NCERT Solutions Class 11th Maths Chapter – 9 Sequences and Series Exercise 9.3

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Maths Chapter – 9 Sequences and Series Exercise 9.3

classClass – 11th
ChapterChapter – 9
Chapter NameSequences and Series
gradeClass 11th Maths solution 
Medium English
Sourcelast doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 11th Maths Chapter – 9 Sequences and Series Exercise 9.3

?Chapter – 9?

✍Sequences and Series✍

?Exercise 9.3?

1. Find the 20th and nthterms of the G.P. 5/2, 5/4, 5/8, ………

?‍♂️solution – Given G.P. is 5/2, 5/4, 5/8, ………
Here, a = First term = 5/2
r = Common ratio = (5/4)/(5/2) = ½
Thus, the 20th term and nth term

2. Find the 12th term of a G.P. whose 8th term is 192 and the common ratio is 2.

?‍♂️solution – Given,
The common ratio of the G.P., r = 2
And, let a be the first term of the G.P.

3. The 5th, 8th and 11th terms of a G.P. are p, q and s, respectively. Show that q2 = ps.

?‍♂️solution – Let’s take a to be the first term and r to be the common ratio of the G.P.
Then according to the question, we have
a5 = a r5–1 = a r4 = p … (i)
a= a r8–1 = a r7 = q … (ii)
a11 = a r11–1 = a r10 = s … (iii)
Dividing equation (ii) by (i), we get

4. The 4th term of a G.P. is square of its second term, and the first term is –3. Determine its 7th term.

?‍♂️solution – Let’s consider a to be the first term and r to be the common ratio of the G.P.
Given, a = –3
And we know that,
an = arn–1
So, a= ar3 = (–3) r3
a2 = a r1 = (–3) r
Then from the question, we have
(–3) r3 = [(–3) r]2
⇒ –3r3 = 9 r2
⇒ r = –3
a7 = a r 7–1 = a r6 = (–3) (–3)6 = – (3)7 = –2187
Therefore, the seventh term of the G.P. is –2187.

5. Which term of the following sequences:

(a) 2, 2√2, 4,… is 128 ? (b) √3, 3, 3√3,… is 729 ?

(c) 1/3, 1/9, 1/27, … is 1/19683 ?

?‍♂️solution – (a) The given sequence, 2, 2√2, 4,…
We have,
a = 2 and r = 2√2/2 = √2
Taking the nth term of this sequence as 128, we have

Therefore, the  13th term of the given sequence is 128.
(ii) Given sequence, √3, 3, 3√3,…
We have,
a = √3 and r = 3/√3 = √3
Taking the  nth term of this sequence to be 729, we have

Therefore, the 12th term of the given sequence is 729.
(iii) Given sequence, 1/3, 1/9, 1/27, …
a = 1/3 and r = (1/9)/(1/3) = 1/3
Taking the nth term of this sequence to be 1/19683, we have

Therefore, the 9th term of the given sequence is 1/19683.

6. For what values of x, the numbers -2/7, x, -7/2 are in G.P?

?‍♂️solution – The given numbers are -2/7, x, -7/2.
Common ratio = x/(-2/7) = -7x/2
Also, common ratio = (-7/2)/x = -7/2x

Therefore, for x = ± 1, the given numbers will be in G.P.

7. Find the sum to 20 terms in the geometric progression 0.15, 0.015, 0.0015 …

?‍♂️solution – Given G.P., 0.15, 0.015, 0.00015, …
Here, a = 0.15 and r = 0.015/0.15 = 0.1 

8. Find the sum to n terms in the geometric progression √7, √21, 3√7, ….

?‍♂️solution – The given G.P is √7, √21, 3√7, ….
a = √7 and

9. Find the sum to n terms in the geometric progression 1, -a, a2, -a3 …. (if a ≠ -1)

?‍♂️solution – The given G.P. is 1, -a, a2, -a3 ….
Here, the first term = a1 = 1
And the common ratio = r = – a
We know that,

