NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Letter Writing) Business/Official Letters Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Letter Writing) Business/Official Letters

Class Class 11th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameBusiness/Official Letters 
CategoryClass 11th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th English Grammar (Letter Writing) Business/Official Letters

?English Grammar?

✍Business/Official Letters✍

?English Grammar With Answers?

Letter-writing can be divided into two main kinds:
(a) Formal Letters
(b) Informal Letters

Formal Letters include business letters, applications for jobs, letters to editors, letters to Principal/Officers and letters of complaints to authorities.
Informal Letters are written to friends, relatives, acquaintances and teachers. These include private and

personal matters such as condolences, congratulations, invitations, etc. Note. The syllabus specifies the following letter types:
(a) Letters to Editors
(b) Letters to School or college authorities
Since both these types are Formal Letters, we shall concentrate only on these two types of Formal Letters.

A formal letter has seven parts:

  1. The Address of the sender including the Date
  2. The Inside Address
  3. The Salutation
  4. Subject Heading
  5. The Body of the Letter
  6. The Subscription
  7. The Signature

Each part begins on the left hand side margin. The block format is used and there is no indentation. One line may be left to indicate the beginning of a new part/paragraph.

1. (a) The Address of the Sender. The complete address of the sender is written on the top of the page, preferably on the left side, without punctuation marks, e.g.,
237 Jyoti Apartments
Ashok Vihar
New Delhi-110048

(b) The Date is written just below the Sender’s Address. In formal letters dates can be written as under:

  1. 10 July 2011 or
  2. July 10, 2011

The former is the British style while the latter is the American style. In our country mostly people follow the British style, but these days some people have started using the American style. Students should avoid writing dates as 10.7.11 or 10/7/11 as it may be understood as October 7, 2011 or 10 July, 2011.

2. The Inside Address. The inside address is written below the date line after leaving some space, e.g.,
M/s Kapoor Brothers
Paper Merchants
Chawri Bazar
However, the word M/s (Messers) should not be used:

  1. before the name of firms trading under an impersonal name, such as ‘The Golden Carriers’, ‘The Karnataka Small Scale Industries’.
  2. before the name of firms beginning with a singular proper noun, such as Gupta Sales Corporation, Anil Hardware Stores, etc.
  3. before the names of limited companies, such as Hindustan National Glass Ltd., etc.

3. The Salutation or Greeting. The writer uses appropriate words for the receiver according to his/her relation. The salutation comes just below the address of the recipient. Its first and last word should be written with a capital letter. A comma (,) may be put after the salutation, e.g.,

  1. In Business Letters we write
    Dear Sir,    Dear Sirs,
  2. In official letters, applications or letters to the Editors we write
    Sir/Dear, Sir/Respected Sir or Madam/Dear Madam,

Dear Sir/Sirs is used while addressing a firm. Dear Sir/Dear Madam is used while addressing some single official.

4. Subject Heading. Mention the heading of the subject below the salutation in the middle. The subject should be mentioned briefly. This helps in speedy compliance/ disposal.

5. The Body of the Letter. It is the most important part of the letter. It contains the actual message to be conveyed. It may be broken into various paragraphs, each paragraph dealing with only one idea. Begin with a new paragraph each time you say something new. A formal letter must have at least three paragraphs in the body of the letter

  1. Introductory para,
  2. Main body of the letter and
  3. The concluding para.

6. The Subscription. It is also called the complimentary close. It is simply a polite way of leave taking. It should agree in style and tone with the salutation. If you have used ‘Sir/Madam’ in your salutation, the subscription is Tours faithfully’. However, if the person addressed is known to the writer and is addressed as Dear Sir/Madam, Tours sincerely1 may be used.

  1. Do not write ‘Tours truly”, as it is no longer accepted. ‘Tours” doesn’t have an apostrophe. And remember, “Thanking you” is grammatically wrong and should not be used.
  2. Beginning with “To” and ending a letter with “from” is now considered obsolete.
  3. The format of a letter is on the left side.

7. The Signature. The signature is put below the subscription. In formal letters, the name and designation should follow the signature.

(a) Reference Number (Ref No.) It appears between the writer’s address and date. Here you may give file No., letter No. and number and dates or particulars of previous correspondence etc.

(b) Enclosures (Enel). A mention of the enclosed papers and documents, if attached separately, is made on the left hand side below the signature.

(c) Copies (c.c). In case it is necessary to send a copy of the letter to a third person, this is indicated by (c.c.) followed by the name and address. It appears below the enclosures. In order to write good Business/Official letters follow the following guidelines:


Writing Good Business/Official Letters
1. Be brief, clear, concise and to the point.
2. Use a proper layout/format for these formal letters. The layout may be in block format or indented format (as in informal letters).
3. Use of punctuation marks is adopted in the indented form but it is dispensed with in the block format.
4. Do not mix the two formats. It would be better for you to practise and follow the block format which is in vogue after introduction of computers.
5. Convey facts briefly but impressively. Indicate the theme in the initial para of the body of the letter. Develop your points in the middle paragraph and conclude/give suggestions in the final part of the body of the letter.
6. Use simple and direct language. Avoid the use of long and high sounding words and ambiguous constructions.
7. Be courteous. Even while lodging a complaint or criticising, you should be polite and charming.

8. Remember the following points about block format:

  1. There is no indentation.
  2. Each block begins with the margin on left hand side.
  3. Extra space should be left between different sections and paragraphs.
  4. Omit punctuation marks in address, date or salutation. In case you put a comma in the address, use it throughout. Do not mix the two systems.

9. Marks for Letter-writing are awarded as under:
Format – 2, content – 3, Expression – 2, Letter question is of 7 marks.
However, no marks are given for format alone if there is no content.

10. Golden Rule: Always use
(a) suitable format
(b) well-organised content
(c) appropriate language
Study the formats given below, observe their use in solved examples and adopt them in the exercises given for practice:



Sender’s Address……………………………………………………………………………
Pin …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address of the addressee
Pin …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Subject …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Introductory Para

Main body of the letter

Concluding Para

(Complimentary close)
Yours faithfully
(Sender’s Name)
Designation (if needed)


The content of the letter must be well-organised to ensure clarity and effective communication. The content is divided into three main parts. The introductory paragraph introduces the theme. The main part deals with the problem. It is the real content of the letter. The closing part of the body gives conclusion or offers suggestion.
Be brief and to the point. Mention specific business issues only. The tone should be polite but formal.


(a) Letters to Editor :

  1. greater flexibility
  2. suitable to subject/content
  3. formal, direct and pointed

(b) Letters to Principal/other Authorities :

  1. simple and direct
  2. formal but polite tone
  3. straight forward manner

For the convenience of the students, the letters have been arranged in the following order:



A business letter is different from a personal letter in form, tone and content. In personal letters we may follow an informal, friendly or personal tone, content or style. But business letters demand a formal and matter of fact treatment. These letters are generally written to or by commercial and business firms and enterprises, so they must be simple and systematic, brief and specific in content and formal in treatment of the subject.
Commercial correspondence occupies an important role in the modem world of commerce, trade and industry. So students are advised to master the art and craft of writing good business letters.

