NCERT Solutions class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 10 The Great Stone Face 2 Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 10 The Great Stone Face 2 

Chapter NameThe Great Stone Face – 2
CategoryClass 8th English
SourceLast Doubt

NCERT Solutions class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 10 The Great Stone Face 2 Question & Answer Who was the real stone face?, When did Ernest become famous?, What does stone face mean?, What made Ernest known?, Who are you my gifted guest?, Why did the poet wish meet Ernest?, When did the poet visit Ernest *?, Who was Ernest in Great Stone Face?, Why is Jack also known as Earnest?, Who was earnest?, How did the poet describe Ernest?, What origin is Ernest?, Why did Ernest think the poet was like the stone face?, What is earnest last name?, Why was Ernest so excited?, Where did Ernest spend his childhood?, What was Ernest famous for in his old age?, What does the poet admire in Ernest?, Where did Ernest take the poet?, How did Ernest fulfill the prophecy?

NCERT Solutions Class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 10 The Great Stone Face 2

Chapter – 10

The Great Stone Face 2

Question & Answer

Comprehension Check

Question 1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following state-ments:

1. Ernest’s words reminded people of the wise old sayings.
2. Total strangers from far away, who visited Ernest in the valley, found his face familiar.
3. The Great Stone Face confirmed Ernest’s view that the poet could be worthy of its likeness.
4. When Ernest and the poet met, they respected and admired each other equally.
5. The poet along with Ernest addressed the inhabitants of the valley.
6. The’poet realised that Ernest’s thoughts were far nobler than his own verses.
(1) False
(2) True
(3) True
(4) True
(5) False
(6) True.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. How was Ernest different from others in the valley ?
Answer: Ernest was noble and had powerful thoughts. Moreover, he became famous beyond the valley. On the other hand, the other people were simple, ordinary and thoughtless.
Question 2. Why did Ernest think the poet was like the Stone Face ?
Answer: The poetry Ernest read found worthy and thoughtful. So Ernest thought that the poet was like the Stone Face.
Question 3. What did the poet himself say about his thoughts and poems?
Answer: The poet admitted that his songs were heavenly. Moreover his dream had been grand. But life did not agree with his great thoughts. His dreams were mere hollow dreams.
Question 4. What made the poet proclaim Ernest was the Stone Face ?
Answer: The poet felt that Ernest’s own life and character were nobler kind of poetry than he had ever written. He could not help declaring that Ernest himself was the Stone Face as he had seen white clouds of mist around the Stone Face and white hair on Ernest’s head.
Question 5. Write ‘Ernest or ‘Poet’, against each statement below :
(i) There was a gap between his life and his words.
(ii) His words had the power of truth as they agreed with his thoughts.
(iii) His words were as soothing as a heavenly song but only as useful as a vague dream.
(iv) His thoughts were worthy.
(v) Whatever he said was truth itself..
(vi) His poems were noble.
(vii) His life was nobler than all the poems.
(viii) He lacked faith in his own thoughts.
(ix) His thoughts had power as they agreed with the life he lived.
(x) Greatness lies in truth. Truth is best expressed in one’s actions. He was truthful, . therefore he was great.
(i) Poet
(ii) Ernest
(iii) Poet
(iv) Poet
(v) Ernest
(vi) Ernest
(vii) Poet
(viii) Poet
(ix) Ernest
(x) Ernest.
Question 6.
(i) Who, by common consent, turned out to be like the Great Stone Face ?
Answer: Ernest was turned out to be like the great Stone Face.(ii) Did Ernest believe that the old prophecy had come true? What did he say about it?
Answer: As Ernest walked homeword, he still hoped that some man wiser and better than himself, bearing a likeness to the great Stone Face, would appear. Of course, he didn’t believe so.

