NCERT Solutions Class 9th English Grammar (A. Resource Material) Direct and Indirect Speech

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech

Class Class 9th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar 
Chapter NameDirect and Indirect Speech 
CategoryClass 9th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English Grammar (A. Resource Material) Direct and Indirect Speech we will read about What are the 5 rules of indirect speech?, What are the examples of direct and indirect speech Class 10?, What are the 4 types of reported speech?, How do you teach indirect speech?, What are the rules of changing direct speech to indirect?, How can I learn direct indirect speech easily?, How do you start direct and indirect speech?, What is the first rule of indirect speech?, What are the basics of direct speech?, What are the basic rules of reported speech?

NCERT Solutions Class 9th English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech

English Grammar

Direct and Indirect Speech

English Grammar With Answers

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech – जब किसी वक्ता के कथन को उसी के शब्दों में व्यक्त किया जाता है, तब वह Direct Speech कहलाता है। Direct Speech में प्रायः किसी का कथन inverted commas के बीच में रहता है।

Indirect Speech – जब किसी वक्ता के कथन को उसी के शब्दों में न कहकर उसके आशय व सारांश को अपने शब्दों में व्यक्त किया जाता है, तब वह Indirect Speech कहलाता है। Indirect Speech को inverted commas के भीतर नहीं रखा जाता है।

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
He said, “I am ill.”He said that he was ill.
Ram said, “I am ready.”Ram said that he was ready.
Mohan said, “I saw her.”Mohan said that he had seen her.
He said to me, “Do you know?”He asked me if I knew.
कुछ पारिभाषिक शब्दों की व्याख्या

Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है। इसके कुछ नियम हैं, जिन्हें समझने से पहले कुछ पारिभाषिक शब्दों को समझ लें।

1. Reporting Verb – Inverted Commas के बाहर एक वाक्य रहता है जिसके Verb को Reporting Verb कहते हैं। He said, “I am ready.” यहाँ ‘said’ Reporting Verb है।

2. Reported Speech – Inverted Commas के भीतर जो वाक्य रहता है उसे Reported Speech कहते हैं। He said, “I am ready.” यहाँ ‘I am ready’ Reported Speech है।

3. Verb of the Reported Speech – Inverted Commas के भीतर जो वाक्य रहता है, उसे Reported Speech कहते हैं और उसमें प्रयुक्त Verb को Verb of the Reported Speech कहते हैं। He said, “I am ready.” यहाँ ‘am’ Verb of the Reported Speech है।

Changing into Indirect Speech

Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए कुछ General Rules हैं और कुछ Special Rules. General Rules उन नियमों को कहते हैं जो प्रत्येक प्रकार के वाक्य के साथ लागू होते हैं, वहीं Special Rules विभिन्न प्रकार के वाक्यों के लिए भिन्न-भिन्न होते हैं। General Rules को हम तीन भागों में इस प्रकार बाँट सकते हैं –

  1. Change of Person
  2. Change of Tense
  3. Change of other Parts of Speech
1. Change of Person

Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए Reported
Speech में प्रयुक्त Pronouns को इस प्रकार परिवर्तित करते हैं–

  1. First Person को Reporting Verb के Subject के अनुसार
  2. Second Person को Reporting Verb के Object के अनुसार
  3. Third Person – No change.

इसके लिए इस सूत्र को याद रखें –

1. का अर्थ है First PersonS का अर्थ है Subject
2. का अर्थ है Second PersonO का अर्थ है Object
3. का अर्थ है Third PersonN का अर्थ है No change

अर्थात्, First Person Subject के अनुसार
Second Person Object के अनुसार
Third Person No change

Note – 1. जब Reporting Verb, Present या Future Tense में रहता है, तब Indirect Speech में कहीं भी Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता। हम यहाँ Reporting Verb को Present/ Future Tense में रखेंगे ताकि Tense परिवर्तन की समस्या उत्पन्न न हो और Change of Person की प्रक्रिया सही ढंग से स्पष्ट हो सके।

2. जब Inverted Commas के भीतर Assertive Sentence रहता है, तब Indirect Speech में Inverted Commas के बदले that का प्रयोग होता है।

3. जब Reporting Verb say/says/said रहे और उसके बाद object रहे तो आप यहाँ इसे Indirect Speech में tell/tells / told में बदल दें। अगर Object न रहे तो Reporting Verb में परिवर्तन नहीं करें।

4. Person बदलते समय Number तथा Case पर विशेष ध्यान दें, क्योंकि ये नहीं बदलते हैं। आपकी सुविधा के लिए Personal Pronouns के सभी forms को आगे तालिका में दिया जा रहा है, जिन्हें हमेशा ध्यान में रखें।

5. इस Chapter में बहुत सारे solved examples दिए गए हैं। उन्हें आप अच्छी तरह पढ़ें और समझें। जब आप उन्हें अच्छी तरह समझ जाएँगे, तब आपको exercises बनाने में कठिनाई नहीं होगी। इसलिए इस chapter में दिए गए सभी solved examples को कम-से-कम दो बार अवश्य पढ़ें और लिखें।


Nominative Case

Possessive Case

possessive adjective

possessive pronounObjective Case
Ist PersonI Wemy ourmine oursme us
2nd Personyouyouryoursyou
3rd Personhe

Some Solved Examples – 

  1. He says to          me,            “I am                your                friend.”
    ↑                             ↑                ↑                      ↑

Subject                Object       First Person      Second Person

He tells me that he is my friend.