1. Be brief, clear and to the point.
2. Use separate paragraphs for separate topics.
3. The first para should indicate the theme of the letter.
4. Make a factual statement of facts.
5. Use simple and direct language. Avoid the use of long and high sounding words and ambiguous construction.
6. Even while lodging a complaint or making criticism, you should be polite and charming.
7. Avoid common-place and clumsy expressions.
8. Use a proper layout / format for these formal letters. The block format is more in vogue in formal letters whereas the indented format may be used in informal letters.
9. Use of punctuation marks is dispensed with in the block format.

10. Remember the following points about block format :

  1. There is no indentation.
  2. Each block begins with the margin on Left Hand Side.
  3. Extra space should be left between different sections and paragraphs.
  4. Omit punctuation marks in address and date. A comma (,) may be put after the salutation.

Golden Rule. Always use:
(a) Suitable format.
(b) Well-organised content.
(c) Appropriate language.



The block-wise format of different kinds of letters are given below :


Tel. No…………………………………………………………………………………….
Our Ref……………………………………………………………………………………
Your Ref. (if needed)……………………………………………………………….
Sender’s Address…………………………………………………………………….


Inside Address………………………………………………………………………..


Introductory para
Main body of the letter
Concluding para
Yours faithfully
Full Name………………………………………………………………….

end. (if needed)………………………………………………………….

c.c. (if needed)……………………………………………………………


Sender’s Address…………………………………………………………………..

Inside Address………………………………………………………………………

Introductory para
Main body of the letter
Concluding para
Yours faithfully
(Sender’s Name)
Designation (if needed)


The application for a job may be written with or without a bio-data. In case it is written without a bio-data, the main body of the letter should contain the following information :

  1. Personal information, e.g. age, health, sex etc.
  2. Educational / professional qualifications
  3. Experience / suitability for the job.

The format is the same as that of an official letter.

The application for a job is sometimes accompanied by a Bio-data of the applicant. The Bio-data is also called resume or curriculum-vitae (C.V.). It contains full information about the candidate pertaining to the job requirement.

The letter with bio-data will have the bio-data as an enclosure. The relevant information will be included under the heading ‘Bio-Data’. The covering letter will be a formal official letter having the same kind of format, language and style. The following features must be mentioned in the bio-data:


1. Name in full …………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Father’s Name……………………………………………………………………………….
3. Date of Birth…………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Age…………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Permanent Address
Telephone Number (if any)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Educational Qualifications

  1. Secondary  : School attended, course, examination passed, grades obtained.
  2. Tertiary : College, university, exam., division.
  3. Technical/Professional : Degree or Diploma obtained : institution / university
  4. Any other

7. Experience (Name of institution, position held, nature of duties, duration)

  1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

8. Present Employment

  1. Organisation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  2. Position………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  3. Salary drawn………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

9. References (Name, designation, official address)

  1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Testimonials from (Name, designation, official address)

  1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Marks for Letter Writing are awarded on the following lines:

Format : 2 Marks
Content : 4 Marks
Expression : 4 Marks

Upto 2 marks may be deducted for not using proper layout. Layout should include date, receiver’s designation and address, salutation, subject, complimentary close and designation of writer.
However, no marks are awarded for format alone if there is no content or if the content is wrong.

It includes your creativity in presenting ideas which are relevant to the topic of the letter. The content of the letter must be well-organised to ensure clarity and effective communication. The content is divided into three main parts:

  1. Introductory part
  2. Main part
  3. Concluding remarks
    • The introductory paragraph introduces the theme.
    • The main part deals with the problem/issue. It is the real content of the letter.
    • The closing part of the body gives conclusions or offers suggestions.
      Some Tips:
      — Be brief and to the point
      — Mention specific issues only
      — Tone : polite but formal
  4. In letters to editors state the problem clearly. Try to present both sides of the picture. In case of a discursive topic or one requiring argumentative presentation, give the pros and cons of the situation. Always offer useful suggestions to overcome the problem.

(a) Fluency is your ability to present your ideas in a coherent and organised way. Before answering in the ‘fair’, you must prepare a rough draft and jot down your ideas. You may follow the process detailed below:

  • Think about the letter/topic.
  • Collect all the ideas and put them down roughly.
  • Organise the ideas by putting common ideas together.
  • Arrange them sequentially.
  • End on a positive note.

(b) Accuracy involves grammatical correctness as well as structuring of sentences. Your effort should not be to use complex, long and unwieldy sentences, but to present your content in simple, straightforward language.
Note the following points about the use of language:
(a) Business/Official Letters :

  1. simple and direct
  2. formal tone
  3. straightforward manner

(b) Letters to Editors :

  1. greater flexibility
  2. suitable to subject/content
  3. formal, direct and pointed

Note. I have the honour to state……………..
is obsolete and is no longer used.
It is easier and simple to say—
I wish to say……………/ I want to say………………

Study the general layout of the formal letters carefully. We are talking of the block format which has no indentation or punctuation. Each paragraph/point begins on the left hand side margin. There is gap after each block.

1. Sender’s Address. Top left-hand comer. Omit punctuation marks.
2. The Date. Just below the Sender’s address. These days marks of punctuation are not used. You may write

  1. 17 March 20XX
  2. March 17, 20XX
  3. 17th March 20XX.

3. Inside Address. The Name and Designation of the addressee is written on the left hand side, two lines below the line of date.

4. The Salutation. On the left hand side below the ‘Inside Address’. The usual form of salutation is ‘Sir’ or ‘Dear Sir’ for individuals, ‘Sirs’ or ‘Dear Sirs’ for firms or companies. In America, they write ‘gentlemen’ instead of Dear Sirs’. Use ‘Madam’ while addressing a lady.

In case the addressee is personally known to the writer, names are also used as :

Dear Mr Gupta
Dear Miss Sapna
Dear Mrs. Sood

5. Subject. The subject heading is written just below the salutation and above the ‘Body of the Letter’. It helps in quick disposal of the letter.

6. The Body/Content of the Letter. This is the most important part of the letter. Mention specific business only. Fluency and accuracy in presentation of well organised relevant ideas is essential.

7. The Complimentary Close. Written on the left hand side a couple of lines below the last line of the body of the letter. The usual complimentary endings are :

  1. yours faithfully
  2. yours truly

However, if the name of a person is used in the salutation, the complimentary close can be ‘yours sincerely’.

8. Signature. A formal letter requires your lull signature with the name and designation coming just below it. The ‘signature’ is put just below the complimentary close.


