NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Exercises With Answers

NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Exercises 

Class 6th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameActive And Passive Voice
CategoryClass 6th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Exercises  – In today’s post, we will do active and passive voice and learn. The verb form which indicates whether the subject (person or object) of a sentence does something or something has been done to the subject is called voice.

NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Active And Passive Voice Exercises 

English Grammar

Active And Passive Voice

Practice Exercises

  1. Active Voice: A verb is said to be in the active voice when its form shows that the person or thing denoted by the subject does something.

Example :- 

  1. Ram teaches.
  2. Ram eats a mango.
  3. Ram eats mangoes.
  4. I love him.
  5. He loves me.
  6. She teaches you.
  7. We respect him.

2. Passive Voice: A verb is said to be in the passive voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.

  1. Ram is taught.
  2. A mango is eaten by Ram.
  3. Mangoes are eaten by Ram.
  4. He is loved by me.
  5. I am loved by him.
  6. You are taught by her.
  7. He is respected by us.

Question 1. present simple or past simple, active or passive:

1. It’s a big company. Four hundred people …………………. (employ) there.

2. Water …………………. (cover) most of the Earth’s surface.

3. Most of the Earth’s surface …………………. (cover) by water.

4. The park gates …………………. (lock) at 7 p.m. daily.

5. The letter …………………. (post) a week ago and it …………………. (arrive) yesterday.

6. The boat …………………. (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody …………………. (rescue).

7. Raman’s parents …………………. (die) when he was very young. He and his sister …………………. (bring) up by their grandparents.

8. I was born in Mumbai but I …………………. (grow) up in Delhi.

9. While I was on holiday, my camera …………………. (steal) from my hotel room.

10. While I was on holiday, my camera …………………. (disappear) from my hotel room.

11. Why …………………. (Sita / resign) from her job?

12. Why …………………. (Sohan / sack) from his job?

Answer: 1. are employed. 2. covers. 3. is covered. 4. are locked. 5. was posted, arrived. 6. sank, was rescued. 7. died, were brought. 8. grew. 9. was stolen. 10. disappeared. 11. did Sita resign. 12. was Sohan sacked.

Question 2. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form:

cause,        damage,        hold,        include,        invite,        make,        overtake,        show,       translate,      write

  1. Many accidents …………………. by dangerous driving.
  2.  Cheese …………………. from milk.
  3.  The roof of the building …………………. in a storm a few days ago.
  4.  There is no need to leave a tip. Service …………………. in the bill.
  5.  You …………………. to the wedding. Why didn’t you go?
  6.  A cinema is a place where films ………………….
  7.  In the United States, elections for President …………………. every four years.
  8.  Originally the book …………………. in Spanish and a few years ago it …………………. into English.
  9. We were driving along quite fast but we …………………. by lots of other cars.


1. are caused. 2. is made. 3. was damaged. 4. is included. 5. were invited. 6. are shown. 7. are held. 8. was written, was translated. 9. were overtaken.

Question 3. Change the following sentences from the active voice to the passive voice:

• The man cut down the tree.

• Columbus discovered America.

• His teacher praised him.

• The boy teased the dog.

• The police arrested him.

• Rama was making a kite.

 The boy caught the ball.

• My father will write a letter.

• I will defeat him.

• He kept me waiting.

• He scored twenty runs.

• Manners reveal character.

• Everyone loves him.

• We expect good news.

• I have sold my bicycle.

• We must write to him.

• They are doing the work.

• The car hit the man.

• Shyam eats an apple.

• I had posted the letter before I met him.

• How do they make coffee?

• Rachna had made tea.

• Abdul was watering the plants.

• Surabhi will write a letter.

• Mala has broken the window.

Answer: • The tree was cut down by the man.

• America was discovered by Columbus.

• He was praised by his teacher.

• The dog was teased by the boy.

• He was arrested.

• A kite was being made by Rama.

• The ball was caught by the boy.

• A letter will be written by my father.

• He will be defeated by me.

• I was kept waiting.

• Twenty runs were scored by him.

• Character is revealed by manners.

• He is loved by everyone.

• Good news is expected.

• My bicycle has been sold.

• He must be written to by us.

• The work is being done by them.

• The man was hit by the car.

• An apple is eaten by Shyam.

• The letter had been posted (by me) before I met him

• How is coffee made?

• Tea had been made by Rachna.

• Plants were being watered by Abdul.

• A letter will be written by Surabhi.

• The window has been broken by Mala.

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