2. He says to     me,        “You are                my                 friend.”
↑                   ↑              ↑                       ↑
Subject          Object     Second Person    First Person

He tells me that she loves me.

3. She says to     me,          “I                  love                  you.”
↑                ↑              ↑                                            ↑
Subject        Object      First Person                       Second Person

She tells me that she loves me.

4. I say to    her,        “I                    love          you.”
↑            ↑            ↑                                      ↑
Subject      Object    First Person                    Second Person

I tell her that I love her.

5. She says to     me,       “I am                 his                sister.”
↑                    ↑             ↑                      ↑
Subject           Object      First Person      Third Person

She tells me that she is his sister.

6. Ram says to me, “I am your friend.”
Ram tells me that he is my friend.

7. Sita says to me, “I am your friend.”
Sita tells me that she is my friend.

8. Ram says to Sita, “I am your friend.”
Ram tells Sita that he is her friend.

9. Sita says to Ram, “I am your friend.”
Sita tells Ram that she is his friend.

10. They say to me, “We help you.”
They tell me that they help me.

11. I say to them, “I help you.”
I tell them that I help them.

12. You always say to me, “I shall help you.”
You always tell me that you will help me.

13. The boys say to the teacher, “We need your help.”
The boys tell the teacher that they need his help.

14. We say to him, “We are your helpers.”
We tell him that we are his helpers.

15. The teacher says to the students, “I am ready to help you.”
The teacher tells the students that he is ready to help them.

16. He says to Reeta. “I love you and your dog.”
He tells Reeta that he loves her and her dog.

17. Geeta says to Ravi, “If you help me I shall help you.”
Geeta tells Ravi that if he helps her she will help him.

18. He says to her, “Yours is black but mine is white.”
He tells her that hers is black but his is white.

19. The boys say to the teacher, “We can’t do without your help.”
The boys tell the teacher that they can’t do without his help.

20. He says, “I should help myself.”
He says that he should help himself.

21. Ram will say, “I am ready to do my duty.”
Ram will say that he is ready to do his duty.

22. Sita will say to me, “I am ready to help you.”
Sita will tell me that she is ready to help me.

23. The boys say to me, “We must help you and your father.”
The boys tell me that they must help me and my father.

24. I will say to her, “I love you and you love me.”
I will tell her that I love her and she loves me.

25. He says to me, “I did not cheat you, so you should believe me.”
He tells me that he did not cheat me, so I should believe him.


Direction – Change the following into indirect Speech

1. He says, “I am reading my book.”
2. She says, “I am reading my book.”
3. You say, “I am reading my book.”
4. We say, “We are reading our books.”
5. They say, “We are reading our books.”
6. I say, “I am reading my book.”
7. Ram says to me, “I am your friend.”
8. Sita says to me, “I am your friend.”
9. He says to Sita, “I am your friend.”
10. Sita says to him, “I am your friend.”
11. I say to Ram, “I know you.”
12. I say to the boys, “I know you.”
13. The boy says to me, “I know you.”
14. The boys say to me, “We know you.”
15. They say to me, “We shall help you.”
16. I say to her, “I can teach you.”
17. The child says to his mother, “I love you.”
18. He says to me, “I am ready to help you.”
19. I say to Mohan, “You are my best friend.”
20. Mohan will say to Reeta, “I don’t need your help.” Q
21. She will say to me, “Your brother helps me.”
22. I say to your brother, “I am your friend.”
23. Monu says to Leela, “You should help me.”
24. Leela says to Monu, “I shall help you.”
25. He says to me, “I love you and your dog.”


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. Amar says to Ratan, “I am your friend and you are my friend.”

2. She says to Ram, “If you help me I shall help you.”

3. They say to me, “We help you because you help us.”

4. She says to me, “I know you but you don’t know me.”

5. The Students say to the teacher, “We can’t do without your help.”

6. He says to my mother, “You should help me because I am your son’s friend.”

7. She will say to us, “I shall help you if you help me.”

8. She says to Ram, “I know you and your brothers because you are my neighbours.”

9. Ram says to her, “I know you and your friends because they are my neighbours.”

10. She says to me, “I have given you my life, but you have given me only tears, and so I am not going to believe you.”

11. He says to me, “I was reading while you were playing with your friends.”

12. We will say to him, “We wanted to help you but we could not help you because we were absent.”

13. The farmers say to me, “We never quarrel with them.”

14. She says to me, “This is mine and that is yours.”

15. I say to you, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”

16. You say to me, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”

17. Sita says to Ravi, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”

18. Ravi says to Radha, “I have been helping you.”

19. Mohan says to Geeta, “You have been very kind to me, so I shall help you when you need my help.”

20. Geeta says to Mohan, “You have been very kind to me, so I shall help you when you need my help.”

2. Change of Tense

1. जब Reporting Verb Present/ Future Tense में रहता है, तब Indirect Speech में कहीं भी Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता। अभी तक दिए गए उदाहरणों से यह पूर्णतः स्पष्ट है।

2. जब Reporting Verb Past Tense में रहता है, तब Inverted Commas के भीतर प्रयुक्त Tense में परिवर्तन होता है। यह परिवर्तन इस प्रकार होता है –

Simple Present                ⇒ Simple Past
Present Continuous          ⇒Past Continuous
Present Perfect              ⇒Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous      ⇒Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Past            ⇒Past Perfect
Past Continuous          ⇒Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect              ⇒no change of tense
Past Perfect Continuous      ⇒no change of tense
Shall/will      ⇒Should/Would
can              ⇒Could
may                 ⇒might
am/is/are          ⇒was/were
have/has        ⇒had
was/were        ⇒had been
had to + V1        ⇒had had to + V1
Could/Should/Would/Might    ⇒generally no change