Question 1. Write a letter to Lightways Sports, Amrapalli, Thane, placing an order for sports articles (minimum 4) to be supplied to your school, ABC Matriculation School, Civil Lines, Pune. Sign as Ravi/Raveena, Sports Secretary.
ABC Matriculation School
Civil Lines, Pune-411013
11th March, 20XX
Lightways Sports
Amrapalli, Thane-400203

Subject Sports Articles for the School

Dear Sir,
As the Sports Day of the school is being held next month, we want you to supply the following sports articles as soon as possible, so that the students can practice for the various sports tournaments.

I. FootballsNivea4IV. Batting gloves (pairs)SVG8
II. Cricket batsSVG6V. BasketballsSpalding4
III. Cricket ballsSVG6VI. Tennis ballsCosco12


Please send the goods to the school on any weekday between 8 am and 2 pm. You are also requested to send the bill after allowing the discount permissible for schools. Payment will be made after the consignment is received and checked by the Games department of the school.

Further, please ensure the quality of the consignment. If defects are found in the goods, the whole consignment will be returned without any payment.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

Question 2. 


You are Anand Kumar Bhonsle, Purchase Manager of Apple Telesystems, 9th Street, Mahim, Mumbai. Write to Ganapati Stationery Mart, Churchgate, Mumbai asking for rates and terms of supply of stationery items such as pencils, papers, ribbons, carbon papers etc.
Purchase Manager
Apple Telesystems
9th Street, Mahim
Sales Manager
Ganapati Stationery Mart
12 March 20XX
Sub: Supply of Stationery
We are a software company and we need the following items in bulk for office use. I request you to kindly quote your rates and terms of supply for the following items :

1. Apsara Pencils — HB, HH
2. Orient Bond paper — 25 dozen reams
3. Cyclostyling paper — 30 dozen reams
4. Computer paper — 20 dozen reams
5. Type Paper — 50 dozen reams
6. Typewriter carbon ribbons — 1 dozen packets
7. Computer carbon ribbons — 1 dozen packets
8. Photocopier carbon ribbons — 10 packets
9. Carbon paper — 10 dozen
10. Fluid eraser — 10 dozen
11. File covers — 10 dozen
12. Plastic clips — 50 packets

As we are ordering in bulk, we would expect discount on the bulk purchase. We expect a reply at the earliest possible along with the acceptable terms and conditions please.
Yours faithfully,
A.K. Bhonsle
(Purchase Manager)

Question 3.


You are Ashwini Meena of C-23, Chitra Park, Jaipur. Write a letter to M/s Full Marks (Pvt) Ltd, Daryaganj, New Delhi asking for a catalogue of books, terms and conditions of supply and mode of payment etc.
C-23 Chitra Park
25 May 20XX
M/s Full Marks Pvt Ltd
New Delhi
Sub : Request for Catalogue
I am interested in purchasing a few of your publications on spoken English by V.P.P. I shall be very grateful if you could send me the latest catalogue on these books. Please specify if any audio/video cassettes are also available along with the books. I am enclosing a self-addressed envelope for prompt despatch.
I am also interested in knowing your terms and conditions regarding the payment, time and mode of delivery, etc.
Hoping you would look into my request on priority.
Yours faithfully,
– Ashwini Meena

Question 4.


You are Vivek / Varsha Malhotra, Head Boy / Girl of Zenith Public School, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi. You have to organise short tours to Agra, Jaipur and Chandigarh. Write a letter to Globe Tours and Travels, 235, Nehru Place, New Delhi, enquiring about their terms for conducted tours by deluxe buses. Also ask about the fare, boarding and lodging charges and arrangements, total time of the trip and mode of payment.
Zenith Public School
Ashok Vihar
New Delhi
16 July 20XX
M/s Globe Tours and Travels
235 Nehru Place
New Delhi
Sub : Enquiry about conducted tours
We organise short educational tours to places of social and historical interest during the autumn/winter break. The likely places of visit this year are Agra, Jaipur and Chandigarh. Please let me know your terms for conducted tours by deluxe buses to places mentioned above. The rates should include lodging/boarding charges, fare per km per bus.
I would like to know the kind of boarding and lodging facilities provided by you, the duration of journey and halting charges, if any.
Please let me know if group discount and student discount are admissible if we charter a bus.
Expecting early response.
Yours faithfully,
Vivek Malhotra
Head Boy

Question 5. As a regular bus commuter from NOIDA to Delhi, you have been witnessing rash driving by the bus drivers daily without exception. Write a letter to the General Manager, Delhi transport Corporation, about this problem. You are Priti /Pranav Gupta from 16, Ashok Vihar, Phase 2, NOIDA.
16, Ashok Vihar, Phase 2
18th January, 20XX
The General Manager
Delhi Transport Corporation,
Delhi – 110002

Subject Complaint against Rash Driving by Bus Drivers

Respected Sir
I want to bring to your kind notice that rash and reckless driving by DTC bus drivers on the city roads has taken a turn for the worse.

I am a regular commuter by bus from NOIDA to Delhi. I have been witnessing rash driving by the bus drivers daily without exception. The buses are driven at high speed to overtake other buses and most of the time the drivers end up having quarrels and fights with the drivers of other private buses. Last weekend the bus I was in met with an accident. The driver was not even carrying a valid driving licence. Drink and drive cases against these drivers have also risen recently. I therefore earnestly request you to look into the problem as early as possible to prevent the recurrence of such events in the future. In this regard, a strict timetable for the buses should be maintained. The licences of the concerned drivers should be renewed at the legally designated intervals.

Yours faithfully
Pranav Gupta

Question 6.


Write a letter to the Manager, Oberoi International. Lucknow, to find out the rates for conducting the wedding reception of your sister on their lawns, enquiring specifically about the catering cost per head, service and decoration charges and advance to be paid. You are Nandu/Nandini of Agra.
23 Fort Road
15 November 20XX
The Manager
Oberoi International
Sub : Enquiry regarding expenses for Wedding Reception
Dear Sir,
Kindly let me know whether your lawns would be available on the evening of 7th December to hold the wedding reception of my sister. In case space is available, please enlighten me regarding the following :

1. catering cost per head (Menu no. 3)
2. service charges
3. decoration charges
4. advance amount to be paid.

Please send me a point-wise specific reply at the address given above.
Looking forward to an early reply.
Yours sincerely,


Question 7. Your cousin Priyanka is just completing X standard and has sought your advise to opt for science or commerce group. Write a letter giving guidance to select the group in XI standard.
251, Navy Nagar
Colaba, Mumbai
17 March 20XX
Dear Priyanka
Received your affectionate letter and was glad to note that you are going to complete X standard. I felt elated when you sought my advise whether to opt for science or commerce group in XI standard.
In my opinion, you should not join the rat race of choosing the science stream. I know that you are a practical person, who is intelligent as well as diligent. I would therefore suggest that you should opt for a commerce group. There are some other reasons behind this choice,

1. Your father is a successful businessman. As a student of commerce you may learn business/management in practice. Secondly, he may set up a small unit for you and invest in it. You can manage and expand it with your knowledge of commerce and English.

