NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Class 8th
Subject English
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameActive and Passive Voice
CategoryClass 8th English Grammar
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar Active and Passive Voice What is the passive voice of go away?, What is the passive voice of never waste time?, What is the passive voice of we stop the bus?, What is the passive voice of shut all the gates?, What is the passive voice in the future?, What is the passive voice of nobody answered my question?, What is the passive voice of let him go?, What is the passive voice of he drives a car?, What is the passive voice of always reach school in time?, What is the present perfect passive voice?, What is the present continuous passive voice?

NCERT Solution Class 8th English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

English Grammar

Active and Passive Voice

1. Consider the following sentences-
Lata sings a song.
A song is sung by Lata.

There is practically no difference in the meanings of these two sentences. These are two different ways of presenting the same thing. But in the first sentence the Subject performs the action while in the second sentence, the Subject of the Verb is acted upon. It means that it (the Subject) becomes the object in the second sentence.

Thus, the voice shows whether the Subject of a Verb acts or is acted upon.

Active Voice – When the Subject of a Verb acts, the Verb is said to be in the Active Voice ; as- I made a mistake.

Passive Voice – When the object of the Active Voice becomes the Subject, the Verb is said to be in the Passive Voice ; as- A mistake was made by me.

The Subject dominates in Active Voice but the Object dominates in Passive Voice.

Note. It is only the form of the verb in a sentence which shows whether the subject is the doer or the receiver of the action. A sentence in passive voice may or may not have the ‘by’ phrase attached. Thus in the above sentences, ‘A mistake was made’ is a complete sentence.
2. Rules for changing a Verb from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice:
1. The object of the Active Verb is made the Subject of the Passive Verb.
2. The Subject of the Active Verb is made the object of some Preposition (generally ‘by’).
3. The Verb of the Active Voice gets the Past Participle form of the Finite Verb and some form of the verb ‘to be’ [be, is, am. are, has been, was, were, had been, will be, is being etc.) will be used before it in the passive voice.
4. Some vague and indefinite subjects like ‘everyone’, ‘they’, ‘people’, ‘someone’, ‘somebody’, ‘everybody’, ‘anybody’, etc. are dropped if they are the subjects of the active voice. If so, the preposition ‘by’ is also not used.
5. The Tense of the Verb does not change.
Example – He has done his work. (Active)
His work has been done by him. (Passive)
3. The Pronouns [when these act as subject) are changed as given below-
Subject Object
4. The following table gives the form of the verb ‘see’ in Passive Voice in the various Tenses-

TENSE CHART [Passive Voice)
Presentis/am/are + verb in third form, is seen, am seen, are seenis/am/are + being + verb in third form, is being seen, am being seen, are being seenhas/have + been + verb in third form, has been seen, have been seen
Pastwas/were + verb in third form, was seen, were seenwas/were + being + verb in third form, was being seen, were being seenhad + been + verb in third form had been seen
Futurewill/shall + be + verb in third form, will be seen, shall be seen— No changewill/shall + have been + verb in third form, will have been seen shall have been seen
Note. The following four types of sentences cannot be changed into passive voice-
1. Present Perfect Continuous.
2. Past Perfect Continuous.
3. Future Continuous.
4. Future Perfect Continuous.
Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences putting the Verbs given against them in the appropriate Passive Voice form-

1. She …………. up by her aunt. (bring)
Ans – Was brought

2. Invitation cards …………. to all her friends. (send)
Ans – Have been sent

3. You will …………. to the feast. (invite)
Ans – Be invited

4. The result …………. on Monday. (declare)
Ans – Was declared/will be declared

5. They …………. at the report of the gun. (alarm)
Ans – Were alarmed

6. We …………. at his failure. (shock)
Ans – Were shocked

Change the voice of the following sentences-

1. She sings a sweet song.
Ans – A sweet song is sung by her.

2. Do you not play hockey ?
Ans – Is hockey not played by you.

3. Does he sell lottery tickets ?
Ans – Are lottery tickets sold by him.

4. I am bending the branch.
Ans – The branch is being bent by me.

5. Is she boiling potatoes ?
Ans – Are the potatoes being boiled by her.

6. Are the servants bringing tea ?
Ans – Is tea being brought by the servants.
Exercise 2. Rearrange the following into meaningful sentences-

1. this novel / Premchand / was / by / written ?
Ans – This novel was written by Premchand.

2. the brave / admired / everywhere / are ?
Ans – The brave are admired everywhere.

3. a doll / the baby / given / was ?
Ans – The baby was given a doll.

4. them / I / known / am / to ?
Ans – I am known to them.

5. by / the door / whom / opened / was ?
Ans – By whom was the door opened.

6. him / a reward / to / given / was ?
Ans – A reward was given to him.

7. one / one’s / keep / should / promise ?
Ans – One should keep one’s promise.

8. kept / be / should / promise ?
Ans – Promise should be kept.
Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks in the following choosing one word each for every blank.
was, endured, be, opened, was opened, offered, considered, has, being
1. I …………. the door.
Ans – Opened

2. The gate …………. by the gatekeeper.
Ans – Was opened

3. My pocket …………. been picked.
Ans – Has

4. The work is …………. done.
Ans – Being

5. I …………. taught to read English.
Ans – Was

6. He is …………. a wise man.
Ans – Considered

7. What cannot …………. cured must be
Ans – Be, endured

8. He was …………. a chair.
Ans – Offered
Exercise 4. The following passage has not been edited. There is a word missing in each line. Find the missing word and write it along with one word that comes before it and the one that comes after it.

He asked to go down to the end of (a) _______
Ans – He was asked

the garden. He was also to wash himself in water of the river there. The same (b) _______
Ans – Also told to

water was and sprinkled over everything (c) _______
Ans – Was brought

which had changed into gold by Mida’s (d) _______
Ans – Had been changed

touch. The king felt a weight had lifted (e) _______
Ans – Had been lifted

from his heart. He freed of the golden touch. (f) _______
Ans – He was freed
Exercise 5. The following passage has not been edited. There is a word missing in each line. Find the missing word and write it along with one word that comes before it and the one that comes after it.

I elected to the Committee of the society. (a) _______
Ans – I was elected

I was in advance that 1 was supposed to attend (b) _______
Ans – Was told in

every meeting. But I was not much to (c) _______
Ans – Much used to

speaking. My friends called me a drone. The banter appreciated. A drone is (d) _______
Ans – Banter was appreciated

generally to be a thorough idler. Not that (e) _______
Ans – Generally thought to

I was not to speak but the words failed me. (f) _______
Ans – Not willing to
Exercise 6. Say whether the following are Active or Passive Voice sentences.

1. They have not come yet.
Ans – Active

2. Papers are thrown all over.
Ans – Active

3. The earthquake destroyed the entire city.
Ans – Active

4. The dogs are not allowed here.
Ans – Passive

5. You could do it easily.
Ans – Passive

6. The book is written in Hindi.
Ans – Passive

7. They guard that house.
Ans – Active

8. The minority rights are protected.
Ans – Active
Exercise 7. Change the Voice of the following sentences-

1. This ticket will be given to you by the manager.
Ans – The manager will give you the ticket

2. Why have you done this ?
Ans – Why is this done by you?

3. A car ran over the dog.
Ans – The dog was ran over by a car

4. We must obey the laws of the land.
Ans – The laws of the land must be obeyed by us

5. By whom was the fair inaugurated ?
Ans – Who inaugurated the fair?

6. Gopal stole her butter.
Ans – Her butter was stolen by gopal