Solved Examples –

1. He said to me, “I am your friend.”
He told me that he was my friend.

2. She said to me, “I am to help you.”
She told me that she was to help me.

3. Reeta said to me, “I love you.”
Reeta told me that she loved me.

4. My son said to me, “I am doing my lesson.”
My son told me that he was doing his lesson.

5. Geeta said to Ram, “I have always helped you.”
Geeta told Ram that she had always helped him.

6. Ram said to Reeta, “I have been waiting for you.”
Ram told Reeta that he had been waiting for her.”

7. My father said to me, “I wanted to give you a bicycle.”
My father told me that he had wanted to give me a bicycle.

8. He said to the boys, “I was playing with you.”
He told the boys that he had been playing with them.

9. Radha said to Ram, “I had seen him.”
Radha told Ram that she had seen him.

10. He said, “I had been playing.”
He said that he had been playing.

11. He said to me, “I shall help you.”
He told me that he would help me.

12. He said to me, “I can help you.”
He told me that he could help me.

13. He said to me, “He may help me.”
He told me that he might help him.

14. He said, “I could kill the bird.”
He said that he could kill the bird.

15. He said, “I was absent.”
He said that he had been absent.

16. He said to her, “I was busy, so I did not help you.”
He told her that he had been busy, so he hadn’t helped her.


Direction – Change the following into indirect Speech

1. He said to me, “I am your friend.”

2. She said to me, “I am to help you.”

3. They said to her, “We want to help you.”

4. She said to her sister, “I have sympathy for you.”

5. The boy said to mother, “I am going to my friend.”

6. He said to the girl, “I have always helped you.”

7. You said to her, “I have not beaten your dog.”

8. He said to me, “I have been waiting for you for two hours.”

9. He said to them, “I can help you.”

10. She said to me, “I should not vex you.”

11. Mohan said to Reeta, “I love you.”

12. I said to them, “I have love for you.”

13. He said to her, “I help you because you are a good girl.”

14. He said to me, “I can help you if you don’t harm me.”

15. He said, “I have everything that I need.”

16. She said to him, “I shall be your guide.”

17. I said to her, “If you help me I shall help you.”

18. He said to me, “Your brother is playing with my brother.”

19. Ram said to his sister, “I have come to help you, so you should not be afraid of anything.”

20. He said to the farmer, “I have been serving you for years but you have never cared for me.”


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. He said, “I ate two mangoes.”

2. She said to me, “You helped me.”

3. He said to her, “I wanted to help you.”

4. He said, “I was absent.”

5. Ram said to me, “I was your friend.”

6. The boy said, “I was playing in the field.”

7. Gopal said to her, “I was going to you.”

8. The child said to her mother, “I was playing with my friends.”

9. They said to me, “We were your friends.”

10. He said, “I had finished the work.”

11. Ram said to me, “I had informed you.”

12. He said to me, “I had been waiting for you.”

13. They said, “We had been doing for years.”

14. They said to the girls, “You danced well.”

15. My mother said to my brothers, “I was making tea for you.”

16. He said to me, “I was busy, so I did not help you.”

17. He said, “I could pass the examination.”

18. She said, “It might be dangerous.”

19. The boys said to me, “We did not understand the lesson.”

20. He said to me, “You should help me but I know that not help me because I never helped you.”

Exception – Universal Truth

यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर कोई ऐसा कथन हो जिससे सार्वभौमिक/ चिरंतन सत्य या सिद्धांत (Universal Truth) का बोध हो, तो Reporting Verb के Past Tense में रहने पर भी Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होगा। जैसे –

1. He said, “The earth is round.”
He said that the earth is round.

2. My father said to me, “Honesty is the best policy.”
My father told me that honesty is the best policy.

3. He said, “Work is worship.”
He said that work is worship.

4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”
The teacher said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

5. He remarked, “A bad carpenter quarrels with his tools.”
He remarked that a bad carpenter quarrels with his tools.

6. He says, “Two and two is four.”
He says that two and two is four.


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. He said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
2. The priest said, “Man is mortal.”
3. He said, “I had won the prize.”
4. She said to me, “I had been playing with you.”
5. He said, “I get up early in the morning.”
6. My son said to me, “I have done my lesson, so I am playing.”
7. He said to me, “I did not love you at all.”
8. The teacher said, “Labour never goes in vain.”
9. The mother said, “My child is my love.”
10. He said, “Sympathy is greater than gold.”
11. My father said, “Work is worship.”
12. He says to me, “You never helped me, so I will not help you.”
13. He said to me, “Time and tide wait for none.”
14. She will say to me, “You have cheated me.”
15. She will say, “I could find her.”
16. He said to me, “I know what you did.”
17. I said, “Iron is more useful than gold.”
18. They said, “We can’t live without water.”
19. He said to me. “I was teaching your son.”
20. He said to her, “I had been teaching your son.”