10. Find the sum to n terms in the geometric progression x3, x5, x7, … (if x ≠ ±1 )

?‍♂️solution – Given G.P. is x3, x5, x7, …
Here, we have a = x3 and r = x5/x3 = x2

11. Evaluate –

?‍♂️solution – 

12. The sum of first three terms of a G.P. is 39/10 and their product is 1. Find the common ratio and the terms.

?‍♂️solution – Let a/r, a, ar be the first three terms of the G.P.
a/r + a + ar = 39/10 …… (1)
(a/r) (a) (ar) = 1 …….. (2)
From (2), we have
a3 = 1
Hence, a = 1 [Considering real roots only]
Substituting the value of a in (1), we get
1/r + 1 + r = 39/10
(1 + r + r2)/r = 39/10
10 + 10r + 10r2 = 39r
10r2 – 29r + 10 = 0
10r2 – 25r – 4r + 10 = 0
5r(2r – 5) – 2(2r – 5) = 0
(5r – 2) (2r – 5) = 0
r = 2/5 or 5/2
Therefore, the three terms of the G.P. are 5/2, 1 and 2/5.

13. How many terms of G.P. 3, 32, 33, … are needed to give the sum 120?

?‍♂️solution – Given G.P. is 3, 32, 33, …
Let’s consider that n terms of this G.P. be required to obtain the sum of 120.
We know that,

Here, a = 3 and r = 3

Equating the exponents we get, n = 4
Therefore, four terms of the given G.P. are required to obtain the sum as 120.

14. The sum of first three terms of a G.P. is 16 and the sum of the next three terms is 128. Determine the first term, the common ratio and the sum to n terms of the G.P.

?‍♂️solution – Let’s assume the G.P. to be a, ar, ar2, ar3, …
Then according to the question, we have
a + ar + ar2 = 16 and ar+ ar4 + ar= 128
a (1 + r + r2) = 16 … (1) and,
ar3(1 + r + r2) = 128 … (2)
Dividing equation (2) by (1), we get

r3 = 8
r = 2
Now, using r = 2 in (1), we get
a (1 + 2 + 4) = 16
a (7) = 16
a = 16/7
Now, the sum of terms is given as

15. Given a G.P. with a = 729 and 7th term 64, determine S7.

?‍♂️solution – Given,
a = 729 and a7 = 64
Let r be the common ratio of the G.P.
Then we know that, an = a rn–1
a7 = ar7–1 = (729)r6
⇒ 64 = 729 r6
r6 = 64/729
r6 = (2/3)6
r = 2/3
And, we know that

16. Find a G.P. for which sum of the first two terms is –4 and the fifth term is 4 times the third term.

?‍♂️solution – Consider a to be the first term and r to be the common ratio of the G.P.
Given, S2 = -4
Then, from the question we have

a5 = 4 x a3
ar4 = 4ar2
r2 = 4
r = ± 2
Using the value of r in (1), we have

Therefore, the required G.P is
-4/3, -8/3, -16/3, …. Or 4, -8, 16, -32, ……

17. If the 4th, 10th and 16th terms of a G.P. are x, y and z, respectively. Prove that x, y, z are in G.P.

?‍♂️solution – Let a be the first term and r be the common ratio of the G.P.
According to the given condition,
a4 = a r3 = x … (1)
a10 = a r9 = y … (2)
a16 = a r15 = z … (3)
On dividing (2) by (1), we get

18. Find the sum to n terms of the sequence, 8, 88, 888, 8888…

?‍♂️solution – Given sequence: 8, 88, 888, 8888…
This sequence is not a G.P.
But, it can be changed to G.P. by writing the terms as
Sn  = 8 + 88 + 888 + 8888 + …………….. to n terms

19. Find the sum of the products of the corresponding terms of the sequences 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 128, 32, 8, 2, 1/2.