Question 1. Mark the meaning that best fits the word or a phrase in the story.
(i) (sun) going down

(A) becoming smaller
(B) weakening
(C) setting

Answer: (C) setting

(ii) brightening

(A) making (it) look bright and cheerful
(B) lending (it) a special glow
(C) causing (it) to appear hopeful

Answer: (B) lending (it) a special glow

(iii) spacious

(A) lonely and wild
(B) big and wide
(C) special and important

Answer: (B) big and wide

(iv) prophecy

(A) proverb
(B) prediction
(C) rumour

Answer: (A) proverb

(v) marvellous

(A) wonderful
(B) surprising
(C) shocking

Answer: (B) surprising

(vi) proclaim

(A) reveal
(B) declare
(C) shout

Answer: (B) declare

(vii) cease

(A) happen
(B) stop
(C) remain

Answer: (A) happen

(viii) (a night’s) shelter

(A) stay
(B) safety
(C) hospitality

Answer: (A) stay

(ix) gazed

(A) wandered about
(B) stared at
(C) thought of

Answer: (B) stared at

(x) took on

(A) challenged (an expression)
(B) resembled
(C) assumed

Answer: (C) assumed

Question 2. (i) Read the following sentences.
(a) I do hope I’II live to see him.
(b) He will come! Fear not, Ernest; the man will come.
(c) Gathergold is arriving tomorrow, people said.
(d) Blood-and-Thunder starts his journey back to the valley next week, everyone proclaimed.
(e) The great man is going to spend his old age in his native town.
Notice that in the above sentence, verbs in bold type are in four different forms, denoting four important ways of expressing future time. None of these can be said to be exclusively used to show future time, though each is used to refer to some action in future.(ii) Which form of the verb is more natural in these sentences ? Encircle your choice.
(a) I’m not free this evening. I will work/am working on a project.
(b) Have you decided where you will go for your higher secondary ? Yes, I have. I will golam going to the Kendriya Vidyalaya.
(c) Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt/ isn’t hurting you.
(d) The weatherman has predicted that it will snow/is snowing in Ranikhet tonight.
(e) Swapna can’t go out this evening. Her father will come /is coming to see her.
(a) I’m not free this evening. I am working on a project.
(b) Have you decided where you will go for your higher secondary ? Yes, I have. I will go to the Kendriya Vidyalaya.
(c) Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt you.
(d) The weatherman has predicted that it will snow in Ranikhet tonight.
(e) Swapna can’t go out this evening. Her father is coming to see her.
Question 3. (i) Complete these pieces of conversation using will or going to with the verbs given.
(a) Rani : Why are you turning on the radio ?
Ravi : …………………(listen) to the news.(b) Rani : Oh, I can’t buy this book. I have no money.
Ravi : Don’t worry. I………………..(lend) you some.

(c) Rani : Look at those dark clouds.
Ravi : I think it ……………..(rain).

(d) Rani : What shall we have for dinner ?
Ravi : I can’t decide.
Rani. : Make up your mind.
Ravi : All right, then. We.. … (have) fried rice and dry beans.

(e) Rani : Why are you filling the kettle with water ?
Ravi : I …………….(make) coffee.
Rani : We need some bread and butter for breakfast. Ravi
All right. I ………….. (go) to the bakery and get some.
(Before he goes out, Ravi talks to their father.)
Ravi I………………….(get) some bread and butter. Do you want anything from the bakery?
Father: ‘Yes, I want some salt biscuits.
Ravi : Fine, I …………… (get) you a packet.

(ii) Let pairs of children take turns to speak aloud the dialogues.
(a) Ravi: I will llisten to the news.
(b) Ravi: Don’t worry. I will lend you some.
(c) Ravi: I think: it is going to (=will) rain.
(d) Ravi: All right, then. We will have fried rice and dry beans.
(e) Ravi: I will make coffee.
Ravi: All right. I will go to the bakery and get some.

Question 1. Each of the following words has the sound/f/as in feel. The words on the left have it initially. Those on the right have it finally. Speak each word clearly, flail life fact

flail         life         fact      tough
Philip      puff       fail       laugh
flowed    deaf       fast       stiff

Answer: Classroom Activity.

Question 2. Underline the letter or letters representing/f/in each of the following words.

file                    slough              faint              lift
cough               defence            afford            enough
photograph      staff                  tough            aloof
affront             philosohhy       sophistry

Answer: file, sloughfaint, lift, cough, defence, afford, enoughphotograph, staff, tough, aloof, affront, philosophy, sophistry

Question 3. Imagine that you are the poet. You have come to your native valley to meet a famous preacher called Ernest. Narrate the incident of your first meeting with him.
Once born in the valley I had gone far in search of some business. I toured various cities and developed interest in writing poetry and some other kind of literature. All of a sudden one day I heard about Ernest in my native land. I had a desire to visit the valley and see the person.