Change of Other Parts of Speech

जब Reporting Verb Past Tense में रहता है, तब Reported Speech में जितने भी निकटता-सूचक शब्द रहते हैं, वे सब-के-सब Indirect Speech में दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में बदल जाते हैं। ऐसे आवश्यक परिवर्तन के लिए इस Chart को ध्यान में रखें –

todaythat day
yesterdaythe day before/the previous day
the day before yesterdaytwo days before
tomorrowthe next day/the following day
the day after tomorrowin two days’ time
next week/year, etc.the following week/year, etc.
last week/year, etc.the previous week/year, etc.
a year agoa year before, the previous year

Solved Examples –

1. He said, “I am busy today.”
He said that he was busy that day.

2. She said, “I shall do it tomorrow.”
She said that she would do it the next day.

3. He said, “I don’t like this boy.”
He said that he did not like that boy.

4. He said, “I am now speaking to this boy.”
He said that he was then speaking to that boy.

5. They said, “We are starting the day after tomorrow.”
They said that they were starting in two days’ time.

6. He said, “She died a year ago.”
He said that she had died a year before.

Note – चूँकि घटना past time से संबंधित रहती है, इसलिए निकटता-सूचक शब्दों को दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में बदलना पड़ता है। यदि Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त वस्तु/परिस्थिति वक्ता के साथ अभी भी मौजूद हो, तो उस हालत में निकटता-सूचक शब्दों को दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में नहीं बदला जाएगा। जैसे –

1. He said, “This is my table.”
अगर टेबुल Reporter के सामने बोलने के समय भी मौजूद हो, तो Indirect Speech में this को that में नहीं बदला जाएगा। अर्थात्, He said that this was his table.

2. This morning Ram said to me, “I shall give you money today.”
This morning Ram told me that he would give me money today.
यहाँ this morning से यह स्पष्ट है कि दिन नहीं बदला है । अतः today का that day नहीं होगा।


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. He said, “I am going to Patna today.”
2. She said to me, “I shall stay here with you.”
3. He said, “I shall do it tomorrow.”
4. She said, “My father came yesterday.”
5. They said to her, “We shall see you tomorrow.”
6. He said, “The sky is cloudy now.”
7. He said, “I did not break these plates.”
8. My boss said to me, “You can take this away with you.”
9. He said, “I saw a book here.”
10. She said, “I am now opening this box.”
11. She said, “I will dance tomorrow.”
12. He said, “She arrived yesterday and will go tomorrow.”
13. She said, “I shall join the office next week.”
14. She said, “My husband died a year ago.”
15. He said, “I will come here again tomorrow.”

ध्यान देने योग्य कुछ आवश्यक बातें

1. कभी-कभी Reporting Verb के बाद Object नहीं रहता है और Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Second Person के pronoun/adjective को बदलने की आवश्यकता पड़ती है । वैसी परिस्थिति में आप अपने मन से कोई भी उपयुक्त Object को चुन लें और उसे Reporting Verb के बाद दे दें। जैसे –

(a) He said, “I am waiting for you.”
He told me that he was waiting for me.
or, He told her that he was waiting for her.

(b) He said, “I do not wish to see any of you.”
He told us that he did not wish to see any of us.
or, He told them that he did not wish to see any of them.

इस प्रकार Object का चयन आपकी इच्छा पर निर्भर करता है। अतः आप जो उपयुक्त समझें, उसका चयन करें। अगर किसी Passage को Indirect Speech में बदलना हो, तो पूरे Passage के भाव को समझते हुए उपयुक्त Object का चयन करें।

2. यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर संबोधन के रूप में कोई नाम आए, तो उस नाम को Reporting Verb का Object बना दें।

(a) He said, “Ram, I want to help you.”
He told Ram that he wanted to help him.

(b) Radha said, “I love you very much, Mohan.”
Radha told Mohan that she loved him very much.

3. यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर O, Well, Okay इत्यादि हों, Indirect Speech में इनका लोप कर दें। जैसे –
He said, “Well, Ram, you can take it.”
He told Ram that he could take it.

4. Reported Speech वाक्य के शुरू में भी रह सकता है या Reporting Verb के बाद में अथवा Reporting Verb के दोनों तरफ, परंतु Indirect Speech में वही पद पहले आएगा जो Inverted Commas के बाहर है, जैसा कि आप करते आ रहे हैं। जैसे –

(a) “I have completed my job,” he said.
He said that he had completed his job.

(b) “I am always ready to help you,” she said to me, “because you are my neighbour.”
She told me that she was always ready to help me because I was her neighbour.


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. He says, “I am your friend and you are my friend.”
2. She said, “I was waiting for you.”
3. The boys said, “We can’t do without your help.”
4. You said, “I will not give this pen to you.”
5. “You should help me,” said she.
6. “Okay, I will come tomorrow”, he said.
7. He said, “Rekha, I love you.”
8. She said, “You should help me, Mohan.”
9. “You can sit here, Mohan,” the teacher said.
10. The boss said, “Well, you can take it now.”
11. “I wrote three letters yesterday”, said she.
12. He said, “Radha, you are my life.”
13. “Everything I have is yours,” she said.
14. “I had completed my job”, he said.
15. He said, “Well, I shall punish you today.”
16. “I shall help you.” she said to me, “if you help me.”
17. “Two and two is four”, said the teacher.
18. “I love you”, the man said to her, “because you have been kind to me.”
19. “You are a good boy”, said the teacher, “so I shall help you.”
20. “You can go now”, the master said to the servant, “because I don’t need you.”

