NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter – 8 A Game of Chance Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter – 8 A Game of Chance

Class 6th
Subject English
Chapter NameA Game of Chance
CategoryClass 6th English (Honeysuckle)
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter – 8 A Game of Chance Question & Answer in which we What is meant by a game of chance Class 6, Why was Rasheed upset in the story a game of chance, What is the summary of a game of chance, What are games of chances examples, Why did Peter feel lucky, Why did Rasheed lose all his money, What was Rasheed’s fault, What made Rasheed try his luck, What is the main plot of the game, Why is the title game of chance, read more about etc.

NCERT Solutions Class 6th English (Honeysuckle) Chapter 8 A Game of Chance

 Chapter – 8 

A Game of Chance

Question & Answer

Working with the text (Page 103-104)

A. Complete the following sentences from memory choosing a phrase from those given in brackets.

1. …………………. was held at the time of the Eid festival. (A big show, A big fair, A big competition)

Answer – A big fair

2. Tradesmen came to the village with all kinds of goods ………………. (to display, to buy, to sell)

Answer – to sell

3. Uncle told me ………………… while he was away. (not to buy anything, not to go anywhere, not to talk to anyone)

Answer – not to buy anything

4. The owner of the Lucky Shop wanted everybody present ………. (to play the game, to win a prize, to try their luck)

Answer – to try their luck

5. The first time I took a chance I got …………………. (a bottle of ink, two pencils, a trifle)

Answer – two pencils

6. Uncle told me that the shopkeeper had made …………………… (a fool of me, a good profit, friends with many people)

Answer – a fool of me

B. Answer the following questions.

Q 1.Why do you think Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to buy anything in his absence?
Answer – Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to buy anything in his absence because the .shopkeepers could make him fool and take away his money.

Q 2. Why was the shop called ‘Lucky Shop’?
Answer – The shop was named ‘Lucky Shop’ so that it could persuade people to try their luck and play the game.
Q 3. An old man won a clock and sold it back to the shopkeeper. How much money did he make?
Answer – The old man made ₹15 by selling the clock to the shopkeeper again.
Question 4. How many prizes did the boy win? What were they?
Answer – The boy won four prizes – a comb, a fountain-pen, a wrist-watch and a table lamp. He was very happy
Question 5.  Why was Rasheed upset?
Answer – Rasheed was upset because he thought he was unlucky to win any big prize in the game.
Question 6. In what way did the shopkeeper make fool of Rasheed?
Answer – The shopkeeper gave Rasheed things of little value. He persuaded Rasheed to try his luck again and again. Rasheed spent all his money on a trifle

Working with language (Page 104-106)

A. The words given against the sentences below can be used both as nouns and verbs. Use them appropriately to fill in the blanks.

1. (i) The two teams have ………………….. three matches already, (play)
(ii) The last day’s ……………. was excellent.

2. (i) She has a lovely …………… (face)
(ii) India ………………… a number of problems these days.

3. (i) He made his ……………. in essay-writing, (mark)
(ii) Articles ……………. ‘sold’ are reserved.

4. (i) The police are ……………. the area to catch the burglars, (comb)
(ii) An ordinary plastic ……………. costs five rupees.

5. (i) He gave a ……………. in answer to my question, (smile)
(ii) We also ………………. to see him smile.

6. (i) He said he……………… to be invited to the party.(hope)
(ii) We gave up………………….. of his joining the party.

7. (i) The boys put up a good athletic………………… (show)
(ii) The soldiers ………………….. great courage in saving people from floods.

8. (i) You deserve a ……………. on the back for your good performance, (pat)
(ii) The teacher …………….the child on the cheek to encourage her.
Answer –

1. (i) played
(ii) play

2. (i) face
(ii) is facing

3. (i) mark
(ii) marked

4. (i) combing
(ii) comb

5. (i) smile
(ii) smiled

6. (i) hoped
(ii) hope

7. (i) show
(ii) showed

8. (i) pat
(ii) patted

B. Notice the use of ‘there’ in the following sentences.

  • There was a big crowd at the fair.
  • There were many things I’d have liked to buy.

Now rewrite the following sentences using ‘there’ in the beginning. Look at the following examples.

  • I can do nothing to help you.
  • There is nothing I can do to help you.
  • A man at the door is asking to see you.
  • There is a man at the door asking to see you.