?‍♂️solution – The required sum = 2 x 128 + 4 x 32 + 8 x 8 + 16 x 2 + 32 x ½
= 64[4 + 2 + 1 + ½ + 1/22]
Now, it’s seen that
4, 2, 1, ½, 1/22 is a G.P.
With first term, a = 4
Common ratio, r =1/2
We know,

Therefore, the required sum = 64(31/4) = (16)(31) = 496

20. Show that the products of the corresponding terms of the sequences a, ar, ar2, …arn-1 and A, AR, AR2, … ARn-1 form a G.P, and find the common ratio.

?‍♂️solution – To be proved: The sequence, aA, arAR, ar2AR2, …arn–1ARn–1, forms a G.P.
Now, we have

Therefore, the above sequence forms a G.P. and the common ratio is rR.

21. Find four numbers forming a geometric progression in which third term is greater than the first term by 9, and the second term is greater than the 4th by 18.

?‍♂️solution – Consider a to be the first term and r to be the common ratio of the G.P.
a1 = a, a2 = ar, a3 = ar2, a4 = ar3
From the question, we have
a3 = a1 + 9
ar2 = a + 9 … (i)
a2 = a4 + 18
ar = ar3 + 18 … (ii)
So, from (1) and (2), we get
a(r2 – 1) = 9 … (iii)
ar (1– r2) = 18 … (iv)
Now, dividing (4) by (3), we get

-r = 2
r = -2
On substituting the value of r in (i), we get
4a = a + 9
3a = 9
∴ a = 3
Therefore, the first four numbers of the G.P. are 3,3(– 2), 3(–2)2, and 3(–2)3
i.e., 3¸–6, 12, and –24.

22. If the pth, qth and rth terms of a G.P. are a, b and c, respectively. Prove that aq-r br-p cp-q = 1

?‍♂️solution – Let’s take A to be the first term and R to be the common ratio of the G.P.
Then according to the question, we have
ARp–1 = a
ARq–1 = b
ARr–1 = c
aq–r br–p cp–q
= Aq× R(p–1) (q–r) × Arp × R(q–1) (rp) × Apq × R(–1)(pq)
= Aq – r + r – p + p – q × R (pr – pr – q + r) + (rq – r p – pq) + (pr – p – qr + q)
=  A0 × R0
= 1
Hence proved.

23. If the first and the nth term of a G.P. are a ad b, respectively, and if P is the product of n terms, prove that P2 = (ab)n.

?‍♂️solution – Given, the first term of the G.P is a and the last term is b.
The G.P. is a, ar, ar2, ar3, … arn–1, where r is the common ratio.
b = arn–1  … (1)
P = Product of n terms
= (a) (ar) (ar2) … (arn–1)
= (a × a ×…a) (r × r2 × …rn–1)
= an 1 + 2 +…(n–1)  … (2)
Here, 1, 2, …(n – 1) is an A.P.

And, the product of n terms P is given by,

.24. Show that the ratio of the sum of first n terms of a G.P. to the sum of terms from 

?‍♂️solution – Let a be the first term and r be the common ratio of the G.P.

Since there are n terms from (n +1)th to (2n)th term,
Sum of terms from(n + 1)th to (2n)th term
NCERT Solutions Class 11 Mathematics Chapter 9 ex.9.3 - 31

+1 = ar n + 1 – 1 = arn

Thus, required ratio =

Thus, the ratio of the sum of first n terms of a G.P. to the sum of terms from (n + 1)th to (2n)th term is