  • He was reading a book sitting in the door of his cottage. He was a quiet, mild, hospitable, famous preacher and amiable person of middle-age. His decency attracted the most. He served we with food and shelter. We exchanged our thoughts and experiences of our lives.
  • He declared that I was perhaps the man with the likeness of Stone Face. I recited some of my poems to him. Ultimately I called him the pure seeker of the goodness and truth.
Question 4. (i) Put each of the following in the correct order to construct sentences.
• a resident of Noida near Delhi/is visually impaired/George Abraham.
…………………….• confidence and competitive spirit and infuses discipline among the participants/It provides

• he has helped/The brain behind the World Cup Cricket,/the disabled to dream

• to the blind school in Delhi/It was a chance visit/that changed his life sport is a powerful tool/the disabled/He believes that/for rehabilitation of
• George Abraham, a resident of Noida near Delhi, is visually impaired.
• It provides confidence and competitive spirit and infuses discipline among the participants.
• The brain behind the World Cup Cricket, he has helped the disabled to dream.
• It was a chance visit to the blind school in Delhi that changed his life.
• He believes that sport is a powerful tool for rehabilitation of the disabled.

(ii) Now rearrange the sentences above to construct a paragraph.
George Abraham……………………
Answer: George Abraham, a resident of Noida near Delhi, is visually impaired. He, the brain behind the World Cup Cricket has helped the disabled to dream.

  • It was a chance visit to the blind school in Delhi that changed his life. He believes that sports is a powerful tool for rehabilitation of the disabled. It provides confidence and competitive spirit and infuses discipline among the participants.


Question 1: What changes come to be seen in Ernest with passing of time?
Answer: Ernest was now a man of middle age. His hairs turned white and there were wrinkles across his forehead and furrows in his cheeks. He had become wiser with profound thoughts. The valley people respected him and took his advice on several occasions.
Question 2: Why did Ernest become sad after he examined the poet’s features?
Answer: The poet had celebrated the Great Stone Face in one of his poems. When Ernest read that poem he became convinced that the poet had the likeness of the Great Stone Face.

  • But when he met the poet, all his hopes shattered. He found no resemblance between the poet and the Stone Face. This was the reason why he became sad.
Question 3: Why did the poet’s eyes fill with tears?
Answer: The poet became sentimental to listen to Ernest. His words had power because they had depth. They were the words of life, a life of good deeds and selfless love.

  • The poet felt that the life and character of Ernest were nobler strain of poetry that he had ever written. His eyes filled with tears and he said to himself that never was there so worthy a sage as that thoughtful face, with the glim of white hair diffused about it.


Question 1: Give a character-sketch of Ernest.
Answer: Ernest was a small boy when he became interested in the Great Stone Face. He felt that the face smiled on him. He wished to love the man with such a face. He was dutiful and helpful to his Mother. He grew up to be a gentle and quiet youth.

  • He regarded the Stone Face as his teacher. He turned to the face for advice. He was not influnced by the common belief that Gathergold or Blood- and-Thunder General had any resemblance with the Stone Face.
  • Even the poet’s face made him sad. And he was right when the poet himself admitted that he wasn’t worthy to be the likeness of the face. Finally, the same poet shouted with joy that Ernest himself was the likeness of the Stone Face.
  • But Ernest remained humble to the last. He kept hoping that some wiser and better man than himself would appear.
Question 2: How did Ernest feel when people hailed him as the likeness of the Stone face?
Answer: Ernest was truly noble and humble. His deeds matched with his thoughts. He received the poet warmly. For a while he thought the writer of those poems was truly the greatest and wisest person.

  • The poet and the people ultimately hailed him as the man with the likeness of the Stone Face. But Ernest did not agree with them. He kept hoping that a wiser and better man than himself would appear to make the prophecy true.
Question 3: Describe in brief Ernest’s reaction on three occasions when Gathergold, General Blood-and-Thunder and the poet came to the valley.
Answer: The inhabitants of the valley believed the story that one day a man bearing resemblance to the Stone Face would come there.

  • The first one to arrive was a rich merchant Gathergold. The people were greatly excited. But Ernest noticed no resemblance between Gathergold’s face and that of the Stone Face.
  • Likewise he did not agree with the people who welcomed General Blood-and-Thunder as the greatest man. But Ernest almost believed that the poet was the person he had been waiting for. But again he was disappointed. In fact, Ernest himself was accepted as the Prophet.

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