General Rules जहाँ सभी प्रकार के वाक्यों के साथ लागू होते हैं, वहीं Special Rules विभिन्न प्रकार के वाक्यों के लिए भिन्न-भिन्न होते हैं।


Inverted Commas के अंदर प्रयुक्त Assertive Sentences को Indirect Speech में परिवर्तित करने के लिए जो भी नियम हैं उनसे आप परिचित हो चुके हैं, क्योंकि अभी तक आपने जिन वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में परिवर्तित किया है वे सभी Assertive Sentences हैं।

आपने देखा है कि Inverted Commas को that में बदल दिया जाता है। Reporting Verb ‘say’ को tell + object में बदल दिया जाता है अगर say के बाद to + object हो। यदि to + object का प्रयोग न हो तो का त्यों छोड़ दिया जाता है। आप चाहें तो say + to + object को tell + say को ज्यों- object में नहीं भी बदल सकते हैं, पर बदल देना ज्यादा अच्छा होगा।


यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर Interrogative Sentence हो, तो उसे Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित तरीके अपनाएँ-
(a) Reporting Verb को ask में बदल दें।
(b) Inverted Commas के बदले that का प्रयोग नहीं करें। अगर Sentence Question Word (when, what, why, where, who, how, which, how many, how much, etc) से शुरू हो, तो that की जगह पर प्रयुक्त Question Word ही दें।
(c) यदि Interrogative Sentence f Anomalous Finite (am, is, are, was, were, have, has, do, does, did, can, could, shall, will, etc) से शुरू हो, तो Inverted Commas के बदले if / whether का प्रयोग करें।
(d) प्रयुक्त Interrogative Verb Form को Assertive Verb Form में बदल दें और Indirect Speech के जो सामान्य नियम हैं, उन्हें apply कर पूरे वाक्य को Indirect Speech में बदल दें।

Note – Interrogative Verb Form को Assertive Verb Form में इस प्रकार बदलें-

1. Do you eat?You eat.
2. Do you not eat?You do not eat.
3. Does he know?He knows.
4. Does he not know?He does not know.
5. Did they go?They went.
6. Did he not go?He did not go.
7. Are you ready?You are ready.
8. Shall we be going?We shall be going.
9. Must he come?He must come.
10. Where do you live?Where you live.
11. How does he live?How he lives.
12. Why did he come?Why he came.
13. Where are they going?Where they are going.
14. Who are you?Who you are.
15. What is your name?What your name is.
16. Who killed the tiger?Who killed the tiger.
17. Who will come?Who will come.
18. How much do you eat?How much you eat.
19. Who knows?Who knows.
Solved Examples-

1. He says to me, “Are you ill?”
He asks me if I am ill.

2. He said to me, “Are you ill?”
He asked me if I was ill.

3. She said to me, “Will you help me?”
She asked me if I would help her.

4. They said, “Were you present there?”
They asked me if I had been present there.

5. He said to Sita, “Do you love me?”
He asked Sita if she loved him.

6. He says to Geeta, “Does your brother help you?”
He asks Geeta if her brother helps her.

7. We said to her, “Did you know us?”
We asked her if she had known us.

8. He said to Sita, “Did you not vex me?”
He asked Sita if she had not vexed him.

9. She said to me, “Were you going to me?”
She asked me if I had been going to her.


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. He says to me, “Are you ready?”
2. He said to me, “Are you ready?”*
3. She says to Ram, “Have you time for me?”
4. She said to Ram, “Have you time for me?”
5. Ram says to Leela, “Is your sister coming today?”
6. Ram said to Leela, “Is your sister coming today?”
7. She says to him, “Am I dear to you?”
8. She said to him, “Am I dear to you?”
9. He says to me, “Have you stolen my pen?”
10. He said to me, “Have you stolen my pen?”
11. Mohan says to Sheela, “Were you not my friend?”
12. Mohan said to Sheela, “Were you not my friend?”
13. She says to me, “Was your brother going to market?”
14. She said to me, “Was your brother going to market?”
15. She says to her sister, “Had you done it?”
16. She said to her sister, “Had you done it?”
17. I said to him, “Will you help me?”
18. You said to Reeta, “Can you help me?”
19. She says to me, “Should you cheat me?”
20. He said to me. “Will you not help her?”


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. He says to me, “Do you love me?”
2. He said to me, “Do you love me?”
3. She says to him, “Do you know me?”
4. She said to him, “Do you know me?”
5. She says to him, “Does he not help you?”
6. She said to him, “Does he not help you?”
7. She says to me, “Did you teach my sister?”
8. She said to me. “Did you teach my sister?”
9. He says to Leela, “Did you not love me?”
10. He said to Leela, “Did you not love me?”
11. He says to her, “Do you not like my sister?”
12. He said to her, “Do you know my father?”
13. He said to her, “Did you not like my sister?”
14. He said to her, “Do you think it may rain today?”
15. She asked me, “Are you sorry for what you did?”
16. He said to me, “Does your mother love me?”
17. He says to her, “Did you not give me your pen?”
18. He said to her, “Did you not give me your pen?”
19. He says to Sita, “Do you think I do not cheat you?”
20. He said to Sita, “Do you think I did not cheat you?”

