NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Article, Story Writing With Answers

NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Article, Story Writing

Class 6th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameArticle, Story Writing
CategoryClass 6th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Article, Story Writing  – In today’s post, we will see and learn article, story writing. USES OF MODALS

NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Article, Story Writing

English Grammar

Article, Story Writing 

Questions and Answers



Questions 1. Cruelty to animals is growing day by day due to human greed. This is not good for the ecosystem. Animals too are a part of our life. You have been asked to write an article ‘Live and Let Live’ in order to create awareness. You are Rohit.
Аnswer –

Live and Let Live

God created their world not for the benefit of mankind alone. No doubt man today is the master of the earth. He has tamed even tigers and elephants and king Cobras. But his brain-superiority does not give him the right to hunt down all kinds and species of animals.

Animals normally live in forests. They don’t attack us unless we provoke them or encroach in their territory. They are as a rule afraid of us. They serve some useful purposes. So killing them for pleasure or for their skin and bones is a sin and a crime.

We need to learn to live together not only with our fellow beings but also with all the creatures created by God. In other words, we should live ourselves as well let others also live in peace. War, hunting and violence are against the will of God and the law of the land. Coexistence should be our motto.

Questions 2. Water is one of the most precious gifts of nature. But it is unfortunate that we don’t understand its worth and over-exploit this resource for our selfish purposes. It is a matter of serious attention that water must be conserved at all costs. Write an article for your school magazine, urging the fellow students to save water. You are Mohit/Mohita.
Аnswer –

Save Water, Save Life

-MohitWater is that Amrita which daily sustains our life on the earth. We need water for daily use at home and for agriculture. Drinking water is however limited. We get it mainly from the clouds and glaciers. If this resource is used wisely, then there will be no problem. But unfortunately it is being over-exploited. Our ever-increasing population has created scarcity of water.

It is predicted that by 2025, nearly two billion people will live in absolute water scarcity. This is a signal to be cautious enough in the use of water. Every drop of water is precious and it must not go in vain. Water shortage is a grim reality for the cities as well as villages. We need to wake up to it now than be sorry later. We must think about the ways to conserve this precious resource.

We must conserve water in ponds and tanks. We should be rational towards using it. We should try our best to use water cautiously for our sake. If we continue to use it recklessely, we will have to face dire consequences. By saving water we will save ourselves.

Questions 3. The increase of the population of our country has led to the shrinking of forest cover. The cutting of the forest causes what is called “The Green House Effect”. It results in the heating of the earth’s surface which has serious consequences. Write an article on the topic ‘The Importance of Tree Plantation’.
Аnswer –

Importance of Tree Plantation

—Monika Trees are important for us. They give us innumerable things. They purify air without which we cannot imagine to exist. But man has thoughtlessly cut down forests and other trees for his selfish needs.

This has resulted in the imbalance of environment. Lack of trees makes air impure. Hence, it is high time to understand the worth of our forests and avoid cutting them. We should also encourage tree plantation.

‘Grow more trees’ should be our motto. We can save our life from dangerous consequence by planting more and more trees. It is also necessary to spread awareness among common people. People should be motivated to realise the importance of tree plantation. Let us take a pledge to plant trees in more and more numbers and encourage others for this noble cause.


1. Exercise is important for one and all. What do you think about this? Write an article for your school magazine on the topic ‘Importance of Exercise’? You are Archit.

2. Global warming is the most talked about issue. World leaders and politicians discuss time to time on this issue for controlling it. Write an article on ‘How to Control Global Warming’? You are Jolly.


With the help of the given outlines, develop readable stories:

Questions 1. – The mice in a house _____ afraid of the cat _____ hold a meeting _____ one proposes to tie a bell round the cat’s neck _____ all agree _____ who is to bell the cat? No mouse offers _____ the cat appears _____ all run away.

Аnswer –

Belling the Cat

Once the mice living in a certain house were very unhappy, for a cat killed and ate many of them.

At last they held a meeting to see how they could get rid of the cat. One mouse said they should leave the house. Another said that they should not come out of their holes.

Then a young mouse stood up and said, “Let us tie a bell round the cat’s neck. Then when the cat comes, we shall hear- the bell and can get out of its way”.

All the mice shouted “Good!” They all thought it was a very good plan indeed. Now an old mouse stood up and said, “The plan is, no doubt, good, but who will tie the bell round the cat’s neck?”

No mouse offered to do it. Suddenly the cat appeared, and all the mice ran into their holes.

Questions 2. Old peasant _____ all his sons lazy _____ peasant dying _____ called all his sons _____ told them of a treasure _____ hidden in the fields _____ to find it they must dig for it _____ then died _____ sons dug every bit of the land _____ no treasure _____ showed the corn _____ a very fine crop _____ sons learnt the lesson _____ what?
Аnswer –

The Hidden Treasure

A peasant had several sons. But they were all lazy and did not help him in the farm.
One day the peasant became ill. He knew he was dying. So he called all his sons together and said to them: “A treasure lies hidden in my fields. But to find it you shall have to dig hard for it.”
The peasant died. At once his sons went to the fields, and dug every bit of the land, but they found no treasure. They were very sad. Soon the rains fell and, as the earth has been well dug, they sowed the com.
There was a very fine crop that year. The sons now leamt what their father meant by treasure. The treasure could be got only by hard work.

Questions 3. A boy falls in bad company _____ father brings apples _____ put them in the cupboard _____ places a rotten apple among them  _____ next day all apples rotten _____ teaches a lesson. Moral
Аnswer –

Bad Company

Once a boy fell into bad company. He began to waste time. It disturbed his father. He tried his best to set him on the right path, but all his efforts proved in vain. One day the father thought of a plan. He bought some fresh apples from the market. He bought one rotten apple also. Then he said to his son, “Put these apples in the cupboard.” The boy did so.
Next day, the father asked his son to bring all the apples. The boy opened the cupboard and was shocked to see that all the apples were rotten. The father said, “One rotten apple has spoiled all the good ones. Bad friends are like rotten apples. They will spoil you”. The boy understood everything. He immediately gave up bad company and became a good boy again.
Moral : Better alone than in a bad company.


With the help of the given outlines develop readable stories.

1. A monkey jumped into a manger _____ went to sleep in the soft hay _____ the ox came there to eat the hay _____ the monkey snapped at him _____ ‘You cannot eat the hay yourself’, said the ox _____ the monkey snapped at him again _____ ” what a mean creature you are!” said the ox.

2. A fox very hungry _____ goes in search of food _____ reaches a garden _____ sees grapes very high _____ jumps _____ cannot reach them _____ goes away. Moral.

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