NCERT Solution Class 7th English Grammar Word Power

NCERT Solution Class 7th English Grammar Word Power

Class 7th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameWord Power 
CategoryClass 7th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 7th English Grammar Word Power This chapter includes antonyms (opposite), single word for a group of words and the same word used both as Noun and Verb. This chapter includes antonyms (opposite), single word for a group of words and the same word used both as Noun and Verb.

NCERT Solution Class 7th English Grammar Word Power

English Grammar

Word Power

A. Antonyms (Opposite)

AboveBelowcommonrare, uncommon

B. Single word for a Group of Words

PhraseOne word
1. One who belives in the existence of GodTheist
The yearly return of a dateanniversary
An assembly of listenersAudience
One who plays for pleasureamateur
The life history of a person written by himselfAutobiography
The Science of vegetable lifebotany
The life history of a person written by anotherBiography
A person wo lives at the same time as otherContemporary
Resulting in deathfatal
That which lives on anotherparasite
Happening at the same timeSimultaneously
A list of bookscatalogue
One who beliveves in fatefatalist
A period of two weeksFortnight
A period of hundred yearscentury
A room containing many booksLibrary
Bad beyond reformincorrigible
A play that ends in deathtragedy
contrary to lawillegal
a light amusing drama or palycomedy
One who takes a bright view of thingsotimist
One who takes a dark view of thingspessimist
A child born after the death of his fatherposthumous
A paper written by handmanuscript
One who speaks for othersspokesman
Government carried by the representative of the people.democracy
Government carried on by an absolute rulerdictatorship
Performing without payhonorary
That which cannot be readillegible
One who does not know how to read and writeilleterate
That which cannot be heardinaudible
A woman whose husband is deadwidow

C. Words used both as a Noun and Verb

Column AColumn AColumn AColumn B
1.AirI want to go out for fresh air.Put the clothes out to air.
2.AidNGOs are run on aid from the govermentThe aided him to escape
3.AimMy aim in life is to become a doctorI aimed at the target
4.ArmI learned on my father’s arm.A country should arm against the enemy
5.BankI have an account in a local bank.You can bank on me.
6.BatThe batsman changed his bat.He batted well.
7.BarkThe bark of this tree is useful.Dogs are warking
8.BattleA serious battle took place.He is battling for his life.
9.BackI have a serious pain in my backHe has promised to back me.
10.FairChildren love to visit fairs.One should be fair in one’s dealings
11.HeadThe man hit me on my head.Mr. Sharma will head the meetings.
12.FanMy mother bought a new fanMy mother fanned me with a paper.
13.BookMy friend has bought a new bookI have booked my room in a hotel
14.BridgeThe bridge is under constructionWe should bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.
15.FineI have to pay a fine of fifty rupees.I am fined fifty rupees.
16.HightlightI saw the highlight of the matchPlease highlight the important lines in red.
17.HideThese boots are made from buffalo hide.The child hid himself under the bed.
18.headThe man hit me on my head.Mr. Sharma will head the meetings.
19.HookThe towel is hanging on the hook.A car was hooked to the back of a truck
20.TrimThese plants need a trimThe gardner trimmed the plants
21.TailMonkeys have long tails.The spy is tailing me for several days.
22.MilkI love to drink milk.The farmer is milking the cow.
23.ParkI walk everyday in the park.Don’t park your vehicle here.

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the help of the words given in the box.

Heavy ,dry ,Withdraw ,Rejected ,Wide
Forget, Enemy, Late, War, Major  

  1. My towel is wet but yours is …………….
  2.  He never comes early, he is always…………… .
  3.  I hoped that he would accept my proposal but finally he……………… it.
  4. Deposit the amount and……………… it whenever you need.
  5. Peace is always good,…………………. is always bad.
  6. My box is light but yours is……………..
  7. I have only friends and no…………………… .
  8. My brother is minor. Next year he will become…………………… .
  9. I always remember happy days and want to ………………bad ones.
  10. This road is …………………… but that road is narrow.
Answer –
1. My towel is wet but yours is dry.
2. He never comes early, he is always late.
3. I hoped that he would accept my proposal but finally he rejected it.
4. Deposit the amount and withdraw it whenever you need.
5. Peace is always good, war is always bad.
6. My box is light but yours is heavy.
7. I have only friends and no enemy.
8. My brother is minor. Next year he will become major.
9. I always remember happy days and want to forget bad ones.
10. This road is wide but that road is narrow.

Exercise 2

Write one word for the following group of words.

  1.  That which cannot be heard.
  2.  One who believes in fate
  3. A cure of all diseases.
  4. One who speaks for others.
  5. A period of hundred years.
  6. One who doesn’t know how to read and write
  7.  One who believes in the existence of God
  8. One who doesn’t believe in the existence of God
  9. The life history of a person written by himself
  10. The life history of a person written by another

Answer –
1. inaudible
2. fatalist
3. panacea
4. spokesman
5. century
6. illiterate
7. theist
8. atheist
9. autobiography
10. biography

CBSE/NCERT Class 7th English Grammar

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