Solved Examples-

1. He says to me, “Where do you live?”
He asks me where I live.

2. He said to me. “Where do you live?”
He asked me where I lived.

3. He said to me, “Why did you abuse me?”
He asked me why I had abused him.

4. He said to Sita, “Why have you done this?”
He asked Sita why she had done that.

5. She says to me, “Who are you?”
She asks me who I am.

6. She said to me, “Who are you?”
She asked me who I was.

7. He said to me, “Who went to you?”
He asked me who had gone to me.

8. He said to me, “What is your name?”
He asked me what my name was.

9. He said, “What was falling?”
He asked what had been falling.

10. He said to me, “What will you do for me?”
He asked me what I would do for him.


Direction – Put the following into indirect speech

1. He says to me, “What do you eat?”
2. He said to me, “What do you eat?”
3. She says to Ram, “Why do you not help me?”
4. She said to Ram, “Why do you not help me?”
5. He says to Gita, “When did you help me?”
6. He said to Gita. “When did you help me?”
7. Mohan says to the beggar, “Why are you sad?”
8. Mohan said to the beggar, “Why are you sad?”
9. My mother says to me, “When will you go?”
10. My mother said to me, “When will you go?”
11. The son said to his father. “When will you buy me a bicycle?”
12. He said to me, “Why were you absent?
13. She said to me, “Where have you been working?”
14. He said to me, “Why are you disturbing me?”
15. She said to the king. “What can I do for you?”
16. He said to the boy, “Why have you caught my hen?”
17. Ramu said to his mistress, “Why were you beating me for nothing?”
18. He said to me, “Why had he not completed the job?”
19. She said to the teacher, “How shall I repay you?”
20. I said to the queen, “What have you for me?”


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. He says to me, “What is your name?”
2. She said to me, “What is your name?”
3. He says, “Who can do this?”
4. He said, “Who can do this?”
5. She said, “How much do you eat?”
6. She said, “Who will help me?”
7. He said to me, “Who has beaten you?”
8. He said to me, “Who wanted to kill you?”
9. She said, “What is this?”
10. He asked, “Which team won the match?”
11. He said. “What happened?”
12. I said to my father, “Who was with you?”
13. He said to me, “Who can defeat me?”
14. She said to me, “What should I do for you?”
15. Ramu said, “Who was calling me?”
16. The farmer said, “How long will it rain?”
17. She said to me. “How many pens have you?”
18. They said to me, “Who is helping you?”
19. She said to him, “What is the problem with you?”
20. The man said to the little girl, “Who are you and what do you want?”


Direction – Change the following into indirect speech

1. “Where are the students?” asked the teacher.
2. “Do you want to go without me?” the father said to his son.
3. “Who killed your dog?” the man said to me.
4. They said, “Who will save us?”*
5. The man said, “Have you written the letter?”
6. The servant said, “The lawyer has come to see you.”
7. He said to me, “Where is your bicycle?”
8. I said to my father, “When did you give me money?”
9. “Why was he going to you?” I said to him.
10. He said, “God is everywhere.”
11. I said, “Mohan, what are you doing today?”
12. He said, “I shall go as soon as it is possible.”
13. “What is this?” said Oberon to Puck.
14. She said to her husband, “What is it that makes you so sad?”
15. He said, “Ravi, when is the next train?”
16. I said to her, “He likes you but I don’t like you.”
17. My father said to me. “I shall buy you a bicycle if you do your homework in time.”
18. He said to her, “Do you know who was teaching me and my brother?”
19. They said to me, “Where were our books?”
20. He said, “God is kind to all of us.”


Imperative Sentence: order, command, advice request का बोध होता है। इसे Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित Special Rules की सहायता लें-
(a) Reporting Verb refer tell/ask/order/command/ request/suggest/advise में बदल दें।
(b) Direct Speech में Reporting Verb के बाद Object रहे या न रहे. Indirect Speech में Reporting Verb के बाद Object अवश्य दें।
(c) Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Please. Kindly. आदि शब्दों का लोप कर दें।
(d) Inverted Commas को to/not to में बदल दें और उसके बाद अभीष्ट Verb का V’ दें। फिर अन्य पदों को General Rules of Narration के अनुसार दें। अब आप संपूर्ण प्रक्रिया को नीचे दिए गए उदाहरणों से समझें।
1. He said to me, “Bring a glass of water.”
He ordered me to bring a glass of water.

2. The doctor said to me, “Walk in the morning.”
The doctor advised me to walk in the morning.

3. My son said to me, “Please buy me a coat.”
My son requested me to buy him a coat.

4. He said, “Run.”
He ordered me to run.

5. She said, “Ram, do as I say.”
She told/asked/ordered Ram to do as she said.

6. The teacher said, “Show me the work that you have done.”
The teacher told/asked/ordered the student to show him the work that he (the student) had done.


Direction – Put the following into indirect speech

1. She said to me, “Bring a glass of water.”
2. She said to me, “Bring me a glass of water.”
3. He said to me. “Go there.”
4. The old man said to his servant, “Close the door.”
5. He said, “Stand up on the bench.”
6. My mother said to me, “Switch off the T.V.”
7. My son said to me, “Please give me some money.”
8. He said to his wife, “Prepare a cup of tea.”
9. The doctor said to me, “Take the medicine in time.”
10. Mother said to me, “Go to market.”
11. The beggar said to me, “Kindly give me some food.”
12. The teacher said, “Get up early.”
13. The doctor said to me, “Take care of your health.”
14. She said to me, “Have a cup of tea.”
15. The saint said to me, “Believe in God.”
16. He said to her, “Wait for me till I return.”
17. He said to me, “Please remember what I told you.”
18. Mohan said to his brother, “Depend on what I say.”
19. The teacher said, “Work hard if you want to get success.”
20. She said to us, “Do whatever you like.”


यदि Imperative Sentence Don’t से शुरू हो, तो Indirect Speech में to के बदले ‘not to’ दें या Reporting Verb को forbid में बदलें, जैसा कि इन उदाहरणों से स्पष्ट है-

1. He told me, “Don’t shout in the class.”
He asked me not to shout in the class.
or, He forbade me to shout in the class.

