NCERT Solutions Class 8th English Grammar – Tenses

NCERT Solutions Class 8th English Grammar – Tenses

Class 8th
Subject English 
ChapterEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameTenses
CategoryClass 8th English Grammar With Answers
Medium English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions Class 8th English Grammar – Tenses

English Grammar


English Grammar With Answers

1. Read the following sentences carefully :

  1. Birds fly in the air.
  2. My brother flew to England last week.
  3. I shall fly a kite on Sunday. –

In the first sentence the Verb ‘fly’ refers to the Present time, in the second sentence the Verb ‘flew’ refers to the action in the Past, while the Verb in the third sentence ‘shall fly’ refers to the Future.

12 Tenses formula with Example

Present SimpleI have a carI don’t have a car.Do I have a car?
Present ContinuousYou are playing football now.You are not playing footbal now.Are you playing football now?
Present PerfectThey have been there.They haven’t been there.Have they been there?
Present Perfect ContinuousI have been living here.I haven’t been living here.Have they been living here?
Past SimpleI lived in London.didn’t live in London.Did I live in London?
Past ContinuousI was playingI wasn’t playing.Was I playing?
Past perfectHe had worked.He had not worked.Had he worked?
Past Perfect ContinuousI had been watching.I had not been watching.Had I been watching?
Future SimpleI will come.I will not come.Will I come in?
Future ContinuousI will be playing basketball.I won’t be playing
will be playing basketball?
Future PerfectHe will have finished.He will not have finished.Will he have finished?
Future Perfect
We will have been starting?We will not have been starting.We will have been starting?

2. The Tense of a Verb shows the time when an action takes place.
There are three Tenses :

I. Present Tense
II. Past Tense
III. Future Tense

3. In order to show at what stage an action is, each of the three tenses has been sub-divided into four heads. These sub-divisions are—

TenseIndefiniteContinuous or ProgressivePerfectPerfect Continuous
PresentI playI am playingI have playedI have been playing
PastI playedI was playingI had playedI had been playing
FutureI shall playI shall be playingI shall have playedI shall have been playing

Thus, the tense of a verb does not show the time of an action or event alone. It shows the state of that action also.

I. The Present Tense

A. Simple Present Tense
The Simple Present is used to express :
(i) A habitual action
(ii) A general truth
(iii) What is happening (in exclamatory sentences only)
(iv) An order or request.

(i) A habitual action :
I go for a walk daily.
He comes to school at 8 O’clock.

(ii) General truth :
The sun rises in the east.
Two and two make four.

(iii) What is happening :
Here comes the chief guest !

(iv) An order or request :
Obey your teachers.

Exercise 1. (Solved) Fill in the blanks in the following with the correct form of the verb given in (Present Tense)
1. I ……… in Model Town. (live)
2. The mother ……… food for us. (cook)
3. She ……. to temple every morning. (go)
4. He ……… on me whenever he wants. call)
5. I …….. what my sister (eat)
6. My father …………. from his office in the evening. (return)
7. They …………. football every evening. (play)
8. I …………. everybody well. (wish)
9. The cat …………. rats. (kill)
10. The farmers ………….. rain. (need)
1. live
2. cooks
3. goes
4. call
5. eat, eats
6. returns
7. play
8. wish
9. kills
10. need

Exercise 2. (Solved) Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets :
1. Look ! the sun ………… (rise)
2. Why ……….. you ………….. so fast ? (run)
3. The children ………. .in the park. (play)
4. Mohini ……….. a novel now. (read)
5. Water …………. from the running tap. (flow)
6. …………… it ………… outside now ? (rain)
7. What …………. your sister these days ? (do)
8. I ………… tonight. (return)
9. They …………… for Kanpur tomorrow. (leave)
10. Why ………… you ……….. a noise ? (make)
1. is rising
2. are, running
3. are playing
4. is reading
5. is flowing
6. Is, raining
7. is, doing
8. am returning
9. are leaving
10. are, making

C. Present Perfect Tense
(Subject + Has /have + III form of the verb)

(i) In the Present Perfect Tense the past participle (III) form of the verb is used with has or have. ‘Has’ is added with third person singular subjects, as—‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’ and ‘Have’ is added with T, ‘we’, ‘you, ‘they’ and plural nouns.
He has won a prize.
You have insulted me.
I have taken the dose of medicine.

