NCERT Solutions Class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 8 A Short Monsoon Diary Question & Answer

NCERT Solutions Class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 8 A Short Monsoon Diary

Chapter NameA Short Monsoon Diary
CategoryClass 8th English (Honeydew)
SourceLast Doubt
NCERT solutions Class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 8 A Short Monsoon Diary Question & Answer In This Chapter we will read about What monsoon means?, Who named monsoon?, Who gave the name monsoon?, Why is it called monsoon?, Who discovered monsoon first?, What is monsoon and its types?, What causes monsoon rain?, What are the two types of monsoons?, Which country is known for monsoons?, How monsoons are formed?, What are the three reasons of rain?, What is the effect of monsoon?, How many types of monsoon exist?, Which month monsoon comes in India?, What is the synonym of monsoon? etc.

NCERT solutions Class 8th English (Honeydew) Chapter – 8 A Short Monsoon Diary

Chapter – 8

A Short Monsoon Diary

Question & Answer

Comprehension Check PAGE NO – 106

Question 1. Why is the author not able to see Bijju?
Answer: Due to mist on the hillsides, the author can hear Bijju calling his sister but can’t see him.

Question 2. What are the two ways is which the hills appear to change when the mist comes up?
Answer: The mist covers the hillsides with extreme silence. Moreover, it conceals the hills with darkness.

Comprehension Check PAGE NO – 108

Question 1. When does the monsoon season begin and when does it end ? How do you prepare to face the monsoon?
Answer: Monsoon season begins in the end of June and ends in the end of August. To prepare to face the monsoon, we purchase raincoats etc.

Question 2. Which hill-station does the author describe in this diary entry?
Answer: Mussoorie.

Question 3. For how many days does it rain without stopping ? What does the author do on these days?
Answer: It rained for 8 or 9 days without stopping. The author has no way to go outside. He has to sit in the room and look out of the window.

Question 4. Where do the snakes and rodents take shelter ? Why?
Answer: The snakes and rodents took shelter in the attics, houses, godowns as all the burrows and holes were filled with rain water.

Question 5. What did the author receive in the mail?
Answer: He received a cheque.

Working With The Text

Question 1. Look carefully at the diary entries for June 24-25, August 2 and March 23. Now write down the changes that happen as the rains progress from June to March.
Answer: In the beginning of monsoon in June, the rainfall was less, temperature was warm, humidity but not much cold on the hillsides. But mist is seen all over there.Once the monsoon set in late July and early August heavy all night rain-showers are felt. It was a tropical downpour. At the end of winter in March the black clouds overcast the sky, It hailed for half an hour. There were snow and snow everywhere changing from 24-25 June to March 23.

Question 2. Why did the grandmother ask the children not to kill the chuchundar?
Answer: The grand mother asked the children not to kill the chuchunder as it has been treated lucky.

Question 3. What signs do we find in Nature which show that the monsoons are about to end?
Answer: When the lush monsoon growth reaches its peak and seeds of the cobralily turns red, these signs show that monsoons are about to end.

Question 4: Complete the following sentences.

(i) Bijju is not seen but his voice is heard because __________________.
(ii) The writer describes the hill station and valley as __________________.
(iii) The leopard was successful in __________________ but had to flee when _______________________.
(iv) The minivets are easily noticed because __________________.
(v) It looks like a fashion display on the slopes when __________________.
(vi) During the monsoon season, snakes and rodents are found in roofs and attics because __________________.
(i) Bijju is not seen but his voice is heard because the dense mist conceals the hills and the surroundings.
(ii) The writer describes the hill station and valley as a paradise that might have been.
(iii) The leopard was successful in attacking one of Bijju’s cows but had to flee when Bijju’s mother arrived and screamed imprecations.
(iv) The minivets are easily noticed because of their bright colours.
(v) It looks like a fashion display on the slopes when ground orchids, mauve lady’s slipper and the white butterfly orchids bloom.
(vi) During the monsoon season, snakes and rodents are found in roofs and attics because they have been flooded out of their holes and burrows.

Question 5. ‘Although tin roofs are given to springing unaccountable leaks, there is a feeling of
being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain,

(i) Why has the writer used the word ‘springing’?
Answer: The roof has many holes, moreover it is not a plain one. That’s why the writer has used this word.

(ii) How is the writer untouched by the rain?
Answer: The rain is not directly pouring on the writer.

(iii) How is the writer in touch with the rain at the same time?
Answer: The writer is continuously listening to the crackling sound of downpour on the tin roof, so he is supposed to be in touch with the rain.

Question 6. Mention a few things that can happen when there is endless rain for days together.
Answer: We used to sit idle in the room, watch TV, have hot tea with pakoras, play only indoor games and enjoy the rain from the windows. Weather becomes cold and wet. We are stuck to the rooms.

Question 7. What is the significance of cobra lily in relation to the monsoon season, its beginning and end?
Answer: In the beginning of the season, cobra lily, rears its head from the ferns. At the end of the monsoon season, its seeds started turning red. However we can say that cobra lily’s blooming season starts with the monsoon and ends with the ending of the season.

Working With Language

Question 1. Here are some words that are associated with the monsoon. Add as many words as you can to this list. Can you find words for these in your languages?
downpour, floods, mist, cloudy, powercuts, cold, umbrella
Answer: insects, frogs, diseases, hailstorm, wets all around, water-blocked drains, mosquitoes, raincoats etc.

Question 2. Look at the sentences below.