2. He said, “Don’t make too much noise, children.”
He asked the children not to make too much noise.
or. He forbade the children to make too much noise.

3. “Don’t drive too fast.” she said.
She told me not to drive too fast..
She forbade me to drive too fast.

Note – ध्यान दें कि forbade के बाद not to का प्रयोग नहीं होकर सिर्फ ‘to’ का प्रयोग हुआ है।


Direction – Put the following into indirect speech

1. My father said to me, “Don’t walk in the sun.”
2. Ram said to his servant, “Do not do this.”
3. He said, “My son, don’t kill the bird.”
4. He said, “Don’t sleep late.”
5. The teacher told us, “Don’t talk in the class.”
6. The doctor said to her, “Don’t drink.”
7. He said, “Don’t ask so many questions.”
8. The beggar said. “Don’t beat me.”
9. The thief said to the judge, “Don’t send me to jail.”
10. He said, “Don’t touch this wire, John.”
11. “Don’t stay here,” she said.
12. The student said to the teacher, “Please do not order me to go out of the class.”
13. Ranjan said to his friend, “Do not spoil your health.”
14. She said to me, “Don’t go today.”
15. I said, “Don’t be misguided.”
16. The doctor said to me, “Don’t smoke if you want to improve your health.”
17. The teacher said, “Don’t make a noise when I am in the class.”
18. I said, “Don’t drive fast when the road is busy.”
19. She said to him, “Do not go there if you want to stay here.”
20. I said to my friend, “Don’t be afraid when you are with me.”


Direction – Put the following into indirect speech

1. “Don’t believe everything you hear,” he warned me.
2. “Look before you leap,” he said to her.
3. He said, “Follow her if she leaves the house.”
4. “Who put salt in my coffee?” she said.
5. He said, “I had to help you.”
6. He said to me, “I can’t tell you how grateful I am.”
7. She said, “Do you know who is coming?”
8. Amit said to me, “Where did you go yesterday?”
9. She said to her servant. “Do as I tell you.”
10. She said, “The sun never rises in the west.”
11. “What makes you cry?” asked his sister.
12. She said to the maid. “Go and send off this letter. “
13. My mother said. “Do not go against your father.”
14. “Don’t be afraid, my children,” said the host.
15. The gentleman said, “I am free to do what I like with my walking stick.”
16. He said, “Oil and water do not mix.”
17. He asked, “Where is the doctor and what is he doing?”
18. He said. “God is everywhere.”
19. She said to me, “Work is worship.”
20. He said to me, “Please give me your bicycle for a day.”


Optative Sentence से अभिशाप, आशीर्वाद, प्रार्थना या इच्छा का बोध होता है । इसे Indirect Speech में बदला जा सकता है। इसके लिए पूर्व बताए गए General Rules के अलावा निम्नलिखित Special Rules की सहायता लें-
(a) Reporting Verb को वाक्य के अर्थानुसार curse/bless/pray/wish में बदल दें।
(b) Inverted Commas के बदले that दें।
(c) Optative Sentence को Assertive Sentence में बदल दें। अर्थात् Subject के बाद Verb दें। फिर Tense, Person तथा अन्य पद का परिवर्तन सामान्य नियम के अनुसार करें।
(d) अंत में full stop दें।
अब आप सम्पूर्ण प्रक्रिया को नीचे दिए गए उदाहरणों से समझें-
1. He said to me, “May you live long!”
He blessed me that I might live long.

2. My father said to me. “May you get success!”
My father wished me that I might get success.

3. They said, “May God save the king!”
They wished/prayed that God might save the king.

4. He said to her. “May you die!”
He cursed her that she might die.

Note – (a) ऐसे वाक्यों में wish/pray के बाद object न दें।
(b) यदि Optative Sentence में May का प्रयोग नहीं हो, तो उसे वाक्य में जोड़ दें और तब वाक्य को Indirect Speech में बदलें।

5. They said, “Long live our friendship!”
They wished that their friendship might live long.

6. The saint said, “God bless you!”
The saint prayed that God might bless me.


Direction – Turn the following into indirect speech

1. He said to me, “May you get success!”
2. The mother said to her son, “May God bless you!”
3. The woman said, “May you die of cholera!”
4. The priest said to me. “May you be happy!”
5. He said, “May God pardon this sinner!”
6. She said. “May you die!”
7. My father said to me, “May God help you!”
8. The hermit said, “May you be blessed with a son!”
9. We said, “May the soul of Gandhi jee get peace in the Heaven!”
10. He said, “May the Prime Minister live long!”
11. He said to me, “May you live long!”
12. He said, “God save the king!”
13. They said, “Long live our friendship!”
14. The people said, “Long live the king!”
15. The woman said to me, “May you die soon!”
16. My friend said, “May you succeed in your examination!”
17. He said, “God save the President!”
18. The workers said, “Long live our unity!”
19. “May God bless the good boy!” said the old lady.
20. The Principal said, “May you get a first class!”