(ii) In Interrogative form [Has, have are placed before the subject.]
(Has/have + Subject + III form of the Verb…?)
Have they crossed the river ?
Where have you seen my brother ?

(iii) In Negative form [‘not’ is used between the main verb and the helping verb.]
(Subject + has/have + not + III form of the Verb…)
She has not come yet.
I have not received any information.

Uses of the Present Perfect Tense
The Present Perfect Tense is used with the words : yet, as yet, already, just, just now, so far, since, ever since, presently, once, twice, thrice etc. and in the following cases :

(a) To express an action that has been recently completed.
I have just received the letter.

(b) To describe an action the time of which is not given.
The train has steamed in.

(c) To describe a past experience.
I have seen this picture several times.

(d) To express an action that began in the Past and still continues.
He has worked in this school for five years, (is still working)

Exercise 3. (Solved) Fill in the following blanks with correct tense (present) of the verbs given in brackets :
1. Where ………… you ………… your purse ? (lose)
2. ………… she not yet her work ? (finish)
3. How many sums ………… she ………… ? (solve)
4. My sister ………… from Meerut presently. (return)
5. Raju ………… Saroj since 1980. (know)
6. Asha ………… never ………… the Red Fort. (see)
7. ………… you not ………… your bath as yet ? (take)
8. I ………… not ………… my lesson. (revise)
9. We ………… not ………… from Rajni for the last four months. (hear)
10. She ………… in Delhi for eight years. (live)
1. have, lost
2. Has, finished
3. has. solved
4. has returned
5. has known
6. has, seen
7. Have, taken
8. have, revised
9. have, heard
10. has lived

D. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
[Subject + has/have + been + I form of the Verb + ing…)In order to form the Present Perfect Continuous Tense, we put has been or have been before the Present Participle Form of the Verb ; as
It has been raining for two hours.
I have been flying a kite since 2 O’clock.

(a) The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that began in the Past, is still continuing and may extend into the Future ; as
She has been waiting for you for three hours.
They have been playing cards since 10 A.M.

(b) This tense is also used to express an action in a sentence which begins with ‘For how long or ‘Since when’, as in
For how long have you been sitting here ?
Since when has he been living in this house ?

(c) This tense is also used to express an action which began in the past and has been just completed. However, its result is visible in the present, as in
I have been studying since morning and I am much tired now.
She has been washing the dishes for an hour and her clothes are dirty now.
Note : Since is used fora point of time.
For is used for a period of time.

Exercise 4. (Solved) Fill in the following blanks with correct tense (present) of the verbs given in brackets :
1. It ………… outside for half an hour. (hail)
2. The storm ………… since 4 O’clock. (howl)
3. I ………… for the bus since morning. (wait)
4. Since when ………… you ………… in this school ? (read)
5. It ………… not ………… since midnight. (rain)
6. She ………… midnight oil for five years. (burn)
7. I ………… for the examination for one year. (prepare)
8. Malaria ………… in this city since July. (rage)
9. How long ………… you ………… for me ? (wait)
10. The washerman ………… our clothes since 1985. (wash)
1. has been hailing
2. has been howling
3. have been waiting
4. have, been reading
5. has, been raining/has, rained
6. has bumt/has been burning
7. have been preparing
8. has been raging
9. have, been waiting/have, waited
10. has been washing

II. The Past Tense

A. The Past Indefinite Tense
The Simple Past Tense
(Subject + II form of the Verb…) In the Simple Past (Past Indefinite) Tense the second form of the Verb is used :
He came here yesterday.
‘Did’ is used in the Interrogative and Negative sentences. ‘Did’ is also used to lay emphasis. Only the first form of the Verb is used with ‘did’.

(i) In Interrogative Sentences [‘did is placed before the subject and verb in first form after it ; as—]
(Did + Subject + I form of the Verb…?)
Did you show me your homework ?

(ii) In Negative Sentences [‘did not’ is put after the subject and first form of the verb is used thereafter : as—]
(Subject + did + not + I form of the Verb…)
I did not apply for leave.
Exception—I never told a lie.
(This sentence means—I did not ever tell a lie)

(iii) To lay emphasis
I did try to solve the question but was not able to solve it.