25. If a, b, c and d are in G.P. show that (a2 + b2 + c2)(b2 + c2 + d2) = (ab + bc + cd)2.

?‍♂️solution – Given, a, b, c, d are in G.P.
So, we have
bc = ad  … (1)
b2 = ac  … (2)
c2 = bd  … (3)
Taking the R.H.S. we have
= (ab + bc + cd)2
= (ab + ad + cd)2  [Using (1)]
= [ab + d (a + c)]2
= a2b2 + 2abd (a + c) + d2 (a + c)2
= a2b2 +2a2bd + 2acbd + d2(a2 + 2ac + c2)
= a2b2 + 2a2c2 + 2b2c2 + d2a2 + 2d2b2 + d2c2  [Using (1) and (2)]
= a2b2 + a2c2 + a2c2 + b2c+ b2c2 + d2a2 + d2b2 + d2b2 + d2c2
= a2b2 + a2c2 + a2d+ b× b2 + b2c2 + b2d2 + c2b2 + c× c2 + c2d2
[Using (2) and (3) and rearranging terms]
= a2(b2 + c2 + d2) + b2 (b2 + c2 + d2) + c2 (b2+ c2 + d2)
= (a2 + b2 + c2) (b2 + c2 + d2)
= L.H.S.
Thus, L.H.S. = R.H.S.
(a2 + b2 + c2)(b2 + c2 + d2) = (ab + bc + cd)2

26. Insert two numbers between 3 and 81 so that the resulting sequence is G.P.

?‍♂️solution – Let’s assume G1 and G2 to be two numbers between 3 and 81 such that the series 3, G1, G2, 81 forms a G.P.
And let a be the first term and r be the common ratio of the G.P.
Now, we have the 1st term as 3 and the 4th term as 81.
81 = (3) (r)3
r3 = 27
∴ r = 3 (Taking real roots only)
For r = 3,
G1 = ar = (3) (3) = 9
G2 = ar2 = (3) (3)2 = 27
Therefore, the two numbers which can be inserted between 3 and 81 so that the resulting sequence becomes a G.P are 9 and 27.

27. Find the value of n so that may be the geometric mean between a and b.

?‍♂️solution – We know that,
The G. M. of a and b is given by √ab.
Then from the question, we have

By squaring both sides, we get

28. The sum of two numbers is 6 times their geometric mean, show that numbers are in the ratio

?‍♂️solution – Consider the two numbers be a and b.
Then, G.M. = √ab.
From the question, we have

29. If A and G be A.M. and G.M., respectively between two positive numbers, prove that the numbers are .

?‍♂️solution – Given that A and G are A.M. and G.M. between two positive numbers.
And, let these two positive numbers be a and b.

30. The number of bacteria in a certain culture doubles every hour. If there were 30 bacteria present in the culture originally, how many bacteria will be present at the end of 2nd hour, 4th hour and nth hour?

?‍♂️solution – Given, the number of bacteria doubles every hour. Hence, the number of bacteria after every hour will form a G.P.
Here we have, a = 30 and r = 2
So, a3 = ar2 = (30) (2)2 = 120
Thus, the number of bacteria at the end of 2nd hour will be 120.
And, a5 = ar4 = (30) (2)4 = 480
The number of bacteria at the end of 4th hour will be 480.
an +1 = arn = (30) 2n
Therefore, the number of bacteria at the end of nth hour will be 30(2)n.

31. What will Rs 500 amounts to in 10 years after its deposit in a bank which pays annual interest rate of 10% compounded annually?

?‍♂️solution – Given,
The amount deposited in the bank is Rs 500.
At the end of first year, amount = Rs 500(1 + 1/10) = Rs 500 (1.1)
At the end of 2nd year, amount = Rs 500 (1.1) (1.1)
At the end of 3rd year, amount = Rs 500 (1.1) (1.1) (1.1) and so on….
The amount at the end of 10 years = Rs 500 (1.1) (1.1) … (10 times)
= Rs 500(1.1)10

32. If A.M. and G.M. of roots of a quadratic equation are 8 and 5, respectively, then obtain the quadratic equation.

?‍♂️solution – Let’s consider the roots of the quadratic equation to be a and b.
Then, we have

We know that,
A quadratic equation can be formed as,
x– x (Sum of roots) + (Product of roots) = 0
x – x (a + b) + (ab) = 0
x – 16x + 25 = 0 [Using (1) and (2)]
Therefore, the required quadratic equation is x – 16x + 25 = 0