2. In case you want to seek employment, your commerce degree may help you get a good job in some multinational firm.

3. You may appear in a competitive examination for bank recruitment etc.

I do hope you will consider all these points before arriving at any decision.
With love.
Yours sincerely,

Question 8. A new advertising firm needs an office in the central market. Write a letter offering part of your office on rent. You are the Office Manager, Planwel Company, Tarapore Towers, M.G. Road, Bangalore.

Tarapore Towers, MG Road, Bangalore

Ref. No. 20/PC/35
April 19, 20XX
The Manager
Apex Information Centre
3, Anna Nagar, Nungambakkam
Sub : Offer of a premises on rent
Reference your advertisement in The Hindu dated 18 April regarding availability of a suitable accommodation in the central market for your office. In this connection we desire to inform you that we have a suitable office located in the vicinity of the central market. The accommodation (with roads on two sides) comprises a big hall 251 x 40′ with two adjoining rooms 12 ‘ x 15 ‘ each and an inter-connected pantry and toilet. This is an ideal location for all kinds of business establishments. There are three nationalised banks on the opposite road. The terms and conditions for rent are as under :

  1. A refundable security of rupees two lakhs.
  2. Rent of ₹ 10,000 pm payable in advance.
  3. Electricity and water charge extra.
  4. Sanitation at your disposal.
  5. The rented lease will lapse after eleven months.

In case the above-mentioned terms are acceptable, please contact the undersigned within a week.
Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Wasan
Office Manager

Question 9. As the Regional Manager of a leading XYZ Textile Company, Mumbai, write a letter to the American Textile Company, Madurai offering two of your products for bulk sale.

24 Pyarelal Road, Mumbai

Ref. STC/20/78
12 August 20XX
The Senior Purchase Manager
The American Textile Company
Sub : Offer of Products for Bulk Sale
We are one of the leading manufacturers of textile products in Western India and our products are equally popular at home and abroad. We have received an enquiry from your branch office at Kanpur regarding terms for bulk purchase.
We wish to inform you that we grant 30% trade discount to commercial / bulk purchases on an order for not less than Rs. one lakh at a time. We allow further discount of 5% to buyers whose orders exceed Rs. Five lakh per year.
Our latest price list and illustrated catalogue along with specimen of textiles are enclosed for your kind perusal and approval.
An early reply will be appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
A. G. George
Sales Manager

Question 10. As the Sales Manager of M/s Universal Book Suppliers, 26 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi, write a letter to the Librarian Scindia School, Gwalior offering information regarding the sale of dictionaries and illustrated children’s encyclopaedias.
Universal Book Suppliers
26, Ansari Road
New Delhi
Tel. No. 23286677
Our Ref. No. UBS/AMS/02/DE/0507
Your Ref. No. SCG/CE/54-03
Dated 19 May 20XX
The Librarian
Scindia School
Sub : Sale of Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias
We thank you for your letter dated 5 May 20XX and are happy to furnish you the following information :
We stock dictionaries and encyclopaedias published by Indian as well as foreign publishers. We have books suitable for all age-groups of school going children. As desired by you, we are enclosing our latest catalogue. It contains the information you need.
We «hall offer you 15% discount given to educational institutions on this category of books. We need two weeks’ time to make delivery of the order. We accept payment by demand draft only. It should be payable at New Delhi.
I hope our terms will meet your approval and we’ll receive your order soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Ravindran
Sales Manager


Question 11. As librarian, Model Secondary School, Neyveli, write a letter to M/s Sohanlal & Bros., Booksellers, Agra, placing an order for books (Mention at least 4 titles of the books) to be supplied immediately.
The Librarian
Model Secondary School
29 July 20XX
M/s Sohanlal & Brothers
Sub: Order for Books
Dear Sir,
Kindly arrange to supply at your earliest convenience the following books for our school library at the discount rates approved for the year 20XX-20XX.

1. Advance Learner’s Dictionary of Current English    5 copies
Hornby — OUP

2. Elementary Algebra — Dave & David    10 copies

3. Applied English Grammar — M.M. Sharma    10 copies

4. Secondary Physics — S.C. Jain    5 copies

Before despatching the books please ensure that only the latest editions are being supplied and the books are not soiled or dirty. Also check that each  book has full  pages and there is neither duplication of pages nor insufficiency.
Payment will be released after approval by the library committee.
Yours faithfully,
S. Kumar

Question 12.


This summer vacation you are planning to visit Shimla. Write a letter to a travel agency in Shimla requesting them to book you a room in a five-star hotel. Give other details of your journey and the facilities you require there. Sign your name as Leela/Mohan, C/5, Assam.
C/5, Assam
15 April 20XX
The Manager
Globe Travel Agency
The Mall, Shimla
Sub: Hotel accommodation and other facilities
Dear Sir,
I am planning to visit Shimla during the summer vacation. I intend to reach there on 16May by the IC 308 flight and stay there for a week. You are requested to book a deluxe double bedroom in a five star hotel, as I will be accompanied by my friend. I shall also need a chauffeur-driven car to take us in and around Shimla.
Please make these facilities available for a week, i.e., from 16 May to 22 May 20XX. A bank draft for Rs. 5000 is enclosed as advance. Please confirm the bookings so that the remaining amount may be sent to you.
Yours faithfully,

Question 13.


Write a letter to the Manager of Grand Hotel located in Shimla, asking him to reserve for you a double room from 5th April to 15th April. 20XX. You are Aditya/Anandhi of Mysore.
D-2/47 Court Road
25 March 20XX
The Manager
Grand Hotel
Dear Sir,
Sub: Reservation of a double room
I along with my partner shall be visiting Shimla for eleven days—5th April to 15th April to be exact. You are requested to reserve a deluxe double room for us, for eleven days from 5th April to 15th April 20XX. I am enclosing herewith a hank draft for ? 5000 as advance for reservation charges and partial room rent.
This letter follows in continuation with my telephonic conversation. Kindly confirm the booking on Mysore Telephone No. 532601.
Hoping for an early response.
Yours sincerely,

Question 14.