Uses of the Past Indefinite Tense
The Past Indefinite (Simple Past) Tense is used :

(a) To express an action completed in the past with reference to the time of speaking.
I saw many birds in the zoo.

(b) To express habitual or regular action in the Past.
Gandhiji always spoke the truth.

(c) To express an event which occurred at a particular point in the Past.
My father came back home yesterday.

(d) To express an action which occupied a period of time in the Past, but is now ended.
We lived in this house for ten years. (do not live now)
I stayed at the Green Hotel for two months. (not staying now)

(e) To express an action where some word, showing past action (yesterday, ago. last, etc.) is given in the sentence, as,
He received your message yesterday.
I passed the S.S.C. Examination last year.

Mark the correct use of the Past Indefinite Tense in the following sentences.

1. He has passed the Secondary School Examination in 1978.He passed the Secondary School Examination in 1978.
2. They have left for Agra yesterday.They left for Agra yesterday.
3. She has written a letter to her father last evening.She wrote a letter to her father last evening.
4. Babar has founded the Mughal Empire.Babar founded the Mughal Empire.

Note: The difference in the meaning of the following sentences :

(i) He has worked in this office for five years. (He is still working here)
(ii) He worked in this office for five years. (He is no longer working here)

Exercise 5. (Solved) Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given
1. I ………… your letter this morning. (receive)
2. How many deer ………… you ………… in the zoo ? (see)
3. My father ………… a new house last month. ( busy)
4. Prices ………… by forty per cent last year. (rise)
5. Columbus ………… America. (discover)
6. Thousands of people ………… their lives in the earthquake. (lose)
7. Gangu ………… ten rupees from me. (borrow)
8. When ………… you ………… from Allahabad ? (return)
9. I ………… to her house on foot. (go)
10. A thief ………… into our garage last night. (break)
1. received
2. did, see
3. bought
4. rose
5. discovered
6. lost
7. borrowed
8. did, return
9. went
10. broke

B. The Past Continuous Tense
(Subject + was /were + I form of the Verb + ing…)

(i) The Past Continuous Tense denotes an action going on in the past. In order to form Past Continuous Tense we add Present Participle to was or were ; as—
The train was running at full speed.

(ii) In Negative form [‘not’ is placed between the helping verb and the principal verb ; as—]
(Subject + was/were + not + Verb + ing…)
She was not weeping.

(iii) In Interrogative form [the helping verb is placed before the subject ; as—] (Was/were + Subject + Verb + ing + … ?)
Were the sheep grazing in the field?

Uses of the Past Continuous Tense
(i) The Past Continuous Tense is used to express an action that was happening in the Past at the time of speaking. The time of the action may or may not be mentioned.
Examples: The old lady was crying at the top of her voice.
They were not making a noise.

(ii) The use of this tense with Simple Past Tense denotes that the previous action was going on when the latter action took place; as—
My mother was cooking the food when I reached home.

Exercise 6. (Solved) Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given Tense)
1. The baby ………… in the room.
2. Children ………… a noise in the class.
3. Why ………… you ………… at her ?
4. We saw the aeroplane while it …………
5. The students ………… their morning prayer when I reached their school.
6. I ………… my beard when the telephone bell rang.
7. My mother ………… when I returned home.
8. The old lady ………… the Gita when the guests arrived. (read)
9. Mother ………… tea for us when the school bus homed. (prepare)
10. She found that the baby ………… bitterly. (cry)
1. was weeping
2. were making
3. did, look
4. was taking off
5. were saying
6. was shaving
7. was sleeping
8. was reading
9. was preparing
10. was crying

(Subject + had + III form of the Verb )We often make mistakes while using the Past Perfect Tense. We use ‘had’ at random wherever we view ‘past action’ in a sentence in our mother-tongue.
I had gone to Delhi yesterday.
This sentence should be formed in Simple past.
I went to Delhi yesterday.
The structure of Past Perfect is—
In order to form the Past Perfect Tense we use ‘had’ before the Past Participle (III) form of the Verb.

(i) In Interrogative form [‘Had is used before the subject]
(Had + Subject + not + in form of the Verb + ……… ?)
Had he left when you came ?

