NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading III With Questions And Answers

NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading III

Class 6th
Subject English Grammar
Chapter NameUnseen Passage Reading III
CategoryClass 6th English Grammar
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading III In today’s post, we will do unseen passage reading III and learn.

NCERT Solution Class 6th English Grammar Unseen Passage Reading III

English Grammar

Unseen Passage

Questions And Answers

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow-

Passage 1

We must do all we can to stop conflicts and civil war. Most conflicts happen in poor countries, especially which are badly governed or where power and wealth are not distributed fairly between different tribal or religious groups. So the best way to check fighting is to make a political arrangement in which all groups have their representatives. The need is to ensure human rights and economic development of all.

The next fundamental freedom is one that is not mentioned in the UN charter. In 1945, the leaders could not imagine that such a situation would arise. That is the freedom of future generations to live on this planet.

Even now many of us have not understood its importance. We are using up the limited resources for our present use. We are over using and even wasting them. We are, in fact, robbing our children of their right to live.

We must preserve our forests, fisheries and wildlife. All of these are collapsing because of our own habit of consuming or destroying them.

Word-Notes – Conflicts – quarrels, fighting – विवाद, झगड़ा। Resources – natural assets संसाधन। Generations – पीढ़ियाँ। Ensure – make sure, Collapsing – coming to an end – खत्म हो जाना।

Q1. Answer the following questions briefly

(a) Why do most conflicts happen in poor countries?
(b) What is the best way to check conflicts?
(c) What is meant by ‘the freedom of future generations to live’?
(d) How are we robbing our children of their basic right?
(e) What must we preserve for our children?

Аnswer – 
(a) Most conflicts happen in poor countries because they are generally badly governed.
(b) The best way to check conflicts is to make a political arrangement in which all groups have their representatives.
(c) It means- the right of the coming generation to live.
(d) We are using up the limited resources for our present use. Thus, we are doing injustice to the future generations.
(e) We must save our forest and fisheries for use by our great grandchildren.

Q2. Find words from the passage that mean the same as

(a) fighting
(b) keep safely
(c) coming to end

Аnswer –
(a) conflict
(b) preserve
(c) collapsing

Passage 2

Food can maintain and save life. It can destroy life as well. Proper food serves as medicine, improper food works as poison. A little care about the quality and quantity of food will keep us healthy and happy. If we go about eating all sorts of things, we shall become sick.

We take pride in calling ourselves civilized. Being sensible means to know the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. It will not do to become slaves to our tongue or taste. Even cattle, birds and beasts eat only what is best for their body.

We mostly eat processed food and refined sugar. We pay heavily for junk food, for Chinese dishes or deep fried snacks. As a result we catch diseases. We have drifted away from mother nature. We laugh at the rules of hygiene, healthy diet and the advice of our elders. This has given rise to diabetes.

We offer chocolates, cakes and ice creams too often to our children. We also attend parties or dine out every day. This way we invite obesity and diabetes.

Word-Notes – Civilized – सभ्य। Sensible – intelligent – सूझ-बूझ। Junk food – fried things – तली हुई चीजें। Drifted – moved दूर जाना।

Q1. Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) What are the functions of food?
(b) What is meant by ‘improper food’?
(c) What does ‘civilised life’ imply?
(d) Explain: We have drifted away from nature.
(e) How does modem life style and food habits affect us?

Аnswer –
(a) Food maintains and saves life.
(b) Food which is of poor quality and has harmful effect on the body.
(c) Being civilised means – to know what is right and what is wrong.
(d) Our lifestyle has pushed us away from nature.
(e) We don’t follow the rules of hygiene and healthy diet. We eat processed, fried or junk food.

Q2. Find words from the passage that mean the same as:

(a) being fat
(b) cleanliness

Аnswer – 
(a) obesity
(b) hygiene

Passage 3

The cinema is the cheapest source of entertainment today. Millions of people see movies and enjoy them. It is a good pastime in all the places – big or small.

The cinema industry has made rapid progress after independence. In the beginning there were silent, and black and white movies. Now we are dazzled by the colours in every movie.

Big posters are seen on the walls of cities and towns for advertisements. They also announce the coming movies in the city. There is always a rush before the booking windows. So the tickets are often sold in the black market or at a premium.

On the one hand the cinema is a source of entertainment. On the other it is also a source of knowledge and information. Films satisfy all the sections of people and their different tastes.

There are religious movies and historical movies. They recreate the past, the old culture and lifestyle. Social films spread awareness about social evils of dowry, casteism and communal feelings. Some films expose the corruption in high places among the policemen and the citizens.

Word-Notes – Entertainment – enjoyment  मनोरंजन। Pastime – hobby, leisure activity रूचि। Dazzled – amazed हैरान रह जाना।

Q1. Answer the following questions briefly-

(a) Why is cinema so much popular?
(b) How can you say that the cinema industry has made rapid progress after independence?
(c) Why are tickets often sold in the black market?
(d) Mention two advantages of cinema.
(e) What is the main purpose of making social films?

Аnswer – 
(a) Cinema is so much popular because it is the cheapest means of recreation. It is a good posture.
(b) Earlier there were silent, and black and white movies. Now we are dazzled by the colours in the movies.One can see big posters on the wall of cities and towns.
(c) Tickets are often sold in the black market because there is always a huge rush before the booking windows.
(d) • Cinema is a source of entertainment.
• It is also a source of knowledge and information.
(e) The main purpose of making social films is to spread awareness about social evils of dowry, casteism  and communal feelings.

Q2. Find words from the above passage which mean the opposite to-

(a) costliest
(b) slow
(c) present
(d) hide.

Аnswer – 
(a) cheapest
(b) rapid
(c) past
(d) expose.

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