You have placed an order for a few books with City Central Book Shop, No. 10, Paharganj, Delhi. You have not received the books so far. Write a letter to the bookshop complaining about the non-compliance of your order.
National Sr. Sec.. School
Vayu Vihar
New Delhi
25 March 20XX.
City Central Book Shop No. 10
Sub: Non-compliance of the order No. 11/RS
This is with reference to our order No. 11/RS dated 4th March 20XX regarding the delivery of a few books for our school library.
In this respect, I regret to state that despite repeated reminders on the phone, the books have not yet been delivered to the library so far. The new session has started and the books are required urgently for reference-work by the students. I am quite upset about the non-compliance and negligent attitude shown by your shop towards our order. If the specified books don’t reach us within three days from the receipt of this letter, we will conclude that you are not interested in fulfilling this order. In that case, we’ll be compelled to place the order elsewhere. A list of books ordered is being enclosed herewith. Kindly do the needful at the earliest.
Yours truly,
Enel.—Photocopy of the book-list.


Question 15.


You are a member of a youth club. Recently your club has purchased some furniture from Nawab Furniture Depot, Kanpur. But after a week you have noticed some defects in the furniture. Write a letter to the Manager of Nawab Furniture asking him to replace it. You are Akbar/Amina.
Eagle Youth Club
B-69 Court Road
1 August 20XX
The Manager
Nawab Furniture Depot
84-Railway Road
Sub : Replacement of Defective Furniture
This is with reference to order no 93812 of a sofa set, wooden chairs and table worth ₹ 45,000. This is to bring to your notice that on inspection of the furniture after receipt at Club office certain defects have been noticed.
We request you to replace the furniture within a week as the Club’s general meeting is scheduled for the next week.
We hope that such mistakes will not occur in the future.
Hoping for an early replacement.
Yours faithfully,

Question 16.


You are Nikhil/Nisha staying at 53, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Last summer, you bought a colour television from the ‘Clear Vision of Hyderabad, with a warranty of 2 years. Now you discover that the picture gets blurred every now and then. Even the sound has become defective. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the problem and requesting him to get the defect rectified. Also request him to replace it, if needed against the warranty that goes with it. (Word limit: 200)
53, Banjara Hills
7 March 20XX
The Proprietor
Clear Vision
14, Palace Road
Sub: Complaint against CTV – MS-21
Dear Sir,
It was only last summer, 15 June 20XX to be precise that I bought a colour TV from you. The model is Phillips CTV – MS-21 and the Invoice No. is 1487 dated 15.06.20XX. Last week it started giving trouble. I thought that the sound problem was due to a weak signal and that it would pass, but it recurred with more frequency. When I tried to adjust the knobs the picture got blurred. Sometimes the colours fade away.
Since the TV set is within the guarantee period of two years, you are requested to get the defects rectified by your service engineer. In case the set is beyond repair, kindly get it replaced.
Hoping for early favourable action.
Yours sincerely,

Question 17.


Kumar Shanu of Bareilly has purchased a Frost-free B.L.P. refrigerator of 265 litres from ‘Life Style’, Civil Lines, Bareilly. After a month of purchase, the freezing section of the refrigerator has failed to function. Write a letter to the Sales Manager of the firm complaining about it and requesting for the piece to be replaced since there is a two-year warranty.
26 Agra Road
15 June 20XX
Sales Manager
‘Life Style’
Civil Lines
Sub : Replacement of 265 litres B.L.P. Refrigerator
We purchased a frost-free B.L.P. Refrigerator of 265 litres from you about six months back, vide your Receipt No. C-1265 dated 10 January, 20XX. You provided us a warranty letter for two years against any technical fault.
Having used it for about a month, we now find that the freezing section of the refrigerator is not working properly. We are unable to get even a single eatable fresh when kept in it. The summer season is in full swing and we are feeling great inconvenience due to our defective refrigerator.
Under these circumstances, it is requested that the defective refrigerator may please be replaced at your earliest in order to stop further inconvenience to us. It will be appreciated if the new set is installed after proper testing.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Kumar Shanu

Question 18.


You are Keerti / Karishma of 26, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad. Last week you bought an automatic ‘VIP’ Washing Machine from Mis Tirupati Stores, Nampalli, Hyderabad. Now you find that the machine is not cleaning clothes properly and making an unbearable noise. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the same and requesting him to change the washing machine at the earliest. (Word limit: 200 words)
26, Mehdipatnam
10 March 20XX
The Marketing Manager
Tirupati Stores
Nampalli, Hyderabad
Sub : Complaint about defective ‘VIP’ washing machine
It was only last month, 7th February to be precise that I bought an automatic ‘VTF washing machine from you. The Model No. is VIP XL-410W and the Invoice No. is 2365 dated 7 Feb., 20XX.
Last week it started giving us trouble. It is not cleaning the clothes at all. In fact the clothes remain as dirty after the mechanical operation as they were before the wash. Secondly, it has been making unbearable noise. Kindly send your mechanic to examine and repair it. In case the damage is beyond repair or a serious mechanical one, kindly replace it at the earliest as the washing machine is still within the guarantee period. Hoping for an early response.
Yours sincerely,
Keerti /Karishma

Question 19. 


You are Amit Chakraborty staying at 81, Chitranjan Park, New Delhi. Last month you got an inverter installed at your house through ‘Electronical World’ of Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. Now you find that the inverter is not working and the local electrician who examined it at your request has told you that it is having some technical defect. Write a letter to the dealer asking him to replace it immediately under terms and conditions of the deal. ( Word limit : 200 words)
81, Chitranjan Park
New Delhi
10 April 20XX
The Sales Manager
Electronical World
5/17, Lajpat Nagar
New Delhi
Sub : Replacement of Inverter
It was only last month, 20th March, 20XX to be exact that I bought an inverter through you and got it installed at my house. The model is SM-576-C IV and the Invoice No. is 1679 dated 20 March, 20XX.
Last week it started giving trouble. Initially the fans and lights would run  comfortably for 3-4 hours when there was no electric supply, but these days they fail to make up the deficiency in the electric current and work for only one or two hours. The local electrician was called in to examine it and he has revealed a technical flaw in it. Since the inverter is within the guarantee period you are kindly requested to replace the set at your earliest as per terms and conditions of sale.
Please arrange a new set and send your engineer to set it accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
Amit Chakraborty

Question 20.


Naveen Chaudhri of 105, Baily Road, Patna bought a HP Desk Jet 200 Printer from The Computer Centre, the sole dealer of Hewlett Packard at Ranchi, for use with his newly acquired personal computer, a month ago. Now he finds that the print quality is poor and the ink nozzles of the print cartridge get frequently clogged. The Printer has been given one year warranty against any technical fault. Write a letter as Naveen Chaudhri to the dealer complaining about the same and requesting him to attend to it. (Word limit 200 words).
105, Baily Road
20 March 20XX
The Sales Officer
The Computer Centre
Sub : Defective working of HP Desk Jet Printer
It was only last month, 10 February 20XX to be precise that I purchased a Hewlett Packard Desk Jet 200 Printer from your firm vide cash memo no. 785 dated 10 Feb., 20XX. For about a fortnight it gave a very satisfactory service in my newly acquired personal computer. Now I find that the print quality is very poor.
The impression is not clear and deep. Moreover, the ink nozzles of the print cartridge get frequently clogged. This poor and irritating performance of the Jet Desk Printer has also affected the quality of my work besides dampening my spirits and mood so often.
I regret to inform you that in spite of two verbal reminders you have not sent your service-engineer to attend to the faults. I need not remind you that it is against business ethics as the fault has occurred within the warranty period. In case you do not attend to the fault within a week I shall be constrained to lodge a complaint against you in the consumers’ court.
Yours faithfully,
Naveen Chaudhri

Question 21.