(ii) In Negative form [‘not is used after ‘had’]
(Subject + had + not + III form of the Verb + ………… )
I had not seen you before.

Uses of the Past Perfect Tense
(a) The Past Perfect Tense is used to express an action completed before another action took place ; as—
When he came to me, I had posted the letter.

(b) (i) It is also used to express an unfulfilled action in the past ; as—
If she had worked hard she would have passed.

(ii) It is also used to express an unfulfilled wish in the past ; as—
I wish I had won the election.

(c) To denote the action or event which has been completed before some point of
By afternoon he had completed much work.

Use of Past Indefinite and Past Perfect Tenses in Time Clauses
We can express time by using some ‘time-denoting’ Adverbs or through Adverbial clauses of Time. The combination of two past actions depends upon their mutual relevance.
Examples: I had waited for my friend until he arrived.
After he had sailed many days, the mariner reached the coast.

D. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
(Subject + had + been + Present Participle…)(a) The Past Perfect Continuous Tense expresses an action that had been going on for some time in the past. In order to use this tense we use had been with Present Participle (ing) form of the verb.
Examples: Children had been playing since morning.

(b) The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is also used to express an action that had been going on for some time before another action took place in the past ; as—
Examples: They had been playing chess for two hours when I joined them.

(i) In Interrogative form, ‘had precedes the subject and ‘been’ comes after the subject; as—
Had he been quarrelling with you for some time ?

(ii) In negative form, ‘not’ is placed after ‘had’ and before ‘been’ ; as—
They had not been working on this project for many years.

Exercise 7. (Solved) Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets (Past Tense).
1. She ………….. hard since December. (study)
2. Sarla ………….. her lover for many years. (befool)
3. How long ………….. the two neighbours ………….. when a third one joined them ? (quarrel)
4. I ………….. for four hours when you knocked at my door. (sleep)
5. Tenzing ………….. to climb Everest for many years before he succeeded in his mission. (try)
1. had been studying
2. had been befooling
3. had, been quarrelling
4. had slept
5. had been trying.


A. The Simple Future/Future Indefinite Tense
(Shall/ will + Verb)
The Future Indefinite Tense is used to express the action or event which is likely to happen in Future. In this tense we use shall/will between the subject and the first form of the verb. Normally we use ‘shall with pronouns of first person (I, We). In the same way. we use ‘will with the pronouns of second person (you) and third person (he, she, it, they).
(i) In Negative sentences ‘not’ is added after ‘shall/‘will as the case may be ; as— We shall not see the picture today.

(ii) In Interrogative sentences ‘will’/‘shall’ is placed before the subject and first form of the verb after it ; as—
Will you go to college today ?

B. THe Future Continuous Tense
(Will/shall + be + Verb + ing)
The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an event that is expected to take place in the normal course or at some time in the future ; as—
We shall be playing a football match on Sunday.
The new edition of this book will be coming out shortly.
When I reach Calcutta, it will be raining heavily there.
Will you be taking part in the debate ? (Interrogative)
The farmers will not be watering the plants at this time. (Negative)

C. The Future Perfect Tense
(Shall/will + have + III form of the Verb)

(i) The Future Perfect Tense expresses an action which is expected to be completed by a certain time in the Future ; as—
She will have covered half of her journey by Monday next.

(ii) The Future Perfect Tense sometimes expresses the speaker’s belief that something has taken place. In such sentences it does not express the Future ; as—
“You will have discussed the plans how to celebrate the function”, said my mother.
(iii) It is also used for an action which at a given future time will be in the past; as—
In two years’ time (i.e., two years from now) I shall have taken my degree.

Exercise 8. (Solved) Fill in the following blanks with correct tense of the verbs given in brackets.
1. The picture ………….. by the time we reach the hall. (start)
2. ………….. you your studies by 2009 ? (finish)
3. The farmers ………….. not ………….. the harvest before September. (reap)
4. I ………….. exercise before the sun rises. (take)
5. He ………….. his lesson by next week.
1. will have started
2. Will, have finished
3. will, have reaped
4. shall have taken
5. will have learnt

D. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(Shall/will + have been + Verb + ing)
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action that will have been going on at or before some point of time in the Future ; as—
We shall have been waiting for you for a long time

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