1. This park has beautiful roses.
2. Your story has no fun in it.
3. We have no secrets between us.
4. My village has two primary schools.
5. This problem can be solved in two ways.

Answer – 1. There are beautiful roses in this park.
2. There is no fun in your story.
3. There are no secrets between us.
4. There are two primary schools in my village.
5. There are two ways to solve this problem.

C. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph below with words from the box.

huge ,big ,foolish ,interesting ,tiny ,unlucky ,last

There was a …………. Eid fair in our village. We could buy anything from a …………. toy to a …………. camel. I went to the fair on its …………. day with Uncle and Bhaiya. We went to the Lucky Shop. It was very …………. I tried my luck but did not win any prize. Later, Uncle told me that I was more …………. than …………. .

Answer – huge, tiny, big, last, interesting, foolish, unlucky.

Speaking and Reading Aloud (Page 106-107)

Question 1. Suppose you are Rasheed. Describe in your own words your visit to the fair. Do not refer to the Lucky Shop.
Answer – One day, my uncle took me to the Eid fair. He left me with our domestic help Bhaiya. He warned me not to go too far away. I must not buy anything in his absence. He went away to spend time with his friends. I with Bhaiya visited one shop to another. My uncle returned after some time and bought me many gifts.
Question 2. Read aloud the two paragraphs that describe the boy and the old man at the Lucky Shop.
Answer – Do it yourself. It is to be done individually.
Question 3. Listen to these children. What are they talking about?

Answer – There is a conversation going on among three children. The first boy asks the other two boys whether they like tea or coffee. The second boy mentions that he doesn’t like coffee, but he prefers tea. On the other hand, the third boy mentions that he prefers coffee over tea.

B. Work in pairs. One of you is an agent and the other is a client looking for a accommodation in a hotel. Talk to each other. Use the clues given below.

1. What sort of accommodation would you prefer?I’d prefer a _____________________________.
2. Would you like your own room or would you like to share a room?I’d like _________________________________. I don’t think I’d like to ___________________.
3. Would you like a room with a television?Yes, I do want ___________________________.
4. Do you need to hire a car?No, thanks. I don’t need _________________. No, I’d prefer ___________________________.
5. What sort of location are you interested in?I’d like to stay in _______________________.
6. Have you any other requirements?Yes, I must have _________________________. Yes, give me ____________________________. No, no other requirements.

Answer –

1. What sort of accommodation would you prefer?I’d prefer a small, but comfortable accommodation.
2. Would you like your own room or would you like to share a room?I’d like to have my own room. I don’t think I’d like to
share my room with others.
3. Would you like a room with a television?Yes, I do want a room with a television.
4. Do you need to hire a car?No, thanks. I don’t need a hired car. No, I’d prefer a car of my own.
5. What sort of location are you interested in?I’d like to stay in a good locality.
6. Have you any other requirements?Yes, I must have a garden in my house. Yes, give me your contact number. No, no other requirements.

Dictation (Page 108)

Question 1. Some words are given below. Listen carefully to the word from the list the teacher speaks, and write against it another word that has the same pronunciation but different spelling. The first is an example.


Answer –


Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type 

Question 1. What can a person buy from the all thing one could buy Eid fair or any fair?
Answer – A person can buy anything from a small pin to a big buffalo from the Eid fair.
Question 2. Who accompany Rasheed to the fair with his uncle?
Answer – Bhaiya, who worked as a domestic help in the house, accompanied Rasheed to the fair alongwith his uncle.
Question 3. What did Rasheed get by trying his luck?
Answer – Rasheed got two pencils and a bottle of ink. Every time, he tried his luck, he got a trifle.
Question 4. What was the reaction of other people towards Rasheed?
Answer – People were looking at Rasheed and were laughing at his bad luck, but none of them showed sympathy.
Q.5. What did Rasheed’s uncle buy for him?
Answer – Rasheed’s uncle bought him a beautiful umbrella, biscuits and sweets and some other little gifts
Q.6. How did Rasheed’s uncle react after coming to know about the incident?
Answer – Bhaiya told Rasheed’s uncle about the incident. He was neither angry nor sad. He smiled and patted Rasheed. He took him to a shop.