You are Amol /Anubha staying at 162, Kailash Hills, New Delhi. Last month, you bought a cordless electric iron from ‘Premier Electronic Goods’, South Extn., New Delhi against a warranty of 2 years. Now you discover that there is something wrong with the Iron. Its heat lasts hardly for a few seconds after it is taken off the mains. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about it. Also request him to change this defective iron against the warranty that goes with it. (Word limit: 200 words)
162, Kailash Hills
New Delhi
7 March 20XX
The Sales Officer
Premier Electronic Goods
South Extension
New Delhi
Sub : Complaint against defective Cordless Electric Iron
I bought a Cordless Electric Iron from you on 27 January, 20XX vide receipt no. 6578. I had bought it with a view to making my task easier. Unfortunately it has become even more complicated now. When it is taken off the mains, the heat in the iron lasts for hardly a few seconds. Sometimes it does not show any signs of heat even after inserting in the main switch. It seems that it has ceased functioning. You can just imagine the irritation it causes by not working when needed most. It is only in an emergency that I iron my clothes myself and at such moments this cordless iron stops functioning. Thus the piece has become a headache as it is an unreliable nuisance. Since there is a warranty of 2 years with this Iron, I earnestly request you to replace this defective piece with another one.
Looking forward to your sincere and kind cooperation.
Yours sincerely,

Question 22.


You are Anshuman /Rashi staying at 8, Kakatiya Nagar, New Delhi. Last month, you bought a video-camera from the ‘Ultra Modern Electronic House’, Abids, Hyderabad against a warranty of 2 years. Now you discover that there is something wrong with this camera. It doesn’t work for more than 30-40 seconds at a stretch. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about this problem. Also request him to replace this defective piece against the warranty that goes with it. (Word limit: 200 words)
8, Kakatiya Nagar
New Delhi
5 March 20XX
The Owner
Ultra Modem Electronic House
Sub : Complaint against Video Camera
I purchased a Toshiba – 7 YS. Video Camera from your showroom vide Invoice no 2675 dated 3 Jan., 20XX. May I mention that this video camera functioned well for about a month or so, but thereafter it has started giving trouble. It has only been used a few times since its purchase. However, each time it has stopped working after 30-40 seconds. It does not work longer at a stretch. After some time it does begin again but stops functioning in a few seconds. It seems that some technical defect has marred the working of this piece.
Since there is a warranty of 2 years against any technical defect, I would request you to replace this piece with another one at the earliest.
Looking forward to an early response.
Yours sincerely,

Question 23.


You are Narendra/Sheela staying at 3, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur. Last year, you bought a Telephone Answering System with Facsimile from the ‘Electronic World’ of Chandigarh, with a warranty of 2 years. Now you discover that there is something wrong with the answering machine. It doesn’t record the caller’s message. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the problem. Also request him to replace it, if needed, against the warranty that goes with it. (Word limit: 200)
3, Jawahar Nagar
9 March 20XX
The Manager (Sales)
Electronic World
Chandigarh -17
Sub : Complaint regarding Defective Telephone Answering System
This complaint is with reference to the Telephone Answering System I bought from your showroom last year vide cash memo no. 24135 dated 4 Feb., 20XX.
This system gave a very fine service for some time and its operation was quite praiseworthy. But to my dismay, it has started creating troubles. It has developed some technical snag in that it doesn’t record the caller’s massages. And what’s the use of an answering machine which doesn’t record messages?.
Since the apparatus carries a warranty of 2 years, I would be extremely obliged if you could replace this defective instrument with another one.
Looking forward to an early response.
Yours faithfully,


Official letters are letters written to various public or civil servants who generally head their respective departments, sections, branches or zones.
Official letters can be broadly divided into three categories:

1. To officials regarding CIVIC AMENITIES like electricity, roads, health and hygiene, pollution of air, water, noise etc.

2. To Police officials regarding LAW & ORDER such as against lawlessness, riots, quarrels, eve-teasing, gambling, drinking brawls, breakdown of law and order and other social evils.

3. Departmental letters regarding posting, transfers, promotion etc.

Note. These departmental letters are not included in your syllabus.



Question 1.


You are Aman/Aarti of 119, Church Road, Kanpur. You are interested in doing a short term course in Public Speaking for your personality enrichment during your summer vacation. Write a letter to the Director, Personal Centre, Sector 22, Chandigarh, inquiring about the duration of such a course and the terms and conditions for admission. (Word limit: 200 words)
119, Church Road
15 May 20XX
The Director
Personal Care Centre
Chandigarh – 22
Sub : Information about a Short Term Course
I have come to know that your institute imparts training in different personality enrichment courses during the summer vacation.    .
I have appeared in the A.I. CBSE this year and I am keenly interested in doing a short¬term course in public speaking so as to equip me in interactions with my new colleagues in the college and /or field of work.
Please inform me about the duration of the course, fees and other charges as well as terms and conditions for getting admission. Kindly enlighten me if boarding and lodging facilities are available, and if so, what is the approximate expenditure. In case you have a printed brochure or typed information in this regard, kindly forward it to me to the address given above.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Question 2.


Your sister has just passed the All India Secondary School Examination of CBSE. She is keen cm joining some institute which may help her in her personality development. She consults her language teacher on the subject who advises her to join the Centre for Creativity and Development for this purpose. Now write a letter to the Director of the Centre, seeking necessary information about her admission to their 8-week summer course in leadership.
175C – Janakpuri
New Delhi
20 June 20XX
The Director
The Centre for Creativity and Development
Mall Road
Sub : Information regarding 8-week Summer Course
My younger sister has just passed the All India Secondary School Examination of CBSE. She is a brilliant student and has secured 85% marks in X. She does not want to opt for the traditional prestigious courses in science viz. medicine or engineering. She is enamoured of the information technology, but I feel that she is a bit timid and lacks self-confidence. She certainly needs some skilled guidance and training in personality development, leadership and interaction. She consulted her language teacher on the subject and he advised her to join your centre for this purpose.
Kindly supply me the following information regarding the 8-week summer course in leadership:
(a) The number of students in each group.
(b) Whether separate coaching classes are held for girls.
(c) Fee for the whole course.
(d) Whether fee is accepted in two/three instalments.
Yours faithfully,
Rakesh Gupta