(i) Bijju wandered into the garden in the evening.
(ii) The trees were ringing with birdsong.Notice the highlighted verbs.

The verb wandered tells us what Bijju did that evening. But the verb was ringing tells us what was happening continually at same time in the past (the birds were chirping in the trees). Now look at the sentences below. They tell us about something that happened in the past. They also tell us about other things that happened continually, at the same time in the past.Put the verbs in the brackets into their proper forms. The first one is done for you.

(i) We (get out) of the school bus. The bell (ring) and everyone (rush) to class.We got out of the school bus. The bell was ringing and everyone was rushing to class.
(ii) The traffic (stop). Some people (sit) on the road and they (shout) slogans.
(iii) I (wear) my raincoat. It (rain) and people (get) wet.
(iv) She (see) a film. She (narrate) it to her friends who (listen) carefully.
(v) We (go) to the exhibition. Some people (buy) clothes while others (play) games.
(vi) The class (is) quiet. Some children (read) books and the rest (draw).
(ii) The traffic stopped. Some people were sitting on the road and they were shouting slogans.
(iii) I wore my raincoat. It was raining and people were getting wet.
(iv) She saw a film. She was narrating it to her friends who were listening carefully.
(v) We went to the exhibition. Some people were buying clothes while others were playing games.
(vi) The class was quiet. Some children were reading books and the rest were drawing.

Question 3. Here are some words from the lesson which describe different kinds of sounds.

drum, swish, tinkle, caw, drip

(i) Match these words with their correct meanings.
(a) to fall in small drops
(b) to make a sound by hitting a surface repeatedly
(c) to move quickly through the air, making a soft sound
(d) harsh sound made by birds
(e) ringing sound (of a bell or breaking glass, etc.)
(a) to fall in small drops – drip
(b) to make a sound by hitting a surface repeatedly–drum
(c) to move quickly thro’ the air, making a soft sound-tinkle
(d) harsh sound made by birds–caw
(e) ringing sound (of a bell or breaking glass, etc.).-swish

(ii) Now fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words given above.

(a) Ramesh …………………. on his desk in impatience.
(b) Rain water …………………… from the umbrella all over the carpet.
(c) The pony ……………………. its tail.
(d) The …………………. of breaking glass woke me up.
(e) The ………………… of the raven disturbed the child’s sleep.
(a) was drumming
(b) was dripping
(c) is tinkling
(d) ringing
(e) cawing

Question 4. And sure enough. I received a cheque in the mail.

Complete each sentence below by using appropriate phrase from the ones given below.

sure enough, colourful enough, serious enough, kind enough, big enough, fair enough, brave enough, foolish enough, anxious enough

1. I saw thick black clouds in the sky and ___ ___ it soon started raining heavily.
2. The blue umbrella was__ __ for the brother and sister.

3. The butterflies are __ __ to get noticed.
4. The lady was __ __ to chase the leopard.
5. The boy was __ __ to call out to his sister.

6. The man was __ __ to offer help.
7. The victim’s injury was __ __ for him to get admitted in hospital.
8. That person was __ __ to repeat the same mistake again.
9. He told me he was sorry and he would compensate for the loss. I said, ‘ ___ ___ ’.
1. sure enough
2. big enough
3. colourful enough
4. brave enough
5. anxious enough
6. kind enough
7. serious enough
8. foolish enough
9. Fair enough


Question 1. Do you believe in superstitions? Why, or why not ? Working with your partner,write down three superstitious beliefs that you are familiar with.
Answer: No, I don’t believe in superstitions. They misguide the people. Every good or bad can happen in the conscience of the bearer. In India every 6th person may believe in such orthodox myths. Some familiar superstitions are
(i) Don’t step out of the house, if any one sneezes or calls from your back.
(ii) You must stop and change your chappals if a black cat crosses or cuts your way.
(iii) If you see a corpse in the morning while going out of the house, there is some good news for you.
(iv) If a crow caws on the parapet of your house, someone is coming to your house.
(v) If a man’s right eye is flickering, some good news is awaiting.

Question 2. How many different kinds of birds do you come across in the lesson ? How many varieties do you see in your neighbourhood? Are there any birds that you used to see earlier in your neighbourhood but not now? In groups discuss why you think this is happening.
Answer: In the lesson, scarlet, minivets and drongos are mentioned. We generally see sparrows, pigeons, crows, parrots in our neighbourhood. Vultures are not seen and parrots are occasionally seen on the remaining trees. Pollution and industrialization have caused so much damage to the greenary, a number of birds are not seen generally in our neighbourhood

Question 1. The monsoons are a time of great fun and even a few adventures: playing in the rain and getting wet, wading through knee-deep water on your way to school, water flooding the house or the classroom, powercuts and so on. Write a paragraph describing an incident that occurred during the rains which you can never forget.(See picture Textbook)
 An Incident I can never forget The monsoons are a time of great fun and even a few adventures playing in the rain an deep water on back home from school, water flooding the house or the class room etc. can be enjoyed. But there was a day when I did not like the rain. I was on my way to school.

• As I was about to get into the bus, it started raining. After a few minutes, it started very heavy rain. The roads were flooded. There was water water everywhere. When I got down the bus at my stop I was unable to think what to do. I got down and started walking in knee-deep water slowly. I was fully drenched. When I reached school, there was a horrible scene awaiting. The school ground was over watered. The benches were floating on the water. The memory of that day still remains in my mind.

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