Extra Questions Short Answer Type 

Q.1. What did Rasheed’s uncle tell him in the fair?
Answer – Rasheed’s uncle warned him neither to buy anything nor to go too far away while he was away with his friends. Rasheed was supposed to wait for him.
Q.2. What made Rasheed to try his luck in the shop?
Answer – Rasheed saw an old man getting a beautiful clock worth ₹ 15 by trying his luck. A boy got a comb, a fountain-pen, a wrist watch and a table lamp after he tried his luck. Rasheed also wanted to get some big prizes.
Q.3. What was uncle’s reaction after hearing Rasheed’s story of trying his luck?
Answer – Rasheed’s uncle was neither angry nor sad after hearing his story of trying luck. His uncle smiled and patted Rasheed. Practice He took Rasheed to a shop and bought him a beautiful umbrella, biscuits and sweets and some other little gifts. He told Rasheed that the shopkeeper had made him a fool.

Long Questions Answer 

Q.1. How did the shopkeeper tempt people to play the game?
Answer – The shopkeeper wanted everybody to try their luck. There were discs on the table with numbers. One has to pick up any six discs and find the total number. One has to pay him 50 paise for this. The person gets the article marked with that number. Two people came to try their luck. An old man got a beautiful clock and he exchanged it to get ? 15 from the shopkeeper. A boy came and he got four items. These people were the friends of the shopkeeper and helped him playing tricks to tempt others to try their luck.
Q.2.How was Rasheed made a fool by the shopkeeper?
Answer – Rasheed went to the lucky shop. There were discs on the table with number on them from one to ten. One has to prick up any six discs, add up the numbers and find the total. Rasheed saw two people, getting beautiful and expensive things. They were happy and pleased with what the shopkeeper gave to them. Therefore, Rasheed got tempted to try his luck. He spent all his money but got things of little value. The shopkeeper and his men fooled Rasheed so that he could spend all his money on trifle. The shopkeeper was clever and encouraged Rasheed to try his luck every time he failed.

 Value Based Type Questions

Q.3. What did Rasheed learn from his experience at the Eid fair? Greed cannot make you gain any thing. Comment.
Answer – Rasheed’s uncle took him to the Eid fair. He warned Rasheed neither to buy anything nor to go too far away while his uncle was away. But, Rasheed with Bhaiya went from shop-to-shop. He went to the Lucky Shop. He was tempted to try his luck by seeing an old man and a boy. He lost all his money in getting objects of little value. The shopkeeper made him fool and Rasheed learnt that one should always follow what the elders say and advice.

 Extra Questions Extract Based Type 

Q.1. Why did Rasheed wait for his uncle to return?
Answer – Rasheed waited for his uncle to return because his uncle told him to wait for him and not to go far away.
Q.2. How many discs one need to pick?
Answer – One has to pick six discs which were placed on the table facing down.
Q.3. What has to be done with the selected discs?
Answer – A person has to pick six discs, add up their numbers and find the total. The article marked with that number will be given to the person.
(4). Find antonym for the word ‘lazy’.

A. Energetic
B. Number
C. Swift
D. Old

Answer – (A) Energetic

(5). Who was a middle-aged man in the passage?

A. Rasheed
B. Bhaiya
C. Uncle
D. Shopkeeper

Answer – (D) Shopkeeper

(6). How much one has to pay to try his luck?

A. ₹ 6
B. 50 paise
C. 25 paise
D. ₹10

Answer – (B) 50 paise

Q.1.What did Rasheed’s uncle tell him?
Answer – Rasheed’s uncle told him that the shopkeeper has made him a fool by tempting him to try his luck.
Q.2.Who said, “it was neither good luck nor bad luck”?
Answer – Rasheed’s uncle said this to ‘Rasheed’.
Q.3. Who were the friends of the shopkeeper?
Answer – An old man and a boy getting costly things in the Lucky Shop were friends of the shopkeeper.
(4). Find synonym for the word ‘foolishness’.

A. Smart
B. Stupidity
C. Wisdom
D. Sharp

Answer – (B) Stupidity

(5). Who said, “it was just my bad luck”?

A. Rasheed
B. Uncle
C. An old man
D. Shopkeeper

Answer – (A) Rasheed

(6). Give an antonym for the word ‘forget’.

A. Disregard
B. Clock
C. Remember
D. Trick

Answer – (C) Remember

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