Question 3.


you are Akhil/Karishma of 119. Mall Road. Shimla. You are interested in doing a short term course in computer programming during your summer vacation. Write a letter to the Director Computer World. Sector 22, Chandigarh, inquiring about the duration of such a course and the terms and conditions for admission. (Word limit : 200 words)
119, Mall Road
10 May 20XX
The Director
Computer World
Chandigarh – 22
Sub :  A short term course in Computer Programming
I have seen the advertisement inserted by you in the newspaper regarding the above mentioned course. I have just passed the A.I. CBSE examination for XII class with science stream. I am interested in doing a short course in computer programming during my summer vacation. However, before joining the course, I would like to know the following details :
1. Duration of the course and fees.
2. Whether received in lumpsum or in instalments.
3. Whether a diploma / certificate is issued.
4. Recognition and its validity.
5. Timings and other relevant information.
6. Whether correspondence or postal facility is available.
If you have any printed material for information kindly send it to me. A self-addressed and duly stamped envelope is enclosed for the purpose.
An early response will enable me to join your course immediately.
Yours faithfully,

Question 4.


Your school is proposing to take the students to Ooty. You are the Organising Secretary of your school. Write a letter to the Manager, Youth Hostel in Ooty requesting him to provide your group with accommodation for 2 days.
Summer Fields School
Kailash Colony, New Delhi
5 September 20XX
The Manager
Youth Hostel
Sub : Providing suitable accommodation
A group of about 50 students of this institution has decided to visit Ooty and other sites worth sight-seeing in Karnataka state. The touring group will reach Ooty on 25th September and stay there for three days.
Your hostel is renowned for providing requisite facilities to the students at concessional rate. I would be very grateful to you if you could arrange accommodation for this group from Sept. 25 to Sept. 27. I am enclosing a bank draft of Rs. 2000/- to cover the reservation charges.
Please confirm our reservation by return of the post.
Yours faithfully,
Raman Kumar
Organising Secretary

Question 5. 


As Sports Secretary of your school, write a letter to the Secretary of the Sports Authority of India, Delhi requesting him for details regarding the sports scholarships that are available for students.
St. Mark’s School
New Delhi
20 April 20XX
The Secretary
Sports Authority of India
New Delhi
Sub : Information regarding Sports Scholarship
I have come to know from my friend in Punjab that the Sports Authority of India awards scholarships to sports persons and athletes who distinguish themselves in various sports disciplines during their school days. The tenure of these sports scholarship varies from three to five years.
Some of our athletes have topped at the district level and have been selected for national events. They are keen to know the availability of sports scholarship awarded under your benign guidance. The specific conditions and eligibility criteria may please be intimated to us.
I hope you will provide the necessary information at your earliest.
Yours faithfully,
S. Narula
Sports Secretary

Question 6.


K.A. University, K.A. City offers a correspondence course leading to a Diploma in Waste Water Management after plus tiro. You are Deepak i Deepti Sinha. Write to the Director. Correspondence Course, K.A. University for the brochure and prospectus and enquiring about the job opportunities after completing this course.
15, Sikandra Road
Adarsh Nagar
25 July 20XX
The Director
Correspondence Course
K.A. University
K.A. City
Sub: Information regarding Diploma in Waste Water Management
Through your advertisement in The Tribune, I have come to know that your University offers a correspondence course leading to a Diploma in Waste Water Management after plus two.
I have just cleared my XII class Board Examination with distinction and would like to join this new and challenging course.
I would like to know about job opportunities after completing this course. Kindly enlighten me on this point.
You are also requested to send me details regarding time span, cost, and other relevant information. In case, there is a printed prospectus or brochure, it may kindly be mailed to the address given above.
Looking forward to an early response.
Yours sincerely,
Deepti Sinha

Question 7.

Coaching in Commerce Stream
Sure Shot Institute
14-A Lancer Barracks, Secunderabad
The best choice to ensure success in the exams
Hurry! Join our classes! Limited seats

Ran Mathur of 59 Adarsh Nagar, Secunderabad, a Class XII student of the Commerce stream sees this advertisement. He writes a letter to the institute seeking information about the subjects taught, the timings of the classes, class size and fees. Write his letter.
59, Adarsh Nagar
16 July 20XX
The Director
Sure Shot Institute
14A, Lancer Barracks
Sub : Coaching in Commerce Stream
Kindly refer to your advertisement in the Deccan Times dated 15 July, I would like more information and details about the courses the institute offers, facilities available, timings, fee structure, and size of classes/groups. I need coaching in Accountancy, Advanced Mathematics, and Statistics. Please let me know if coaching is available in all these subjects and what is the schedule. Does your institute cater to individual difficulties or only general problems are discussed and resolved?
Kindly enlighten me on all the above points. In case you have a detailed information booklet, do send it to my address given above.
Yours faithfully,
Ravi Mathur

Question 8. 

Short Computer Courses
CONTACT — Administrative Officer
C-Pack Computers
4/1, 3rd Main Road,
Bangalore. Ph. No. 412417

Renu Bakshi is interested in doing a short term course in programming. She decides to write a letter inquiring about the duration of the course, fees and other details. Write the letter to C-Pack Computers, 4/1, 3rd Main Road, Bangalore.
Renu Bakshi
15, Mall Road
15 May 20XX
Administrative Officer
C-Pack Computers
4/1, 3rd Main Road
Sub : Short Computer Courses
Refer your advertisement in the local newspaper regarding a short-term crash course in programming. Kindly provide me with the following details:
(a) The duration of the course.
(b) Fees to be paid and whether it can be paid in installments.
(c) Size of the class.
(d) Computer time available to each student.
(e) Timings of the classes and the number of days in the week the classes are held.
I would be obliged if you send me these details as I am keen on joining the course.
Yours sincerely,
Renu Bakshi


Question 9.


You are Akhar/Amina. Summer months are difficult to time for people, especially people in big cities because of the acute shortage of water. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner to make arrangements to store rainwater and utilise it. Also give suggestions to him to create awareness among the people to save water.
A-74, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi
15 June 20XX
The Municipal Commissioner
Delhi Municipal Corporation
Sham Nath Marg
Sub :  Arrangements to Store Rain Water
The residents of Vasant Vihar have faced an acute shortage of water during the summer season. This year was exceptionally hot and a lot of water was needed for quenching thirst, bathing, cooking, and other basic household needs like washing clothes, utensils, etc. The shortage of water caused a lot of problems and turned people’s life into a virtual hell.
The rainy season is at hand. You are requested to make arrangements to store rainwater and utilise it during the lean periods of water supply. Moreover, awareness should be created among the people, by distributing pamphlets, advertisements in
newspapers, T.V., etc. to save water. Practical demonstrations of ‘Rain Harvesting will prove an educative step. Posters on Water is Precious’ and ‘Water is Life’ may be displayed at important places.
I hope my suggestions will find favour with you.
Yours faithfully,

Question 10.


