rather than lighter work.”

5 We all went upstairs again, Nick climbing very reluctantly. Inside the kitchen, Mother was still scrubbing, but not vigorously. Slowly, sadly.

6 Without a word Father soaked the puddle of dirty water up with the mop and using the foot wringer on the bucket, neatly squeezed it dry.

7 “You did not let Nick finish,” he said sternly.

8 “Part of his gift was that he was going to wash the floor from now on.” He looked at Nick. “Isn’t that so, Nick ?”

9 With a flush of shame Nick understood the lesson. “Yes, oh, yes,” he said in a low, eager tone.

10 Quickly, repentantly, Mother said, “It is too heavy work for a fourteen- year-old boy.”

11 It was then I realised how smart Father was. “Ah,” he said cunningly. “Not with this wonderful wringer and scrub pail. It’s much easier. Your hands stay clean, and your knees don’t hurt.” Again Father demonstrated quickly.

12 Mother said, looking sadly at Nick, “Ah, a woman can become so stupid.” She kissed Nick and he felt better. Then they turned to me.

13 “Where is your gift?” asked Father. Nick looked at me and paled. I felt the comb in my pocket. It would make the scrubbing pail again a scrubbing pail compared with a comb with shining stones just like diamonds.

14 “Half the scrubbing pail,” I said mournfully, and Nick looked at me with love in his eyes.

Read the statements given below and tick the correct option :

(1). A Mother’s Day gift was not liked by

(i) Nick
(ii) Father
(iii) Mother
(iv) Brother

Answers: (iii) Mother

(2). The mop was squeezed diy by using

(i) the hand wringer
(ii) the foot wringer
(iii) the foot wringer on the bucket
(iv) the top wringer on the bucket

Answers: (iii) the foot wringer on the bucket

(3). The narrator rated the Father as

(i) intelligent
(ii) smart
(iii) wise
(iv) foolish

Answers: (ii) smart

(4). The word ‘demonstrated’ means

(i) show experimentally
(ii) show through PP demonstration
(iii) show practically
(iv) explained

Answers: (iii) show practically

(5). Nick paled when Father asked the narrator to show his gift

(i) because he knew his gift was ugly
(ii) because he knew the narrator did not bring one
(iii) because he knew father was joking
(iv) because of younger brother’s bold step

Answers: (i) because he knew his gift was ugly

Passage 7

1 The grand fare was set before the friend and Moti Lai waited in agonising silence. Today surely, his friend would not say that it did not compare with the feasts of his village. With the great variety of food served, dinner took a long time.

2 At last the friend spoke, ‘Today, your food, dear Moti, was fit for the table of a king. But still, it cannot compare with the feasts I have at home.”

3 Moti Lai nearly dropped down in disappointment. What were the feasts of his friend’s village like? How lavish were they that the rich fare of his valley could not even compare with them ?

4 At lunch the next day, the food was so delicious that passers-by stopped and licked their lips at just the smell of it. Moti Lai bit his lips nervously. Yet once again Kisan Lai’s response was, “I would really have said that the food today was incomparable had I not tasted the feasts at home.”

5 Moti Lai silently acknowledged defeat and for the rest of Kisan Lai’s Stay, though he always had the best of food served, he no longer tried to compete with the food Kisan ate in his village. Eventually, Kisan Lai went away.

6 The years rolled by. One winter, Moti Lai decided to leave his snow-bound land for a while to enjoy the warmer climate of the plains. He decided to visit his friend. It would be a good opportunity, he felt, to taste the famous feasts of Kisan’s village and their feasts had never really left Moti Lai’s thoughts.

7 Kisan Lai was delighted to see his friend after so many years. “Do stay and rest here awhile”, he said and Moti Lai willingly accepted.

8 That evening Moti Lai spent the hours in great expectation. Dinner was served. A servant brought in two plates. Rotis, a bowl of curd, salad, dal and a plate of vegetables was all that had been served. Then the servant departed. Moti Lai waited expectantly. The servant did not reappear. His friend turned to him and said, “Please start your meal.” Moti Lai gulped down the food without a word. He told himself to be patient. Surely, tomorrow the delicacies of the village would be served to him, he thought.

Read the statements given below and attempt the task as directed :

(1). Moti Lai had invited his friend to

(i) enjoy a ball
(ii) attend the party
(iii) a grand feast
(iv) share his joy

Answer: (iii) a grand feast

(2). Moti Lai wondered

(i) why his friend spoke rudely
(ii) how the village feast was better than the valley feast
(iii) why he was so silent
(iv) why he never relished the good food

Answer: (ii) how the village feast was better than the valley feast

(3). Kisan Lai never approved of valley food as

(i) nature was its best in the plains
(ii) he believed in simple living
(iii) it was very rich and oily
(iv) both (i) and (iii)

Answer: (ii) he believed in simple living

(4). The noun form of ‘agonising’ is

(i) agonised
(ii) agony
(iii) agonises
(iv) will agonise

Answer: (ii) agony

(5). Kisan Lai was very happy

(i) to see his friend the next day
(ii) to see his friend after so many years
(iii) to serve his friend rich food
(iv) to serve his friend fruits and delicacies

Answer: (ii) to see his friend after so many years

NCERT Solutions Class 7th English Grammar

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