Exclamatory Sentences से प्रायः हर्ष, विषाद, क्रोध, घृणा, आश्चर्य या प्रशंसा का भाव व्यक्त होता है। इन्हें Indirect Speech में बदला जा सकता है। इसके लिए पूर्व बताए गर General Rules के अलावा निम्नलिखित Special Rules की सहायता लें-
(a) Reporting Verba arafer exclaim with joy/sorrow/surprise/anger/contempt/regret/applause में बदल दें।

हर्ष / खुशी / उल्लास के लिएexclaim with joy
दुख / शोक के लिएexclaim with sorrow
आश्चर्य / विस्मय के लिएexclaim with surprise
क्रोध के लिएexclaim with anger
तिरस्कार / घृणा के लिएexclaim with contempt
प्रशंसा के लिएexclaim with applause
पश्चाताप / अफसोस के लिएexclaim with regret

(b) Inverted Commas के बदले that दें।
(c) Ah 1 Oh! Alas ! इत्यादि शब्दों का लोप कर दें।
(d) Exclamatory Sentences को Assertive में बदल दें। अगर Inverted Commas के भीतर अधूरे वाक्य हों, तो उनमें Verb तथा अन्य पद अपनी ओर से जोड़ दें ताकि उनमें निहित भाव सहजता से प्रकट हो सके।

Note – पहले आप Exclamatory Sentences को Assertive Sentences में बदलना सीखें। इसके लिए कुछ common examples दिए जा रहे हैं, जिन्हें समझें-

1. What a beautiful girl she is!
She is a very beautiful girl.

2. What a place it is!
It is a very fine place.

3. What a fool I was!
I was a big fool.

4. How fast the baby runs!
The baby runs very fast.

5. What a place! / What a place it is!
It is a very fine/strange/lonely place.

6. What a fool! /What a fool he is!
He is a great fool.

7. What a fall!
It is a big fall.

8. How dark the night is!
The night is very dark.

9. Nonsense!
It is nonsense.

10. Oh! Enough!
It is enough.

Some Solved Examples

1. He said, “Alas! I am ruined.”
He exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.

2. The boy said, “Alas! My cat is dead.”
The boy exclaimed with sorrow that his cat was dead.

3. The boys said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”
The boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

4. The Headmaster said, “Alas! Mrs Indira Gandhi is no more!”
The Headmaster exclaimed with sorrow that Mrs Indira Gandhi was no more.

5. He said, “What a beautiful girl she is!”
He exclaimed with joy that she was a very beautiful girl.

6. She said, “How fast my baby runs!”
She exclaimed with joy that her baby ran very fast.

7. He said, “What a fool I am!”
He exclaimed with sorrow/regret that he was a big fool.

8. He said, “What a place!”
He exclaimed with joy that it was a very fine place.
or, He exclaimed with surprise that it was a very strange place.

9. He said, “What a fall!”
He exclaimed with sorrow that it was a big fall.

10. Ram said. “What an idea!”
Ram exclaimed with joy that it was an extraordinary idea.

11. I said. “Oh! Enough!”
I exclaimed with disgust that it was enough.


Direction – Put the following into indirect speech

1. She said, “Alas! I am ruined.”
2. The girl said, “Alas! My dog is dead.”
3. He said, “Oh! I have cut my finger.”
4. The players said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”
5. She said, “Bravo! You have done well.”
6. He said, “Hurrah! I have got a prize.”
7. He said. “Ah! I am happy now.”
8. He said. “What a beautiful girl she is!”
9. They said, “What a place it is!”
10. She said, “How fast my baby runs!”
11. He said, “What a fool I am!”
12. They said, “Ah! Our friend has come from America.”
13. They said, “How kind the king is!”
14. He said, “How dark the night is!”
15. She said, “How sweetly she sings!”
16. Sonu said, “What a beautiful sight it is!””
17. He said, “How foolish I was!”
18. They said, “What a fall!”
19. He said, “Oh! Enough!”
20. She said, “What a beautiful flower!”
21. She said, “Nonsense!”
22. The girl said, “What a fine morning!”
23. He said, “How clever I am!”
24. She said, “What a nice film it is!”
25. They said, “How cruel the king is!”


Direction – Put the following into indirect speech

1. He said, “I shall go tomorrow.”
2. She said to me, “Will you listen to me?”
3. He said to him, “Please wait here till I return.”
4. Sohan said, “How clever I am!”
5. “Who are you and what do you want?” she said.
6. He said, “Have you anything to tell me. Rozy?”
7. She said to me, “What is the name of your brother?”
8. They said. “May the king live long!”
9. I said to him, “Don’t move in the sun.”
10. She said to the beggar, “How much do you want?”
11. He said to him, “Isn’t your name Ravi?”
12. She said to her father, “When will you buy me a frock?”
13. Ram said, “God is Almighty.”
14. He said to me, “May you live long!”
15. He said to me, “Why did you laugh at me?”
16. He says to me, “What were you doing with my toy?”
17. The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
18. He said, “What a fine picture!”
19. He says to me, “I shall help you if you help me.”
20. He said to them, “I was waiting for you.”
21. He said, “I am now speaking to this boy.”
22. He said, “It is not so foggy today as it was yesterday.”
23. “Okay. I will come again tomorrow,” he said.
24. He said to her, “Why did you give up your study?”
25. I said to him, “How can you prove that she loves you?”
26. He said, “What is the problem here?”
27. The teacher said. “Don’t shout when I am in the class.”
28. The doctor said to me, “Take the medicine in time.”
29. He said, “My sons, don’t waste your time.”
30. The leader said, “Long live our unity!”
31. The woman said, “May you die of cholera!”
32. He said to me, “I wanted to help you but I am not going to help you because you have never been kind to me.”
33. He said to me, “How much money can you give me for the service I have done to you?”
34. Ramu said, “What a place!”
35. “Stop this horrible noise,” he said.
36. The prince said, “It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.”

CBSE/NCERT Solution Class 9th English grammar with Answer