Write a letter to the Commissioner of Chennai Corporation, complaining about the poor sanitary conditions and mosquito menace in your locality.
34, Periyar Road
19 September 20XX
The Commissioner
Chennai Municipal Corporation
Sub : Poor sanitary conditions and mosquito menace in Periyar Road
I want to draw your kind attention towards the poor sanitary conditions prevailing in our locality – Periyar Road. It seems that the cleaners have forgotten the existence of this locality on the civic map of Chennai. Heaps of rubbish are lying here and there, with flies swarming around and pigs wallowing in the filth and mud caused by the overflow of dirty water from the drains onto the road. The drains are choked as they are neither cleaned nor flushed.
The dirty water collects on the road forming cesspools of filthy water. There are also many pits on the roads which are full of drain water. All these serve as breeding places for mosquitoes. The mosquito menace is so intense in our locality that we have to use anti-mosquito sprays, mats, and aerosols to have undisturbed sleep for a couple of hours. You are requested to pay a surprise visit to the locality and judge the state yourself. Kindly take some immediate and effective steps to improve sanitation and rid us of the menace of mosquitoes.
Hoping for a favourable action.
Yours faithfully,
S. Sundaram

Question 11. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner (Traffic) about the inadequate parking facilities in the commercial street area of Bangalore, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. You may also offer your suggestions to solve it. You are Rakesh /Radhika, No. 12. Jayanagar, Bangalore.( Word, limit : 150 words )
12 Jayanagar Bangalore
12 March 20XX
The Police Commissioner (Traffic)
Sub : Inadequate Parking Facilities
I wish to draw your attention towards the lack of an essential civic amenity which causes trouble not only to the vehicle users but also to the general public. The inadequate parking facilities in the commercial street area of Bangalore has caused a sea of chaos, confusion and disorder. Most of the vehicles are parked on roads blocking the passages to and from the parking spaces. The problem gets worse during the evening hours. People are stranded as they can’t park their vehicles at places earmarked for parking. Nor can they move out easily towards the road from the parking spaces.
I would like to offer some practical suggestions:

1. Vehicles with even number should be allowed on even days i.e. (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) while those with odd ones be used on odd days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). This will cut the number of vehicles by 50%.

2. The parking lots should be controlled by the police so that entry/exit is not blocked. I hope my suggestions will be

implemented for public benefit.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Question 12. You are Sachin/ Sakshi, the President of the students’ council of your school. Write a letter to the S.H.O., Police Station Daryaganj, Delhi, drawing his attention towards the increasing incidents of eve-teasing and crimes against women and young girls in your area.
ABC Sr. Sec. School
New Delhi
21 November 20XX
Police Station Daryaganj
New Delhi
Sub : Eve-teasing and Crimes against Women
The anti-social elements are having a field day in our area. Minor incidents of stealing, pick-pocketing, and robberies have become a part and parcel of civic life. What has shocked the sensibility of the youth is the ever-increasing trend in disrespect towards women in general and young girls in particular.
Clusters of young boys can be seen standing in groups at public places like bus-stops, street-comers, park entrances, etc. When a young girl or a couple of girls happen to pass near them, they invariably subject them to verbal abuse, filthy remarks, and obscene gestures. The vagabonds indulge in eve-teasing and molestation. Even grown-up ladies are targeted and indecent remarks are passed at them.
It is requested that police patrols must make more frequent visits to such places and take stringent action against the offenders and law-breakers.
Yours faithfully Sachin President Students’ Council

Question 13. Write a letter to the Mayor, Mumbai Corporation, requesting him to provide your colony with proper drinking water facilities.
27 Ghorbandar Road
25 June 20XX
The Mayor
Mumbai Corporation
Sub : Supply of Proper Drinking Water
I want to draw your kind attention to the plight of our locality. Being one of the oldest ones of the city splendid, it is perhaps the most neglected one too.
The water pipelines and sewer pipelines were laid about one hundred years ago. They intersect one another at many vital points. It seems that there is some seepage or leakage. For the last two days, the drinking water supplied to the colony seems to be polluted. It emits a very foul smell. Some samples of this contaminated water are enclosed herewith for analysis at the government laboratory.
May I add that polluted water is patently harmful to the health and well-being of the citizens? I, therefore, request you to order an immediate checking of the pipelines. Till proper drinking water supply is restored, you are requested to send tankers of potable water in the morning and evening to help the dwellers satisfy their needs.
I do hope you will provide our colony with proper drinking water facilities.
With thanks
Yours faithfully,
Anshul Mane

Question 14. The Pre-board. English exam of Happy Valley School, Secunderabad is on the same day as the All India Entrance Exam, for the Indian School of Languages. As Kiran Seth, the Prefect of Class XII-A, write a letter to the Principal of her school requesting him/her to change the date of the school English Exam.
The Principal
Happy Valley School
16 Feb. 20XX
Sub : Clash of Dates
On behalf of the students of XII A, I would like to bring to your kind notice the predicament some of us are facing following the announcement of the Pre-Board Examination Schedule. Some of us are taking the Entrance Examination for The Indian School of Languages which happens to clash with the date fixed for the Pre-Board Test in English. Since we cannot hope a change in date of the public examination, we earnestly appeal to you to shift the test in English by a week so that we may be able to appear in both. We know the importance of the Pre-Board Examination as it will evaluate our performance and inspire us in preparing in a better way.
Kindly take a decision considering our plight.
Yours faithfully,
Kiran Seth
Perfect XII-A

Question 15. You are Lalith/Laxmi of Jai Narain Public School, Jhansi. You are selected by your state to represent your state at the National Athletics Meet. Write a letter to your Principal requesting him/her to grant you permission to attend the school one hour late for a fortnight as you have to attend the Athletics coaching.(Word limit: 150 words)
The Principal
Jai Narain Public School
7 September 20XX
Sub : Permission for Late Arrival
You will be pleased to know that I have been selected by Madhya Pradesh state to represent the state at the forthcoming National Athletic Meet at Delhi in the first week of October.
The pre-competition Athletic coaching camp is being held from 10th September to 24 September 20XX. This fortnight-long camp will begin at 6.00 a.m. and continue till 9.00 a.m. and then from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. I do not want to neglect my studies altogether. But circumstances constrain me. Much though I wish to reach the school in time, I fear I may be late by an hour.
Keeping in view the circumstances detailed above, I request you to grant me permission to attend the school one hour late for a fortnight. The grace shown by you will keep me tension-free.
I hope you will grant my request.
Yours faithfully,
XII-C Roll No. 1279